Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 518

"Are you crazy???"

Tony suddenly asked back, his voice even a little out of control.

In Tony's eyes.

The underground may be a safe place though.

But there could also be a more dangerous place.

The reason for safety is that there may really be extraterrestrial life, or even aliens, hidden underground. Since aliens can live peacefully underground, it means that nanoworms can be avoided underground.

In other words, even if the nanobugs are made by aliens, the aliens can control the nanobugs to attack. But if the aliens are hiding underground, then even if the aliens can control the nanobugs to attack, They also didn't dare to control the nanoworms into the underground.

Because that would undoubtedly be the same as dying together.

Aliens wouldn't do something so stupid.

But everything has two sides.

On the one hand, there may be unsafe places underground; on the other hand, there may be huge dangers underground.

how to say?

As I said just now, there may be alien civilizations underground. Aliens are hiding beneath the ground.

If you rashly go underground and confront aliens.

So who knows what kind of traps the aliens have prepared waiting for them underground, and who can predict what kind of dangers there are underground?

Going underground without any preparation is an extremely irresponsible behavior for one's own life.

It is also an extremely unwise choice.

Tony was very disapproving of this plan.


Many times not everything can develop according to your plan.

After listening to Tony's words, Lu Xingye did a little analysis and then asked a question that everyone easily ignored.

"Mr. Tony."

"Just now you said you disagreed with going underground to avoid nanobugs, so I would like to ask you, besides going underground to avoid nanobugs, do you have any other options?"

"As long as you come up with an alternative method, I am willing to accept your method, or plan."

Lu Xingye's voice spoke coldly. At this time, he must maintain the majesty of being a leader. Make a decision when it's time to make a decision. If you don't, don't make a decision and do things. Don't be indecisive and make decisions in an instant.

Because opportunities are fleeting.

If this fleeting opportunity is not seized, it is possible that what awaits the core members of their hive will be that all team members will be wiped out, and then time and space will be restarted.


When Tony heard this, he paused for a moment and instantly started thinking with his super-high IQ brain to see if there was any other option besides going underground.

But Tony was disappointed.

The truth is so cruel.

Now that they are on Alien Planet No. 7, many things are outside their control. It seems that there is really no other way except to go in and avoid the support of nano bugs.

Lu Xingye turned his head and glanced at Tony, and immediately knew the member who had objections.

I have been successfully convinced by myself.

In fact, at this time, Lu Xingye could use a tough attitude and go directly underground to avoid the nanoworms, but he was unwilling to do this.

Because he sincerely regards Tony, Jarvis, Zhao Yinyun, Long Yubing and others as his family. After the Hive becomes the only super power on Blue Star, he will lead them to reach the top together.

So no matter what Lu Xingye does now, he will give members a reasonable explanation and even conduct a democratic vote.

He actively respects the opinions of each core member.

While we want democracy, we must also exercise our own leadership.

Lu Xingye is looking for a balance between educating and employing people.

Lu Xingye paused for a moment, then spoke seriously.

"Tony, I know it is very risky for us to enter the underground rashly like this, but we have no other choice but to take the risk. Can you understand me when I say this?"

"Okay. Report to Commander, I have no other opinions." Tony was convinced by Lu Xingye's words.

At this time, Lu Xingye waved his hand and made a decision. The strategic goal of entering the underground and avoiding nano bugs was determined.

Then Lu Xingye turned to look at Jarvis and gave an instruction to this artificial intelligence that had high hopes.

"Jarvis, conduct a full map scan of the underground environment."

"Let's see if we can outline a structural model of the underground."

However, before Lu Xingye's thoughts were expressed, or before Lu Xingye finished speaking, Jarvis shook his head and refused.

"Report to Commander."

"I have used all means to investigate the underground just now, but unfortunately, no matter which method we use, we cannot scan the structure above the ground."

"I'm sure of this, there's nothing you can do about it."

After listening to Jarvis's words, Lu Xingye didn't complain. Naturally, the underground is the only place where aliens can hide, so the underground must be a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. No one knows how much alien technology is hidden inside.

There are countless jammers and finger detection tools inside.

It would be really strange if they could detect the structure underground.

Since this road is not feasible, there is only one way left, and that is to break through.

No matter what is above the ground, he uses the hive's technology to force his way in and fight the aliens.

There are only two results if you push through like this.

The first result is that their hive's technology is relatively advanced and equipped, causing the hive's troops to directly defeat the alien forces.

If this is the result, everyone will be happy.

The Hive can not only be named Alien No. 7, but also have many trophies from defeating the aliens. If the aliens' technology is fully understood, then the hive's technology will definitely reach a higher level.

Another result is.

The technology of aliens is generally higher than that of the Blue Star Hive.

The Hive is no match for alien technology.

Then the result is that all the core personnel of the hive are destroyed on Alien Planet No. 7 and die in a foreign land.

This was also the result that Lu Xingye was least willing to accept.

Although Lu Xingye clearly knew that entering the underground would have these two consequences, as a commander, he could not put these two consequences on the table.

And he also has to put the good aspects on the table, publicize them and boost morale.

Only in this way can we defeat the aliens.

387. In the inner world of the earth, animals are everywhere

When War Fortress continues to move forward for a while.

It seemed like another 10 minutes had passed.

The war fortress suddenly stopped.

Due to long-term overload operation, the war fortress could no longer maintain its strength and actually fell into pieces.

"Report to Commander, the war fortress has been completely damaged and there is absolutely no possibility of repair."

"Now we can only get out temporarily and find a way to get into the ground."

Lu Xingye nodded slightly.

Then issued orders to everyone.

"Everyone is here, put on the nano-rising driving robot mecha. Get ready to exit the warehouse."

"We are ready." Jarvis tapped the accompanying robot and spoke calmly.

Zhao Yinyun: "We are also ready,"

Tony: "I'm ready too."


Lu Xingye nodded, then waved his hand.

"Exit the warehouse."

The war fortress suddenly opened, revealing a large hole. The robots in the war fortress filed out and stood on the endless desert to protect everyone.

In fact, this is not so much a desert.

Might as well be called sand.

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