Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 540

Lu Xingye's team still did not find any special phenomena related to the ruins after building a computer model. This question puts them in a difficult position, and they realize that the mysterious power in the ruins may be beyond their scientific understanding.

Zhao Yinyun frowned: "The computer model still doesn't give any clues. This ruins seems to be resistant to our technological methods."

Jarvis also felt a little helpless: "We may need more information. Maybe the secret of this ruins can only be revealed when we explore it personally."

Long Xiaoyun made a suggestion: "Maybe we can look for local residents and learn some legends and history about this ruins. Maybe they can provide some clues."

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement: "This is a good idea. We can try to contact the local residents to see if we can learn more about the ruins. At the same time, we must also remain vigilant and do not rule out possible dangers."

They decided to leave the vicinity of the ruins and head to nearby residential areas, looking for opportunities to communicate with local residents, hoping to learn about the legends and history of the ruins to unlock the secrets of this mysterious power.

When Lu Xingye and his team decided to leave the ruins and head to a nearby village, the evil crow appeared in their sights again. Its eyes flashed with a strange red light, and it flapped its wings and flew to the gate of the ruins, like a guardian guarding the gate.

Zhao Yinyun felt a little uneasy: "What's going on with this crow? It doesn't seem to want us to leave."

Jarvis doubled down on his vigilance: "Maybe it has some special power to prevent us from entering the ruins."

The crow made a piercing cry, and then the gate of the ruins suddenly closed, blocking their access. This unexpected situation caught the team by surprise.

Long Xiaoyun observed the surrounding environment and discovered more anomalies. Strange light flickered around the ruins, as if there was an invisible barrier imprisoning them.

"The situation here is getting worse and worse." Long Xiaoyun frowned, "We are trapped here, and the surrounding environment has undergone strange changes."

Lu Xingye frowned tightly, thinking hard about how to deal with it. Suddenly, the ground trembled, and a strange crack began to extend from the ground, seeming to swallow them.

Jarvis said hurriedly: "Quick, everyone, be careful, something is coming out of the ground!"

They hurriedly retreated, trying to stay away from the crack, but it seemed to have infinite power and kept expanding. The earth and rocks cracked, and a dark energy began to flow out of the cracks.

Zhao Yinyun held her technological instrument tightly and tried to analyze the abnormal phenomenon, but still could not explain what happened.

The crack continued to expand, and the dark energy became more intense, looking like a door leading to an unknown world. they feel uneasy and scared

The team members stood nervously in front of the crack. The darkness and unknown before them made them feel uneasy as never before. The cracks continued to expand, the dark energy gradually spread outwards, and their bodies began to feel a strong attraction.

Lu Xingye looked up at this mysterious crack and frowned, trying to understand it all. He said: "This crack may lead to an unknown dimension or other space. We must deal with it carefully and not act rashly."

Jarvis glanced around, looking for a possible way out. "It seems like the only option now is to go into this chasm and maybe we can find a way out or an answer," he said.

Zhao Yinyun conducted a final scan of her technological instruments, but still could not explain the nature of the crack. "I tried, but I couldn't get any useful information," she said. "Maybe we just have to take a chance."

Long Xiaoyun looked around at everyone with a firm expression. She said: "Since there is no other choice, let's enter this crack. But remember, we must always be vigilant, we don't know what may be waiting for us on the other side."

Everyone nodded in agreement and prepared to step out of this mysterious door. As they walked into the rift, darkness began to surround them and the air became heavy, as if time and space were warped.

The moment they passed through this mysterious rift, their consciousness seemed to enter a whole new world. The surrounding scenery becomes blurry and distorted, with changing colors and strange sounds. They no longer feel gravity, as if they are suspended in the boundless void.

Suddenly, a huge light appeared in front of them, so bright that they could hardly open their eyes. As the light fades, they find themselves in a completely new environment.

The environment is full of fantasy colors, with a deep purple sky and glittering gemstones on the ground. The vegetation and buildings all have a strong alien style, and it seems to be an unknown alien planet.

