Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 534

Although aliens are very powerful, they do not have the ability to invent and create. This is their biggest weakness.

Lu Xingye took full advantage of this weakness and built a military fortress.

Today he has successfully built this military fortress, and he has also summoned back all the exploration teams from Suihuo Technology Company on Alien Planet 7.

First of all, Tony, as the commander-in-chief of their mechanical army, is also the strongest. The first among the technological inventors returned to the military fortress.

Then there's Jarvis.

Although Jarvis is an artificial intelligence, he has been installed on the body, and it is a high-strength liquid alloy that allows Jarvis to switch to various forms at will. It can be said that Jarvis is now their strongest of robots.

Why just say Jarvis is the strongest robot?

Because Tunnel Fire Technology is now in full bloom, Suihuo Technology Company is not limited to mechanical technology. In addition to mechanical technology, there is also biotechnology, and biotechnology is not weaker than mechanical technology at all.

Biotechnology extracts the genes of those powerful animals and forms new evolutionary content through the fusion and mutation of the lower world.

You can even use biochemical technology to create an excellent biochemical weapon with special functions.

In particular, the biochemical weapons researched by Zhao Yinyun are so powerful that they reach the sky. When the skeleton of the dragon was discovered on the moon, Zhao Yinyun dissected the dragon and used the genes to develop a brand new gene. This means that this genetic reagent can not only give people certain dragon abilities, but also greatly improve their physical fitness. .

The biochemical warrior who has possessed the Dragon Eagle in countless tests is no weaker than a mechanical weapon, or no weaker than a liquid robot.

how to say……

The two should have their own merits. The mechanical warrior has the advantages of the mechanical warrior and sublimates the war, but has the weaknesses of the biochemical warrior.

Both arms are very powerful.

Because Lu Xingye is a human, he is more inclined to mythology, but because biochemical warriors give him a safer feeling, this kind of mechanical warrior is controlled by artificial intelligence, which will always give him a mechanical crisis. a feeling of.

But Lu Xingye completely trusted Jarvis.

Jarvis is rewarded by the system, and the artificial intelligence is completely innovative to the array, and it is impossible to betray him for life.

Then Zhao Yinyun's team returned to the military fortress.

Zhao Yinyun's team is a biochemical warrior team. What he has is biochemical. The troops have more ways to fight and explore the No. 7 epidemic, and the combat methods are more flexible.

344. The Suihuo Technology team reunites

The next morning, Lu Xingye summoned Long Xiaoyun, Zhao Yinyun, Tony, Jarvis and Zhu Xiaonong to the newly established military base to start a new speech.

The military base that moves forward on Alien Planet No. 7 is rewarded. With the completion of this exciting reward, it marks that Suihuo Technology Company has reached a new milestone in its combat mission on Alien Planet.

They have been fighting against the aliens in Yishin for a long time, or in other words, they can finally learn a little bit about fighting. The completion of the establishment of the new military base means that the aliens will no longer be able to discover the existence of the military base, so they can feel at ease. It will develop after a period of time. Then he led the Suihuo Technology Company to make a comeback, completely occupying Alien Planet No. 7, and then developing Alien Planet No. 7 into a colony of the Suihuo Technology Company.

In this way, Suihuo Technology Company has completely established a foothold in Alien 7.

over time.

The brand new meeting organized by Lu Xingye finally started to be held as scheduled.

Lu Xingye held this meeting for two main purposes.

The first purpose is to discuss how to make the base more secretive so as not to be discovered by people from other provinces, otherwise everything you have done will be in vain.

The second purpose is to discuss the next stage of development plan of Suihuo Technology Company. After Suihuo Technology Company established a military base, it was impossible to remain in the military base all the time. They had to develop.

For example, decide on the first five-year plan, the second five-year plan, a 10-year plan, etc.

Anyway, it is to build the Suihuo Technology Company and set up a plan to use Alien 7 as its own colony step by step.

"Let's talk about your experiences on Alien Planet No. 7 during this period, as well as your views on the protection of military bases. Will the aliens on Xue Hao's life discover it???"

Lu Xingye looked around and finally spoke slowly. This was also the purpose of his meeting.

Zhao Yinyun was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then opened the laptop in her hand, and a schematic diagram of a new generation military base was projected on it.

She looked around it to see if there were any holes. After looking around, I found that although this military base was perfectly done, there was still one thing missing.

That's biocontainment.

In the mechanical part, it has been done perfectly, but it is inevitable that aliens will use biological attacks, such as some earth-boring insects or other small creatures, or even some bacteria and viruses to invade the new military base, then they will There is no other way.

The biological protection used in this military base is basically zero, or is there no protection at all?

Zhao Yinyun hesitated for a while, paused, and then spoke softly:

"I feel that there is a lack of biological protection in this base. I happen to have a newly developed biofilm here. This biofilm is made entirely of cells and can build a layer of biological protection in the warning base. In this way. The defense in the learning base can be improved to a higher level." Zhao Yinyun said this, he just told the facts without any other accusation.

Lu Xingye paused. He hadn't thought of it just now, but now that Lu Xingye reminded him, he also thought of this problem.

There is indeed a lack of biological protection in the Suihuo Technology Company base. If the enemy uses biological attacks, his defense capabilities are very weak, and the biological attack methods are more disciplined, which makes it a bit difficult to defend against.

345. Discussing plans to deal with aliens

"Then how do you think we should improve the business protection in the military base???" Lu Xingye knew that Ye Shu had a specialization, so he did not dare to point fingers directly in front of Zhao Yinyun, because he knew that Zhao Yinyun was a professional and he was This major is definitely better called phonology. Instead of dictating here, it is better to let the radiographer directly make drastic changes. In this way, a very perfect military base can be created.

