Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 501

Zhao Yinyun believes that if these biochemical bees are sent to explore Alien Planet No. 7, they will definitely get very good results, but she doesn't know if the bees in Alien Planet No. 7 can be recovered.

"Agreed on the plan to use biochemical bees to explore future epidemics."

"The execution of the plan is carried out by Zhao Yinyun, a doctor of biochemistry."

"If you encounter any difficulties during this process, feel free to tell me."

After saying that, Lu Xingye completely handed over the command to Zhao Yinyun.

After all, it's about biochemistry.

Zhao Yinyun knows the most.

The biochemical bees developed by Zhao Yinyun can only be controlled by education so that the people next to them cannot interfere. In other words, the people next to them can command the biochemical soldiers developed by education, but those biochemical soldiers must also be dissatisfied.

Therefore, handing over the command to Zhao Yinyun is the best result.

Lu Xingye is not a willful person.

He knows how to use talents, and he only uses them on their merits.

Be informal.

This is Lu Xingye’s way of managing people!

Then what.

Zhao Yinyun walked to the smart screen and opened the biochemical warehouse. All the biochemical soldiers stored inside were biochemical soldiers.

There are various types of biochemical soldiers inside.

Combat soldiers with combat type.

There are also defensive soldiers.

There are also speed soldiers. .

After the space battleship's biochemical cabin door opened, tens of thousands of biochemical bees swarmed out of the biochemical cabin. Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yinyun activated the particle conveyor to directly transmit these genetically modified biochemical seals to the surface of Alien No. 7. .

However, because No. 7 was covered by an electromagnetic storm, they could only transmit the instructions to collect data to these biochemical bees in advance, and then these biochemical bees took the initiative to complete the collection of biochemical feed. They had no way to remotely control it, because electromagnetic wave signals or Quantum entangled signals cannot pass through the electromagnetic wave zone in front of us.

After the biochemical bee reaches the top after teleportation.

Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun could only wait for the rest of their mission. They issued an order to the biochemical bees, asking them to collect intelligence around Alien Planet No. 7, and in an hour, they would arrive at a designated location at a certain longitude and latitude. gather. .

Then they use the historical teleporter to teleport them back, so that they can get the information about the mythical bees collecting things on Alien Planet No. 7.

The only difficulty is whether these biochemical soldiers will encounter risks after being teleported to Alien Planet No. 7, and whether they can return to the designated place. If they cannot return to the designated place on time, they have no way to teleport them and What about the space battleship?

While they were waiting, Lu Xingye looked at the situation on Alien No. 7, and a strange idea suddenly came to his mind.

This idea was very strange. He didn't know where it came from or why he had such an idea, but it just happened naturally.

Assuming that there is an alien civilization on Alien Planet No. 7, they can only hide it better and not be discovered by us.

Let me think about whether this electromagnetic storm zone is a protective zone for the alien civilization inside to prevent invasion by others, so such a protective zone was built.

if it is like this. ………………

Thinking of this, Lu Xingye's face suddenly became very ugly.

If this is the case, then this alien civilization will be a bit scary.

Being able to establish a protective zone or even a fully protected base on the surface of your own planet is nothing like the methods of a first-level civilization or a second-level civilization.

Lu Xingye guessed that this was also a method of level three civilization.

If this alien civilization is a third-level civilization, Lu Xingye feels that he may not be able to win, and may even need to escape in the end.

Because now the hive is only a civilization between the second-level civilization and the third-level civilization.

It cannot be considered a third-level civilization at all.

In fact, hive development is just uneven.

In some cutting-edge technologies or defense methods, it has even surpassed the third-level civilization and is about to become world-famous. However, it has shortcomings in the development of high school entrance examinations and insufficient technological development.

Therefore, Lu Xingye felt that his civilization could only be evaluated as between the second-level civilization and the third-level civilization, because there is another possibility that the hive cannot go to the sun for series of activities, so it cannot be judged as a third-level civilization.

Soon Lu Xingye shook his head and excluded this Conan from his mind.

Because this is simply impossible.

After their assessment, Alien Planet No. 7 is the planet with the lowest risk.

"Maybe there is no alien civilization in Alien Planet No. 7."

Lu Xingye laughed dryly and comforted himself secretly.

Time passes very quickly, passing by in people's hands.

An hour passed in a hurry.

Soon it will be time to recycle the bionic bees.

Lu Xingye turned his head to look at Yin Yun and signaled the other party with his eyes that the time had come, but there was no need for Lu Xingye to signal. Zhao Yingjun also knew that the time was up, Zhao Yunyun nodded secretly, and then closed his eyes.

After a moment of pause, the eyes suddenly opened.

In the application, his eyes suddenly became slightly bright, as if he was praying or doing some other mysterious thing when he closed his eyes just now.

"Start the particle conveyor."

"Transmitting coordinates, position, latitude, longitude?..."

[The set transfer task is completed and the transfer is about to begin. 】

With a burst of cold electrons and a long sound, the particle conveyor began to work. First, a fuzzy mosaic appeared in the transmission room.

Immediately afterwards, there was still a fuzzy mosaic.

About half a minute later.

This blurry mosaic suddenly disappeared.

Even though they focused their attention on the teleportation room, to everyone's surprise, the teleportation room was empty and nothing was teleported up.


371. Particle transmission begins, marching into Alien Planet No. 7

"What's going on?"

"Why didn't even a single biochemical bee teleport back?"


"Where are our biochemical bees??"

Everyone was stunned with disbelief on their faces.

Especially Zhao Yinyun, he froze on the spot with his eyes wide open.

I have never thought about the many possibilities of biochemical bees going to eat on alien planets, but I have never thought about the possibility that none of the biochemical bees have come back.

This may be because the sex is too low.

What I never expected was that this possibility would happen.

This made Zhao Yinyun very unbelievable.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.

"What's going on? Even a biochemical bee can't come back?"

Although Zhao Yinyun really didn't want to admit it, the fact was that he couldn't admit it.

Even when things have gotten really bad.


Brave Niu Niu still has to face reality bravely.

"Report to Commander that there is a high probability that all the propaganda troops we sent out, namely the biochemical bees, died under Alien Planet No. 7, or in other words, disappeared under Alien Planet No. 7."

Zhao Yinyun spoke with dim eyes. His father did not expect that after he took the first shot in developing Alien No. 7.

It failed.

Hearing this, Zhao Yinyun was silent for a moment and didn't speak for a moment.

It's just that my heart feels cold and cold.

Combined with the bold idea that she just thought of, Lu Xinyue felt even colder, and it was so cold.

I don't know why Lu Xingye now has a premonition in his heart, that is, there will really be an alien civilization on Alien Planet No. 7. This premonition has no scientific basis, or it can be said to be a sixth sense.

"We are making a comprehensive assessment of the risks of Alien 7 and our combat plan."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly for a moment.

After re-simulating the plan and combat plan for logging into Alien No. 7 with these core members, he was ready to directly log into Alien No. 7 as a real person.

Although there are certain risks in landing on Alien Planet No. 7, it is now time to do it.

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