Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 499

After this space battleship passed through this black hole.

The black hole is also slowly disappearing.

Eventually it disappeared directly into this space.

"What is this???"

"The black hole swallowed our spaceship???"

"How can there be such a big black hole in the world, but you say this is the latest version of spacecraft technology???"

"I'm afraid you are idiots. How come there are ten largest black holes in the world, and they all happen to be spaceships. I think you have long hair and short knowledge. This is not a black hole, but a wormhole spaceship making space jumps. wormhole."


The staff who are carrying out maintenance work on the space station at the aviation bureau are no strangers to the term wormhole.

Wormholes are also called space holes.

It is a kind of time channel that is common in the universe.

After the spacecraft passes through this space-time channel, it can quickly reach from one universe to another. Get from one location to another.

Generally speaking, wormholes only exist in science fiction movies.

Now it's really happening in reality.

It's unbelievable.

The astronaut team raised their heads and looked at this scene in disbelief.

"Oh my God!"

"Hive Technology actually has" Wormhole Technology. "

"Our Blue Star hasn't even left its home star yet. Spaceships haven't been invented yet, and now we only have this shabby space station."

"It's just unbelievable."

"what happened???"


"How did that damn orientalist invent such powerful technology? Originally, I thought that as long as we worked hard, we would definitely be able to find a way to catch up with Kyushu. Or surpass Kyushu."

"I didn't expect the truth to be too unbelievable."

"Have you noticed that the more we catch up with Kyushu, the Kyushu Hive's technology becomes more and more powerful."

"It's really uncomfortable."

"There is nothing we can do about it. Who is Hive in Kyushu? If there is a company like Hive in our place, then we can also become a third-level civilization."

"We can also enter the interstellar age."

Members of the aerospace working group whispered among themselves, their voices full of anger.

The key is……

Very girly.

The treatment of astronauts in Kyushu is better than that here.

If you could be a hive astronaut, that would be even more awesome.

The treatment was simply off the charts.

It can be said that it is no exaggeration to say that it is the pinnacle of the human world.

There is no astronaut who does not envy the astronauts of the hive.

Everyone who becomes an astronaut dreams of the stars and the sea.

Or rather, yearning for the stars and the sea.

What now!

Being able to witness the stars and the sea... only the hive can do that!

You are somewhere else.

Damn it... the most it can do is let you lift off with a rocket and land on the moon.


What the hell

Now Hive Technology... can directly travel among the stars. No matter which star you want to go to, you can take a spaceship and directly activate the wormhole jump.

in this way……

You can directly reach another star.

This is every astronaut’s dream!


The only place that can realize this dream is Hive Technology.

You say this is ironic.

the other side.

Lu Xingye traveled through the endless space and appeared in the star field near Alien Star No. 7.

Because the No. 7 star field is surrounded by electromagnetic storms.

The space battleship can only float above Alien Planet No. 7 and does not dare to get too close to the electromagnetic storm. According to the most scientific calculations, there should be no wormhole nodes on Alien Planet No. 7.


Even if there is a wormhole node, it is still inside Alien Planet No. 7.

This thing was simply not something Lu Xingye could detect.

For safety reasons.

Lu Xingye directly parked the space battleship in the star field near Alien Planet No. 7, and then used the curvature engine to approach Alien Planet No. 7 at the speed of light.

At the same time!

There is another layer to consider.

That is because Lu Xingye is worried that there are other civilizations on Alien Planet No. 7.

If there really are other civilizations on Alien Planet No. 7.

So if they fly over in a space battleship.

Then the noise of the wormhole opening would be too great, and it would easily attract the attention of local aliens.

This may not be a good choice for Lu Xingye.


Lu Xingye is only a third-level civilization, and there are still many basic technologies that have not yet caught up.

Hive is now strong in cutting-edge technology.


Lu Xingye is now thinking about whether to open up some basic technologies to the whole people. When the time comes, everyone will have science and technology.

Everyone can be a scientist.

in this way.

The basic technology of Blue Star Civilization can be greatly improved.


Lu Xingye chose the most conservative method. First, he sent the space battleship to the planet closest to Xiao Yi in the star field near the No. 7 Sun Star, where it could complete the wormhole space jump function.

Then let the space battleship Qing Dynasty fly close to the sky above the No. 7 star.

in this way.

It can to a certain extent avoid searching for Haoyu Collection and being discovered by aliens on the 7th Star.

However, this is just a hypothesis. After all, no one knows whether there is really an alien civilization in the No. 7 epidemic.

369. Landing on Alien Planet No. 7

According to the photos taken by satellites and some other photos taken by exploration satellites and related information, there is no other social civilization on Alien Planet No. 7, and it is a core member of the hive. Pay more attention to whether Alien Planet No. 7 is really There are alien civilizations.

Therefore, Lu Xingye had to be on guard.

This kind of thing is not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of just in case.

Care must be taken.

This is one of the reasons why Lu Xingye parked the space battleship on the nearest planet to Alien No. 7.

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