Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 494


"Except for this."

"All robot companions deployed around the world will be unlocked, and they will all become weapons-laden killers."

"If something goes wrong."

"Robot companions from all over the world will teleport back and carry out horrific killings."


"Our departure poses no risk to the hive. Even after we left, the first level of alert was activated. This will be safer for the hive."

With Jarvis's explanation, everyone probably understood. Because they knew what was going on, Lu Xingye and his group became less afraid.

Relieving their worries.

Now finally back to the topic.

Lu Xingye laughed dryly: "Do you understand now?"

Zhu Xiaonong: "I understand."

Zhao Yinyun: "I understand."

Tony: "Got it."

The neat voices of three people came over.

Lu Xingye started to ask other questions again.

"If everyone has no other questions, then I will first take a look at the relevant landing site of Alien Planet No. 7 to see if there are any other questions. The image you are talking about is the most complete portrait of Alien Planet that has been captured by satellite. Inside It can be viewed with a magnification of 10,000 times.”

When the voice of landing on the new moon fell, they were all carefully watching the star map of Alien No. 7.

About three minutes passed, and no one present reported any questions.

At this time, I looked up and scanned everyone's faces with a gaze that I couldn't do until now.

He was ready to ask questions one by one.

First of all!

His eyes flicked to Jarvis's face.

However, Jarvis shook his head:

"Report to Commander,"

"I have told you all my thoughts. I have no other opinions for the time being."

Hearing this, Lu Xingye nodded slightly. Jarvis did tell himself, and he also communicated this issue with the other party in advance.


Now Jarvis had nothing to say.

He can still understand.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye turned his head again and looked at Tony, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Tony paused, and then said calmly:

"Actually, I don't have any problem with exploring Alien Planet No. 7. The only problem is that Alien Planet No. 7 looks too peaceful on the surface, so peaceful that it's abnormal."

"You know."

"If there is too much peace on the planet, that in itself is an anomaly."


"If we want to explore and develop Alien Planet No. 7, we must be careful about the indigenous people inside. Or rather aliens."

"I think there are probably aliens in Alien Planet No. 7."

366. Prepare to develop Alien No. 7 and land on the space battleship

After listening to Tony's words.

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment. He felt that what Tony said made sense.

If you are too calm at ordinary times, there is indeed a problem.

And the problem is not that big.

But now the arrow is on the string and it has to be fired.

The sword is in hand.

"Then do you have any way to deal with it???"

"Or rather. Is there any way to avoid it?"

Lu Xingye turned his head and watched Tony speak calmly.


Tony's answer was completely expected by Lu Xingye, and all the answers were within the framework.


"We can only increase our expenditure on force."

"Bring enough force and then push straight away."

“This is the strategy of responding to ever-changing situations with stability.”

Tony is not only a scientist, but also an excellent military expert.

In terms of military settings, he naturally has his own unique insights.

You can see something different from Lu Xingye in everything.

What's inside is full of magic.

Lu Xingye nodded slightly. Apart from the method Tony said, he didn't have many other ideas.


That’s all.

Lu Xingye nodded slightly.

Then he looked at Zhao Yinyun.

Zhao Yinyun is in biochemistry and can study everything related to aliens. He should know something special.

It was different from Lu Xingye's accident.

Zhao Yinyun's answer was still similar to what Tony said.

"I completely agree with Tony's statement."

"Commander, don't look at this. This is a very peaceful planet. There is no sign of alien activity on the surface. But on the contrary, underneath this calm appearance, there is something abnormal in itself."

"I think there is a high possibility of alien civilization on Alien Planet No. 7,"

When Lu Xingye heard this, he paused.

What he said about Zhao Yinyun was understandable.

this thing……

They are all senior employees and have very deep insights in their areas of expertise.


The issues raised by Tony and Zhao Yinyun must be taken seriously by oneself.

If it is true as Tony and Zhao Yinyun said, then the plan will have to change deeply.

Originally, Lu Xingye had customized his plan based on the fact that there was no alien civilization on Alien Planet No. 7.

But now.

If there is an alien civilization on Alien Planet No. 7. In other words, there is other life on Alien Planet No. 7.

Then Lu Xingye's risk of entering the alien planet will be greatly increased.

There are many other unknown risks out there.


The question now is...

Lu Xingye also had to explore Alien Planet No. 7.

"Against all odds,"

"It is imperative to explore Alien Planet No. 7."

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