Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 521

This outlines the landscape of the underground world.

This detection instrument is the main way for Lu Xingye to understand the landforms.

It seemed like half an hour passed.

Lu Xingye described the landforms covering a hundred miles radius.

But what shocked Lu Xingye was that the landscape was the same without any changes.

This is what the display screen shows.

An endless plain.

There are many alien creatures playing, catching, and playing on the plains.

The only thing that made Lu Xingye strange was.

This space is filled with alien creatures without intelligence. To put it simply, the aliens are nowhere to be found.

"This space is very strange!"

"It all looks so harmonious."

Lu Xingye frowned. Although he felt a little strange, he didn't know what was strange.

The geographical world of Alien No. 7 is very different from that of Blue Star.

Generally speaking, the entire ecosystem on Blue Star has producer capturers and consumer decomposers.

Every animal and plant will form a food chain, competing, capturing or symbiotic relationships.

But that's obviously not the case on Alien Planet No. 7.

Their producers and decomposers seem to have disappeared.

All the people in the underground world are consumers, and these consumers do not form a capture relationship with each other. They are all very harmonious.

Let’s take a simple example.

That is……

On Blue Star, tigers and rabbits have a predatory relationship.

Or rather a mortal enemy.

Once a tiger meets a rabbit, the tiger will definitely eat the rabbit.

But this is not the case at all on Alien Planet No. 7.

Even tigers and rabbits can coexist harmoniously without attacking each other. Do tigers see rabbits as food?

All animals move leisurely on the alien surface.

"Let's go."

"Let's go take a look around."

Lu Xingye smiled, and then naturally took Zhu Xiaonong's hand.

Zhu Xiaonong's face turned red.

But she didn't refuse.

It seemed as if he had accepted his fate.

In the beginning, Zhu Xiaonong came to work at Hive for money. I never thought about sacrificing my body.

But later on he really had no choice.

Lu Xingye's faint masculinity and that damn domineering look.

Zhu Xiaonong was deeply attracted.

Besides, now Zhu Xiaonong has no other choice except Lu Xingye.

Inside this military institution inside the hive.

He basically has no contact with the men outside.

Even if Zhu Xiaonong is a canary, he is very beautiful and charming. But so what?

He is just a canary trapped in a cage.

It has long become Lu Xingye's personal plaything.

But by the time Zhu Xiaonong realized it, it was already too late.

Now Zhu Xiaonong has no other good option but to accept his fate.

"You don't have to hold on so tightly, I won't run away."

Zhu Xiaonong's face was flushed, and he looked a little shy when he saw Lu Xingye.

Ha ha……

Lu Xingye laughed dryly, he was on an alien planet now. It is 40,000 light years away from Blue Star. Even if you want to escape, where can you escape?

However, Lu Xingye did not argue with Zhu Xiaonong.

As the saying goes, good men don’t fight with women.

The two held hands and continued to move forward. Next to it were just a vigilant convoy of robots.

They were scattered on both sides.

Form a circle.

"Is that elk in front of you, Commander?"

Zhu Xiaonong suddenly exclaimed.

Looking ahead, I was full of surprise. This was a very beautiful elk. The elk is similar to the white deer on Blue Star, except that the elk is more glorious.

Blue light flashes.

It's a bit like a mythical beast in the world of immortality.


It does look very nice.


"I'm also very curious about this kind of alien creature. How about we catch some and take a look?" Lu Xingye looked at the elk in front of him and suddenly said calmly.

"Commander, please don't. This elk is so cute, let's not catch it." Zhu Xiaonong couldn't bear it.


"Stop your damn pathetic heart."

"If we don't capture alien creatures and study them, how will we know about Alien Planet No. 7?"

Lu Xingye asked back, before Zhu Xiaonong could react.

He just made a gesture and asked the robot to capture the elk first.

Originally, Lu Xingye thought this would go very smoothly.

What he didn't expect was that an accident happened.

The elk was extremely agile and fast, and these robots couldn't even get close to him.

Probably another moment passed.

Lu Xingye realized that there was really no other way.

He had no choice but to let the robot use its weapons.

The robot raised its laser weapon and pointed it at the elk, and when it was about to shoot, an accident happened again.

A child suddenly appeared in front of the elk.

The child was dressed in tatters, half-clothed, and his body was covered in blue.

From the appearance, it looks similar to a human child, but this alien child has 5 horns on its head.

The 5 horns are like ox horns, side by side.

It looks very strange.


Lu Xingye quickly stopped the robot's movements.

Lu Xingye guessed that this alien child was probably an intelligent race from Alien Planet No. 7.

If this alien child is captured.

It is very possible that he can understand the situation on Alien Planet No. 7.

"Start the grid capture."

He raised his hand and spoke to one of the robots. After understanding the commander's intention, the robot put away the laser gun and replaced it with a laser capture gun.

This laser capture gun is a new weapon in the hive.

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