Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 536

Lu Xingye agreed with this suggestion: "Okay, we will focus on studying this problem. At the same time, we also need to continue to develop more high-tech weapons to prepare for emergencies."

They know that this confrontation is far from over, and the underground civilization may take more drastic measures to fight them. However, they firmly believe that as long as they unite as one and make full use of their own technology and wisdom, they will be able to defend the peace and security of Alien 7.

350.Alien Princess

In the lab, team members gathered to discuss their new findings and next steps.

Zhao Yinyun said excitedly: "I think this biological resonance point is our breakthrough. If we can develop an interference device and simulate this, we may be able to make underground civilization lose its perception advantage."

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement: "Yes, this point is very critical. We need to develop a small device that can be implanted into the perception system of underground civilization to interfere with their perception."

Jarvis added: "At the same time, we also need to consider how to make this device operate stably for a long time without being noticed by underground civilization. Otherwise, they may quickly discover and fix this problem."

Tony thought for a moment and suggested: "Perhaps we can embed this device into our high-tech goggles so that it can be used in combat. At the same time, we can also develop a wireless remote control system so that it can be used when needed. interference."

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement: "Sounds like a good plan. Zhao Yinyun, you continue to study the principles of biological resonance points. Jarvis, start designing small devices. Tony, you are responsible for developing the wireless remote control system. We need to race against time."

The team members acted quickly, divided their work, and prepared for the next step. They know that this device may be the key to their victory over the underground civilization, but they also understand that this confrontation is far from over.

A few days later, Lu Xingye's team completed their device prototype in the laboratory. This small device, named "Jammer", can be implanted into the perception system of underground civilizations to interfere with their perception capabilities. At the same time, Tony successfully developed a wireless remote control system that can remotely control the operation of the jammer.

Zhao Yinyun made the final adjustments to the jammer to ensure that it could accurately simulate the biological resonance point and throw the underground civilization's perception talent into chaos. "This device has been tested many times and should be able to work in actual combat. We are ready," she said.

Lu Xingye nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, we now need a chance to test this device. Jarvis, do you have any information about underground civilization? What are their recent trends?"

Jarvis checked the latest intelligence information and replied: "According to the intelligence, the underground civilization seems to have been active recently, and their troops are gathering in the underground city. It seems that they are preparing to attack the surface again."

Lu Xingye decided: "Then, we have to seize this opportunity. We plan to implant the jammer into their perception system before they launch the attack. Once the device takes effect, we can break their perception advantage and win."

That night, Lu Xingye and his team sneaked into the vicinity of the underground city to prepare for a secret operation. They carefully traveled through underground passages, avoiding the patrols of underground civilizations.

Finally, they came to a hidden location near the entrance to the underground city. Zhao Yinyun began to prepare the jammer, while Jarvis monitored the surrounding activities.

Suddenly, a group of soldiers from the underground civilization appeared not far away and approached them. Tony said nervously, "They're coming, we have to hurry."

Zhao Yinyun quickly implanted the jammer into the wall of an underground passage, and then they quickly hid and waited for the device to take effect.

The soldiers walked not far away from them, but they seemed completely unaware of the presence of Lu Xingye and his team. Zhao Yinyun's jammer started running, simulating the interference signal from the biological resonance point.

The soldiers of the underground civilization suddenly became confused. Their perception became unstable and they were unable to determine the enemy's location. They started looking around, exchanging confused looks.

Lu Xingye and his team took the opportunity to leave their original hiding spot and quietly moved deeper into the underground city. They knew that now was the time to launch a surprise attack, and the soldiers of the underground civilization had been so disrupted by their devices that they could not effectively resist.

As Lu Xingye's team went deep into the underground city, their operations became smoother and smoother. The soldiers of the underground civilization were unable to use their sensory talents normally, causing them to fall into chaos and helplessness.

Just as they approached the core area of ​​the underground city, they suddenly encountered an unexpected situation. A woman who looks different from the soldiers of the underground civilization is trapped in a room. She looks abnormal. Her skin is purple, her eyes have a strange red glow, and she has a pair of horn-like tentacles on her head.

Zhao Yinyun said in surprise: "What is this? She doesn't look like a soldier of the underground civilization."

Jarvis investigated: "According to my data analysis, she is an important member of the underground civilization. She should be their princess, and her name is Ziwei."

Lu Xingye stood at the door of the room, staring at Ziwei. She seemed to be affected by her perception talent and was unable to realize their existence. He quietly approached, trying to learn more.

"You are Zi

Wei? Lu Xingye asked cautiously.

Ziwei raised her head, her eyes stayed on Lu Xingye for a moment, and then nodded. Her voice had a strange resonance, "Yes, I am Ziwei."

