Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 516

"It's unbelievable."

Zhao Yinyun jumped for joy when she saw a vacuum area cleared in front of her.

He hugged Lu Xingye tightly with both hands.

Like an octopus, his feet and hands were wrapped around Lu Xingye's body. The softness coming from his body made Lu Xingye feel a little touched, and he even stopped at the edge.

This is too comfortable.

Especially after Lu Shengye took the Shenlong gene, he no longer had the character of Luna before. Dragon is a relatively lewd animal. He inherited the Shenlong gene and also inherited part of the Shenlong's character.

Now Lu Xingye couldn't resist the temptation of girls.

Although it is a war situation now.

But Lu Xingye still couldn't help but stretched out his hands and hugged Long Yubing fiercely.

Take a deep breath.

Sniff the aroma coming from your nostrils.

I couldn't help but started talking.

He reached down and took a deep breath.

This is so delicious.

Lu Xingye lowered his head and kissed Zhao Yinyun gently.

Zhao Yinyun jumped away instantly.

Like a frightened child.

Left instantly.

Zhao Yinyun is still a little shy.

After all, men and women are not intimate.

Although he liked Lu Xingye, Long Yubing would still feel shy when Lu Xingye teased him in front of everyone.

It's really embarrassing.

"Why are you still here???"

"How could you do this? Everyone is watching now."

Listening to Zhao Yinyun's shy voice.

Lu Xingye suddenly laughed dryly and turned to look at Zhao Yinyun.

"Then you are saying that it can be done when no one is around, right???"

"If no one is around, can I do whatever I want?"

Lu Xingye looked at Lu Xingye with a wicked smile, which made Zhao Yinyun feel a little embarrassed. She wished she could find a hole in the ground and crawl into it, but then she changed her mind and didn't dare to look at Lu Xingye.

"You are bad."


Zhao Yinyun ran into another room in the war fortress.

Lu Xingye fell in love with everyone, and everyone was not embarrassed. After all, they had already understood Zhao Yinyun's message. Zhao Yinyun's liking for the commander was not a matter of a day or two, and everyone could accept it calmly.

The only one who was unhappy was Long Yubing. After all, Long Yubing also had a crush on Lu Xingye.

Now that Lu Xingye was showing affection to another woman in front of him, Long Yubing would naturally not be happy.

so what……

To put it simply, Long Yubing is a bit jealous.

But he didn't express it in person, because now that the embankment is at the head, the most important thing is how to get out of danger?

Everyone understands the current situation.

Now is not the time for trouble.

Lu Xingye soon retracted his thoughts and looked ahead. I saw that the front seemed to be extinguished, and a passage was cleared by the huge laser energy.

This is the channel of life!

Lu Xingye's war fortress mastermind controlled the war fortress and quickly passed through the life channel.

After passing through the passage of life.

Lu Xingye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because as long as they get out of the encirclement of nanobugs, the threat of nanobugs to them will be greatly reduced. The current speed of War Fortress is still faster than the speed of nanobugs.

As long as you're not surrounded by nanobugs.

Even they got a chance to breathe.

Just at this time.

Jarvis suddenly sat up stiffly, and the display above his head kept showing blue codes.

According to the news from the radar, there is a valley 300 kilometers away.

They found a sign of life.

It seems like there is life coming from it.

At this time, Jarvis showed a smile. Unable to bear the excitement in his heart, he walked in front of the mainland starry night and slightly cupped his hands.


He spoke straightforwardly, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Report to Commander, we measured 300 kilometers ahead and found signs of alien life. Should we set off to the location immediately???"

"Immediately set off to the location where there are signs of life." Lu Xingye said affirmatively.

He always showed a very excited expression.

Because this discovery is not only on the interstellar world, but also the hope of their survival.

Based on the speculation just now.

As long as they find signs of alien existence, there will definitely be a way to avoid the nanobugs.

It would be great if we could discover the alien's lair by the way.

Lu Xingye felt that the aliens' technology was definitely not as good as their hive's technology now.

Even if the alien technology is closer to the hive's technology, he must be very afraid of the hive's strength, otherwise they wouldn't hide like a turtle with its head reduced.


Whether you can find the aliens and where to survive is the key to breaking the game.

Soon the War Fortress turned around and headed towards its destination.

up to energy output.

The war fortress is moving at full speed.

Because Lu Xingye set the speed to advance at full speed, the speed of the war fortress now reached 600 kilometers per hour.

This speed is very fast. How fast is it?

This speed is so fast that it has exceeded the original design limit speed of the War Fortress.

The maximum speed designed for the War Fortress is 500 kilometers per hour.

Now the real maximum speed of the war fortress is 600 kilometers per hour, which is already at full capacity, or in other words, overloaded.

Warfortresses cannot be overloaded for long periods of time.

Lu Xingye knew that now was their last ditch effort.

If they don't find a way to escape after arriving at the location of alien life, then they can only restart time and space.

Because after a long period of overload operation of the war fortress, the war fortress was almost in a state of collapse after arriving at its destination, and there was no way to provide them with shelter.

They can only be exposed to the outside world of nanobugs.

Let the harsh environment outside rage.


in this case.

As flesh and blood, they can't stand it for long.

Everyone obviously knew this truth, and for a moment everyone looked a little pessimistic.



The strong man is gone and never comes back...

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