Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 537

Ziwei: (winks) "You are really a gentle man, Lu Xingye."

Lu Xingye: (mischievously) "Of course, I will try my best to make you happy."

There was a warmth and intimacy in their conversation. Ziwei slowly began to release her tension. She understood that Lu Xingye was not the kind of person who would force her. He sincerely respected her feelings.

The boat gradually sailed back to the military base. After the two got off the boat, they walked hand in hand to the base. The night under the stars seemed to open a mysterious door to their future. This tortuous love story has more challenges and sweetness waiting for them.

352. Sonic destroyer

The relationship between Lu Xingye and Ziwei gradually heated up during their cooperation. They not only inspired each other in technology, but also shared many good moments in life. On a warm summer night, they decided to officially start dating.

"Ziwei, I have always liked you. The time we spent together made me very happy. Will you be my girlfriend?" Lu Xingye confessed his love to Ziwei sincerely.

Ziwei's cheeks were slightly red, and she responded softly: "I have always liked you, Lu Xingye. I am willing to be your girlfriend."

Their relationship grew closer and their time together developing technology became more fulfilling. They decided to work together to develop a powerful weapon to counter the aliens' gift of perception.

Lu Xingye suggested: "Ziwei, we can try to develop a sonic destroyer. This device will be able to interfere with the aliens' perception and prevent them from accurately sensing our position."

Ziwei thought for a moment and then nodded: "Yes, the sonic destroyer is a good idea. We can learn from the perception technology of underground civilization and create a device that can interfere with them."

They began a long and arduous research and development process. Day and night efforts and unremitting exploration have brought them closer and closer to their goal. In one experiment, they finally succeeded.

Lu Xingye said excitedly: "Ziwei, this sonic destroyer is finally completed! We can use it to weaken the aliens' perception talents so that they can no longer easily find us."

Ziwei was also ecstatic: "Yes, this is a great achievement! Our cooperation is really successful."

Then they tested the sonic destroyer to its limits. When the device is activated, the sound waves emit are shocking, as if they are tearing everything apart. Lu Xingye and Ziwei observed the screen of the instrument and saw that the perception talent of the underground civilization was greatly disturbed and it was unable to perceive the surrounding environment stably.

"This is great!" Ziwei hugged Lu Xingye excitedly, "We finally have a powerful weapon to deal with aliens."

Lu Xingye also happily accepted her hug, and then looked at her affectionately: "This achievement is inseparable from your help, Ziwei. Your wisdom and courage are the key to our success."

Ziwei's cheeks were slightly red, and she responded shyly: "Thank you, Lu Xingye. Our team is really incredibly strong."

Their relationship grows deeper, and their shared goals and efforts make them even more in tune. Encouraged by Ziwei, they decided to use the sonic destroyer in the next battle against aliens.

The technology couple in love continues to cooperate and work tirelessly for the peace and safety of Alien 7. Their future is full of hope, as they have found effective weapons against alien threats.

Lu Xingye and Ziwei realized that they needed an alien from an underground civilization as a test subject to verify the effectiveness of the sonic destroyer. After some consideration, they decided to go to the underground city to find a suitable test subject.

At the edge of the underground city, they noticed a lone underground civilization soldier who seemed to be separated. He looked weak and frightened, his gift of perception having failed and he was no longer able to sense his surroundings.

Lu Xingye walked towards the soldier and tried to communicate with him. He said: "Don't be afraid, we are not going to hurt you. We have a device that can help you regain your senses."

The soldier looked at them cringingly, but finally nodded in agreement. He understood that they had an opportunity to help him.

Ziwei took out the sonic destroyer and carefully turned it to low power mode, just in case. Then, she whispered to the soldier: "This device will make some sounds and may make you feel uncomfortable, but this is to help you regain your senses."

Lu Xingye assisted in debugging the device, and they began to activate the sonic destroyer. A burst of low-frequency sound waves slowly spread out, filling the surrounding air. The soldier's body trembled slightly, as if he felt uncomfortable, but he persisted.

Ziwei stared at the screen of the instrument, observing the soldiers' condition. She saw the soldier's eyes begin to brighten and his posture become more confident. He gradually stood up, as if he had found himself again.

Lu Xingye looked at the soldier and said, "How do you feel? Has your perception recovered?"

The soldier trembled, and then responded with an incredible expression: "Yes, my perception is back! I can sense everything around me, and it feels like an awakening."

Ziwei smiled happily: "This is great, the effect of the sonic destroyer is very good!"

