Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 490

Moreover, Lu Xingye also publicly executed and killed a Predator.

Now this time the Predator called.

Shouldn't he let himself release his compatriots?

"it's me."

"What's your problem???"

Lu Xingye asked calmly, and then walked towards the live broadcast room.


He didn't walk into the live broadcast room.

Instead, he walked into the live broadcast equipment room around the world.


That's right.

Now the Blood Warrior called, and he was going to broadcast everything about the Predator all over the world.

The global live broadcast of the dialogue between the Predator is equivalent to the global live broadcast of the dialogue between human civilization and the Predator as a race. This is of great significance to people all over the world.

After getting the live broadcast equipment.

After connecting to the global live broadcast, Lu Xingye logged in to the live broadcast account, debugged the equipment, and everything was normal.

Then he continued the conversation with the Predator.

"If you have any questions, just say it." Lu Xingye's faint voice entered the communicator and reached the Predator.

At the same time!

Lu Xingye's voice also reached the ears of millions of people through the live broadcast room.

at this time.

The live broadcast room was filled with excitement.

With Lu Xingye's current reputation, as long as he logs into his live broadcast account, he doesn't need any promotion at all. Thousands of fans will follow.

Just thirty seconds.

Fifty million people have flooded into the live broadcast room.

Fans kept popping up and asking for gifts.

364. Blue star ahead, forbidden for gods and demons

The live broadcast account Lu Xingye logged into was in the live broadcast room, and the title he wrote was this.

[The Predator calls, recording the first dialogue between human civilization and the Predator race. 】

The title is quite satisfactory, and there is nothing particularly outstanding. The location is also presented based on the live broadcast content, so that people can quickly find the content being broadcast in the live broadcast room.

To put it simply.

This title is easy to understand, allowing you, as a fan, to quickly find this live broadcast room.

Soon the fans who poured into the live broadcast room spoke directly.

"The Predator called directly to ask what kind of medicine this alien species is selling in the gourd. This is shocking. The alien race actually called just to beg for mercy. Don't worry, we humans will never let you go. Yes, even if you beg for mercy, it will be of no use."

"From the moment you choose to step into our home planet, your civilization and our human civilization are determined. Only one Blue Star can exist. It is too small to accommodate the existence of two civilizations. From the moment you step into my Blue Star, you must It's you who died..."

"Director Lu, don't let the aliens go."

"Now that the alien has called, you can directly locate his location and then use thunder to kill him."

"That's right!"

"It's rare for boys to only have one civilization. If there is no teacher, how can other civilizations want to come and inspect our homeland? We must use thunder to suppress the other side and directly eliminate the other side's race."

"Director Lu, if you want us to take action, just speak directly. As long as we can help, we will definitely help shed the last drop of blood. If you insist on asking why we are so careless and not afraid of death, no I'm afraid of sacrifice, because boys are our home, and I love this land deeply."

"Kill the Predator."

"Kill the Predator."

"...Kill the Predator..."

The crowd in the live broadcast room was boiling.

Everyone was outraged.

Human civilization is such a magical thing. If there is no invasion by foreign enemies, they will often break out into internal fights or just want to quarrel. Anyway, they are constantly fighting internally. But if there is an invasion by foreign enemies, then human civilization will be strangely united.

No matter which side is winning the struggle or is at war, they will stop and fight together against their invading enemy.

This is the excellence of human civilization.

"Release... release my warriors."

came the Predator's stammering voice.

It turns out that at some point, the Predator actually learned human language, but it was a bit tone-deaf.

A bit like parroting words.

No matter how it sounds, it feels weird.

This thing... doesn't sound like a human voice at first glance.



The Predator only knows some simple words, which is just a drop in the ocean compared to the huge language system in human civilization.

Not at all trivial.

But it is already difficult to make humans understand the words of the Predator.

The Predator had not learned human language before.

Lu Xingye needed a translator to understand what the Predator was saying.

It's much more convenient now.


Lu Xingye would not spoil the Predator. Whoever you love has that person, that is, if you don't like to learn, then that's it.

Human beings have never been afraid of others.

On the contrary, now that the Predator is learning human language, it proves that the Predator is afraid of humans.

This one was what Lu Xingye wanted.

Because Lu Xingye is broadcasting live around the world, whatever he says must be carefully considered.

You need to think clearly before talking to the Predator, because once he says something wrong, it will be broadcast live on a global scale and have a huge negative impact.

If Xingye was silent for two seconds, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, and he analyzed the purpose of the Predator's call and everything else.

After he knew what he was doing, he spoke calmly.


These three words are a rhetorical question to your tone.

These three rhetorical questions express the sonorous and powerful attitude of human beings.

brush! ! !

Fans stared at the screen with wide eyes, even though they didn't engage in conversation with the Predator. But Lu Xingye is their representative.

Lu Xingye's dialogue with the Predator is equivalent to their sincere dialogue with the Predator.

These three words said by Lu Xingye.

Sonorous and powerful.

It has captured the hearts of millions of fans.

Fans were excited in the live broadcast room, and countless barrages were flying all over the place.

Continuously swiping across the screen.

"That's right, why."


"I know what you came to Blue Star to pay attention to."

"You all want to invade us from Blue Star, and you also want us to release your people. I tell you it's impossible."

"We can't let him go."

"Mr. Luo, not only can we not let go of the molten iron, we also need to capture the molten iron, conduct slice studies to find out the genetic patterns of the Predator, and then develop weapons of racial destruction to directly destroy the opponent."

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