Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 535

Lu Xingye frowned slightly: "This is an idea, but aliens think differently from humans, so this may be difficult. If we cannot successfully create such artificial intelligence, we need to consider other options."

Tony proposed an alternative: "We could try to build a robot that can infiltrate alien positions and help us formulate an attack plan by gathering intelligence and information."

Jarvis agreed with this plan: "Yes, robots are a good choice. We can try to design a device that can be invisible, so that robots can sneak into alien positions and collect intelligence."

Lu Xingye nodded: "Okay, let's try this plan first. However, we also need to consider other possible plans, just in case."

Zhao Yinyun thought for a while and then proposed a biological research and development plan: "We can try to develop a neurotoxin that can spread through the air and target aliens. In this way, we can target aliens without attracting too much attention. They strike.”

Everyone had an in-depth discussion on this plan. They think this is a promising solution, but developing this neurotoxin is also difficult.

"There is another plan." Zhao Yinyun continued, "We can also develop a genocidal drug. This drug can be passed through the food chain and cause a fatal blow to the entire alien population. But this plan is more difficult and requires more A lot of time and resources.”

Everyone had an in-depth discussion on this plan. They thought it was a very radical plan, but it also had certain feasibility. They need more research and experiments to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of this solution.

"This is a very radical plan." Lu Xingye frowned, "We need more research and experiments to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of this plan. Moreover, the use of genocide drugs will cause harm to the entire alien population. The irreversible impact is something we need to consider carefully.”

Zhao Yinyun nodded: "Yes, we need more research and experiments. However, if we can successfully develop such a drug, we can eliminate the entire alien population in a short time and protect the alien planet No. 7 Safety."

Lu Xingye thought for a while, then looked at the others: "What do you think?"

Everyone began to express their opinions. Some people think this plan is too radical, while others think it has potential. In the end, it was decided to develop neurotoxins first, and then consider the development of genocidal drugs. They believe this is a more practical and feasible solution.

They were very emotional at the end of the meeting. They know that the implementation of this plan requires not only superb technology and wisdom, but also sufficient patience and determination. They decided to continue working hard and make greater contributions to colonizing Alien 7.

348. Neurotoxin

When the meeting ended, everyone dispersed and devoted themselves to intense research and development work. They know that the importance of the mission far exceeds everything else. It is not only related to the future of Alien 7, but also related to the fate of the entire human race.

Zhao Yinyun quickly returned to his laboratory and began to study the preparation method of neurotoxins. He carefully analyzed the aliens' physiological structure and perception mechanism, trying to find an effective breakthrough. In his laboratory, various experimental instruments and biological samples filled the room, and he devoted himself to his work.

Tony began to design robots, which would play the role of sneaking into alien positions and collecting intelligence. He hopes to build a robot with high intelligence and excellent stealth capabilities to ensure the success of the mission.

Jarvis focuses on the research of artificial intelligence. He needs to develop an artificial intelligence system that can control the thinking of aliens. This is an extremely challenging task that requires constant simulations and experiments to find the best algorithms and methods.

Everyone works tirelessly in their respective fields, and every day is tense and fulfilling. They know that time is tight and the task is arduous, but they are full of confidence and believe that as long as they persist, they will be able to find effective ways to deal with aliens.

Lu Xingye was not idle either. He conducted in-depth research on the geography and meteorological conditions of Alien Planet No. 7, hoping to find some clues that would be beneficial to the mission. He knows that as a leader, he cannot stay behind and must go all out to work hard for the Umbrella Company's mission.

Through continuous exploration and research, they gradually felt the mystery and complexity of Alien Planet No. 7. This planet is full of unknowns and challenges, but they firmly believe that as long as they unite as one, they can overcome all difficulties and protect the future of mankind.

A few weeks later, as the research deepened, everyone began to make some progress in their respective fields. Zhao Yinyun successfully synthesized a potential neurotoxin and conducted preliminary experiments. He was eager to verify the toxin's effects.

