Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 515

Zhao Yinyun suddenly felt a little scared.

In fact, he was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that he would never be able to see Lu Xingye again after he died. After all, Lu Xingye was the first man he had a crush on.

They haven't made their relationship official yet.

Even the simplest things that must be done between men and women have not been done. If he died like this, Zhao Yinyun would definitely be very unwilling.

Very unhappy.

There are too many regrets in life. I don't know that Ying Yong is not disappointed and died like this.

Although others in the exploration team led by Lu Xingye did not express their inner thoughts clearly, Lu Xingye knew that they were all the same, facing danger and black mist, and they were all full of fear.

They hope to return to Blue Star alive.

"it does not matter."

"There must be a way."

"As the saying goes, there is no end to the road. There will be dark willows, bright flowers, and bright willows. As long as a village doesn't give up, it will definitely find a way to survive."

Lu Xingye answered calmly.

After listening to Lu Xingye's words, Jarvis seemed to suddenly think of something.

The dim eyes suddenly lit up, and there was a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Although there is poisonous fog on Alien No. 7."

"In other words, there are... nano bugs."


"There must be a safe place on Alien Planet No. 7, otherwise the aliens would be devoured by the nanobugs first. Taking a step back, even if the aliens on Alien Planet No. 10 can control the nanobugs, Keep the nanobugs from attacking them, but what about other creatures?"

"As an independent ecosystem, Alien 7 must have a complete food chain of decomposers, producers, and consumers to form an ecosystem."

"As long as my niece is still here and is focused on survival, then this ecosystem will be complete. To put it simply, it requires some life, and there must be other living things."

"The other creatures under Alien Planet No. 7 are also the original creatures under Alien Planet No. 7. They must know how to avoid the attacks of nanobugs."

"To put it simply, it means finding the location of other creatures on Alien Planet No. 7. That location is a safe place where they can hide."

"You're right, that's it." Lu Xingye couldn't help but clapped his hands. He didn't expect that Jarvis's thoughts were exactly the same as his. This was a sign that the heroes had similar opinions. .

There was a pause.

Lu Xingye suddenly issued a new order.

"The quantum radar is fully powered, the life detector is fully powered, and we are fully exploring the signs of life around us. Once we find signs of life, we will immediately report back."

"at the same time."

"Before activating the laser matrix, use all your strength to destroy the approaching nanobugs, and you will definitely fight a bloody path."

"Copy that." Long Yubing said calmly, and then went to arrange measures. He understood that in this situation, everyone must unite and obey the commander's unified deployment.

On the top of the war fortress, there are 10 circular detection radars.

It spread out suddenly, covering half of the sky like black clouds covering a city. Almost half of the war fortress was covered.

This is the quantum radar developed by Lu Xingye for a new war fortress.

Invisible quanta are emitted from the quantum radar to the surroundings to cooperate with life, detecting and searching for all signs of life on Alien Planet No. 10.

Although there is no result feedback yet, Lu Xingye believes and firmly believes that there will definitely be life on alien stars.

As long as they find the existence of alien life, that will be the key to their solution.

At the same time, dark gun barrels leaked out around the war fortress.

These are his latest machine laser matrices.

The laser matrix is ​​excited by the Gundam, which contains countless energy and can instantly excite tens of thousands of lasers, enough to destroy everything.


The nano bugs covering the sky and the earth have blocked the path ahead of him, densely packed like locusts.

The buildings on the road and some used products were all devoured where the nanoworms passed by, not even the residue was left.

This is the horror of nanobugs.

After Lu Xingye made his decision in his heart, he was completely unafraid, even though the nano bugs had now blocked all his escape routes.

But it's not necessarily that he can't fight his way out.

The laser matrix hangs high.

The eerie barrels of the laser cannons are all pointed forward.

Power starts up to maximum.

"Long Yubing, wait until you have a chance to buy a bag of nanobugs. When we are 20 meters in front of us, all the laser cannons will fire with all their strength. Create a vacuum zone above the nanobugs in front, and then we will quickly pass through."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

"Roger, Commander." At this time, Long Yubing didn't say anything nonsense. He calmly observed the mine occupation from the front. Once the conditions were met, he would fire immediately. In addition, he had the cooperation of artificial intelligence Jarvis, which basically wouldn't happen. There are any omissions.


Well, their troops are all mechanized troops and biochemical troops.

They will only obey the orders of their supreme commander.

There will be no betrayal, escape, etc.

Otherwise, he would not be able to restrain the troops in this situation. Panic is human nature.

Even among the most disciplined teams in the world, betrayal can happen.

Low morale.

Even completely unable to carry out the commander's orders.

This does not happen with mechanized troops and biochemical troops.

Long Yubing still commands them like an arm.


Nanobugs like locusts rushed to the front of the war fortress. The distance was getting closer and closer, and everyone's mood was in their throats.

100 metres.

50 meters.

20 meters.

"When the distance reaches the predetermined attack point, all laser matrices fire."


Long Yubing's cold voice sounded, like the most severe judge in the world, making the most cruel judgment.

384. Living life, looking for shelter

Laser matrix with tens of thousands of blast holes.

Starts accumulating energy instantly.

The blue fire shone brightly, like a devouring giant beast, slowly beginning to reveal its fangs.




The blast hole shoots out a blue laser.

The blue laser is an upgraded version of the laser based on the original one.

The blue laser has a higher temperature and greater energy, making it more powerful than the original white laser. It's a bit similar to the ability of matter to extinguish the smoke and meet everything in front of it instantly.

Countless lasers are densely packed.

Like a huge wave,

Covering everything in front.

All covered.

Under the bombardment of the maximum laser energy, the nanoworms in front were blasted out of a life channel.

A vacuum zone is formed in the front that is visible to the naked eye.


"We succeeded."

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