Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 523

Hearing this,

Lu Xingye suddenly paused.

He seemed to have heard the biggest secret of this alien race.

Let's first assume that the alien child just watched himself speak a few words of Blue Star language, and he was able to learn the entire Blue Star language through racial talent.

Does that mean that as long as aliens see or perceive things, they can instantly understand them?

If that's the case, it's really terrible.

391. Aliens have completely controlled the hive technology, and the hive has no way to escape.

If what this alien kid says is true.

So now all the technology of the hive has been mastered by aliens.


Because aliens' talents are perception and learning, they only need to see something to understand its principles and structure, and how to produce and use it.

The hive's war fortress has been under Alien Planet No. 7 for so long, and the aliens must be carefully observing it in the dark. With the alien's talent, the alien must have learned all the technology of the hive.

To put it simply.

This is what technology the hive has now, and what technology the aliens have. The technology of the hive and the aliens are equal.

Or equal.

But there is a problem. Alien Planet No. 7 is now the base camp of aliens, not the base camp of the hive.

Aliens can introduce and produce weapons like crazy on Alien 7.

But the hive cannot.

Most of the hives use 3D printers to print out some commonly used weapons. However, the Hive cannot produce unlimited weapons because it is limited by materials, weapons, venues, locations, etc. The Hive can only produce technology based on materials brought from Blue Star.

Lu Xingye never thought that he could make new weapons on Alien Planet No. 7.

"Jarvis will convene a supreme meeting immediately."

"Received, Commander." Jarvis nodded slightly, and then began to notify Zhao Yinyun, Long Yubing, Zhu Xiaonong and other core personnel.

In fact, it is called the Supreme Council.

It's just a meeting of a few core people.

Because the conditions are relatively simple.

After Lu Xingye deployed the ultra-long-distance transmission equipment, he was finally able to receive signals from Tony, Long Yubing and others.


Lu Xingye asked the artificial intelligence Jarvis to bring all these core personnel in to hold a video conference.

"Commander, we can finally connect. Do you have a signal amplifier over there?"

"Yes." Lu Xingye nodded slightly. The signal amplifier he just printed with a 3D printer can cover the entire signal system of Alien 7 at an ultra-long distance.

"That's great, we can all be together soon." Tony replied with a smile.

"How about this!"

"Our three teams first reported their positions to each other and watched each other. If one team encounters difficulties, the team next to them will immediately provide support. I met aliens here, and I got an alien from them that scared us. Let’s talk about this news later, let’s deal with our current situation first.” Lu Xingye appeared in the camera and spoke calmly.

A week has passed since he arrived in Yixing. His original youthful appearance has changed a lot, and his hair has turned gray unknowingly.

It was really hard work on Alien 7.

Every day seems like a whole year has passed.

Very hard!

"My location is here." Tony replied with a smile and entered his location in the video.

"My position is here." Zhao Yinyun also reported her position directly.

Lu Xingye then sent a message to his own position. When he went up and compared the distances depicted on the map, he found that he was the farthest away from the two teams.

The two teams, Tony and Zhao Yinyun, are relatively close to each other and they can join together at any time.

Lu Xingye thought for a moment and suddenly spoke.

"Let's do this!"

"When the meeting ends, you and Zhao Yinyun will gather together. Your two teams will form an offensive and defensive alliance with each other."

"As for me, I will try to contact aliens and see if I can contact them."

"Roger, Commander." Tony and Zhao Yinyun replied calmly.

There was a moment of silence in the video conference, but Zhu Xiaonong finally broke the only silence. Here she was, smiling slightly, showing a faint smile.

"Commander, would you like to introduce to everyone the secrets of the alien civilization we discovered in the underground world?"

"Okay." Lu Xingye did not refuse.

Looking at Zhu Xiaonong, he felt a bit appreciative. Zhu Xiaolong was indeed his secretary, and he was very good at observing colors.

At least he can arrange his commander's work properly. He only needs to complete things one by one according to the work process arranged by Zhu Xiaonong.

"Is such that!"

"I accidentally discovered an alien child on Alien Planet No. 7, the kind who was abandoned by the alien race. He revealed the secrets about aliens to us."

Just as Lu Xingye finished speaking, your voice came over.

"Is this news reliable?"

Tony questioned, or rather confirmed. In fact, it's not surprising that Tony doubted the commander. The race in the underground world is too cunning.

Whether it is just entering Alien Planet No. 7 or after entering Alien Planet No. 7.

They are all full of strategies and traps.

The race they face is an alien race, and no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

In other words, what if this alien child is another trap set by aliens?

So if the hive is careless and falls into the trap of aliens, will it suffer even more losses?

Or just die.

Restart the time machine and start over.

"It's basically 100 percent certain."

"There is no way to fake the birth of a child in a grave for a few days. I have asked aliens to conduct hundreds of experiments, and every time the aliens conduct experiments, they can gain insights into our technology."

"And restore our technology."

"At this point, I'm sure that the aliens can't fake it, let alone a trap or anything else."

"If this commander is so sure, then I would like to ask what kind of talent can make the commander so frightened." Zhao Yinyun suddenly asked.

Through the picture, Lu Xingye could see that Zhao Yinyun was in an underground world similar to magma, surrounded by smoking magma and a sea of ​​fire.

Lu Xingye's eyes narrowed and he looked at the sea of ​​magma and fire behind Zhao Yinyun. He seemed to want to say something, but hesitated for a moment and said nothing.

"Is such that."

"Aliens' talents may be perception and manufacturing."

"Be able to perceive and create everything you see. You can understand the principles of fashion at a glance, and you can create the things inside at a glance."

"Oh my God! Aren't those aliens invincible?" Tony was shocked, how could there be such a talented alien race in this world.

"This kind of talent is so terrifying. Our human civilization has been passed down from generation to generation. Only through continuous passing on and learning can we reach this level. And aliens only need to take a look?"

"This is really terrible..."

"How should we deal with alien races..." These core members of the hive fell into deep thought.

392. Aliens cannot invent and create, and the hive races against time.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and no one spoke.

Lu Xingye also fell into deep contemplation.

The aliens they encountered this time were more powerful than the enemies they had encountered before.

The most terrifying thing is that they plunged into someone else's base camp.

Moreover, this underground civilization is a race where everyone has the talent to know and create at a glance.

No matter what technology the hive comes up with.

Within a few moments, it was copied by aliens.

How does this make Lu Xingye play?

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment and then suddenly spoke.

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