Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 538

3. **Beam Knife:** A foldable, high-powered light blade used for melee combat and cutting tasks.

4. **Air Defense Missile Launcher:** Used to intercept and destroy enemy aircraft and drones.

5. **Energy Shield Generator:** Can generate a protective energy shield to block attacks from enemies.

**Operating system and controls:**

The operating system of the Alien Warframe is very advanced and uses human-machine fusion technology. After the operator puts on the suit, he is connected to the suit's control system through a neural interface. This makes operation more intuitive and efficient, with the operator integrating almost seamlessly with the suit.

**Testing process:**

In order to ensure the performance and safety of the alien armor, they conducted a series of rigorous tests. These tests include:

1. **Mobility Test:** The armor was placed in a simulated battlefield and underwent various mobility tests, including jumping, sliding, rolling, etc. It has demonstrated excellent maneuverability and can handle various terrains and tactical environments.

2. **Weapon system testing:** Various weapon systems of the Alien Warframe were tested at the shooting range, and the accuracy and firepower of hitting the target were verified.

3. **Electromagnetic pulse test:** The interference effect of the electromagnetic pulse cannon was simulated in the laboratory, successfully disabling the electronic equipment of the simulated enemy.

4. **Shield Test:** The energy shield generator successfully protected the armor when subjected to simulated attacks.

The test results are very satisfactory, and the performance of the alien armor has met the design expectations. It will become a powerful weapon for Lu Xingye and his team in the battle against underground civilization, ensuring the peace and security of Alien No. 7.

In order to further test the performance of the alien armor, Lu Xingye and his team decided to conduct a simulated battle to test the application of the alien armor in actual battlefields.

**Simulated battle venue:**

They chose a vast simulated battle field with various obstacles, simulated enemies and buildings to simulate the complexity of a real battlefield. The entire site is covered by a high-tech surveillance system to ensure safety.

**Battle Plan:**

Lu Xingye leads the team. He controls the alien armor himself, while other team members play the role of simulated enemies and are equipped with specially-made simulated weapons.

**Battle process:**

The battle begins and simulated enemies quickly appear on the battlefield. Lu Xingye operated the alien armor and flexibly dealt with enemies from different directions. He used the mobility of the armor to avoid enemy fire, and at the same time accurately hit a mecha that simulated an enemy with a heavy energy cannon, destroying it.

The simulated enemy played by Jarvis used an electromagnetic pulse weapon to try to interfere with the alien suit's electronic system, but the alien suit's electromagnetic barrier quickly counterattacked and successfully resisted the interference.

Zhao Yinyun mastered the anti-aircraft missile system that simulated the enemy's and tried to destroy the alien armor. She fired a mock missile, but the alien suit's quick reflexes and the precise guidance of its anti-aircraft missile launcher destroyed the missile in mid-air.

The simulated enemy controlled by Tony tried to fight in close combat and used a simulated beam knife, but Lu Xingye skillfully used the beam knife of the alien armor to fight and finally defeated Tony.

The entire simulated battle lasted for a while, with Lu Xingye and the alien armor showing excellent performance. They successfully defeated all simulated enemies without taking any real damage.

**Discussion and Summary:**

After the battle, Lu Xingye and his team gathered together to discuss the outcome of the battle. Jarvis said: "The performance of the Alien suit far exceeded our expectations. Its performance on the battlefield is almost impeccable."

Zhao Yinyun added: "Yes, and the accuracy of the electromagnetic pulse rejection system and anti-aircraft missile launchers is also impressive."

Tony nodded in agreement: "The alien armor's mobility and diversity of weapon systems make it an excellent combat armor."

Lu Xingye was very satisfied. He said: "This armor will be our winning weapon in future battles. Now, we need to be ready to face the challenges of underground civilization."

They know that although the alien armor is powerful, the underground civilization will not stop developing and progressing. They will continue to work hard and fight for the peace and security of Alien 7.

353. Preparing to return to the home star

In the final battle that decided the fate of Alien Planet No. 7, Lu Xingye and his Tunhuo Technology team entered the battle with a new generation of alien armor. They face the alien army of the underground civilization, and the battle has entered a critical moment.

The new generation of alien armor demonstrates unparalleled strength and mobility. Lu Xingye controlled the armor, accurately locked onto the mechas of the underground civilization, and fired energy cannonballs one after another, destroying the enemy's mechas one by one. His team members also showed their talents, cooperated tacitly, and launched a fierce battle with the enemy.

Jarvis's Sonic Destroyer plays a key role on the battlefield. He used this powerful weapon to interfere with the perception talents of underground civilization soldiers, causing them to fall into confusion and unable to effectively fight back. This caused the underground civilization's army to lose its original advantage and fall into passivity.