Zhao Yinyun handed the vial of toxin to Lu Xingye and said seriously: "General, this is a synthetic neurotoxin. We need to test its effect in experiments. If everything goes well, it will become a weapon for us to deal with aliens. .”

Lu Xingye took the vial, stared at the transparent liquid, took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, we have to make sure that everything is done safely. After all, we can't risk releasing danger to Alien Planet No. 7."

Later, Tony brought a prototype of the robot he designed. These robots look like aliens, but are filled with advanced technological equipment inside. Tony showed excitedly: "General, these are our robots. They are highly intelligent and can imitate the behavior of aliens, sneak into their positions, and collect intelligence."

Lu Xingye observed these robots carefully and nodded in praise: "Tony, you did a great job. These robots look very realistic. We will conduct simulation tests in the near future to see how they perform."

Jarvis reported his artificial intelligence research progress to Lu Xingye. He told Lu Xingye: "General, I have successfully created a prototype artificial intelligence, but more training and adjustments are needed. This system will run in robots to assist them in simulating the way aliens think."

Lu Xingye was proud of these progress. He said affectionately: "Everyone has worked hard. Your efforts are the pride of Umbrella Company. We will continue to work hard to ensure the success of the mission."

In the following days, everyone conducted a series of simulation tests and experiments to continuously improve their plans. They know that the success of the mission depends on the perfect execution of every detail.

At the same time, on the surface of Alien Planet No. 7, Lu Xingye personally led a team and conducted a series of reconnaissance missions. They need more intelligence so they can formulate a plan of action.

Every day is tense and fulfilling, and everyone devotes themselves to their work. On this challenging planet, they formed a tight team and faced unknown dangers and opportunities together. Everyone's work was going smoothly, but they didn't know that they were not the only ones exploring Alien Planet No. 7. The underground civilization, an alien race with powerful sensory talents, has noticed their existence.

Underground civilizations live deep underground, and their lives and civilization development are completely different from surface creatures. Although they are not creative, through their gift of perception, they can quickly master and imitate the technology on the surface.

One day, when Lu Xingye's team was conducting a reconnaissance mission on the surface, they inadvertently triggered the perception ability of the underground civilization. The Underlanders quickly became aware of their presence and began studying their technology.

The leader of the underground civilization, a wise man named Tolka, realized that humans on the surface could pose a threat to their civilization. He decided to take action to ensure the safety of underground civilization.

Tolka assembled a team of agents equipped with the most advanced underground technology to prepare for a confrontation with surface humans. Tolka knows that humans on the surface may become a threat to underground civilization, and they must take action to protect themselves.

In the core meeting hall of the underground city, Tolka explained the situation to the leaders of the underground civilization. They decided to first adopt a defensive strategy to ensure the safety of underground civilization. If surface humans pose a threat, they will take further action.

The underground city began to urgently build defense facilities to prepare for possible invasion. Tolka dispatched a special agent team deep into the surface to closely monitor the actions of humans on the surface. The confrontation between underground civilization and surface humans has quietly begun.

An inevitable conflict is gradually brewing between the surface and underground cities of Alien 7. Unknown to everyone, they have triggered a confrontation with underground civilization, which will be a decisive battle for survival.

at the same time.

In the strategic conference room of the underground city, the top leaders of the underground civilization led by Tolka are discussing the next move.

Tolka, the leader of the underground civilization, has deep eyes and a heavy expression. He said: "We must take action. The technology of humans on the surface is developing rapidly, and we can no longer sit idly by."

The scientist next to her, a woman named Elsa, said with a hint of worry: "But Leader Tolka, their technology has far surpassed ours. They can create new technologies, but we can only Rely on perception to imitate.”

Tolka nodded in understanding: "Yes, our sensory talents are our strength, but they are also our limitations. We must do everything we can to bridge this gap. We need to find their weaknesses."

