Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 492

The purpose of Lu Xingye's words was to warn all aliens. Although he wanted to open up and receive the frequency, other aliens could also receive it.

That's all.


Lu Xingye's unintentional voice.

It directly hits the G-spot of millions of people.

It ignited the emotions of thousands of fans.

Countless fans spoke enthusiastically, and barrages continued in the live broadcast room. Although many people did not speak according to the mainstream troops, the vast majority of them directly repeated Lu Xingye's last sentence.

The last words of Lu Xingye were displayed on the screen.

"The blue star ahead, gods and demons are forbidden to travel. Anyone who comes will die.".

"The blue star ahead, gods and demons are forbidden to travel. Anyone who comes will die."

"The blue star ahead, gods and demons are forbidden to travel. Anyone who comes will die."


Faced with such a situation, the Predator on the other side of the phone began to curse.

Originally, Tianshui appeared in this world and was checking the video of his people being publicly executed. Then he heard from his subordinates that Lu Xingye was live broadcasting it all over the world.

The Predator watched Lu Xingye's live video.

My chest almost exploded with anger.

365. Tony infers that there are aliens on Alien Planet No. 7

What is the blue star ahead?

What is the forbidden movement of gods and demons? ? ?

Since ancient times, every planet has been inhabited by capable and powerful people. When did Blue Star become a planet unique to your human civilization?

It’s really a big joke in the world.

Especially when the iron-locked warrior saw the owner of Lu Xingye's public attendance information, he felt that he was almost furious and his chest was shaking.


This is so infuriating.

Tmd You want us Predators to be crushed like mud, right? ? ?

The Predator was shaking with anger.

Both hands pointed directly at Lu Xingye.

Of course Lu Xingye couldn't see this scene.

The Predator was trembling with rage and couldn't even speak.

Immediately afterwards.

The extremely angry voice came over.

"I want you dead, I want you dead, I want all of you dead."

After saying the harsh words.

The Predator hung up the phone angrily.

At this time, the voices of fans in the live broadcast room came over.

"What's going on:??"

"The Predator is so angry with us???"


"It's so funny."

"I am always a strong warrior, even though I can't stand this kind of humiliation."

"Through this incident, we can also roughly defeat the Predator. Although they are very powerful as weapons, they are just monsters with slightly more powerful weapons. They are extremely simple in mind. If they play with us humans, they will definitely not be able to defeat them. For us humans.”

This is the experience fans gained from watching two live broadcasts.


Experience that fans can see.

Of course Lu Xingye could tell.

And you can see it more clearly than millions of fans.

The Predator is a simple-minded monster who is a powerful weapon for mutiny.

They can only be rough.

Or just rush over.

The spaceport was attacked. It was definitely not their fault. They didn't have the brains.

This also caused deep fear to flash through Lu Xingye's mind.

What he fears is not the Predators, but the gray fog civilization behind the attack on the spaceport.

The origin of gray fog civilization is mysterious.

And they have been entrenched in the depths of the sea, so Lu Xingye has no way to deal with them.

Now Lu Xingye doesn't even think about how to deal with us.

We don’t even know much about the gray fog civilization.

Lu Xingye felt that the biggest difference between the gray fog civilization and the Predator was that the Predator was a reckless man and they only used their fists to do things.

But when Gray Mist is civilized, he is a wise man. He only uses his mind to do things. He thinks carefully about everything he does before executing the corresponding plan.

In terms of hazards.

Gray Mist Civilization is much more harmful than Predator.

Lu Xingye felt that the spaceport was shut down to restore civilization and was behind the scenes.

As for why the gray fog civilization attacked the spaceport, Lu Xingye was a little confused.

Lu Xingye paused and thought slowly. Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he seemed to think of something. His eyes suddenly lit up, as if he understood something.

He seems to understand why the gray fog civilization needs a spaceport?

Let us first take a look at what the idea is.

What about the attack on the spaceport?

The attack on the spaceport came after Lu Xingye proposed the No. 7 alien planet exploration plan.

So can it be understood this way?

Because Lu Xingye proposed the No. 7 alien planet exploration plan, the spaceport was attacked. Is there an inevitable connection between this?

Lu Xingye thought briefly and connected these two things together.

Suddenly I feel...

The possibility of this happening is very high.

Could it be that the Gray Fog Civilization also wants Alien Planet No. 7 that I plan to explore? ::? ?

Or I can change my mind.

Returning to civilization is because I am afraid that I will explore Alien Planet No. 7, or there is something on Alien Planet No. 7 that can threaten Gray Fog Civilization.

Let’s take a step back.

Even if there is nothing on Alien Planet No. 7 that can threaten Gray Mist Civilization.

Then the only reason is to look back at civilization and worry that after Hive develops Alien No. 7, it will be able to obtain explosive development of technology.

Technological development.

Then transcend the gray fog civilization.

poses a threat to gray fog civilization.

And this possibility is very high.

If this is the case, Lu Xingye feels it is necessary to adjust his plans for the future.

Gray Mist, aren't you afraid of developing Alien No. 7 by yourself? ? ?

Then I will seize the time to develop Alien No. 7.

Doesn’t Alien Planet No. 7 pose a threat to Gray Mist Civilization?

Then I will seize the time to develop Alien No. 7.

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