Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 520

I really have to say it.

It is indeed a bit romantic for two people to escape with a team of mechanical troops, but the premise is that the two people can escape smoothly and gain safety.

Otherwise, it would be a poignant love story.

"Romance your big glans."

"Concentrate on the situation ahead."

"What if something unexpected happens ahead?"

Zhu Xiaonong couldn't help but grab it with both hands, and Ye's shoulders were twisted hard.

It hurts...

It really hurts...

There was a stinging pain, and Lu Xingye quickly begged for mercy.

Just as they were fighting each other, the robot instantly penetrated the earth's core.

There was a loud rumbling sound.

They appear completely in the underworld.

Originally they thought that there was the earth's core beneath the ground, and magma beneath the earth's core.

Never would I have imagined that there is something else going on above the ground.

After a loud noise came, Lu Xingye also grew the anti-gravity robot and came underground.

There is an empty square underground.

It looks a bit like an underwater world from above.

But it’s not exactly an underwater world.

Because it’s underneath the ground! It's an empty place. There is no magma and no dirt in it.

Some are just flat land as on the ground.

There were several green grass growing on the land.

"What is this place???"

"Lu Xingye looked around and was very shocked when he saw the position in front of him."

Zhu Xiaonong was still very shocked, not much different from Lu Xingye. The two of them stared at the empty underground world with big eyes and small eyes.

This underground world is so shocking.

All he saw ahead was an endless plain.

The plains are lush and green, and there are many small animals walking on them. Lu Xingye made a rough observation and found that the small animals on Alien Planet No. 7 were similar to the small animals on Blue Star, and the ecosystems were also very similar.

For example, there are dogs, sheep, cows, and deer on Blue Star. Similar animals can also be found on Alien Planet No. 7, but they will be slightly different in appearance.

"Oh my God, is this really the underworld? It's unbelievable."

Zhu Xiaonong looked ahead, his eyes wide open.


Lu Xingye nodded in shock. Now he finally understood why Alien Planet No. 7 seemed to be deserted on the surface. Not even a single living thing could be seen on the desert surface.

It turns out that Alien Planet No. 7 is not without alien creatures, but that all alien creatures have moved underground.

With the appearance of Lu Xingye's anti-gravity spacecraft.

The surrounding mechanical troops also appeared soon after.

These intelligent robots are scattered around. Surround Lu Xingye.

Be vigilant around you.

"We have to be careful. Although it seems to be a very harmonious ecosystem now, there are definitely hidden mysteries, and dangers are often hidden under the mysterious system." Lu Xingye said calmly.

Zhu Xiaonong also nodded slightly in agreement.

Lu Xingye observed again.

I found that there were no aliens around, at most there were some alien animals walking around.

Perhaps they were new animals that had just appeared. Those alien creatures consciously stayed away from Lu Xingye, fearing these huge robots.

Lu Xingye did not act rashly, but prepared to contact the other two teams to see how the situation was.

The most important thing on the alien planet is information sharing.

Being able to obtain effective information for sharing is a key factor in the victory of the community. Sometimes it is the lack of some information that leads to failure. Lu Xingye will never allow this to happen.

Lu Xingye pulled Jarvis and Tony into the same channel.

Then I asked in the group chat.

"I am the commander of the underground team on the east side. We penetrated the core of the earth. There is no magma inside, but an endless plain. No, to be precise, it should be an endless underground world."

"The ecosystem in the underground world is very harmonious. There are no dangerous elements around."

"Of course I didn't see any aliens in there either."

"I will share the information I see here with you later."

Lu Xingye spoke directly in the three-person group chat.

Then use the quantum link to synchronize the pictures you see to the group chat.

Little did I know.

The picture of its sharing is not clear, because everyone is underground, and even quantum communication is difficult to communicate in real time, and the signal is intermittent.

At this time, Jarvis's calm voice sounded in the group chat.

"Report to Commander."

"Due to the signal, we can't see and synchronize the picture here. We can only search for your text messages."

Tony's voice rose again as Jarviston's voice fell.

"Report to Commander,"

"The situation here is similar to Jarvis's situation. I can't see the picture on your side clearly."

After listening to the reports from the two of them, Lu Xingye made further reports in the group.

"Then I will report in the form of screenshots. Please check the screenshots. This is the image I see now. If you continue to go below the core of the earth, you will most likely reach this underground world."


Lu Xingye used technology to send screenshots of the screen.

He regretted that real-time screen sharing was not possible. However, there is no way to do this, because everyone is underground, and it is very difficult to propagate signals through the newly turned hole below.

He already feels very lucky to be able to communicate.

Tony: "Oh my god, Commander, is this true? It's really unbelievable that there is such a huge underground world hidden under the ground."

Jarvis: "I knew Zhao Yinyun's guess was correct. These alien life forms are indeed hidden underground."

Lu Xingye watched their conversation and nodded slightly.

"You are right."

"There is alien life in this location, which means that at least this location is safe. If there are no accidents, the nano bugs outside will not come in."

Tony: "Yes, we can simply say that we have initially escaped the pursuit of nanobugs."

Jarvis: "But we can't take it lightly, because there is alien life here, which means aliens are not far away from here."

Lu Xingye: "Now that we have uncovered the alien case, it is very detrimental to us. You two teams will enter the underground world as soon as possible so that our information can be synchronized in real time."

Jarvis nodded in agreement: "Okay."

After Lu Xingye communicated with the two teams, he began to explore the secrets of the underground world.

Countless radars spread out radar and infrared rays to the surroundings.

Lu Xingye is using technology to scan the underground world.

Describe the landscape.

389. Capture alien children and learn alien secrets

Although there is no way for him to scan the underground landscape outside the earth. But Lu Xingye has already arrived in the underground world. Quantum radar and other detection instruments can work, and exploration is very simple.

Infrared light quantum entanglement and some other stuff.

Spreads out invisible to the naked eye.

It's a bit like radio frequency, the frequency of radar.

The relevant instrument emits the detection factor. The emitted detection factor bounces back when it hits an object, and is then captured by the detection instrument.

The capture instrument can derive relevant detection factors through artificial intelligence analysis.

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