Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 522

It is synthesized through high-voltage current and high energy. What the laser capture gun emits is not a laser energy column, but a high-voltage power grid.

This is a very good capture tool.

Send the grid out.

Then tied together.

This completes the capture.

In order to prevent the alien child from escaping, the robot launched so many high-voltage power grids that it almost covered the space in front of it.


A light like lightning flashed.

A fishing net-like grid trapped the alien and the elk in the middle.

The power grid sends out huge currents that stun them.

This completes the capture.

390. Mysterious child, terrifying alien talent

Lu Xingye controlled the robot to build a simple tent on the plain.

This tent is similar to a yurt. There is a robot warning outside, and there are some alarm devices and defensive weapons inside. If someone approaches the yurt, the yurt will launch attacks and warnings.

There is no news yet from Tony and Jarvis' team.

Follow them deeper into the underground world.

Coupled with Jarvis and Tony's continuous deepening, Lu Xingye can no longer contact them.

Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaolong stood in front wearing nano armor.

In front are the alien child and the elk. The alien child and the elk are imprisoned separately.

The alien child never makes any progress other than being tied up with a rope.

The other elk was tightly enclosed by a glass cover.

"Commander, why do you think this child has five horns on his head? What are the functions of those five horns?" Zhu Xiaonong looked at the child in front of him and asked curiously.

"I don't know the specifics."

Lu Xingye shook his head.

It seemed like half a minute passed.

Lu Xingye asked the robot to poke the alien child's philtrum, and the alien child woke up.

Although the alien child looks a little sloppy, his eyes are very beautiful, twinkling like stars in the sky.

"Hello, what should I call you?"

Lu Xingye tried to communicate with the alien child, but failed without exception. It's not that the alien children refuse to communicate, but it's because of the language barrier.

Lu Xingye spoke the common language on Blue Star, but the creatures on Alien Planet 7 obviously couldn't understand it.

The alien kid inside bared his teeth and made some embarrassing noises.

Lu Xingye guessed that this was the common language of alien societies and races, but he couldn't understand it.

Lu Xingye took out the language deciphering machine and put it next to him for deciphering.

But using a language deciphering machine.

There is a very big premise, that is, enough alien languages ​​need to be collected.

Only in this way can mutual translation be completed.

Lu Xingye held an alien child tightly, obviously unable to meet this request.

Even if he could decipher it, there was nothing he could do.

In other words, it takes a long time.

Lu Xingye walked in front, pacing back and forth, thinking about how to make the aliens understand what he said, or how to make himself understand what the aliens said.

between two races.

The most important thing is to establish communication.

If communication cannot be established, there is no need to continue talking about the following.

What's even worse for Lu Xingye now is that even Jarvis can't connect to him. If you can connect to Jarvis, a super artificial intelligence, there may be a way to decipher this alien woman.



"That's it, let's go for a walk!"

Lu Xingye frowned and thought for a long time, but there was really no way. Immediately ready to go out and relax.


Just as Lu Xingye was about to walk out of the yurt, something unexpected happened to him. The alien child actually spoke, and he spoke the language of Blue Star.

"Hello, can you give me something to eat? I haven't eaten for several days and I'm really hungry."

The alien child's name is Xiaoqi.

His parents died when he was young, and he was exiled to the underground world by the mainstream people and became a homeless man.

Live a life of full meals and hungry meals every day.

I usually keep company with these agile elk, or rather depend on each other for life.

Lu Xingye gestured to the robot next to him.

The robot understood what Lu Xingye meant, and the alliance took out a roast chicken from the refrigerator and kitchen and placed it in front of the alien child.

The alien child was not polite, stretched out his hands to take the roast chicken from the robot, and then put it in his mouth and ate it.

While the alien child was eating the roasted chicken, Lu Xingye kept observing him.

He found that when he was eating the alien child, his teeth were very sharp and his bite force was very strong.

The mouth is about seven or eight times wider than that of a human being. The teeth inside are so big and sharp that they can break the bones of a roasted chicken in one bite.

"Is there any more?" In about two or three bites, the alien child finished a piece of roast chicken, and looked at Lu Xingye with pitiful eyes, as if asking if there is more?

Lu Xingye did not disappoint him. He directly took out 10 roast chickens and placed them in front of the alien child.

The alien child's eyes lit up instantly.

Ignoring his other hands, he picked up the roast chicken and put it in his mouth.

The alien kid eats roast chicken very quickly.

In about five or six minutes, all seven or eight roast chickens were finished by the aliens.

"Are you having fun eating?" Lu Xingye asked the alien child with a smile.

"It's okay." The alien child replied.

"Then let's get down to business now." Lu Xingye said to the alien child, and then asked his first question.

"How did you learn the Blue Star language?"

"Did you see these five horns on my head? These five horns can sense and learn everything around me. It is through these five horns that I learned the language of your Blue Star." The alien child did not hide it, directly Tell the truth.

Instead of alien children saying that these 5-pointed feet perceive the language of the Blue Star.

It might as well be said to be the talent of an alien child.

After hearing the alien child's answer, Lu Xingye suddenly felt shocked.

If every alien on Alien Planet No. 7 has this gift of perception and super learning ability, then the intelligent race on Alien Planet No. 7 must be very powerful.

His face was unknowingly cast into a haze.

Originally, Lu Xingye thought that he could still show off his talents under Alien Planet No. 7, but he did not expect that he would encounter a setback as soon as he met the aliens.

"Does everyone in your race have five horns like this???" Lu Xingye asked again.


The alien kid nodded.

"However, our race also has a huge weakness, that is, it cannot invent and create. To be precise, it is not that it cannot invent and create, but that the ability to invent and create is very weak, so weak that it is almost non-existent."

The alien child had no idea what kind of danger he had brought to his race by speaking these words, and what kind of secrets he had revealed.



A homeless man who has been abandoned since he was a child, what kind of racial concepts do you want him to have?

If only this alien kid didn't want to destroy the world.

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