Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 491

"Things like the Predator should not exist in the world."

Everyone in the live broadcast room was talking.

The voice speaks straight to the essence.

Lu Xingye glanced at the live broadcast room and still heard the fans' conversations, and felt very satisfied. With this group of lovely compatriots, I won’t be lonely on my way to the top of the world.

" people, the Predators."

" people, the Predators."

" people, the Predators."

The Predator on the other side of the phone seemed to be unable to express himself very clearly because he had just learned human language, so he just kept repeating this sentence.

It seemed like two seconds passed.

The message that the Predator is the real flower comes again.

There seemed to be a bit of surprise, a bit of disbelief in the voice, and even some anger as he questioned Lu Xingye in vague language.

"You captured my people and released my people. Isn't this normal???"

"What other reason does this need???"

The Predator was a little confused.

But at this time Lu Xingye smiled.

I spent so much effort to catch your master, and your master came to our Blue Star to cause damage. Why should I put your master back after I caught him?

Do you really think our human civilization is made of clay?

I tell you this is impossible.

Any other civilization that comes to Blue Star must be sanctioned by human civilization.

Lu Xingye didn't say anything at this time. He didn't want to argue with the Predator anymore. He directly pulled out the video of the Predator's execution and sent it to the other party according to the call signal.

Then Lu Xingye laughed dryly and said:

"Is this the Predator you want???"

"Excuse me."

"Just killed one."

"Here is a video of me killing the Predator. You can take a look at it carefully."

Lu Xingye had no intention of provoking, and the Predator had no intention of making the Predator angry, but he had ulterior motives for sending this video to others.

Because of this Predator video.

It can serve as a wake-up call to the Predators lurking inside Blue Star.

Or give them a warning.

Tell them that our human civilization is not to be trifled with.

If you continue to come to Blue Star, our human civilization will definitely be able to drive you out by means of termination.

You are responsible for all the consequences of this.

If you do not heed the warnings of human civilization, then this condition of public execution will be your future fate.

These are the warnings Lu Xingye wants to convey to the Predator.

Therefore, it is of great significance that he sent this video of public execution to the Tianshui warriors.

"Ho ho ho..."

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

It didn't surprise Lu Xingye.

After hearing these words, the Predator became angry.

The angry voice came directly through the receiver, making Lu Xingye couldn't help but turn his ears away from the receiver.

The unique sound of the Predator's scream is really terrifying, it's loud, high-pitched, and very harsh.

Lu Xingye was a little worried that if he continued like this, putting the microphone next to his ears would cause irreversible damage to his ears.

After being so far away from the microphone, I manually turned down the sound. The sound was so small that it was almost inaudible, or I could only vaguely hear the other party's strange screams, and then it stopped.

Then play this sound to people all over the world.

"Brothers, listen to this. This is the strange cry of adjusting the formation, a sound unique to their race."

"Just now, my family made public the video of the execution of the Blood Warrior, and sent it to the Predator who called now. I believe that the other party should get a warning after watching this video, so that they will never dare to come again in the future. We are Blue Star. "


"This video I sent just now is very beautiful. It shows the parking lot opposite the phone. You won't feel angry after seeing this video."

Lu Xingye didn't care whether fans could understand or not, he just told the truth.


These words spoken by Lu Xingye made the fans jump for joy.

As a member of the human race, they have long regarded progress and everything around them as their lifeblood.

Now that their lives are being taken care of, can they be happy?

In other words.

The Predators invaded Blue Star with malicious intentions, which in itself was seizing people's homes.

That's what thousands of people are referring to.

Naturally people are unhappy.

The Predator is everyone's enemy.

Or enemies.

And this hatred is irreconcilable.

Lu Xingye was trying his best to make the Predator angry.

In other words, it is venting anger on human civilization.

Fans were naturally happy when they heard it.

Nothing makes people happier than hurting others and then making yourself happy.

Isn't there a saying that says this?

Build happiness on other people's sadness.

This is a really interesting thing.

"Director Lu. We don't understand military matters. We only know that you can kill them for us. Aren't the Predators awesome? Then you can capture a few more and bring them to public execution for everyone to see. There’s something ugly about him.”

"Catch a few more Predators for me!"

"Catch a few more Predators for me!"

"Catch a few more Predators for me!"

"Don't say anything else, just kill it for us to see. We feel comfortable watching it."

Fans were playing and singing all over the place in the live broadcast room. If it weren't for Lu Xingye, he would have banned tipping in the live broadcast room.

I'm afraid the reward has taken over the entire screen at this time.

People were talking a lot in the live broadcast room.

At this time, I usually turned off the microphone that reminded me last time on the computer, turned my head, adjusted the microphone in the live broadcast room, sighed, and then spoke calmly to thousands of fans with a confident voice.

"Fellow compatriots, please rest assured. As long as they are still on Blue Star, I, Lu Xingye, have the obligation to arrest them, and not one of them will be left behind."

"To deal with these people, I have always been very gentle, but when it comes to dealing with enemies, I, Lu Xingye, will be extremely cruel. There is a saying that people who are not of my race must be different. Our Nanjing is very small and cannot accommodate other civilizations. To exist and understand other civilizations, no matter who they are, as long as they come to humans, they must be judged by us humans."

"Now I, Lu Xingye, will make an announcement."

"Whether it's aliens who are coming to Blue Star, aliens who are preparing to come to Blue Star, or aliens who are already lurking on Blue Star, please take warning after watching this live broadcast. .”

"Blue Star is a forbidden place. It's not a place where you can come or leave whenever you want."

"Here I, Lu Xingye, serve as the supreme commander of Tunnel Fire Technology." "I have a message for the aliens."

"The blue star ahead is forbidden for gods and demons."

"Whoever comes will die."

Lu Xingye's light but sonorous voice spreads to every corner of the world along with the live broadcast room or electromagnetic wave signals. Moreover, Lu Xingye's live broadcast room also opens a special frequency signal band for you to have communication functions. Aliens can receive his words.

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