Lu Xingye felt dizzy. He stood up with difficulty and observed the surrounding scene. He said: "It seems that we have come to a new world, and everything here is so strange."

The other members gradually recovered from the shock, their eyes full of curiosity and desire to explore.

Lu Xingye quickly activated the functions of the alien armor, and the mechanical arms turned into powerful weapons. He waved the huge blade and cut the evil crow in half. But what was even more shocking was that a black egg was revealed when it split open from the inside of the crow.

Jarvis immediately scanned the black egg, but his instruments could not identify its origin or nature. Zhao Yinyun opened the shield of a mechanical arm and carefully picked up the egg.

Suddenly, the scene inside the ruins changed drastically. Symbols on the walls began to flicker, and strange noises came from beneath the floorboards. The door that was once open suddenly closed tightly, as if life was injected into this ancient building again.

Just then, a group of strange creatures emerged from under the floor. Their appearance is twisted, their bodies exude an evil aura, and they have sharp claws and teeth. These creatures attack Lu Xingye and his team.

Jarvis hurriedly turned on the mecha's weapon system and fired an energy bullet, hitting one of the creatures. But these creatures seem to have powerful regeneration capabilities and remain undaunted after being injured.

Zhao Yinyun used the mecha's mechanical arm to engage in close combat, trying to resist the impact of these monsters. Her mech weapon flashed with energy blades and sliced ​​through one creature, but others immediately picked up the slack, attacking again and again.

Long Xiaoyun stood aside, her mecha equipped with long-range firepower, constantly firing laser beams to minimize the team's casualties. But the battle becomes increasingly fierce and the creatures seem to have no end.

Lu Xingye caught a glimpse of the black egg and suddenly understood the source of it all. He yells to his team, "Attack that egg! It seems to be the source of these creatures!"

Jarvis immediately aimed the mecha's cannon at the egg and fired a powerful energy bomb. Zhao Yinyun and Long Xiaoyun also focused their firepower on the egg, trying to destroy it.

The black egg began to tremble, emitting a dark energy in an attempt to protect itself. But the team's joint attack finally made it unable to withstand it, and finally exploded, releasing a black shock wave.

This shock wave spread rapidly, scattering those strange creatures, and their bodies began to collapse and eventually disappeared. At the same time, the door to the ruins reopened, and the dark energy began to gradually dissipate.

After experiencing the explosion of the black egg, the gate of the ruins was suddenly opened by the impact, and everyone successfully walked out of Shengtian. They stood outside the ruins, breathing heavily, and each other showed happy expressions.

Jarvis glanced at the door of the ruins and said to everyone: "This was a nearly fatal experience, but we finally succeeded. However, this ruins is full of unknown dangers, and we need to be more careful."

Zhao Yinyun nodded in agreement: "Yes, we should not take it lightly. This planet seems to be full of mysterious power, and we must study and explore it carefully."

Lu Xingye looked around and noticed various strange phenomena on the planet. He said: "This planet seems to have some connection with our home planet Kyushu, and we must understand it more deeply. At the same time, we also need to be alert to possible dangers."

Long Xiaoyun stood aside, scanning the surrounding environment with the mecha's instruments. She said: "We should ensure the safety of our surroundings first, and then we can continue to explore this planet. However, I have a feeling that there are more secrets waiting for us here."

Everyone understands that everything on this planet has not been unveiled yet, and they need more time and research to understand the mysteries.

Lu Xingye and the others continued walking east, and they soon came to a strange village. The village looked very old and had a unique architectural style, but what made them uneasy was that there were no living things in the village, only corpses scattered on the ground.

Jarvis took out a high-tech scanner and examined the body carefully. He frowned and said: "These corpses look like they have been around for a long time, but there are no obvious wounds or external injuries. The cause of death is very mysterious."

