Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 510

This was originally a joke.

I don’t know why, but it became so cold when it reached everyone’s ears.

cold joke? ? ?


This is not funny at all.

Lu Xingye and others turned their heads and looked at Jarvis, feeling an urge to curse.

What the hell...

What did Jarvis say?

Doesn't this directly shake the morale of our military?

This Jarvis is simply a dog-headed strategist.

Damn it!

Now Lu Xingye was thinking in his mind whether to reinvent Jarvis. Damn it, this artificial intelligence can spit out sweet things, but can also tell such cold jokes.

This is damn good!

Special code.

Lu Xingye cursed in his mind and winked at Jarvis, but never cursed.

I have been with Lu Xingye for so long.

Jarvis understood instantly, put his hands on his mouth, made a suturing gesture, and then closed his mouth and stopped talking.

378. Nanobugs attacked the mechanized troops, causing serious damage.

At this time, Zhao Yinyun turned her head.

Suddenly he thought in a broken voice.


"Am I bah bah bah?"

"What are you talking about with your crow's mouth??? Bah, bah, bah... If you can't speak, then just shut up, okay?"

Zhao Yinyun rolled her eyes at Jarvis.

There had never been a moment when Zhao Yinyun felt that Jarvis was so annoying.

Landing alone on Alien Planet No. 7. Then we encountered aliens on Alien Planet No. 7, which was already making people feel bad.

did not expect……

But also to be ridiculed by Jarvis's light words.

This is so sad.

This sentence is really ugly.


Jarvis, who had already closed his mouth, laughed dryly: "Then I'll shut up!"

As the time goes.

It has now reached its climax.

The biochemical soldiers in the front row were directly wiped out, and everyone returned to dust, leaving not even a trace of historical dust behind.

Nothing is left...

"It's really scary. Now there's nothing left."

"Even the biochemical troops that have taken the Shenlong gene can't handle it, and we won't be able to handle it in the foreseeable future."

"If the black mist comes towards us then, how should we deal with it???"


"I think you are too pessimistic. We are different from those biochemical troops. We have two layers of shells on our bodies, which greatly increases our defense capabilities."

"This is different from those biochemical troops. In other words, these biochemical troops have no way to compare with us."

Listen to the people around you talking about it.

But Lu Xingye did not participate in the discussion.

Because Lu Xingye is a leader...a commander. A leader should maintain some dignity and not be too closely connected with his subordinates.

But Lu Xingye's eyes were always looking at the screen in front of him.

My heart beats as the plot unfolds on the screen.

Because Lu Xingye also had some worries at the moment.

at this time.

It can be seen through the screen that the black mist has passed the first row of biochemical troops.

The first platoon of biochemical troops was wiped out.

Now standing in the second row are mechanized troops.

That is the 185th generation liquid robot.

Can the second row of liquid robots... be able to withstand the attack?

Everyone couldn't help but worry secretly.

All eyes were focused on the screen, especially Tony and Zhao Yinyun, their eyes were even more straight.

Looking straight ahead.

Zhao Yinyun controls the biological and chemical troops, and Tony controls the mechanized troops. The two of them have always fought openly and secretly.

Zhao Yinyun was dissatisfied with Tony's mechanized troops.

Tony is dissatisfied with Zhao Yinyun's biochemical troops.

Anyway, these two are like happy enemies, neither one obeys the other.

No one wants to compare with anyone else.

on the screen.

The second row of mechanized troops stood, and ten liquid robots stood in front.

Liquidbots are more fearless than Biotroop clones.

Just standing in front, facing the approaching black fog, not even moving.

In fact, in a real sense.

Only liquid robots controlled by artificial intelligence are completely human.

No matter how strong the biochemical troops are.

It is also impossible to be completely loyal to humans.

"The black mist is about to attack the liquid robot. Can the liquid robot be able to stop it???"

Everyone murmured.

Some stared straight ahead.

My mood also became excited.

In an instant.

The black mist transferred to the liquid robot, and the liquid robot also had no accidents.

When the black mist just came into contact with the liquid robot.

The liquid robots, like the biochemical troops, also slowly melted away.


Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

What on earth is this?

The extremely hard steel machines in the world were swallowed up by this black mist, and no slag was formed.

Is this thing scary on time? ? ?

If this black mist turns around and attacks the base camp, how should we respond? ? ?

Everyone couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Special code... This black mist actually melted my mechanized troops... This is really unbelievable."

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