Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 504

"To put it simply, biochemical factors are similar to the black box on an airplane. Once an accident occurs on the airplane, the black box on the airplane will record the entire process of the accident."

"The same is true for biochemical factors,"

"Once the biochemical bee I released has an accident, the biochemical factors in the corpse will record the accident process of the biochemical bee."

"When I logged into Alien No. 7 just now, I connected to the main server and connected this biochemical factor."

"After connecting the biochemical factors..."

"Biochemical factors recorded the unexpected moments before and after biochemical sealing."

Hear this.

Lu Xingye's breathing stopped for a moment.

Biochemical factors are really a good thing.

this moment.

Lu Xingye felt a little nervous.

Originally, he had been speculating on whether there was an alien civilization on Alien Planet No. 7, but now the alien civilization was suddenly ready to emerge.

The situation is very clear.

As long as we can understand the reason for the disappearance of biochemical bees, we will most likely know whether there is any intelligent civilization in this world.

"How's that going???"

"Did you take any pictures of the reason why the biochemical seal disappeared???"

At this time, Zhao Yinyun suddenly took out a projector, so that the situation recorded by the damage factor was projected through the projector.

The first thing Lu Xingye watched was this scene.

A swarm of biochemical bees teleported to log onto Alien Planet No. 7 and slowly appeared on the surface of Alien Planet No. 7.

Immediately afterwards.

It is the biochemical bee that can easily start working and exploring.

Some biochemical bees are analyzing the soil material, some biochemical bees are observing the terrain, and some biochemical bees are digging and burrowing into the ground.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

It seemed like 10 minutes had passed.

The unexpected happened suddenly.

A black storm suddenly appeared. ’

These black storms are like being equipped with a positioning birth system, able to accurately determine the location of each biochemical bee.

Then these black storms accelerated to catch up and covered these biochemical bees.

When those biochemical bees come into contact with this black storm.

It was like encountering a natural enemy in an instant.

At the moment of contact.

The biochemical bees lost all their lives and fell to the ground.

"what are these???"

Lu Xingye opened his eyes wide and looked ahead in disbelief.

This thing is really terrifying.

You must know that these biochemical honeys are enhanced by Shenlong genes!

Although these dragon genes are not fully strengthened.

It is also a complete form of the dragon gene.


The body defense capabilities of biochemical bees are also strong enough.

How could it disappear as soon as it was touched by this biochemical bee?

what is happening?

Lu Xingye originally thought that Zhao Yinyun would know something, but what Lu Xingye didn't expect was that Zhao Yinyun actually shook his head.

"I don't know either."

"My guess is that this is some kind of natural toxin found in nature."

toxin? ? ?

What kind of toxin can produce this effect?

It was actually able to poison the biochemical bee with the Shenlong gene to death.

How could this be a natural toxin? ? ?

Lu Xingye was a little confused.

Logically speaking, these natural toxins should not be so powerful.

But now this kind of counterintuitive phenomenon has happened.

Lu Xingye couldn't accept it for a while.


If the biochemical bees are poisoned by these natural toxins, what about the bodies of the biochemical bees? ? ?

Where is the body of the biochemical bee?

Lu Xingye asked directly with doubts:

"If these toxins poisoned our biochemical bees, then where are the bodies of our biochemical bees now???"

Hearing this,

Zhao Yinyun was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking. In fact, he didn't know where the corpse of the mythical bee went, so he could only make a rough guess.

"I don't know either."

"But I guess it should be this natural toxin. When this natural toxin poisoned the biochemical bee to death, it melted the body of the biochemical bee."

"Isn't there such a toxin on our Blue Star? It can turn corpses into a puddle of pus."

"I guess there should be this toxin in the black matter, so we can't see the corpses of these biochemical bees. At this time, the corpses of these biochemical bees have been melted away."


After listening to Zhao Yinyun's words, Lu Xingye couldn't help but smile.

What kind of natural toxin is tmd? ? ?

Can it actually melt corpses?

How can this be? ? ? ?

How can nature’s toxins be so powerful?


Maybe he itself is not a toxin of nature.


Rather, it is a man-made toxin.

Is there such a possibility?

There is an alien civilization on Alien Planet No. 7, but this alien civilization was hidden very well. Lu Xingye did not discover the existence of this alien at all.

When the biochemical bees landed on alien planet No. 7, the alien civilization discovered the existence of the biochemical bees, and then directly let these toxins take away all the biochemical bees.

To put it simply.

It is these black fogs that are toxins emitted by alien civilizations.

The goal is to eliminate these biochemical bees.

if it is like this……

Lu Xingye's heart sank, and his heart suddenly became very ugly.

374. Black mist sneak attack, all biochemical soldiers destroyed

"Zhao Yinyun."

"I think this is not a natural toxin, but a man-made toxin."

"If it is a man-made toxin."

"Then there should be alien civilizations on this planet, or there have been alien civilizations before."

Lu Xingye looked at Zhao Yinyun and spoke solemnly.

If there really is an alien civilization on Alien Planet No. 7, then it is really possible that I have fallen into a trap.

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