Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 498

That is to expand the influence of the Hive infinitely, and the Hive is becoming more and more mythical. People think that the technology of the Hive is unsurpassable.

But if this is the case, another problem will arise.

Because the technology of the hive is infinitely high, except for the hive, the technology of other humans is infinitely low.

This has led to a certain gap between Hive Technology and other human technologies.

Or a disconnect.

This fault may not be serious in a short period of time.

But as time goes by, this gap will become more and more terrifying.

Even this technological gap will push Blue Star civilization to another unpredictable extreme.

Let’s take a very simple example.

If one of the civilizations is developing technology at a high speed, it spans several eras of development from the Stone Age to the Steam Age to the current information age.

But another civilization is standing still. It has always been the most powerful from the Stone Age to the Stone Age, that is, it has reached the Cold Weapon Age.

No one knows how much technology separates the cold weapon age and the information age.


Well, although humans in the Cold Weapon Age and the Factual Age are both human beings, their culture and technology are completely different.

It can even be said to be a world of difference.

No matter what, humans in the cold weapon age cannot defeat humans in the information age. This is the result of the differences in the development of the two technologies.

Lu Xingye was also thinking that if the Hive stopped opening up technology, then the technology of the Hive would become stronger and stronger.

Because Hive can obtain film technology from movies, it can even be said that there is no bottleneck at all. However, other organizations on Blue Star cannot. They can only develop technology step by step, and their development speed is definitely faster than Hive. I don’t know how much slower it is.

If the hive does not open up technology or share technology, then the situation mentioned in the example just mentioned will occur. The hive has entered the interstellar era, but other humans in human civilization are still active on the home planet.

A person who has entered the interstellar era can be active on the interstellar world.

One is still confined to the home planet.

It can be said.

The technological differences are really huge.

Once there is a difference between the cold weapon age and the information age on the home planet, there will be a huge technological gap. Once this kind of technological segment is formed, it will be difficult to make up for this gap in the future.

To give a very simple example, if after this technological gap is formed, hive technology develops vigorously, and even universal mechas emerge, that is, everyone can wear mechas or anti-injury shells and move around the interstellar space. To replace this clumsy body.

So this is called the new human race.

Because other people's technology can't keep up, they don't understand what a mecha is, and no one can even drive this inheritance,

This kind of technological gap will often lead to very serious consequences, that is, only people in the hive can learn to operate mechas, and others cannot. Once encountering external news such as the new hive, and want to build mecha troops, there is no way to warn the machine. Unit A, because only the hive personnel can operate mechas, but not the humans outside.

This was the reason why Lu Xingye was worried.

Now Lu Xingye is considering fully opening up some less important technologies to allow everyone to learn Hive technology.

Now the hive has almost entered the third level of civilization and left its home planet.

He feels that he must also popularize some technology among the people.

Not to mention that everyone in Kyushu is like a dragon, but at least the technology of each ball state cannot be too backward.

But this idea is not mature yet, and opening up will definitely require a certain amount of technology. But how to open a technology and what kind of technology should be opened.

He hasn't decided yet, he still needs to think it over carefully.

Lu Xingye, Long Yubing, Zhao Yinyun, Tony, Zhu Xiaonong... After all these hive cores boarded the space battleship, Lu Xingye sat in the control room.

As the captain of the Search, he coordinates everything.


Now the Search space battleship has all realized automatic control and basically does not require manual operation. Therefore, their group basically does not need to control the Search ship.

This group of people is just dealing with it at the scene...

See if there are any surprises. :

They mainly deal with unexpected situations.

If nothing unexpected happens, there is basically no need for them to take action.

They just make the best decisions possible.

Lu Xingye sat in the main control room and slowly started the search number.

After the search was completed and the self-test mode was entered, Lu Xingye directly announced that he had entered the warp engine flight mode.

"Warp mode entered."

"Flying at terminal speed."

"After entering the back side of the moon, start the wormhole jump."

Lu Xingye stood in front of a screen that resembled a starry sky and spoke slowly. Behind him stood the core figures of the hive.

Tony comes to the theater along with a few other core characters, each of whom has a mission for each of them.

Everyone is responsible for different sections, but they work together to maintain the flight of the spacecraft.

Warp flight is very fast.

It is now infinitely close to the speed of light.

For short-distance flights, it is still possible to use curvature flight, but for ultra-long-distance interstellar navigation, it will not work.

Must jump into a wormhole.

Wormhole jumping is something similar to a space portal.

Enter at one end of the door and exit at the other end. Basically it doesn't take much time, but... the distance covered is infinite.

Even from a universe.

Teleport directly to another universe.

However, certain conditions are required for wormhole jumping. It cannot directly and arbitrarily determine the target position and then transmit it like the historical teleportation device.

Wormhole jumping has certain requirements for the spatial stability of the target position that has always been the heart.

Generally, there are planets similar to the moon or larger than the moon. The nodes for wormhole jumping can be used for wormhole jumping.

Although the space stability of this type of planet is relatively large, there is generally a place inside each planet where the space stability is relatively weak. The key node for wormhole jumping is at the weak position of space on the planet.

The space transmission node on the moon is on the back side of the moon.

The space battleship flew infinitely close to the speed of light. It flew very fast and reached the back of the moon in less than half an hour.

The space battleship slowly floated 10,000 miles above the back of the moon.

Because the space battleship is very big.

It's basically as big as a small town.

So when you raise your head on the surface of the moon and look at the sky, you can clearly see the majestic appearance of Lu Xingye controlling this space battleship.

There is even a working group on the ground for lunar exploration.

This time the lunar exploration working group was wearing spacesuits, with a picture of the N1SA Aerospace Administration on the side.

But members of these working groups.

Seeing the majestic spaceship in the sky, they didn't even dare to make a sound or take a breath.

This kind of spacecraft has surpassed their knowledge.

Those NASA staff knew that if they made this space battleship unhappy, the space station on the moon could be wiped out with just a yawn.

368. Level three civilization, wormhole node opened

"What is this? What is this? Is the spaceship invaded by aliens???"

"I don't think so."

"No matter how I look at it, this can be regarded as a product of our Blue Star. You see, there is our Blue Star's logo on the spaceship, as well as our Blue Star's logo."

"Could it be that organization's spaceship? For now, we at Blue Star have only heard of that organization's spaceship." ""

“You mean the hive??”

"Yes, this is the organization. Only Hive has established a spaceport on Blue Star. It is a militarized base that is very mysterious. People from outside cannot enter at all. But I heard that Hive's spaceport was destroyed by something some time ago. A force has attacked, and I don’t know who it is. According to media speculation, the Hive’s spaceport may have been attacked by aliens.”


The NASA staff above exclaimed.

Then, amidst someone's screams, they suddenly discovered a scene that frightened them.

This coil is less than 10,000 meters above the space battleship. It suddenly emits an aurora. The aurora shines on a mysterious space on the back of the moon. This mysterious space suddenly cracks. At the beginning, it starts from the egg. about the same size and then getting bigger and bigger.

As time went by, this mysterious space turned into a big hole, which was a bit like a black hole.

Then the space battleship passed directly through the big hole and disappeared.

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