Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 524


"The alien child also revealed to me a huge alien weakness just now."

"What?" Tony, Jarvis, Zhao Yinyun... everyone's eyes instantly focused on Lu Xingye. Facing such a powerful enemy, they are eager to know what weaknesses the aliens have so that they can find corresponding measures.

"It's easy!"

"Although aliens have the ability to perceive and create instantly, they are unable to invent and create,"

"That's one of their biggest weaknesses."

"What kind of weakness is this?" Tony said angrily. Although aliens themselves cannot invent and create, other people or other races can invent and create.

When other people create inventions, the aliens just buy them for free, and their knowledge is learned instantly.

Can this be said to be a weakness?

It’s so outrageous.

This hand Zhao Yinyun also echoed beside him. "Yeah, I don't think being unable to invent is a weakness. Now we are on Alien Planet No. 7. No matter what we invent, the aliens can copy what we invented in an instant."

"This can't be considered a strength or weakness, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Xingye suddenly fell silent. Maybe they are right, but not entirely.

The aliens cannot invent and create this feature. Although it is not their big weakness, it is at least the weakest aspect of the aliens and the only chance for the hive.

To put it simply.

If their hive invents a toxin, it can attack indiscriminately.

Then the aliens can only copy the toxins released by the hive.

Because they have no inventive ability, they can only produce toxins, but not antidotes to toxins.

Within this small time difference, as long as they make good use of it, they can catch people from other provinces.

Or to put it another way.

Hive technology can be constantly updated. Continuously innovate and evolve from generation to generation.

But aliens cannot evolve and can only copy the technology of the hive.

As long as Hive Technology plans to be fast enough.

Then you can stand on the aliens.

The more Lu Xingye thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was full of possibility. He smiled and told this method to the core members of the hive.

After hearing Lu Xingye's words, the core staff of Hive suddenly brightened their eyes. Many of them had not thought of this method originally, but after Lu Xingye's suggestions, they felt a sudden enlightenment.

"Just do it"

"Commander, among the two options you mentioned, I think the first is the most reliable. The first is to develop toxins. The risk is the lowest."

"As for the second type."

"We always feel like we are racing against time. The risks are too great. If we fail, we still need to restart time and space."

Lu Xingye thought for a while and felt that what everyone said was right.

He immediately chose to implement the first option. Although he had already decided to use the first option, the specific details of how to implement the first option still needed to be finalized in detail.

"Then let's implement the first plan. Do you have any good ideas for the first plan? Let's discuss it and finalize the plan now."

Lu Xingye kept crossing his thumbs. This is his habitual action when thinking about things. This action will make his mind clearer. Think about the problem more deeply.

At this time, Zhao Yinyun thought for a moment and raised her eyebrows slightly. After a moment, he spoke slowly.

"Actually, there is nothing particularly good about the first option. To put it simply, it is divided into three steps."

"In the first step, we develop a unique virus that can poison humans and aliens. It can attack humans and aliens indiscriminately."

"Step 2, we release this poison. Let the entire planet be covered with this poison. At the same time, we humans also try to stay in a safe place to avoid contact with the poison. If someone is accidentally poisoned by the poison, If so, then there is no other way but to rely on your body to carry it."

"The third step is also the most critical step."

"When all aliens and humans are poisoned, we will quickly develop an antidote. This time must be fast..."

"Because we are racing against time."

"Once humans spend money on the antidote, they quickly develop it and give it to everyone who is poisoned. In this way, the virus will be eliminated."

"Although aliens learn the talent of making something as soon as they see it, they don't have enough time. Because it takes a certain amount of time to make the antidote."

"Humans will always be one step ahead of aliens."

"That's the key to our victory."

What Zhao Yinyun said was quite reasonable and was recognized by most people in the hive.

Lu Xingye also felt that Zhao Yinyun's idea was very good, and it was quite close to his own. He would implement this method after learning from each other's strengths.

But I never expected that someone else would come up with a better idea at this time.

A soft and weak voice suddenly came from the video conference.

"I have a suggestion. I wonder if I can tell you about it?"

Zhu Xiaonong raised his hands, looking very much like a good student in his school days, with some anxiety and restraint on his face.

At this time, everyone noticed that there was another such person in the meeting.

Zhu Xiaonong is usually very low-key and doesn't talk much, just like a little transparent in the hive.

So everyone habitually ignored Zhu Xiaonong.

Now that Zhu Xiaonong had a better opinion, Lu Xingye naturally had no reason to refuse and spoke quickly.


"Classmate Zhu Xiaonong, please express your opinion."

All eyes of the crowd were instantly focused on Zhu Xiaonong.

They were all full of expectations for Zhu Xiaonong.

At this time, they are all grasshoppers in the same boat, and their fate is tied to the hive.

It can be said that one is prosperous and both are prosperous, and one is deprived of both.

They naturally hope that Zhu Xiaonong can come up with better opinions.

Perhaps Zhu Xiaonong was a little nervous. She paused for a moment before the faint voice came over.

"Do you think we can..."

393. Talk to Zhu Xiaonong

Perhaps Zhu Xiaonong was a little nervous. She paused for a moment before the faint voice came over.

"Do you think we can..."

"Can we directly develop alien genocidal drugs? The genocidal drug is essentially a poison, but this poison is special. It only works on the physique of aliens and is ineffective on humans. It can be said that it is a targeted Sex virus.”

"If we can develop this kind of genocide drug, it will be the safest way for us humans."

"Even if the alien's talent is perception and manufacturing, he can create anything he sees or touches. But the alien cannot invent. Even if he discovers the existence of the genocide, he can only Create a genocidal drug but not an antidote, so we can directly kill the alien race."

As Zhu Xiaonong's voice came, everyone in the highest conference room fell silent.


Rather than taking the risk of option 1, it is better to directly develop genocide drugs. Genocide drugs are a completely risk-free solution for humans, but they make research and development more difficult.

Lu Xingye thought about it for a while and felt that what Zhu Xiaonong said made sense, so he immediately made his decision.

"I think we should just leave it like this."

"First consider the genocide. I know there will definitely be difficulties, but let's not be afraid of difficulties. As long as we invent the genocide and eliminate the aliens, then all the resources on Alien 7 will be ours. .”

“At the beginning, we only saw the surface of Alien Planet No. 7, and there were no resources on the surface. But now that we entered the underground world, we discovered that it was not that Alien Planet No. 7 had no resources, but that the resources were hidden underground. And the stock is still very abundant.”

"As long as we defeat the aliens, we can obtain these massive resources and take them back to build Blue Star."

Tony: "Roger that, Commander."

Zhao Yinyun: "Roger, Commander."

Lu Xingye's alien exploration team on the 7th is now roughly divided into three teams. The first team is himself, and the captains of the other two are Tony and Zhao Yinyun.

The three teams compete with each other and watch each other.

Explore together how to eliminate aliens in Alien 7.

After the supreme meeting.

Zhao Yinyun ordered the robot to set up a temporary base camp in a small valley in the underground world.

It's getting late now.

Dark night is coming.

Whether it is the world of fiction or the real world, once darkness comes, it represents danger. Night is always more dangerous than day.

So when night came, Lu Xingye decided to suspend his exploration of the underground world and do a round of repairs first.

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