Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 495

"Countless lessons in history tell us that we cannot wait until there is no risk before exploring Alien Planet No. 7. Because time is life and time is money."

"Under the premise that we have the Predators in front of us and the Gray Mist Civilization behind us, we can't afford to wait even a little bit."


"It is imperative to explore Alien Planet No. 7."

"The goal of today's meeting is to explore Alien Planet No. 7, then raise relevant questions, and then we will solve the problem of Alien Planet No. 7."

"I know things might be difficult."

"But the difficulty should not be the reason for us to stop exploring Alien No. 7."

"Quite the opposite."

"We should explore Alien Planet No. 7 as soon as possible and then come up with an implementable plan."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

Then he looked sharply at Tony, Zhao Yinyun and others around him.

This is his qualified political quality as a commander. In other words, this is also his leadership ability.

After Lu Xingye took care of all this.

The meeting lasted for a long time, until after eight o'clock in the evening, and finally all the relevant details were finalized.


The plan to explore alien planets is all done.

All that's left is to drive the spaceship directly to Alien Planet 7.

Lu Xingye returned to his room.

Prepare to take a rest and go to bed.


Now that Lu Xingye has taken the Shenlong gene, his mental state has long surpassed that of most people.

You don’t even need to sleep, and you’ll still be feeling energetic the next day.

This is the benefit of taking Shenlong genes.

Except this.

Now Lu Xingye usually watches science fiction movies at night to enrich his database.

The more you watch science fiction movies, the more energetic you become.

the most important is:

When he was watching science fiction movies, he was accompanied by beautiful women.

As his personal bodyguard, Long Yubing had always slept in the same room as Lu Xingye. Of course, the beds they slept in were not the same.

Although they all took Shenlong genes.

But there is more or less the characteristics of a divine dragon in the body, but!

There is no way.

They are all people with highly developed brains.

The wisdom of high IQ flows in the body.

In other words, in terms of high intelligence, this is not right at all.

I should say high self-discipline.

Or high discipline.

It is more correct to say.

Therefore, Lu Xingye and Long Yubing have always treated each other with respect. Although they live under the same roof, nothing happened.

Lu Xingye and Long Yubing sat on the cold sofa.

A science fiction movie is virtually playing on the screen in front, and the science fiction movie is about an alien landing.

Because Lu Xingye was preparing to explore Alien Planet No. 7,

So I want to watch these alien landing movies and see if I can get some inspiration from them.

I really won’t say it.

Although movies are imagined by people.

But the ideas and related examples inside can still be used by Lu Xingye for reference.

Some things are too beautiful.

Lu Xingye could get a lot of hints from it.

Lu Xingye watched a science fiction movie for a whole night.

Then what!

When the movie ended in the morning, Lu Xingye suddenly found that Long Yubing was so tired that he was in his arms.

The other party was wearing a set of loose pajamas.

Eyelashes tightly closed.

It looks full of agility.

One eyelash and one hair.

All full of cuteness.

Lu Xingye couldn't help but possessed him and wanted to get closer to him, but unexpectedly discovered that Long Yubing had woken up at some point.

Those cute big eyes opened wide.

He looked at Lu Xingye full of curiosity and questions.

Looking at Lu Xingye who was so close, Long Yubing was rare but not shy. He looked at Lu Xingye as if he were looking at his lover.


For a moment, Lu Xingye couldn't stop talking.

Looking at Zhao Yinyun, her face flushed instantly.

It looks like that.

A bit shy.

Lu Xingye had forgotten the last time he was shy.


This strange look actually appeared on Lu Xingye's face.

After a while.

Long Yubing finally reacted, looked at Lu Xingye and suddenly exclaimed, then opened his eyes wide.

The body took a step back like a reflex.

In her eyes.

A man who was both familiar and unfamiliar suddenly appeared in front of her.

This shocked Long Yubing.

When she saw that it was Lu Xingye, the man she liked, her face suddenly turned red again.

Facing the man you like,

Long Yubing Long Yubing couldn't say even half a word of rejection.

Don't even know how to say no.

Here is this thing!

It was originally a consensual relationship between you and me.

She felt that Lu Xingye also liked her, otherwise why would he act in such a wolfish manner.

"Why are you so close to me???"

"What are you doing!!!"

"Why are you so close??:"

"Don't you know that men and women are not allowed to have sex?"

Long Yubing was startled and her face turned red. Although she didn't take it seriously, she still took a step back reservedly.

this thing.

Girls should know how to be reserved.

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