One military commander, Oscar, expressed his opinion: "The surface humans have a strong military, but their understanding of the underground world is limited. If we can raid their bases and destroy their communication systems, maybe we have a chance. "

Tolka thought for a while and then decided: "Okay, we will send a special team to the surface to conduct a raid. At the same time, we need to continue to study perception capabilities and see if there is a way to increase the speed of our technological imitation."

Outside the underground city, the special agent team is secretly preparing. They knew it would be a dangerous mission, but they also knew it was necessary. Their conversation is filled with tension and anticipation.

Agent Captain Kayla said to the team members: "This mission is very critical. We have to go to the surface, destroy their communication system, and then return as quickly as possible. Remember, our perception is our advantage, and we must proceed with caution."

The team members nodded silently with firm expressions. They understand the importance of the mission and the dangers of the mission. But they are willing to fight for the future of underground civilization.

At the same time, in the military base on the surface, Lu Xingye and his team were also nervously preparing for war. They received intelligence and knew that the underground civilization might take action.

Lu Xingye said to the team members: "We must defend our base and not let them destroy our communication system. We are fully prepared, and now is the time to show our strength."

The team members are ready and look determined. They knew they were about to face a fierce battle, but they were willing to fight to the end to protect their homeland.

The tension on Alien Planet No. 7 has reached its peak, and the confrontation between underground civilization and surface humans is about to break out. This conflict will determine the future of the entire planet.

349. Battle of underground civilization

Lu Xingye stood on the battlefield, holding a high-tech energy weapon tightly. His eyes were firm, and he did not flinch in the face of the powerful power of underground civilization. He knew that this battle was related to the fate of the entire Alien Planet No. 7.

"We can't let them destroy our base!" Lu Xingye's voice was firm and passionate, inspiring the soldiers.

Jack stood next to Lu Xingye and nodded in agreement. This battle has been going on for a long time, and the two sides have fallen into a stalemate. The perception talent of underground civilization gives them an advantage on the battlefield, but humans on the surface still resist tenaciously.

Lu Xingye thought about tactics quickly. He knew that he had to change the situation of the battle to win. He began to issue instructions for the soldiers to conduct an organized retreat and lure the underground civilization's army to pursue them.

The leader of the underground civilization, Kalva, calmly analyzed the situation. The interference of his perception talent made him angry, but he knew not to be swayed by his emotions. He ordered the army to stop the pursuit and prepare to counterattack the retreat of surface humans.

The battlefield once again fell into tense silence as the soldiers waited for orders. Lu Xingye's eyes scanned the surroundings, and he suddenly noticed a favorable terrain.

"We want to occupy that hill!" Lu Xingye ordered, and the soldiers quickly gathered and headed for the hill. This hill has a dangerous terrain and can be used as a commanding height to form a favorable defense against the attacks of underground civilization.

The soldiers climbed up the hill and began to build a defensive line. Their energy weapons are aimed at the underground civilization army at the foot of the mountain. The armies of the underground civilization continued to approach, but they were attacked by organized fire and suffered heavy losses.

Kalva sensed something was wrong and knew he had to change his tactics. He ordered his troops to disperse, try to bypass the hills, and launch a multi-pronged attack.

Lu Xingye saw the armies of the underground civilization dispersed and immediately understood their intentions. He ordered the soldiers to maintain their formation and not to spread their defense. The battle became more intense, with the roar of artillery fire and energy weapons filling the battlefield.

Kalva's brows furrowed, and he felt the pressure growing. The perception talent of the underground civilization has been interfered with, and it is unable to accurately perceive the location of humans on the surface. He had to readjust his tactics to try to break the deadlock.

Lu Xingye continued to give orders, and the soldiers resisted heroically. This battle has been going on for several hours, and their physical strength and will have been greatly tested. But they know that only by persisting until the end can they win.

Finally, the underground civilization's army began to retreat. Kalva knew that this was a battle they could not win. He ordered a retreat and returned to the underground city with the remaining troops.

Lu Xingye and the soldiers successfully defended the base on the battlefield. Their tenacity and determination allowed them to defeat powerful opponents and defend the safety of Alien No. 7.

