Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 539

Lu Xingye thought for a moment, and then said: "Thank you everyone for your opinions. I think Zhao Yinyun and Long Xiaoyun's suggestions are wise. We can make a plan to maintain contact with the home star while continuing to work on Alien Planet No. 7 Work. In this way, we can protect our home planet while continuing to explore new prospects."

The atmosphere of the meeting gradually became harmonious, and everyone agreed with Lu Xingye's suggestion. They began to discuss how to develop a shift system and the distribution of resources between Alien Planet 7 and the home planet.

Eventually, a detailed plan was worked out so that each member could take turns returning to their home planet, maintaining contact with their home world while continuing to work on Alien Planet Seven. Everyone is excited and excited because they know this program will open up more possibilities for their future.

Lu Xingye and his team members gathered in a huge research room, with various complex design drawings and calculation data in front of them. Their goal is to create a powerful aerospace fighter that can quickly travel between Alien Planet 7 and the home planet, and has powerful combat capabilities.

Jarvis picked up a blueprint and began to explain the design ideas: "This is the basic structural diagram of our new aerospace fighter. It will have an advanced flight system and can operate efficiently in various environments."

Tony added: "We will also equip it with the latest weapon systems, including energy cannons and missile launchers. This way, it can defend itself and attack when needed."

Zhao Yinyun looked at the calculation data: "The energy system of the air and space fighter will use the resources of Alien No. 7 to ensure long-term navigation and combat capabilities."

Long Xiaoyun raised a key question: "We should consider the safety of navigation. In outer space, there may be unknown dangerous factors, and we need to equip our fighters with adequate self-protection measures."

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement: "You are right, safety is the primary consideration. We must ensure that the fighter jets can not only reach their destination quickly, but also return safely."

After a long period of discussion and research, they gradually improved the design of the air and space fighter. Each member contributed their expertise and creativity to the project.

Finally, they formulated a detailed manufacturing plan and began the manufacturing of aerospace fighters. The whole process was full of challenges, but they had firm belief that this fighter plane would become a powerful tool for them to shuttle between the two planets.

A few months later, they finally completed the manufacturing of the aerospace fighter. This fighter plane is named "Interstellar Pterosaur". It has excellent performance and powerful weapon system, and is ready to launch new adventures and missions between Alien Planet No. 7 and its home planet.

When the "Interstellar Pterosaur" made its first test flight, Lu Xingye and his team members felt extremely excited and proud. This aircraft represents the culmination of their teamwork and hard work and will prepare them for their return to their home planet.

354. Mutation

The Star Pterodactyl spacecraft was traveling through space on its way back to its home star. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed across the night sky, attracting the attention of all members.

"What is this?" Jarvis frowned and immediately scanned the spacecraft. A strange planet appeared on his screen, not far from their route.

Zhao Yinyun is also observing the instruments: "This planet is something we have never seen before. It looks like it has an atmosphere and liquid water. This may be a planet with life."

Lu Xingye stared at the screen, thinking about the next move: "We shouldn't miss this opportunity. We will go to Alien Planet 10 to explore and see if there are signs of life."

Long Xiaoyun nodded in agreement: "Yes, this planet looks very promising. We should learn more about it."

After a period of navigation, the Interstellar Pterodactyl spacecraft entered the atmosphere of Alien Planet No. 10 and slowly landed on a vast plain. They opened the hatch and prepared to begin their adventure.

Wearing spacesuits, a group of people stepped out of the spacecraft and came to the surface of this strange planet. They were immediately shocked by what they saw. The sky here is dark blue with a few bright stars hanging on it, while the ground is a vast green plain with lush vegetation.

Jarvis observed the surrounding environment carefully: "It seems that the ecosystem of this planet is very rich. We should collect some samples to see if there is life."

Zhao Yinyun took out scientific instruments and began to conduct environmental analysis: "The atmospheric composition and temperature are suitable for the existence of life. We can try to search for biological signs."

They explored the planet for a while and eventually discovered strange plants near a lake. These plants come in a variety of colors and look very beautiful.

"These plants may be the life forms of this planet." Long Xiaoyun approached cautiously and collected some samples with scientific tools.

Suddenly, a sound came from the lake, which seemed to be the chirping of a strange bird. Their attention was drawn and they saw a strange-looking creature emerging from the lake. It had long tentacles and showed a variety of colors.

Jarvis said excitedly: "It seems that we have found signs of life! There may be a unique ecosystem on this planet."

Lu Xingye said with a smile: "We will collect more samples and conduct detailed research. The discovery of this planet may have a significant impact on our scientific knowledge."

They excitedly began collecting samples of plants and organisms, while using scientific equipment to record environmental data. This unknown planet is full of unknowns and mysteries, and they are looking forward to more exploration and discovery.

