Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 513

In fact, Lu Xingye didn't need to tell him, Xavius ​​also knew that he had turned on the radar function to the maximum to explore escape routes around him.

The radar on the War Fortress is the most advanced technology of the Hive so far. Like a satellite, it can explore scenes and situations up to 1,000 kilometers away.

But after all, there is a very significant difference between radar and satellites. The exploration range of satellites is larger. Generally speaking, three satellites can cover and explore a small planet, but radars can only explore plane distances on foot.

It doesn't cover the entire planet.

Take the current quantum radar as an example.

The maximum effective exploration distance of the quantum radar developed by Honeycomb is only 1,000 kilometers. Places 1,000 kilometers away are like sand and nothing can be seen.

It’s not that the quantum radar technology developed by Hive is not developed enough, but the ceiling of radar is like this.

If you need to expand the scope of exploration, you have to use satellites.

It can be said that Honeycomb has created the ceiling of quantum radar, because stars are spherical, that is, round. Generally speaking, radar cannot turn, so the radar's exploration range is very limited.

Now Hive can use technology to expand the radar's exploration range to 1,000 kilometers, which is already very remarkable. Now, the ordinary radar exploration range on their five-star satellites is only two to three hundred kilometers.

It is fundamentally different from current quantum radar.

Therefore, the quantum radar manufactured by Lu Xingye is already very good.

If the in-box quantum radar is sold on a platform for military enthusiasts, it will definitely be able to measure the eyes of people in the world, because this kind of radar is so awesome that even major research organizations in the world do not have such an awesome radar. If this kind of radar is launched on the market, it will definitely be snapped up by other organizations.


Hive has its own plans, and it generally does not sell military technology to others.

No, to be more precise, strategic military technologies are generally not sold externally. Even if they are sold, they are sales of military technologies that have been eliminated by the older generation.

Hive will not sell some strategic weapons to the outside world.

Of course, now Lu Xingye has an immature idea, which is to open up some technologies appropriately so that everyone can cook porridge like a dragon. Everyone can learn Fengchao's technological photo paper and lead the development of all mankind. Only then can he better The idea of ​​establishing one's own station in deep space is not yet very mature, and Lu Xinyi has not yet promoted this idea.

So now it is impossible to find quantum in the world to fight such excellent things.

Jarvis operated the screen twice, and combined the artificial intelligence to transmit instructions to the four brains of the War Fortress. After the War Fortress's four brains received the signal, the power of the quantum radar was fully turned on, and all inputs within a radius of 1,000 kilometers were recorded. He took it into his eyes.

381. Anti-material weapons, the truth is within the range of the cannon

When Jarvis saw the mirror image with a radius of 1,000 kilometers, his heart suddenly went cold.

This kind of cooling effect is more intense than before.

I see the mirror on the screen now looks like this.

If the mirror image within a thousand miles away was condensed into a map, or in other words condensed into a circle.

Then all the mirror images with a radius of 1,000 kilometers can be displayed on the screen, but there are countless small black dots gathering on the circle in the screen.

Those small black dots are densely packed and look very dense, making the scalp of people with trypophobia tingle.

That little black dot was marked by Lu Xingye.

In order to easily distinguish the black fog from the normal environment, Lu Xingye used small black dots to mark the black fog. In other words, where there are small black dots, it means there is a piece of black fog.

There are probably hundreds of small black spots densely packed within a radius of 1,000 kilometers, which means that hundreds of black fog are gathering, and the black spots can be clearly seen on the screen, moving slowly.

The base camp or war fortress where Lu Xingye was located was marked with a yellow station head with a yellow arrow in the middle and hundreds of small black dots scattered around.

But those little black dots all have one thing in common, they are slowly moving towards the yellow arrow.

To put it simply, the black mist is encircling the war fortress.


Jarvis couldn't help but swear once.

"Look at TND, Alien Planet No. 7, it's definitely a trap. How come the whole world is filled with these nano bugs, our war fortress, and we can't stand it when we encounter these rotten rice bugs."

At this time, Long Yubing next to him also shared the same hatred. "When encountering such tiny nanometers, our biochemical troops and biochemical troops will be completely unable to use their strength. How about we let the space battleships fire anti-matter energy cannons at those nanometers."

The antimatter energy cannon is the latest version of technology developed by the Hive.

He can destroy all energy.

Just get on.

Anything that exists will be destroyed by energy cannons.


Theoretically speaking, if the anti-matter energy cannon is activated, the black mist can be eliminated, or the nanofleece can be eliminated, but now there is another problem. The number of these nanoworms is too much, and they Most of the market fragmentation situations are not easy to deal with using antimatter energy cannons.