Lu Xingye continued to ask: "Why are you locked up here? We can help you."

Ziwei's eyes gradually became clear, and she seemed to be gradually recovering from the confusion of her perceptual talent. She replied: "I am the princess of the underground civilization, and I am imprisoned here because I oppose their plan. Who are you? Why do you come here?"

Lu Xingye briefly introduced himself and his team and explained their purpose. He said: "We hope to stop the attack of underground civilization, but also to protect the safety of Alien No. 7. Ziwei, can we cooperate and fight against underground civilization together?"

Ziwei thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "I am opposed to the underground civilization's plan because their ambition will destroy the entire planet. I am willing to help you, but we must proceed with caution."

Lu Xingye reached out and gently held Ziwei's hand to express his gratitude and solidarity. A special bond develops between them, and a new alliance is formed to work towards a common goal.

At this time, Jarvis's voice suddenly sounded: "We must act quickly. The soldiers of the underground civilization have begun to regain their senses. We have to get out of here before they reply."

Lu Xingye and Ziwei embarked on the return journey with new hopes and plans. They know the battle will become more complicated, but they have found a powerful ally to face the unknown challenges together.

After returning to the base, Lu Xingye and his team quickly began planning their next move. They knew that after the soldiers of the underground civilization regained their senses, they would immediately launch an attack. Now with Ziwei's assistance, they hope to be better able to cope with this challenge.

Ziwei shared her intelligence about the underground city, including key facilities and the location of Kalva, the leader of the underground civilization. She also provided some information about the perception talent of underground civilization, which will help Lu Xingye's team better formulate tactics.

Jarvis said: "Our next move should be to raid underground cities and destroy their key facilities, especially the device that interferes with perception talent. Once it is destroyed, the soldiers of the underground civilization will become unable to sense our location. "

Tony added: "We also need to ensure the safety of Ziwei. She has a good understanding of the structure of the underground city and may be able to help us in our operations."

Zhao Yinyun said: "Our neurotoxin played a key role in the last battle, but the underground civilization may have taken measures to prevent its use again. We need to have a backup plan."

Lu Xingye concluded: "Our main goal is to destroy the key facilities of the underground city while ensuring the safety of Ziwei. We must be prepared to respond to various situations and prepare for a fierce battle."

Ziwei showed firm determination: "I will try my best to assist you and help you find the location of key facilities. I will also persuade the soldiers of the underground civilization to join our side, if they know that our goal is to save the entire planet."

After the planning meeting, Lu Xingye's team was fully prepared for the raid. Ziwei will provide key intelligence support to help them avoid the defense lines of underground civilization as much as possible.

After the raid began, Lu Xingye and Ziwei led the team through the maze-like passages of the underground city. Under the guidance of Ziwei, they avoided the patrols of underground civilization and successfully approached the location of key facilities.

Ziwei pointed to a huge metal door in front of her and said, "That's where their sensory talent device is. Once it is destroyed, the soldiers of the underground civilization will lose their ability to perceive."

Lu Xingye nodded to express his understanding, and they began to prepare to attack the door. Tony's energy weapon aimed at the key part of the door, and Zhao Yinyun activated the neurotoxin ammunition.

Jarvis's remote control device begins to release neurotoxin, and at the same time, Tony opens fire, directing the energy weapon's beam towards the door. The metal on the door begins to melt and neurotoxins spread.

The soldiers of the underground civilization were startled by the sudden attack, and their perception was extremely confused. Unable to pinpoint the enemy's location, they could only shoot indiscriminately.

Ziwei also joined the battle. She showed some of her own abilities and helped the team repel the soldiers of the underground civilization. Her tentacles release strange energies, trapping enemies in an energy field.

In the end, the team successfully destroyed the perception talent device, and the soldiers of the underground civilization fell into chaos and were unable to effectively resist. Lu Xingye and Ziwei led the team to eliminate the enemies one by one, ensuring the success of the operation.

After the battle, Ziwei's tentacles gradually receded and her appearance returned to normal. She said with emotion: "Thank you, I am finally free and able to help save our planet."

Lu Xingye expressed his gratitude to her: "Without your assistance, we would not have been able to succeed. Now, we must continue to cooperate to ensure that underground civilization no longer poses a threat to us."

Ziwei nodded in agreement: "I will do my best to fight side by side with you to protect Alien No. 7."

This new alliance is destined to face more challenges, but they have a firm belief that as long as they unite as one, they can guard the peace and security of Alien 7. They will continue to work hard and strive for a common goal.

351.Kiss crape myrtle

Ziwei returned to Lu Xingye's military base, and they decided to arrange a date on a rare day off to relax their tension.