Lu Xingye and his team conducted multiple surveys on Alien No. 10, and each time they discovered more surprising similarities. There seems to be more connections between this planet and their home planet Kyushu, which is incredible.

Jarvis performed data analysis in front of the instrument, and his expression looked excited: "According to the collected data, the climate, vegetation and landforms of this planet are very similar to Kyushu, almost exactly the same."

Zhao Yinyun added: "Moreover, we have discovered a variety of similar plants and organisms. This planet seems to have an ecosystem similar to Kyushu."

Long Xiaoyun also said: "We even found a landmark similar to Kyushu, which is a huge stone pillar shaped like a mountain in Kyushu."

Lu Xingye frowned, wondering if there was a deeper secret hidden behind all this: "This is so strange. Why are there so many similarities between Kyushu and this planet?"

Jarvis raised a possibility: "Perhaps, this planet was an early colony of Kyushu, or once had contact with Kyushu. We can further study interstellar historical records and look for clues."

Zhao Yinyun suggested: "At the same time, we can also explore the planet in depth to see if there are more clues or cultural relics that can solve this mystery."

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement: "Okay, we will continue to conduct in-depth exploration and look for more clues. The secrets of this planet may have a profound impact on our home planet of Kyushu."

During the next exploration, they discovered an ancient ruins with some mysterious symbols and patterns carved in the ruins, which made them more convinced that the connection between this planet and Kyushu was unusual.

After some in-depth research, they also discovered some well-preserved artifacts, including an ancient book recording the history and culture of the planet. The contents of this book will be their key to solving the mystery.

While exploring Alien Planet No. 10, Lu Xingye discovered a remote place that seemed to contain an ancient ruins. Standing in front of the ruins, he felt a mysterious atmosphere, as if there were countless mysteries hidden here.

Long Xiaoyun also came to him and carefully observed this ancient ruins: "The architectural style and structure here are similar to the ancient civilization of Kyushu, but older. This place may have a long history."

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement: "It seems that this ruins is indeed somewhat unusual. We should study it carefully to see if we can find some clues."

They slowly walked into the ruins, and the echo of their footsteps seemed to evoke memories of this ancient place. In a huge hall, they discovered a huge mural depicting a mysterious scene.

Jarvis stared at the mural, trying to understand its meaning: "The pattern on this mural looks like the image of a dragon, but more mysterious. Is this a depiction of a dragon that once existed?"

Zhao Yinyun also joined the research: "Perhaps these patterns represent an ancient religious belief or legend. We need to further understand the history and culture here."

Just as they were studying deeply, suddenly, there was a slight tremor, and the ground shook slightly. Long Xiaoyun looked at Lu Xingye nervously: "What is this? Is there still life in this place?"

Lu Xingye looked around cautiously: "Maybe some kind of mechanism or trap has been triggered. Everyone, be careful and don't touch any unknown objects."

After careful observation, they discovered a button on a large stone slab with some ancient writings engraved on it. Jarvis tried to translate: "The words seem to be describing a ritual or ritual trigger. Maybe we could try pressing the button and see what happens."

Lu Xingye took a deep breath and decided to give it a try: "Okay, let's give it a try."

He pressed the button lightly, followed by a low rumble, and the entire ruins seemed to begin to move. The ground began to shake, and the murals on the stone slabs gradually glowed.

Zhao Yinyun observed with curiosity: "This ruins seems to be showing an ancient history or a mysterious ritual."

Suddenly, they felt a warm air flow, which seemed to be coming from the ground. Lu Xingye turned to look at Long Xiaoyun: "Do you feel it? There seems to be life in this place."

Long Xiaoyun nodded: "Yes, I feel that way too. Maybe we should continue to explore and see if we can find more clues."

They decided to go deep into the ruins and explore its mysteries.

As they continued to move forward, more and more strange phenomena began to appear. Zhao Yinyun's scientific instruments suddenly began to emit strange signals, and Jarvis's computer system also began to experience abnormalities.

Lu Xingye looked around and felt a strong electromagnetic wave, which seemed to be disrupting their technological equipment. "The electromagnetic field here is extremely strong and may cause interference to our instruments," he said.

Long Xiaoyun looked up at the ceiling and found some strange energy fluctuations: "These energy fluctuations seem to originate from the depths of the ruins. Maybe we can follow these fluctuations and see if we can find the answer."

They decided to continue deeper into the ruins and follow the direction of the energy fluctuations. As their exploration deepened, the strange phenomena became more and more intense. The murals on the walls seemed to start to show up dynamically, as if telling an ancient story.

Jarvis tried to analyze these phenomena: "These murals seem to be showing distant history, or a virtual reality experience. We may be in an ancient ritual."

Zhao Yinyun's instruments kept sending out signals, showing abnormal data. She said: "The electromagnetic waves here have caused huge interference to our technological equipment, and we may need to rely on our own perception capabilities to continue exploring."