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement: "Yes, it succeeded. We finally have a powerful weapon against aliens."

The soldier looked at them gratefully and said, "Thank you, you saved me. I am willing to help you in order to defeat the underground civilization."

Ziwei expressed her gratitude: "Your help is very important to us. We need your assistance to learn more about underground civilization."

The soldier agreed to cooperate with them and provided some key information about the underground civilization. This test not only verified the effectiveness of the sonic destroyer, but also strengthened their determination to continue fighting against alien invasion.

After returning to base, they continued to perfect the sonic destroyer and planned their next operation. They understand that although they have achieved certain victories, the underground civilization is still a powerful enemy and they need to continue to work together to protect the peace of Alien No. 7.

Lu Xingye gathered his core team, including Ziwei, Jarvis, Tony, and the underground civilization soldiers who had previously helped test the sonic destroyer. They sat in a high-tech conference room, with plans for a sonic destroyer and a map of an underground city projected on the screen.

Lu Xingye said at the beginning: "Everyone, the sonic destroyer has passed the preliminary test and the effect is very good. Now, we need to discuss how to use it in actual combat to weaken the aliens."

Ziwei continued: "First of all, we need to determine an appropriate time and place to ensure that the enemy's perception talent is destroyed to the greatest extent. According to previous tests, the optimal power of the sonic destroyer seems to be in the mid-low range."

Jarvis interjected: "I suggest that we choose the entrance to the underground city or their main passage as the target. In this way, we can affect more aliens and limit their perception capabilities."

Tony added: "At the same time, we need to ensure that our troops are not affected by sound waves during operations. We can use special goggles to protect our soldiers from the effects of sound waves."

The soldier of the underground civilization also expressed his opinion: "I can provide detailed information about the structure and passages of the underground city to help us choose the best target."

Lu Xingye thought for a moment, and then said: "Okay, let's start preparing an action plan. First, we will select a target location to ensure the greatest impact. Then, we need to ensure that our troops fully understand the plan to avoid confusion. "

Ziwei projected the map on the screen onto everyone's device and began to plan the action plan in detail. She said: "We will be divided into several groups, each responsible for different target points. Underground civilization soldiers will join one of the groups to provide key intelligence and guidance."

Jarvis suggested: "While operating, we need to stay connected so we can coordinate in real time. Our communications equipment should be encrypted to avoid interference by aliens."

Tony nodded in agreement: "Besides, we need to have a contingency plan, just in case. If something goes wrong during the operation, we must be able to retreat and plan again."

After several hours of discussion, they developed a detailed and thoughtful action plan. Everyone understands that this is a decisive battle related to the future of Alien No. 7.

After the meeting, Lu Xingye and Ziwei stayed in the conference room to communicate privately. Ziwei said: "This plan looks pretty good. I believe we can succeed."

Lu Xingye looked at her with a smile: "With your support, I am confident. However, please be careful, we cannot let aliens discover our plan."

Ziwei nodded: "I understand, we will do it. At the same time, I am also grateful for your trust and letting me participate in this team."

Lu Xingye reached out to hold Ziwei's hand and said softly: "Your joining makes us stronger and makes me more confident. No matter what happens, we will face it together."

Their hands are clasped together, a firm goal and a special emotion binding them together, ready for the coming battle.

At the planned time, Lu Xingye's team and the soldiers of the underground civilization gathered at the entrance of the underground city. Wearing advanced combat equipment, they are ready for a fierce battle.

Ziwei stood next to Lu Xingye, her eyes were firm and her weapons were ready. "We want to make sure the sonic destroyer is as effective as possible while also protecting ourselves," she said.

Lu Xingye nodded: "Yes, we have to be careful. Remember, our goal is to destroy the aliens' sensory talents, and don't be distracted by their attacks."

With an order, they began to advance towards the entrance of the underground city. The alien soldiers have set up a tight defense line, and their mechas and weapons are ready.

The battle began, and the sonic destroyer released powerful sonic energy, which affected the alien's perception talent. The aliens began to feel confused and no longer perceived the location of their enemies as accurately as before.

Lu Xingye and his team were divided into several groups to attack different targets. Ziwei led a team, and her mecha was equipped with high-energy laser weapons, which accurately hit the alien's mecha.

Ziwei's mecha shone with light and nimbly avoided the enemy's attacks. She had a fierce duel with the alien mecha, and the powerful energy weapons made a harsh sound.

Ziwei communicated: "I need support! This guy is incredibly powerful."