The date was at a lake with beautiful scenery. There were green grass and tall trees beside the lake. The sun shined through the leaves on the ground, making it look particularly warm and pleasant.

Lu Xingye and Ziwei were walking on the path by the lake, talking easily. They talked about alien civilizations and shared their life experiences.

"Ziwei, did you grow up in an underground civilized city when you were a child?" Lu Xingye asked, he was very interested in Ziwei's past.

Ziwei nodded: "Yes, I spent my childhood in an underground civilized city. Although it is full of technology and sensory talents, it also has many restrictions and constraints."

Lu Xingye said deeply: "I can understand that every civilization has its own characteristics and limitations. But I believe that as long as we understand each other, we can find a common solution."

As they continued talking, suddenly there was a rushing sound from the trees, and then a strange creature rushed out of the woods, looking a bit like an alien beast.

Ziwei nervously held Lu Xingye's hand: "Be careful! What is that?"

Lu Xingye held Ziwei's hand tightly and observed the creature vigilantly. He noticed that the creature seemed injured, perhaps fleeing from some suitor.

"Let's go quickly, don't mess with it. We're just passing by." Lu Xingye whispered, trying not to anger the creature.

But just as they were about to leave, a larger and more ferocious alien creature appeared, seemingly hunting the former. The situation has become very dangerous.

"Run!" Lu Xingye shouted loudly, holding Ziwei's hand tightly, and they ran towards the lake, hoping to escape the pursuit of these two creatures.

They found a small boat by the lake, jumped in quickly, rowed the boat, and left the shore. The two creatures tried to catch up but were unable to enter the water.

When they gradually moved away from the dangerous area, Lu Xingye breathed a sigh of relief, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"This date is really twists and turns, but at least we are safe." Ziwei said with a smile.

Lu Xingye also smiled: "Yes, maybe this is our life, full of unknowns and challenges. But as long as we are together, we can overcome everything."

They continued rowing the boat and enjoying the beautiful scenery of the lake. Although the date was unexpected, it also increased their tacit understanding and mutual dependence. No matter what happens in the future, they firmly believe that as long as they are together, they can face all challenges bravely.

Ziwei is sitting on the boat, her appearance is breathtaking. She has long, shiny black hair, like stars in the night sky, shining with a faint blue-purple light. Her skin was as smooth as snow, exuding a natural luster, as if she were an elf in the world.

Her eyes are deep purple, like two amethysts, shining with wisdom and tenderness. The corners of his eyes were slightly raised, revealing a playful look. Her eyebrows are long and beautiful, outlining a perfect eyebrow shape.

Her lips were as red as cherries, and she was smiling slightly, with a touch of mysterious temptation. Her jawline is chiseled and exudes determination and confidence.

Ziwei has a slender and graceful figure, wearing a close-fitting blue dress that highlights her graceful curves. Her fingers were long and slender, with light blue nail polish on her fingertips, which looked very delicate.

In Lu Xingye's eyes, Ziwei was as beautiful as a fairy descending to earth. He was deeply attracted by her beauty and couldn't help himself. He gently caressed Ziwei's cheek, his lips fell on hers again, and the kiss became more passionate.

Ziwei gradually became immersed in this affectionate kiss. Her heart beat rapidly and a blush gradually rose on her cheeks. Her hand gently rested on Lu Xingye's shoulder, as if responding to his enthusiasm.

The kiss between the two became more and more intense, as if expressing their inner passion and desire. They no longer hide their feelings and pursue each other bravely.

The boat floats quietly on the lake, and time seems to have stopped. In this romantic moment, Lu Xingye and Ziwei were completely immersed in each other's arms, and their love bloomed quietly under the starry sky.

Ziwei gently pushed Lu Xingye away and looked at him slightly shyly, her cheeks still blushing slightly.

Ziwei: (softly) "Lu Xingye, let's... let's go back to the base. This place is not suitable."

Lu Xingye: (laughing softly) "Okay, Ziwei."

The two got back on the boat and started sailing back to the military base. Although the lake was sparkling and the stars were twinkling, Ziwei's mood was a bit complicated.

Ziwei: (hesitantly) "Lu Xingye, what I did just now... I feel a little inappropriate."

Lu Xingye: (nodding in understanding) "Ziwei, I understand your concerns. We can take our time and don't have to rush to make a decision. My feelings for you are real, but I also respect your feelings."

Ziwei: (sighing in relief) "Thank you, Lu Xingye. You are a very gentleman. I just think this all happened too suddenly."

Lu Xingye: (smile) "We can take it step by step and we won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. As long as we are together, I will feel very happy."

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