Lu Xingye nodded, and they began to rely on their own perception and follow the energy fluctuations. After a period of exploration, they came to a huge space with a building that looked like an altar in the center.

Long Xiaoyun said softly: "It seems that this is a place of sacrifice. Maybe there are some special rituals or secrets hidden here."

As they approached the altar, suddenly a ghostly voice sounded, seemingly speaking in an ancient language. The sound echoed around them, giving them a strange chill.

Jarvis tried to translate the sound: "It seemed to be the word for an ancient prayer or ritual. Maybe we triggered some kind of ritual."

As the sound echoed, the energy fluctuations in the space became more intense, as if they were being sucked into a mysterious world. Facing unknown challenges and mysteries, they are determined to continue exploring this ancient ruins and uncover its secrets.

Near the altar, they discovered an unusual phenomenon. A huge crow, covered in jet black feathers, sat on an ancient branch and stared at them with lightning eyes.

Long Xiaoyun frowned: "This crow looks very unusual, as if it has unusual power."

The crow began to scream shrilly, and the sound was filled with an evil atmosphere that made people shudder. Its eyes wandered over them, as if examining their souls.

Jarvis tried to analyze the crow: "Its energy fluctuations are also very strange, as if it has a supernatural power. We must deal with it carefully."

Just as they were about to leave this mysterious place, the crow suddenly flew towards the altar, and there were gusts of wind between its wings. It started pecking at the altar, seemingly trying to reveal some secrets.

Zhao Yinyun approached the altar, and her perception began to connect with the energy of the crow. She said: "I can feel that this crow possesses some ancient knowledge, maybe it is the guardian of this ruins."

The crow made a sharper cry, and the sound seemed to indicate some important message. Lu Xingye decided to take action. He walked to the altar and tried to establish contact with the crow.

He said softly: "We are not here to destroy, we just want to know the secrets of this ruins. If you have any information, you can tell us."

The crow stopped pecking and seemed to be thinking about Lu Xingye's words. It then began to emit a series of strange symbols, painted on the altar with feathers. These symbols seemed to be an ancient writing, and Lu Xingye tried to understand their meaning.

Jarvis looked on: "These symbols may contain important information, and we need to decipher them."

Long Xiaoyun was also curious: "Maybe this is a clue that can help us understand this ruins more deeply."

They began to brainstorm and try to decipher the ancient symbols drawn by the crows, hoping to reveal the secrets of this ruins. At the same time, the crow seemed to be waiting for their reaction, as if hoping to share some important information with them.

Lu Xingye and his team continued to carefully study the ancient symbols drawn by crows. The symbols appear to be an ancient language related to Alien Planet 10, and they gradually begin to understand parts of it.

Zhao Yinyun raised her head and focused her eyes on the altar: "These symbols seem to be describing an ancient legend, involving the origin and mysterious power of this planet."

Jarvis added in the interpretation: "In ancient legends, this planet once nurtured a powerful life force and had a mysterious passage connecting the universe. The crow may be the guardian of this planet, and the message it is trying to convey may be related to these legends."

Long Xiaoyun thought: "Maybe we have come to a holy land of an ancient civilization. This place contains huge power, and we need to continue exploring."

The crow seemed to sense a resonance in their discussion and began to draw more symbols, gradually revealing the information to them. This process lasted for a while, and they continued to interpret and discuss, gradually revealing some of the mysteries of Alien Planet No. 10.

Eventually, they understood that the planet was an ancient cosmic portal that connected to other galaxies and dimensions. This discovery made them excited and curious, and they also realized the importance of this planet.

Lu Xingye decided to continue exploring Alien Planet No. 10, looking for more clues and knowledge. They believe that this planet may contain huge potential to have a major impact on the entire universe.

With the help of Crow, they began to search for the specific location of the portal to the universe, hoping to open this channel and learn more about the mysteries of the universe. This unknown adventure will continue to lead them forward, revealing more unknown truths.

Through the crow symbol and ancient cultural relics, Lu Xingye's team began to speculate that Alien No. 10 may have held heaven-sacrifice ceremonies in ancient times. This ritual may be related to the mysterious power of the planet and the portal to the universe.

Zhao Yinyun speculated: "These symbols seem to describe a ritual of worshiping heaven, and the ritual may involve special mysterious rituals and ritual objects."

Jarvis added: "If we can find more information about this ritual, maybe we can understand how to manipulate the cosmic portal or trigger some events related to it."

Long Xiaoyun thought: "The heaven-sacrifice ceremony may involve the energy of the planet. Maybe we can awaken this cosmic portal by simulating some steps of the ceremony."

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement: "This is a good idea. We can try to simulate part of the heaven-sacrifice ceremony to see if we can awaken the cosmic portal. But before trying, we need to continue to study these symbols to ensure that our operations will not Brings danger."

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