Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 503

A hidden rat, what's there to care about?

Could it be that our upright hive is still afraid of a submissive rat like you? ? ?

After changing this idea.

Lu Xingye suddenly felt much more relaxed.

The alien is just a useless guy.

Lu Xingye murmured, silently comforting himself in his heart.

After everyone put on the nano-suits and bionic armors, they started the particle conveyor directly.

Particle conveyor power transmission.

The roar of the machine came.


Everyone was transformed into electrical and light signals. When they condensed into biological forms again, they had turned into a fuzzy mosaic.


This blurry mosaic gradually becomes clearer.

A group of people appeared accurately on the base camp of Alien No. 7.

Because Lu Xingye and the others came down from behind, the mechanized and biochemical troops coming down from the front had already set up a base camp on the landing surface of Alien Planet No. 7.

And within a radius of ten miles.

A guard was set up.

It can be said that iron-like defenses have been deployed near the base camp. Even an ordinary mosquito cannot break through Lu Xingye's defense network.

After Lu Xingye finished this.

Appears straight on the ground.

His feet were on solid ground, giving him a very solid sense of security. The vastness of the sky is not as safe as being down to earth.

The origin of human civilization is on the ground.

Walking upright with both feet on the ground is the most direct instinct engraved in human genes.

Lu Xingye lowered his head and looked at the yellow soil,

The ground is rugged, a bit like the surface of the moon.

Look around.

The distance is full of this yellowed land, and the breeze blows and the dust is flying. In fact, the wind on Alien Planet No. 7 is quite strong. If Lu Xingye hadn't put on the bionic shell, he might not have dared to walk on the ground.


Even if you walk on the ground, you will be blown by the breeze so that you can't open your eyes.

“Is this land really as observed???”

"Alien No. 7 is full of rare resources???"

Lu Xingye looked at the sky full of yellow sand and desolation around him, and he couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart.

Does this place really have so many resources? ?

Lu Xingye's first impression of this alien star was that it was a useless star.

A waste planet that was over-exploited by intelligent civilization.

But it’s hard to say specifically.

Lu Xingye felt that he could still believe the results of satellite observations. Alien Planet No. 7 was a resource star, that is, a resource star.

It's full of steamed buns and bread,

As long as the hive collects all the resources inside, the hive will definitely be able to live a rich life.

"Congratulations, Commander."

"We successfully landed on Alien Planet No. 7, what should we do next:???"

Jarvis's thin body walked over slowly. This is Jarvis's bionic body, made of the most awesome materials in the hive.

In fact, Jarvis' body is not thin anymore.

It's just that compared to Lu Xingye and others who have put on bionic shells, their bodies appear thinner.

Long Yubing was in Yinyun, and Tony and the others also looked at Lu Xingye because after they landed on Alien Planet No. 7, they still needed to obey Lu Xingye's orders, which was equivalent to Lu Xingye being their current commander-in-chief.

"Just start exploring,"

"Tony is responsible for the mechanized force search, Zhao Yinyun is responsible for the biological and chemical force search, Long Yubing is responsible for the security work around the base camp, and Jarvis is responsible for the logistics and supply work."

"Everyone started exploring according to the planned plan."

As Lu Xingye's faint voice sounded, the hive core staff began to work according to the assigned tasks.

Among the jobs of these people, Long Yubing's job is the heaviest, because he is responsible for the security around the base camp.

Long Yubing not only wants to establish an exploration base on the No. 7 star, but also needs to prevent aliens from taking advantage of the opportunity.

After everyone started working, Lu Xingye finally felt a little leisurely. He stood in the center of the base camp, found the stool, and sat on it directly.

This base camp is now a temporary one.

It is a yurt tent decorated with nanobots.

Or rather a military tent.

Now Long Yubin is directing the robots to build terrifying weapons around this military tent. If this military tent is built like all the terrifying weapons, it will not just be a simple tent, but a movable militarized fortress.

And this militarized fortress can be attacked, retreated or defended.

This militarized fortress not only has powerful attack power, but can also be directly transported by the large teleporter on the space battleship.

To put it simply.

Is it true that once this militarized fortress is built, this defensive body will have a key node of the historical teleporter, and the teleporter can directly transfer this militarized guard to the space battleship.

Once in danger.

Lu Xingye could choose to move the entire base camp directly back to the space battleship.

Lu Xingye looked at the orderly robots working around him and slowly thought about where the 10 yuan on the planet was, were there aliens on the planet, and were there any other risk factors?

As a supreme commander, he does not need to do some detailed work. All he needs to do is to coordinate the overall situation, grasp all strategic directions well, and then tell his subordinates to do it.

While Lu Xingye was thinking, Zhao Yinyun suddenly walked over.

The other person had a frown on his face, his face was a bit gloomy, and he looked unhappy, or rather worried.

Although Zhao Yinyun wears a bionic shell, the shell itself is constructed according to human body mechanics, and Long Yubing is used to express it inside. The expression can still be amplified through the bionic shell, so Lu Xingye can see Zhao Yinyun The expression changes from time to time.

Of course, this bionic shell can turn off this emotion.

Once the battle mode is turned on online, this emotional function will be turned off by default, so that outsiders will not easily be able to obtain the emotional changes of the combatants inside.

373. Artificial black toxin destroys biochemical bees

"What's wrong with Zhao Yinyun? Is there something wrong? Or is there an accident? Or do you have any emergencies that need to be reported???"

Lu Xingye paused.

Looking at Zhao Yunyun who was worried and walking over, you had an inexplicable bad feeling. In fact, you were sometimes afraid of Lu Xingye.

Now people are on an alien planet.

Any accident can happen.

The alien planet is several light years away from its home star.

If something unexpected happens to me on an alien planet, I will really die in a foreign land.

Not even the body can return to that beloved land.

What a sad thing.

At this time, Zhao Yunyun walked up to Lu Xingye and looked at Lu Xingye with a serious look. Then he lowered his voice and spoke calmly.


"When I logged into Alien 7, I tried to contact my biochemical bees, and then I got a shocking news."

Zhao Yinyun lowered her voice and spoke very slowly, giving her a vague sense of tension.

Lu Xingye was immediately overwhelmed by this feeling of tension.

"Just tell me the news directly, don't make it so mysterious."

"You make my heart beat so hard."

Lu Xingye smiled faintly and made a rare joke to Zhao Yinyun.

"Is such that."

"I marked the biochemical factors on the bodies of those biochemical bees to facilitate recording the relevant status of the biochemical bees."

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