Lu Xingye's voice sounded: "Ziwei, hold on, we will go to support you right away."

At the same time, Jarvis and Tony's groups were also involved in a fierce battle. Their mechas and the aliens' mechas were intertwined in attack and defense, with sparks flying and huge destructive power.

Tony smiled and said: "The technology of these aliens is quite good, but our mechas should not be underestimated."

Jarvis nodded: "Yes, although their mechas are powerful, we have more experience and tactical advantages."

Soldiers from the underground civilization are also actively participating in the battle, and they are engaging in fierce battles with aliens. The effects of the sonic destroyer gradually appeared, and the aliens' perception abilities were greatly interfered with.

As the battle progressed, Lu Xingye's team began to take advantage. The alien mechas were destroyed one after another, their weapons lost accuracy and their perceptions became confused.

Lu Xingye communicated: "Ziwei, now is the time to use the maximum power of the sonic destroyer!"

Ziwei nodded, and her mecha began to adjust the energy output of the sonic destroyer. A powerful sonic energy wave formed in front of her mecha and spread outward.

The alien soldiers feel excruciating pain, their gift of perception completely destroyed. They were no longer able to accurately sense the enemy's position, and the mecha's systems were thrown into chaos.

Lu Xingye's team took the opportunity to launch a final attack, and the alien's mecha was destroyed to pieces. The battle ended victoriously and the aliens were completely defeated.

On the battlefield, Ziwei's mecha was emitting faint smoke, and she felt tired but satisfied. She communicated: "The sonic destroyer is very effective. They are completely unable to sense our position."

Lu Xingye's voice was full of appreciation: "Ziwei, you did a great job. This victory is inseparable from your contribution."

After the battle, they collected the remaining alien technology and information to prepare for future confrontations. This victory gave them more confidence and strengthened their determination to defend Alien No. 7.

On the battlefield, Lu Xingye's team began to carefully clean the battlefield. They collect the remains and technology of alien mechas, looking for any useful information and resources.

Jarvis said: "Although these alien mechas are powerful, we can learn a lot from their technology. Maybe we can develop a more advanced mecha."

Tony nodded: "Yes, their designs and materials are quite good. If we can integrate these elements into our technology, our mecha will be more powerful."

Ziwei also participated in the discussion: "I can be responsible for optimizing the energy systems of the mechas to make them more efficient. This way we can last longer in the battle."

Lu Xingye agreed: "Okay, let's focus on developing a more powerful mecha as soon as possible. This will be an important weapon for us to deal with alien threats."

After several weeks of intense research and development, Lu Xingye's team successfully developed a new generation of mecha. These mechas inherit some of the best features of alien technology, but also add innovations of their own.

The new mecha is equipped with a more powerful energy core, providing longer combat time and greater firepower. Their armor has also been reinforced to withstand a wider variety of attacks.

During the test of the new mecha, Ziwei said with a smile: "These mechas are much more powerful than the previous ones. I think we will be more confident in facing aliens."

Tony nodded in agreement: "Yes, the performance of these mechas is very good. I believe they will shine in future battles."

Jarvis debugged the control system of a mecha and said: "The new mecha is also more smooth in operation. We need to continue to train soldiers to master them proficiently."

Lu Xingye stood in front of the new mecha and said with satisfaction: "These mechas will become our weapons and help us defend Alien Planet 7. Now, let us prepare to face the challenges of the future."

Their research and development work continues, and they know that the underground civilization is still a powerful opponent, but they are confident that with advanced weapons such as new mechas and sonic destroyers, they will be able to defend their homeland and ensure that Alien No. 7 Peace and security of the planet.

Lu Xingye and his team finally developed a new generation of mecha, which they proudly named the "Alien Armor". This armor integrates the most advanced technology and design and is designed to deal with the threats of underground civilization.

**Appearance and Equipment:**

The appearance of the alien armor is very futuristic, using advanced alloy materials and ultra-light nano-armor. It is about 3.5 meters tall and has a humanoid appearance, but is stronger and more delicate. The surface of the armor is covered with high-tech LED light strips that can display different logos and patterns according to the operator's wishes.

The Alien Warframe is equipped with a series of powerful weapon systems, including:

1. **Heavy Energy Cannon:** This is the main weapon of the armor. It can fire high-energy beams and can easily penetrate the armor of the alien mecha.

2. **Electromagnetic Pulse Cannon:** Used to interfere with and disable the enemy's electronic equipment, rendering it incapable of combat.

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