Zhao Yinyun controls the air defense missile system and attacks the enemy's aircraft. Her precise strikes disabled the enemy's air support and protected Lu Xingye and his team.

Tony's combat skills also played a key role, as he used his beam knife and energy shield to engage in close combat and push simulated enemies back. His mobility and quick reactions make him an important force in the team.

The battle raged, the roar of artillery fire and energy weapons deafening. But as time went by, the underground civilization's army was clearly at a disadvantage, and they were unable to withstand the power of the new generation of alien armor.

Finally, Kalva, the leader of the underground civilization, saw the unfavorable situation of the war. He ordered the entire army to retreat and gave up the invasion plan for Alien No. 7. Lu Xingye and his team won the victory and protected the peace of Alien No. 7.

After the battle, Lu Xingye and his team gathered together to celebrate each other's victory. Jarvis said: "The new generation of alien armor is really amazing. It has changed the entire battle situation."

Zhao Yinyun added: "The sonic destroyer also played an important role, interfering with the enemy's perception talent."

Tony smiled and said: "In this battle, our cooperation was very tacit, which was also the key to our victory."

Lu Xingye said with emotion: "This victory is not only our victory, but also the victory of Alien 7. But we cannot take it lightly, underground civilization may threaten us again."

Lu Xingye and his team continue to fight aliens on Alien Planet No. 7. They use a new generation of alien battle armor and sonic destroyers to continuously eliminate the alien armies of underground civilizations.

The battle spreads from the surface to underground cities, from mountains to deserts, to every corner of the entire planet. Aliens continue to launch attacks, trying to regain their lost territory, but Lu Xingye and his team always face the difficulties and resolutely defend Alien No. 7.

In a fierce battle, they encountered an elite force of underground civilization. These alien soldiers were well-equipped and extremely powerful. However, Lu Xingye's alien armor still showed great power on the battlefield.

"Everyone, pay attention, we are going to focus fire on their commander!" Lu Xingye ordered, and they began to cooperate and focus their firepower on the enemy commander.

Jarvis' sonic destroyer comes in handy again, using it to disrupt enemy communications and command systems. This caused the alien soldiers to fall into chaos and unable to effectively coordinate their operations.

Zhao Yinyun used the missile system to effectively attack the enemy's mecha. Her precise strikes caused enemy mechas to explode one after another, and the situation gradually turned in their favor.

Tony shines in close combat. He uses beam knives and energy shields to push enemies back and gain more opportunities for the team.

In the end, they succeeded in eliminating the enemy commander, and the alien soldiers fell into chaos and continued to retreat. Lu Xingye and his team ushered in another victory, and their strength and tacit understanding became stronger.

After the battle, Lu Xingye's team sat together again and discussed the next plan. Jarvis said: "Our new weapons and armor have indeed played an important role, but we cannot take it lightly. Aliens may take more drastic measures."

Zhao Yinyun added: "We should continue to study their techniques and tactics in order to better fight against them."

Tony said: "Our teamwork is becoming more and more tacit, which is one of our strengths. We should continue to train and improve our combat skills."

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement: "Our goal is to defend Alien Planet No. 7, and we must go all out. As long as we are united, no alien force can threaten our homeland."

The main alien force was gradually defeated in the fierce battle, and their mechas were destroyed to pieces by the alien armors and super weapons of Lu Xingye's team.

Lu Xingye's team worked closely together and used precise tactics to continuously destroy the alien mechas. Lasers, missiles and energy shields form a brilliant brilliance on the battlefield, and the alien main force cannot withstand this powerful impact.

Lu Xingye's voice echoed throughout the battlefield: "Don't leave any shelter! Destroy their mechas!"

The soldiers went all out to force the main alien force into a desperate situation. Under intense fire suppression, the alien mechas exploded one after another, turning into sparks and ruins. The alien army begins to collapse and morale is low.

Just when the main force of the aliens was in danger, the leader of the aliens stepped out of the mecha and revealed his true identity. His appearance was full of exotic charm, but now he had lost his former majesty.

The leader's voice trembled as he said: "Stop fighting, stop it. We surrender."

Lu Xingye's eyes were locked on the leader. He understood that this was a historic moment, but there was no mercy in his heart. He responded calmly: "Your sins are unforgivable. For the sake of our homeland, you must pay the price for your actions."

The leader knew that he could not escape his fate, so he lowered his head with a depressed expression. Then, he slowly unloaded his alien technology equipment and handed it to Lu Xingye's team.