After the battle, Lu Xingye celebrated the victory with the soldiers, but they also understood that this battle was just the beginning, and the underground civilization was still a powerful opponent. They need to continue working hard and fight for the future of Alien 7.

Lu Xingye and his core team, Jarvis, Tony and Zhao Yinyun, finally developed neurotoxin. This powerful weapon can spread through the air and interfere with the perception talents of underground civilizations. They conducted a series of tests to ensure that the toxin would have the greatest effect in actual combat.

One day, they received intelligence that the underground civilization launched another attack. This time it was larger in scale and the threat to Alien No. 7 was more serious. Lu Xingye immediately ordered preparations for action. They planned to use neurotoxins to attack underground civilization before the aliens attacked.

In the dark night, Lu Xingye and his team waited quietly, hiding among rocks and vegetation with ammunition filled with neurotoxins. Jarvis carefully operated the remote control device, preparing to release the neurotoxin.

Tony put on high-tech goggles and watched the enemies in front of him intently. He whispered to Zhao Yinyun: "Zhao, are you sure this toxin is powerful enough? We can't make any mistakes."

Zhao Yinyun replied: "I have tested it many times and this toxin should be able to cause enough interference to the perception talent of underground civilization. As long as we act quickly after release, there should be no problem."

Lu Xingye stared ahead. When the soldiers of the underground civilization appeared in sight, he softly ordered: "Release now!"

Jarvis immediately pressed the button on the remote control device, and the neurotoxin quickly spread, forming an invisible poisonous mist. The soldiers of the underground civilization began to show strange symptoms, and their perception became chaotic.

Lu Xingye and his team acted quickly and took advantage of the enemy's confusion to launch a surprise attack. Tony's goggles worked, they were not affected by the poison and hit the enemy's vital points accurately.

Shrouded in poisonous mist, the soldiers of the underground civilization became helpless and unable to effectively resist. Zhao Yinyun was monitoring the enemy's movements and providing intelligence support at any time.

In the fierce battle, Lu Xingye and his team successfully weakened the defense of the underground civilization. In the end, they eliminated the enemies one by one and won.

After the battle, Jarvis gasped and said: "This plan was so successful. The effect of the neurotoxin exceeded my expectations."

Zhao Yinyun nodded in agreement: "Yes, this toxin plays a key role. But we cannot take it lightly. The underground civilization will definitely find ways to deal with it."

Lu Xingye thought deeply: "You are right, this victory is just the beginning. We must continue to cooperate and prepare to deal with future challenges. The safety of Alien 7 still requires our efforts."

They understand that this is a battle related to the future of the entire planet, and they are determined to defend the peace and security of Alien No. 7 and fight for the future of mankind.

After the victory, Lu Xingye and his team did not relax at all. They cleared the battlefield and removed the bodies of soldiers from the underground civilization so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion. At the same time, they also recovered the remaining neurotoxin ammunition for later use.

Zhao Yinyun began to conduct autopsies on the underground civilization soldiers on the battlefield, hoping to obtain more information about this alien civilization. She carefully took samples and recorded various observations.

Tony checked his gear to make sure there wasn't any damage. He carefully inspected his weapons and goggles to make sure they would work properly for the next battle.

Jarvis set up high-tech monitoring equipment around the battlefield to monitor the enemy's movements at any time. His computer system analyzes various data and provides them with real-time intelligence support.

Lu Xingye stood in the center of the battlefield, thinking about his future plans. He knew that the underground civilization would not give up easily, and their perception talent was a big problem. They need more scientific research and strategies to fight against this powerful alien civilization.

"We need to further study the perception talent of this alien civilization." Zhao Yinyun said, "Only by understanding their capabilities can we formulate more effective countermeasures."

Tony nodded in agreement: "Yes, we need to find a way to interfere with their perception, otherwise we will always be in a passive position."

Jarvis made a suggestion: "We can try to simulate their sensory capabilities through technological means to better understand their working principles."

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