The positive energy control of the house is a weapon of high profit distribution. It usually directly performs precise and fixed-point elimination operations. Dispersed nanobug anti-matter energy cannons like this are a bit large and are rarely used.


Lu Xingye was a little worried. If anti-matter energy cannons were used on a large scale, it would cause huge damage to the ecology of Alien 7 and the surrounding environment. By then, even space would be destroyed, and there would be no way to teleport back to the universe through space nodes. On the battleship.

To put it simply, the particle teleporter needs a stable and safe space to transmit. If the surrounding space is destroyed, then he will be lost in the vast deep space while transmitting particles.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, Xinye will not activate the anti-matter energy cannon to destroy the surrounding space. He needs a stable space environment, and then conducts several No. 7 and One Stars to develop the resources of No. 7 Alien Planet. Only in this way can To maximize benefits.

"Forget it with the energy cannon. I'm afraid I might accidentally blow up Alien Planet No. 7." That's because he laughed and there was a hint of disapproval in his words. In fact, he was trying to make a happy face.

I was panicking inside.

This nanoworm eats people without spitting out bones, similar to a black hole. No matter what it encounters, it will be swallowed up to nothing.

If it weren't for the development of Alien Planet No. 7, he would have wanted to go home.

Suddenly, Lu Xingye had an idea, and then he showed a faint smile. "But what you just said reminded me of one thing. Although we can't use anti-matter energy cannons, we can use laser weapons. I think it should be possible for us to use laser weapons to destroy these nanobugs. In theory, WeChat , these nanobugs are also miniature nanorobots, but this miniature nanorobot has special properties, it can decompose all matter."



So that's it. …

Everyone suddenly laughed when they heard this. They looked like they suddenly understood. Although they knew about laser weapons, they became anxious for a while. In addition, they were not very familiar with weapons, so they didn't think about laser weapons for the time being. Now that they were reminded by Lu Xingye, they suddenly remembered it. .

They also feel that laser weapons may be miraculous in dealing with nano bugs.

"Then what are you waiting for???"

"Hurry up and use laser weapons to fuck him???"

"I have never encountered anything so frustrating. Except when I was on Alien Planet No. 7, I feel unhappy now. If nanobugs were a macroscopic substance, I would have punched him with my fists."

Long Yubing spoke angrily.

Hearing that laser weapons can deal with nano bugs, his eyebrows suddenly stretched, and a faint smile appeared on his face, which made him feel more and more sad.


"What a big-breasted and brainless guy. Are you saying that you can't do it even if you want to do it???" Lu Xingye turned to Long Yubing and smiled, rolling his eyes at him.

"Lu Xingye, who are you scolding???"

"I have long hair and a lot of knowledge... Who are you scolding for having no brains?" Long Yubing instantly felt like a kitten whose tail was stepped on, and he spoke to Lu Xingye in a fierce tone.


Lu Xingye laughed dryly. "Ahem... I didn't mean to target anyone, and I didn't misunderstand you. I was talking about you."

"Look, you were told to read books and learn weapons knowledge before. You didn't learn martial arts and had to practice martial arts to become a bodyguard. Now you can't even use laser weapons."

"Do you know the range of a laser weapon???"

"Do you know we can defeat the black mist now???"

"I will use laser weapons to kill black fog nano bugs, but this will take time. You can't hit nano bugs at this distance now. This kind of thing is not something you can hit if you want."

"There is a saying that the truth is within the range of the cannon. Now the nanoworm is outside our society. Even if we want to hit it with laser weapons, we can't hit it."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly. He deliberately sounded arrogant in order to make Long Yubing angry and tease the little girl.

The atmosphere was too tense now, and he had to find a way to liven up the atmosphere.

382. Prepare to give up exploration and return to the space battleship


"I am originally a bodyguard. You asked me to learn some weapon knowledge. In fact, isn't this making things difficult for me???"

Talking and talking...

Long Yubing seemed to realize something, and suddenly turned red twice. He really didn't understand the theory and weapons knowledge.

In fact, since the establishment of the hive, Lu Xingye has held various popular science lectures and various courses inside the hive, with the purpose of making everyone tend to be omnipotent.

Although everyone in the hive is a talent with eighteen kinds of martial arts.

To be able to enter the hive, everyone needs to be proficient in at least one technology.

Otherwise, there is no way to enter the hive and work.

But this is the situation now.

Although everyone is proficient in one, two or even multiple technologies, everyone will have their own shortcomings, or areas that they are not proficient in.

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