Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 500

Lu Xingye parked the spaceship behind the nearby star field.

Let the spaceship sail silently to the vicinity of Alien Planet No. 7 at the fastest speed.

The two words "fastest speed" and "gold and wood" seem to have opposite meanings, but there is no contradiction in them.

Because the flying routine set up by Lu Xingye can be used for both lonely and academic flying at the fastest speed.

To put it simply, the spacecraft designed by Lu Xingye can achieve silent flight at the fastest speed.

Although we are very concerned about advancing at high speed now, because Alien Planet No. 7 is still some distance away from this wave of alien planets that have landed, it may take another hour by the time the space battleship flies to Planet No. 7.

In the remaining hour.

The land industry inspected various equipment in the command room of the space battleship, especially the equipment of the armed forces.

Whether it was guns or some Thursday weapons, all the safes were turned on, and Lu Xingye logged all the authorization codes into the spacecraft.

Make sure everything in a spaceship is ready to fire at any time.

"All members have entered the first-level equipment. If any abnormality is found on this alien planet, report it to me immediately."

With the order to enter the night again, Zhao Yinyun, Du Xiaolong and other senior commanders all looked forward with concentration.

Once there is any abnormality on Alien Planet No. 7, they will immediately report it to the superiors, and then Lu Xingye will decide whether to open fire to eliminate the opponent.

It's all very safe during the silent voyage.

The Search No. did not encounter any accidents and successfully arrived near Alien Planet No. 7.

The current state of the space battleship is silent across the board.

To put it simply, the space battleship will not send out the signal for the mission to be inserted. Those electromagnetic waves and infrared rays disappear in the air. If the enemy's radar wants to use this to discover the existence of the space battleship, it is impossible.

In addition, the space battleship is all covered with invisible paint.

Therefore, the current online state of the universe is completely different from the state on the moon. The state of the space battleship on the moon is fully open and does not set up any defenses.

To put it simply.

Spacecraft can be observed and even detected when they are over the moon.

But now the spaceship in this strange form has achieved a completely lonely flying spaceship that cannot be detected.

It is also impossible to observe.

This greatly improves the safety of terrestrial navigation. The meaning of the identification symbol is really alien, and if civilization exists, it can also hide itself in the dark.

The enemy is bright and we are dark.

Lu Xingye thought so.

Start by putting yourself in a good position.

Then slowly roll with the aliens.

This is Lu Xingye's initial strategy.

About an hour later.

About an hour later.

The space battleship driven by Lu Xingye, or the search ship, arrived in the sky above Alien Planet No. 7.

On the control screen inside the space battleship, they could clearly see an electromagnetic storm zone suspended above the missing alien planet No. 7.

This electromagnetic storm zone is very large and directly covers the entire planet's surface. For example, if there is an atmosphere above the planet, then there is an electromagnetic storm above the atmosphere.

The electromagnetic storm directly covered the entire alien planet No. 7.

The entire atmosphere.

"This electromagnetic storm is really fucking big."

Seeing such a large electronic storm zone in front of him, it was so refreshing to feel so calm. Fortunately, he did not send an unmanned spacecraft as an advance force to explore Alien Planet No. 4. If he wanted to send it over to explore Alien Planet No. 7, he would have no choice but to send it. As for the advance troops, they may never come back.

Because the electromagnetic storm in front of us is really too big.

I don’t know what factors affected the electromagnetic storm, but it turned out to be dozens of times larger than the picture captured.

If any electronic device is to survive an electromagnetic storm.

Electronic storms will damage or affect the electronic equipment passing through, causing all electronic equipment to lose their corresponding functions.

This is the downside of electronic storms.

The electromagnetic storm is 10 times bigger than what was photographed. What is the concept?

This means that no amount of unmanned spacecraft can penetrate the electromagnetic storm screen.

"Commander, how should we explore now???"

Tony looked at the electromagnetic storm in front of him.

And Alien No. 7 under the electromagnetic storm.

Tony felt a little eager to try.

Tony himself is a military strategist and adventurer, and he is born with this kind of adventure.

There is a natural fondness.

"Be calm and don't be impatient. You should listen to my instructions first."

Lu Xingye looked at Alien Star No. 7 in front of him and spoke calmly.

Alien Planet No. 7 is now ahead.

He had to suppress the tension in his heart, calm himself down completely, and calmly direct everything in front of him.

Lu Xingye sat in the controller's seat, took a deep breath for two seconds, and forced himself to calm down.

"Let's send some biochemical soldiers down first."

"Then we'll decide based on what the biochemical soldiers filmed."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly. He finally chose a more conservative plan.

First, send the biochemical soldiers back to the surface of Alien Planet No. 7.

Carry out data collection.

If it is determined that Alien Planet No. 7 is indeed a risk-free planet, then his large forces will begin to enter.

Alien No. 7.

this thing.

He had to come up with a surefire plan.

All the top leaders of the hive are here now. If he is not careful, all the core members of the hive will be buried here.

Then Lu Xingye's death is really not a pity.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye turned his head, looked at Zhao Yinyun, and spoke calmly.

"Zhao Yinyun."

"You are now the most powerful biochemistry expert in our hive. You have a lot of experience in biochemistry and exploration. You have always been a good explorer in our hive."

"I'll leave it to you to dispatch biochemical soldiers and explore on the ground first. I believe you can handle this matter well and give us a satisfactory result."

Zhao Yinyun did not shirk.

Nod slowly.


370. Black toxin destroys biochemical bees

At this time, Zhao Yinyun spoke lightly.

"no problem."

"If you are exploring, I have a biochemical bee that I can recommend."

"This kind of biochemical bee has been genetically modified. It has a very stubborn exploration ability."

"And it's very survivable."

"This enhanced bee has all the functions of a scout and some other functions. Even after adding some dragon genes, this biochemical bee already has the ability to dig the ground and have extremely strong attack capabilities."

"without any exaggeration:"

"A small bee the size of a fist, but he can easily lift a car." "\

,""This is what you get when bees are biochemically modified."

"At the same time, these biochemical bees are also Zhao Yinyun's proud work. They are one of the most successful biochemical soldiers he has studied in the hive."

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