Zhao Yinyun was silent for a while, then directly used the computer to project a virtual screen, showing him one of her biological scientific research results, which was about her best part.

"I have a biofilm thing here. As long as the biofilm is completely covered in the military base, it can effectively avoid the enemy's biological attacks and improve the protection of our military base."

Zhao Yinyun answered straightforwardly.

"That would be great. I directly authorize you to carry out transformation in the military base. You can do whatever you want. I fully support your move." Lu Xingye smiled and replied, now that he has decided Now that biological protection is done, he will no longer care about such things. There are still some more important things for him to do, such as finalizing the future scientific research direction of the military base, which will allow him to get more awesome results. The presence.

"Well, since the commander trusts me so much, I will live up to his expectations and build the military base into the strongest existence. Aliens will never discover our military base." Zhao Yinyun smiled and replied.

Immediately after the meeting entered the next agenda item, Lu Xingye first thought about it in his mind to see how he could do it. Finalize the scientific research direction and future development plans of the military base.

First of all, the future development direction must pay equal attention to biology and technology. Biotechnology and mechanical technology are two different lines of technology, but they are developing side by side.

Paying equal attention to biotechnology and mechanical technology is the specific route for the future development of life science and technology. This will never change. The only key question now is how to develop or what kind of technology to develop to enable aliens to develop. There is no way for people to perceive it.

You must know that the alien's main talent is the talent of perception. He can perceive everything he sees or hears, and can calculate it at extremely fast speeds.

This is the advantage of aliens.

Therefore, Shinlu Xingye's main priority now is to develop a technology that can counteract aliens' sensory talents. In other words, technology must always be at the forefront, so that aliens will not cause targeted attacks on him.

In this way, his military base can defeat the aliens. Jiang Xuhao develops the alien planet into his own colony. From now on, He Technology will lead the humans in Kyushu to develop interstellar technology and realize the interstellar era.

This was the plan that Yong Xingye considered, but he hesitated and thought about it for a long time, but he never found a specific solution.

By the way, why am I still thinking so much? Since the core backbone and core members of the umbrella are all here, why should I think about it myself?

As the saying goes, when three people are walking together, there must be a teacher. If you can throw out the problems in your mind and implement them in a broad sense, the effect will definitely be much better than just thinking about it on your own.

346. Discuss scientific research directions

Lu Xingye paused for a while, then slowly spoke, asking all the doubts in his heart. It can be said that the backbone of Suihuan Technology is on Alien Planet No. 7, and the top scientific research power is also on Alien No. 7. Alien. As long as he puts forward correct ideas and scientific research-related questions above, the other party will definitely get the correct scientific research route based on his own ideas.

"Now Tunnel Fire Technology has a problem, which is about the development route. Now that we have solved the conservative problem of the military base. It is equivalent to having its own plan and its own learning system on Alien 7."

"It can be said that it is based on Alien Planet No. 7, but it will take a long time for us to turn Alien Planet Lijiang No. 7 into our own colony."

"Aliens still rule Alien Planet No. 7."

"At present, we can only live a prosperous life on Alien Planet No. 7 like a mouse, and we cannot content ourselves with hiding here and there."

"But it won't always be like this."

"When our military base was established, it was equivalent to a scientific research base. We had to develop a plan to deal with aliens. Only then can we successfully turn Alien No. 7 into ours."

"This is also this meeting. This is the first purpose of the land. To build our military base on Alien Planet No. 7 into the most perfect existence. It will not be discovered by any aliens. It is still a battle that we have seen. No. Che hides Base 7 deeper so that it will not be discovered by aliens."

"Now that we have completed the first goal, we will start to discuss the second goal, which is about the future development direction of our tunnel fire technology. Throughout the meeting, each of you is the backbone of the umbrella company, and you all have your own Specialties in the field of scientific research. Although my scientific research ability is very powerful, I may not be as good as you in terms of exclusive specialties. So we must meet to discuss these issues."

"The main issue we are discussing now is how to use products developed by military bases to deal with aliens. To put it simply, what kind of products should be developed to establish pleasant sensory talents."

As Lu Xingye's voice fell, Shaoyin Yunlong Xiaoyun, Tony Jarvis and others began to think continuously. They were all the backbone of the umbrella, and each of them had their own areas of expertise.

The issues they think about are also very comprehensive.

For example, Zhao Yinyun is an expert in biology, and the issues he considers are also considered from the perspective of biohazard biology.

For example, Tony.

Tony is a mechanical expert.

The problems he considered were also considered from a mechanical perspective. Jarvis, on the other hand, is artificial intelligence. The problems that artificial intelligence considers start from its own most basic logic and most basic algorithms. The way he thinks about it is a little different from humans, but it must be complete and able to perform specific functions such as checking for omissions and filling in gaps.

So in all this, there is no problem.

After a while.

Everyone lowered their heads and looked at the VR projection and the new projection as well as the corresponding servers and reception systems, and used hasty modeling computers to think about possible scientific research directions.

In just a moment, they all had their own general direction.

347. Plan to deal with aliens

Everyone fell into deep thought. Lu Xingye glanced around and saw that everyone was thinking seriously. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"I want to hear everyone's thoughts." Lu Xingye broke the silence and looked at Zhao Yinyun.

Zhao Yinyun lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head with a firm light in his eyes: "I think the first thing we need to consider is how to obtain alien intelligence. Only by understanding their weaknesses can we develop effective arms."

"Obtaining intelligence is the key." Tony nodded, "But their technological level is much higher than ours, and this is almost an impossible task."

Jarvis's voice was cold and firm: "We can try to create an artificial intelligence that can control the minds of aliens, so that we can obtain intelligence from the inside."

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