Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 493

Amplify this threat.

Why does the gray fog civilization attack the spaceport?

That's because they are afraid.

The more afraid they are, the more Lu Xingye will develop Alien No. 7.

Although the spaceport was attacked, Lu Xingye suffered huge losses.

But relatively speaking, this huge loss is nothing.

If this loss could help him understand Gray Mist Civilization better, Lu Xingye felt that this loss was still acceptable.

After all, he didn't really lose much when the spaceport was attacked. All he lost was the drone.

In today's era of comprehensive intelligent construction industry.

It is not difficult to make ordinary drones. What is difficult is to make unmanned spacecraft that can travel between stars. All 300 of these have been destroyed.

This made Lu Xingye very regretful.

But there is no way around this.

The attack on the spaceport revealed Lu Xingye's weaknesses and strengths in restoring civilization.

At least Lu Xingye has a little understanding of Gray Mist Civilization.

Now Lu Xingye has at least learned that what Conference Civilization is good at is hacking, or that one aspect of the market is good at hacking. Through the research of finding a teacher, Lu Xingye also knows that restoring civilization will at least have someone who is not weaker than Jia Wei Sri Lanka’s artificial intelligence.

Only this can perfectly explain why they were able to invade the spaceport.

And modify the system program of the spaceport.

The firewall of the spaceport is already impeccable in the world. Unless the opponent has an artificial intelligence that is not weaker than Jarvis, it is possible to break through the firewall of the hive.

After Lu Xingye understood everything about Gray Mist Civilization, he could make some defenses against the Conference Civilization.

At least now Lu Xingye still has one question he doesn't understand.

That's why the Gray Fog Civilization kept it secret and never attacked the hive before it had such powerful hacking technology.

Lu Xingye thought about it and only felt that there was one possibility.

That is to restore civilization and prepare to use his hacking skills on the spot, so he has never been willing to expose it to the public.

But later Lu Xingye prepared to explore and develop Alien Planet No. 7, which could threaten the existence of Gray Mist Civilization, so Gray Mist Civilization could no longer sit still.

So much so that this trump card was exposed.

In other words, one of his trump cards was exposed.

Lu Xingye would never dare to underestimate an alien civilization.

Because any alien civilization has a foundation of knowledge and a trump card, and the trump cards and foundation are completely incalculable.

If a civilization is not forced into a desperate situation, that civilization will never fully reveal its trump card.

if it is like this……

Lu Xingye murmured, and the plan was formulated.

After making a plan.

Lu Xingye did not continue to argue with the Predator, but directly turned off the live broadcast.

Then it was back to the research room.

He needs to study the exploration plan of Alien No. 7 and speed up the development plan of Alien No. 7.

This day.

Almost all the senior staff within the hive are present.

Long Yubing serves as the leader of the action team for the development of Alien No. 7.

Zhao Yinyun serves as the biochemical guidance academician of Alien No. 7.

Jarvis as remote supply crew.

Naturally, Lu Xingye doesn’t need to be introduced.

He is the commander-in-chief of the development of Alien No. 7.


It's the captain.

At that time, he will directly pilot the space battleship to land on Alien No. 7 and guide all matters related to the development of Alien No. 7.

Because these unmanned spacecraft were destroyed.

Therefore, the original plan was for the unmanned spacecraft to serve as the vanguard to explore Alien Planet No. 7 first.

Let unmanned spacecraft help eliminate risks,

This step is gone.

Lu Xingye felt that he should go directly to explore Alien Planet No. 7.

There was nothing that Lu Xingye couldn't do.


If you are afraid of your hands and feet, you will not be able to accomplish anything great.


Lu Xingye was ready to do it directly.

No matter how he does it, he can do it.

Lu Xingye opened the exploration pattern of Alien No. 7 and obtained a clear image and some information from the pattern.

The information is the latest.

The information includes everything about Alien Planet No. 7, as well as the current situation inside the hive.

The information is very detailed.

Lu Xingye picked up the highlighter, flicked it at the screen in front of him, and pointed out one of the landing points on Alien Planet No. 7.

"We're going to land right here."

"The advance force is the mechanized force, then the biochemical army, and finally... Lu Xingye and other real people land."

“What do you think???”

at this time.

As soon as Lu Xingye's voice fell, the loud voice of Zhu Xiaonon next to him turned out to be the first one to ring out.

"I have a question."

"If we all go to develop Alien Planet No. 7, then who will protect our hive???"

"If there is no guarding the hive, what will happen if someone invades the hive???"

This is a good question.

Lu Xingye laughed dryly in his heart.

Zhu Xiaonong, this little girl, feels so enlightened.

With this inner awareness, the hive will be much safer.

At this time, Lu Xingye said calmly: "This is a good question."

"The safety of the hive must come first."

"No amount of emphasis can be placed too high."

Lu Xingye paused for a moment and did not answer the question directly. Then he turned his head, looked at Jarvis and said calmly:

"bring it on."

"You as the hive know best."

"Please tell me how to deal with the safety of the hive if we go to Alien Planet No. 7."

Jarvis wasn't put off either.

The hive serves as a base camp.

Most of the deployed devices are intelligent devices, all of which are intelligently deployed and controlled through Jarvis.

Intelligent system.

It's all controlled by Jarvis.

As the strongest artificial intelligence in the hive, it can be said that he is the person who knows the hive best. It is not an exaggeration.

Jarvis stood up and introduced slowly:

"Is such that."

"It won't be a big problem for us senior executives to leave the hive."

"After we leave the hive, all entrances and exits to the hive will be closed. The entire city has entered a state of first-level alert. Any strange person or object that enters the alert area will be shot mercilessly."

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