Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 519

There is already a little bit of greenery around.

You can clearly see the difference from the endless desert just now.

Lu Xingye was the first to jump off the space battleship.

Both feet are on the ground.

That thick feeling came.

Give him a sense of security.

You can't feel it on a space battleship.

Being down to earth is far more secure than being in deep space.


Lu Xingyecheng took a few steps forward and discovered that the gravity on Alien Planet No. 7 was far lower than that of Blue Star.

According to calculations by mechanical instruments, the gravity on Alien Planet No. 7 is about one-tenth that of Blue Star.

To put it simply, the gravity on Alien Planet No. 7 is compared with that of the earth. If people come to Alien Planet No. 7, everyone will be a superman.

On Blue Star, people can't lift a car.

But on Alien 7, people lifted a car lightly.

People can jump tens of meters high with a slight jump.

It looks very good to play here.

If it weren't for the nano bugs following behind, there would still be many dangers under Alien Planet No. 7, and Lu Xingye would really want to stop and jump on the spot.

It is such a pleasure to watch the clouds and clouds on the alien planet.

But the crisis is not over yet.

Lu Xingye quickly stopped playing.

With calm analysis, it is possible to discover one thing after another.

"Jarvis deploys the earth-boring robot."

"Received, the ground-drilling robot has been deployed and can conduct field activities at any time."

Jarvis spoke calmly.

Then it could be clearly seen that the battlefield robot jumped down from the war fortress, with its feet leaning on Alien No. 7, and a huge drill aimed at the weak spot on the ground.

This is the latest research and development of Hive, an earth-penetrating robot using nuclear fusion energy.

Earth-boring robots can drill into the deepest reaches of the earth.

According to theoretical calculations, it can even drill through the earth's core.

It's so scary.

"Start digging into the ground."

"Our large force is following closely behind the delivery robot."

"In order to improve security and prevent the enemy from taking over everything, we divided our troops into three groups."

"Zhu Xiaonong and I attack the east road, Jarvis and Zhao Yinyun attack the west road, and Tony and Long Yubing attack the north road."

"Our three teams protect each other. If there is any problem, we will take care of it at any time." Lu Xingye issued the order calmly.

"Copy that." Everyone said in unison.

Immediately afterwards, the earth-drilling robot began to move. The huge drill bit was aimed at the ground and fusion provided power, drilling directly into the center of the earth.

When setting up the earth-drilling robot, we take into account situations such as drilling into magma when drilling into the earth.

The exterior of the earth-drilling robot is made of high-temperature-resistant materials.


There is no need to worry when the earth-drilling robot encounters magma.

As the machine roared, the delivery robot instantly drilled a hole on the surface of the alien planet.

The burrow winds forward.

In the process of moving forward.

It will push some soil to the side.

Lu Xingye and others drove the anti-gravity spacecraft and followed closely behind the earth-drilling robot.

The team of Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaonong.

They were drilling to the east.

As the delivery robot went deeper and deeper, the surroundings were plunged into darkness. Apart from the dim light from the anti-gravity aircraft, nothing could be seen.

Lu Xingye controlled the anti-gravity spacecraft and followed behind the earth-drilling robot.

The reason why he brought Zhu Xiaonong as his team.

That's because Zhu Xiaonong is the weakest in the team. He is just a secretary and doesn't understand many things. If he follows other teams.

Lu Xingye was a little worried about Zhu Xiaolong, so he asked Zhu Xiaonong to join his team.

If Zhu Xiaolong is on his team, although he may not be able to protect Zhu Xiaonong well.

But at least I can take care of her.

This way Lu Xingye could feel more at ease.

"How is it? Are you scared???"

Lu Xingye stood behind the main control room of the anti-gravity spacecraft.

Now that the anti-gravity spacecraft has achieved fully automated driving, the reason why he is still in the main control room is to deal with emergencies.

Because there are some special emergencies.

Artificial intelligence autonomous driving is never as reliable as manual driving. Standing behind Lu Xingye was Zhu Xiaonong.

Zhu Xiaonong was wearing a nano stationmaster with a layer of mecha wrapped around it, which looked like a fire phoenix mecha.

After he put on the nano nails, he no longer looked that soft and weak.

Instead, he became... heroic.

It has a special charm.

"I'm not very scared."


"To be precise, I've never been scared."

"As long as you're by my side, I won't be afraid."

Zhu Xiaonong spoke calmly.


Lu Xingye lowered his head and looked at Zhu Xiaonong who was trembling slightly, her hands tightly grasping her sleeves.

How is it that you are not afraid?

I'm afraid you are scared now and are trembling inside.


Lu Xingye did not expose Zhu Xiaonong.

"That's good."

"As long as I'm alive, you don't have to worry that I will protect you."

Lu Xingye stretched out his right hand and tightly grasped Zhu Xiaonong's little hand. When his rough big hand grasped the soft, boneless little hand, Lu Xingye could clearly feel the other person's delicate body trembling slightly.

This little girl felt shy.


Zhu Xiaonong didn't have any objections. Instead, he clasped his hands tightly and held Lu Xingye's big hand.

"Commander, thank you." After waiting for a moment, Zhu Xiaonong's voice was as small as a mosquito's.

"You're welcome, you are my secretary. If you have something to do, let the secretary do it. If you have nothing to do, do it...the kind of secretary." Lu Xingye smiled.

"You..." Zhu Xiaonong hesitated for a while.

388. Are aliens in the underground world? Lu Xingye describes the landforms?

"Silly girl."

"I wonder if you think this is very romantic?" Lu Xingye looked at Zhu Xiaonong and smiled softly.

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