Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 514

For example, Long Yubing is a professional bodyguard and is very proficient in machinery.

He is also very proficient in fighting.

However, it can be said that Long Yubing knows nothing about ecological technology, all technological theories, technological support, and scientific research. He is even more novice than the novice among novices.

These are the significance of Lu Xingye’s popular science courses, lectures and tutorials.

Lu Xingye offers a variety of courses within the hive. He hopes that everyone can find the parts of the courses that they are not proficient in and learn from them.

Make yourself an all-around genius.

Even if you can't do everything, you still need to have a general understanding of a certain aspect of knowledge.

This way you won't be laughed at when you go out to communicate with people.

This is also one of Lu Xingye's purposes.

Many people within the factory have been studying step by step. After all, the benefits of Hive are really good, and no one of them wants to lose this job, so they all work very hard and use their time after get off work to learn extracurricular knowledge.

But there will always be surprises, such as Long Yubing, who is one of the negative teaching materials.

This little girl doesn't know if she only has simple and crude words like violent fighting bodyguard in her mind.

He practices fighting all day long.

There is no day spent learning extracurricular knowledge.

This resulted in Long Yubing knowing nothing about anything other than fighting as a bodyguard.

This is how the joke just now was born.

Tony and Jarvis smiled slightly after hearing this, although they also knew that Long Yubing was not qualified to study in this field.

But now that they heard Lu Xingye's teasing, they couldn't help laughing, and the originally tense atmosphere was livened up.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they enjoy themselves in hardship.

People should learn to enjoy hardship in the process of adversity, so that they can see the light in adversity.

Overcome adversity.

As a leader, Lu Xingye deeply understands this truth.

So he didn't hesitate to be hated by Long Yubing, but also wanted to make a cold joke to liven up the atmosphere.

"Ha ha……"

Lu Xingye smiled dryly and turned to look at Long Yu. Although he did not answer Long Yubing's words, Long Yubing seemed to understand what Lu Xingye meant and did not dwell on the issue anymore.

Instead, he looked at the monitoring screen in front of him.

The black mist is getting closer.

The enemy is getting closer and closer to that damn nanobug distance, and now there are about 200 kilometers left in the war fortress.

At the speed of the black mist, it would be possible to approach the war fortress in less than half an hour.

So now there is no time to waste.

Lu Xingye's calm face showed a hint of anxiety. He put his hands in his hair and messed with it, giving him a headache.

Turning to look at Jarvis.

"Has the best escape route been designed? The situation is already critical now." Lu Xingye hesitated for a while, but decided not to use laser weapons and anti-matter weapons for the time being. Although these two weapons are very powerful and can contain the attack of nanobugs to a certain extent, Alien No. 7 is now the base camp of aliens. .

The aliens have not yet taken the initiative to show up, and the purpose is to consume them. Lu Xingye couldn't be so stupid as to let aliens consume his weapon energy and equipment.

So if there is a choice, escape is still Lu Xingye's first choice.

Lu Xingye is even considering whether to directly use the particle teleportation device to teleport himself back to the space battleship.

After listening to Lu Xingye's words, Jarvis suddenly turned on the CD player and his whole body became motionless.

Although Jarvis is already a newer generation technology of quantum computers, one of its optical brains crashes under huge calculations.

Artificial intelligence also has its moments of failure.

It took about half a minute for Jarvis's eyes to regain their clarity. His eyes were like a huge virtual screen, and the codes inside were flashing continuously.

At this time, Jarvis's faint voice came over.

"According to the model calculations I established, we will not be able to break through the black mist this time no matter what. In other words, their group may be trapped here."

After hearing Jarvis's voice, Lu Xingye's heart sank, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

Then what!

Lu Xingye hesitated for a moment,

There is no other way.

Antimatter weapons and energy cannons are not the best choices. The best solution now is to escape from the space battleship.

Look for opportunities to start over again.

Without thinking about it for long, Lu Xingye made this decision immediately.

The hive is strong because it puts people first.

People are the foundation for the development of an organization.

The reason why the hive is so powerful is not because these war fortresses are not food, but because living people, living people, and the talents in the hive continue to contribute to the hive.

This is how Fengchao is today.

Thirty-six strategies are the best.

Now Lu Xingye suddenly decided that he would give up the development of Alien No. 7.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood.

Someone has the capital to start over.

Thinking of this, Lu Xingye no longer hesitated and directly waved his right hand to contact the space battleship hidden in the endless deep space through the communication device.

He wants to use the space teleportation device on the space battleship to teleport his group back to the space battleship.

But like this.

You may suffer heavy losses to yourself.

Because Lu Siye had a hunch that the electromagnetic storm on Alien Planet 7 was so severe now that the particle transmission device might not be able to transmit all the devices back.

For example, the mechanized troops and biochemical troops explored in this line of exploration also have their own base camps and war fortresses.

It is very likely that there is no way for these three things to be transmitted back to the space battleship through particles.

When the hive came, there were several hive core personnel, plus more than 3,000 mechanized troops and more than 3,000 biological and chemical troops, as well as a war fortress.

But now.

It is very likely that only Lu Xingye, Long Yubing, Long Yubin, Zhao Yinyun, and Tony, these core personnel, can return to the hive.

The loss is not big.

In fact, there is another worst possibility.

Even none of them can go back.

If Alien Planet No. 7 is a trap, the electronic storm outside is a prison that imprisons them. It is easy to enter Alien Planet No. 7, but it is difficult to leave Alien Planet No. 7.

Although Lu Xingye also knew this truth, he still wanted to try it.

Dogs will jump over walls when pushed.

When people are pushed into a hurry, they will go to great lengths.

Not for anything else, just to live.

Now, in order to survive, Lu Xingye could give up these items and let the core members of his hive return to the space battleship.

383. Transmission failed, start laser matrix

When Lu Xingye made his decision, he no longer hesitated and directly sent the signal back to the space battleship, activated the historical transmission machine in the space battleship, and teleported himself back to the space battleship.

The results of it!

There is no doubt that it failed.

Although the particle transmitter on the space battleship could receive Lu Xinye's signal and start normally, the huge electromagnetic storm outside the No. 7 star obscured everything inside.

The particle teleporter has no way to teleport them to the space battleship.

To put it simply.

That is, their Alien Planet No. 7 is like a prison.

Only outside creatures are allowed to enter Alien Planet 7, but creatures from Alien Planet 7 are not allowed to leave.

"what to do:??""

"Commander, are we trapped on Alien Planet No. 7? There is no other way but to go back alive??"

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