Lu Xingye faced the leader's surrender without any hesitation. He knew that the aliens' gift of perception posed a threat to Alien No. 7 and could not leave the slightest chance.

"Kill them all." Lu Xingye's voice was cold and firm.

The soldiers obeyed orders without any mercy. They began to fire on the main alien force, shooting continuously to ensure that every alien was eliminated.

The leader's expression gradually became desperate under the threat of death, and he tried to plead: "Please, give me a chance."

But Lu Xingye shook his head resolutely: "Your sins are too deep, you have no chance."

On the bloody battlefield, the alien leader and main force were completely wiped out. The smoke of the battle gradually dissipated, leaving only ruins and corpses everywhere.

Lu Xingye's team won, but this victory also brought great sacrifices. They feel sad, but know that this is to protect their homeland and for the future.

Lu Xingye organized the colonization plan and began to build new bases and facilities. They repaired the environment destroyed by the battle and brought new technology and civilization. Alien No. 7 came to life again and became a new home.

They remember that battle and that cruel order, but they also remember the team's unity and tenacity, and their hope for the future. The future of Alien Planet No. 7 is full of infinite possibilities, and Lu Xingye and his team will always guard this planet.

Lu Xingye and Long Xiaoyun stood on the battlefield, their eyes focused and firm. The battle is over, but alien mecha fragments and energy remnants still remain on the battlefield. They are tasked with cleaning up these remnants and ensuring the safety of Alien No. 7.

"This place is really a mess." Long Xiaoyun frowned, held an energy conduit, and began to inspect the remains of the mecha. Her movements were skillful and methodical.

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement: "Yes, but we must clean it up thoroughly and not leave any possible danger."

The two acted in unison, exchanging information and sharing their observations on the battlefield. Gradually, in this crisis-ridden environment, their relationship becomes closer.

Long Xiaoyun picked up a damaged sensor module and began to repair it. She raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "Lu Xingye, your mecha is so powerful in battle."

Lu Xingye smiled, happy with her compliment: "Thank you, Xiaoyun. Your repair skills are also quite impressive."

As the clearing of the battlefield proceeds, the two men's conversation becomes more intimate. They shared their experiences, ideals and dreams with each other. Lu Xingye learned that Long Xiaoyun was an outstanding engineer who was keen on researching high-tech equipment. Long Xiaoyun gradually learned that Lu Xingye was not only an outstanding commander, but also a person with profound scientific knowledge.

As they worked together to clean up an abandoned mecha, their hands inadvertently touched. Their hands felt warm and soft, seeming to convey a special connection.

Lu Xingye suddenly stopped, stared into Long Xiaoyun's eyes, and said, "Xiaoyun, I want to thank you. Without your help, we might not be able to clean up this battlefield so smoothly."

A hint of shyness appeared on Long Xiaoyun's face, and she nodded gently: "This is our common task, and I also want to thank you for your leadership and encouragement."

The two men's eyes met, and the tense atmosphere on the battlefield seemed to soften. They have a special emotion in their hearts, but they don't know how to express it.

Gradually, their hands gradually relaxed, but their fingers were intertwined unconsciously. This action seemed to have an indescribable meaning, bringing their hearts closer together.

Lu Xingye said softly: "Xiaoyun, maybe every star in this universe is twinkling for our encounter."

Long Xiaoyun's cheeks turned slightly red, and she responded softly: "Maybe yes, Lu Xingye. Maybe this encounter is an arrangement of the universe."

Their eyes revealed deep emotions, but they all understood that this was just a new beginning. In the process of clearing the battlefield, their relationship becomes closer, and the future is full of endless possibilities.

Lu Xingye and his team members gathered in a spacious conference room, and the beautiful scenery of Alien Planet No. 7 was displayed on the screen. The topic of this meeting is about whether to return to the home planet.

Jarvis first expressed his opinion: "There is no doubt that Alien Planet No. 7 is a beautiful and fertile planet. We have established a base here, developed new technologies, and achieved many important results. I think we We should continue to stay here and continue to explore and research.”

Tony echoed: "Jarvis is right, we have many unfinished research projects here, and there are still resources to be developed. I think returning to the home star will only waste our efforts here."

Zhao Yinyun put forward a different view: "Although I also like Alien Planet No. 7, we cannot ignore the importance of the home star. After all, the home star is our home and we have the responsibility to take care of it. I suggest that we can take turns Return to the home planet and maintain contact with the two planets.”

Long Xiaoyun also expressed his opinion: "I agree with Zhao Yinyun's suggestion. Alien Planet No. 7 is a precious resource, but we cannot leave the home star behind. We can develop a shift system to balance our work. The time between two planets.”

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