Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 511

"This is a nano bug... it's real."

Lu Xingye, Tony... Zhao Yinyun... After they heard the information about the nanobugs, their hearts suddenly sank, and it seemed that their moods were cast into a haze. If this thing was a nanobug, it would be too difficult to deal with. .

Even with the current Hive technology.

It may not be possible to find a way to deal with nanobugs.

While everyone was wondering, the black fog on the screen suddenly accelerated, eroding the remaining mechanized and biological troops.

Very quickly between the two forces...

He was immediately chased to death.

All the damn ones are dead.

Lu Xingye sent a total of one-third of the mechanized and biological troops to explore, but they all died inside.

advance troops.

They are really the advance troops.

The vanguard force could easily become the vanguard force, and all of them would die.

Tony's face turned dark instantly.

"The mechanized troops lost one-third in an instant... Then he lost one-third of his troops."

"This is really...a big loss."

Zhao Yinyun's face looked the same.

He really died before he left the army.

It makes the hero burst into tears.

In the end, life is unsatisfactory, but life still has to go on.

Immediately afterwards.

In a moment of silence.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Xingye saw such a terrifying scene. I saw billowing black mist ahead... It seemed that after wiping out the mechanized and biological troops, the black mist had received some new orders.

They froze in place for a second.

It looks like a human being standing still.

Immediately afterwards.

They immediately changed direction, and the black mist became faster and faster. They accelerated towards the base camp that Lu Xingye had just established.




Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun stared at each other. Someone was controlling this black mist.

Just to come and destroy us.

As for whether the resource star signal detected by the satellite is fake, Lu Xingye has yet to study it.

If it is false, it means that Resource Star No. 7 is simply a trap.

He plunged headlong into this enemy's trap.


Lu Xingye recalled one thing in his mind, that is, when he was on the home star, there was a drone out of control incident on the home star, which led to the destruction of their unmanned exploration spacecraft.

At the beginning...

Lu Xingye thought it was Gray Mist Civilization's attempt to prevent him from exploring Alien Planet No. 7, but he didn't expect the situation to turn out like this.

if it is like this.

Then maybe my initial idea was wrong.

379. The embarrassed Lu Xingye ran away like crazy

The Gray Mist Civilization may not be preventing itself from exploring Alien Planet No. 7. On the contrary, the Gray Mist Civilization wants to plunge itself into this trap.

The reason why the gray fog civilization destroyed the unmanned spacecraft...

This was to prevent Lu Xingye from conducting unmanned exploration of Alien Planet No. 7.

If Lu Xingye conducted an unmanned exploration first, then Lu Xingye might know that Alien No. 7 was a trap.

Then it is unlikely that Lu Xingye will develop Alien No. 7 again.

so what!

This thing is so uncomfortable.

Gray Mist Civilization is simply a scheming old aunt, digging holes step by step for Lu Xingye to jump into.


Although Lu Xingye was a little scared now, it was not to the point of fear. Although he has not yet come up with a solution, Lu Xingye feels that things will definitely turn around.

Even if you take 10,000 steps back.

The black mist has swallowed them all, so he still has a time machine that can restart time and space.

"Now that the black mist is chasing us, what should we do?"

“What else can I do???”

"Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy, just run..."


"Are you right? Commander???" Jarvis turned his head and showed a faint smile.

run:? ? ?


Lu Xingye was a little embarrassed in a rare way!

Since he established the hive, he has fought countless victorious battles, but he has never tried to escape during a battle...

This is probably the most embarrassing time for him!


They still have to come in despair, and then run away in despair...

Lu Xingye is now considering whether to take the space battleship and return directly.

The space battleship has planet-level particle transmission equipment on it.

There should be no problem in transporting their group back to the space battleship.


Lu Xingye suddenly thought of a serious issue, which was the electromagnetic storm on Alien Planet No. 7.

Is the function of that electromagnetic storm... really just to restrict the entry of electronic products?

Electromagnetic storm is the nemesis of electromagnetic products.

Any electromagnetic product will become a pile of waste when encountering an electromagnetic storm.

Originally, Lu Xingye always thought that this was a natural phenomenon, or a defensive measure taken by aliens to prevent outsiders from coming in.

But... now it seems that Lu Xingye has a completely different view.

That electromagnetic storm may not be used this way at all.

Electromagnetic storms may be a kind of prison.

Let all creatures that enter Alien Planet No. 7 be unable to escape.

The real function of the electromagnetic storm may be to directly prevent the enemy from escaping Alien Planet No. 7.

Maybe there are some old Yinbi aliens on Alien Planet No. 7, or some aliens who specialize in being hunters, and they directly take hunting some aliens as their own mission.

Keep trapping going.

and hunting.

Maybe when Lu Xingye and the others entered Alien Planet No. 7, the war had already started.

The problem Lu Xingye encountered now was that there was no way to find the corresponding alien.

Now he only encountered nano bugs.

Not even the true face of the aliens was seen. The alien then wiped out a third of his force.

This alien is really a bit awesome.

Lu Xingye had to sigh.

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