Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 525

Lu Xingye took a bath in the room.

Wearing a loose bathrobe.

The bathrobe tightly covers the body... not revealing the slightest bit of beauty. Although he has hidden his 8-pack abs, Lu Xingye still has that sharp face, which makes people feel very handsome no matter how he looks at it.


There was a knock on the door, dong dong dong dong dong...

Lu Xingye knew that the only person knocking on his door at this time was Zhu Xiaonong's little secretary.

He was a little curious.

Why did Zhu Xiaonong knock on his door?

Is it possible to take the initiative to send him to your door?

Lu Xingye suddenly felt a little moved. Since he took the Shenlong gene, he has become much stronger in that aspect.

He could not refuse the goddess's initiative.

But he has his own bottom line and will never force a girl to do that kind of thing.

"Come on, come on..."

Lu Xingye just wore a bathrobe and opened the door. He usually wore this in the hive, so there was no taboo.

But he forgot that the visitor was Zhu Xiaonong.

A very conservative girl.

Not Zhao Yinyun and Long Yubing.

Zhu Xiaonong had never seen Lu Xinyue wearing a bathrobe.


As the door of the base camp tent was opened, the light inside shone out, illuminating Zhu Xiaonon's face.

Zhu Xiaonong's hair was still a little damp, as if he had just taken a shower.

The skin is white and silky.

But his face was a little pale.

He looked very scared.

Zhu Xiaonong is now wearing a set of white pajamas, which are looser and similar to Lu Xingye's bathrobe.

"How did you come???"

"I'm sometimes afraid of sleeping alone, so I wanted to come and talk to you." Zhu Xiaonong blushed and spoke, not daring to look at Lu Xingye.

She seemed a little embarrassed!

Those little feet wanted to take a step forward and enter Xingye's room, but she didn't get the owner's permission and she was embarrassed to take a step forward.


"That's it!"

"We are on Alien Planet No. 7 now, tens of thousands of light-years away from Blue Star. It is normal for people to feel scared on an alien planet. Occasionally I feel a little scared, but I know that I cannot show my fear. I I will also lead you back to Blue Star, so I won’t be afraid anymore.”

Lu Xingye smiled and invited Zhu Xiaonong in. Because it is a temporary camp now, the conditions are relatively simple. There are only some disposable sofas, desks, control tables and an ordinary mechanical bed.

Not as comfortable as inside the hive.

But his camp as a commander was pretty good.

Now Long Yubing, Zhao Yinyun and Tony's camp had only a simple bed in addition to office equipment.

It was several times simpler than Lu Xingye's camp.

Zhu Xiaonong walked into Lu Xingye's room and discovered that Lu Xingye was only wearing a bathrobe.

The arms and thighs were exposed.

In addition, Lu Xingye was already very handsome, and after putting on the bathrobe, he seemed to have a unique charm. It was easy for people to imagine that.

Zhu Xiaonong brushed his hands and his face turned red.

Avert his eyes, not daring to look at Lu Xingye.

Although he and Lu Xingye had many intimate activities, they had never seen Lu Xingye wearing a bathrobe. For a moment, his heart was beating so hard, as if there was a deer living in his heart, jumping up and down. Jump around.

"Is this how you dress?"

"Why don't you change a set of clothes???" Zhu Xiaonong's face turned red.


It's just the two of us, what clothes should we change into?

Anyway, I am not taking advantage of others.

Who among us is following whom? Do we still care about this?


Lu Xingye didn't say what was in his heart. Although he and Zhu Xiaonong have a very good and close relationship, they are still single.


It's not to the point of being pornographic.

As for Zhu Xiaonong, he felt uncomfortable.

Lu Xingye just changed his clothes, there was no need to embarrass everyone.

Lu Xingye returned to the bathroom stall and found a set of pajamas to change into. Unfortunately, the pajamas he was looking for were also white, the same style as the pajamas Zhu Xiaonong wore, or a couple's style.

394. Zhu Xiaonong’s knots are opened and his heart is opened.

Wait for Lu Xingye to come out of the compartment.

Zhu Xiaonong glanced at Lu Xingye and his face turned red again. Wherever he could see, Lu Xingye was wearing a set of pure white pajamas. The pajamas were the same style as his own, with a small dinosaur printed on them. logo.


"Why are you wearing my pajamas?" Zhu Xiaonong asked with a blushing face.

In fact, she is a very traditional girl and hates matching clothes with others, especially with her boyfriend. Because this will make him feel that the clothes he wears and the clothes the other person wears are couple clothes.

“What do you call these pajamas of yours???”

"I saw that this was the only set of pajamas in the room, so I just wore them. Besides, who stipulated that you can only wear dinosaur pajamas, and I can't wear dinosaur pajamas?" "Lu Xingye smiled,

Seeing that Zhu Xiaonong still looked unhappy, Lu Xingye added another sentence.

"If you really mind, I can change back into the bathrobe I just had. Anyway, the bathrobe I just wore is very loose and comfortable. It's much more comfortable than pajamas."

"You...forget it! Just wear this suit." Zhu Xiaonong sat on the sofa with a blushing face.


Lu Xingye laughed dryly and sat next to Zhu Xiaonong.

Zhu Xiaonong just turned around and glanced at Lu Xingye, but in the end he didn't say anything, acquiescing that the other person was sitting next to him. In fact, she also knew that she could not escape from the moment she became Lu Xingye's secretary.

Life is Lu Xingye's person, death is Lu Xingye's ghost.

It's just that Zhu Xiaonong still has some illusions. She is a traditional girl.

There is always a hurdle in my heart that I can't pass.

This was also the reason why he never accepted Lu Xingye.

In fact, all Xiaonon knew Lu Xingye's thoughts.

At this moment.

Lu Xingye was not polite, and directly stretched out his rough big hands towards Zhu Xiaonong's soft, boneless little hands, grabbed them, and held the other's little hands.

On an alien planet, girls are the most helpless and the most scared.

As a boy, he wants to give girls enough sense of security.

Holding hands and hugging can give girls a great sense of security.

Feeling the warmth coming from the palm of his hand, Zhu Xiaonong suddenly froze and looked at Lu Xingye with wide eyes, a little surprised.

A little scared again.

Lu Xingye has always been an honest person, why did he suddenly become so bold now?

Could it be that you want to do that with yourself?

Zhu Xiaonon was a little uneasy.

There is also a hint of expectation.

But don't know why.

Zhu Xiaonong struggled with his hands, trying to escape from Lu Xingye's big hands.

But as a weak girl, how could he compare to Lu Xingye's power?

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