Zhao Yinyun used instruments to analyze the village's environment. She said: "The atmosphere here seems abnormal, and there is a strange energy fluctuation. We must be careful to avoid any possible influence."

Lu Xingye stared at the deserted village, filled with questions. He said: "We need to search the village carefully to see if there are any clues that can solve this mystery. At the same time, we must also be careful of possible dangers."

Following Lu Xingye's suggestion, everyone searched every corner of the village. They checked inside the houses and rummaged through village records and artifacts, but never found any clues about the village's disappearance.

Suddenly, Long Xiaoyun discovered a house with an ancient diary at the door. She carefully opened the diary and began to read. The contents of the diary shocked her because it contained a story about a woman named "Black Feather".

Long Xiaoyun shared the contents of the diary with everyone. According to diary records, the village used to be prosperous decades ago, but suddenly villagers began to die one after another, and the causes of their deaths were unexplained. In the end, only one woman named Kuroba survived, but she mentioned in her diary that she had witnessed a huge and evil crow.

Kuroba tried to fight the crow, but failed. She said she felt her body become abnormal and filled with dark power. In the end, she chose to leave the village, taking the corpses of some villagers with her to look for clues to solve the mystery.

After listening to the contents of the diary, everyone's expressions became solemn. They began to wonder if this strange crow was related to the one they had encountered in the ruins before. Perhaps there are more mysterious and ancient powers hidden on this planet, waiting for them to uncover the mysteries.

Lu Xingye thought deeply and decided to move forward to find more clues about the disappearance of Black Feather and the village.

When Lu Xingye and everyone were about to leave this mysterious village, they suddenly heard some strange sounds. They looked back and found that the corpses scattered on the ground seemed to have gained some kind of power and began to slowly revive.

Everyone's expressions became tense, and they quickly retreated, keeping alert. Jarvis raised his weapon, ready to deal with the possible threat. Zhao Yinyun's technological instruments began to analyze, but she didn't understand the reason.

The corpses slowly stood up, but their expressions were extremely dull, as if they had lost their minds. They walked slowly towards Lu Xingye and everyone, their steps staggering.

Long Xiaoyun held Lu Xingye's hand tightly, and she whispered: "What on earth is going on? How could they be resurrected?"

Lu Xingye's face also became solemn, and he replied: "I don't know, but we must deal with it carefully. Don't hurt them, maybe there is some way to rescue them."

Jarvis lowered his weapon and tried to communicate with the reanimated corpses. "We are peaceful and we will not harm you. Please tell us what happened," he said.

However, the corpses continued on, as if they didn't understand Jarvis's words. Their eyes were empty and showed no sign of life.

The corpse suddenly became angry and launched an attack on Lu Xingye's team. This sudden battle was extremely fierce, and everyone had to go all out to deal with these corpses that suddenly became hostile.

Jarvis and Tony quickly launched suppressive fire, using energy weapons to shoot at the corpses coming towards them. Zhao Yinyun adjusted her technological equipment and tried to find an effective way to attack the corpse.

At the same time, Long Xiaoyun also joined the battle. She used her martial arts skills to flexibly avoid the attacks of the corpses and tried to subdue them.

Lu Xingye waved his alien battle armor and turned into a silver lightning, constantly shuttled across the battlefield. He used high-tech weapons to target the vital points of the corpse to minimize damage.

The battle was extremely fierce. Although the corpse had lost its mind, it was full of malice and aggression. Sometimes everyone was forced to retreat, and sometimes they fought back.

After some twists and turns, Jarvis finally found an effective way to imprison these corpses through energy fields so that they can no longer move. He gasped and said: "These corpses seem to be affected by some dark force. We must find a solution as soon as possible."

Zhao Yinyun quickly analyzed the energy field data, trying to find the source of the dark power. "We must look for every clue on this planet to understand the origin and nature of this dark force," she said.

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement. He knew that the planet was full of unknown dangers, but they had to move on and solve the mystery while protecting their team from threats.

Lu Xingye decided to take more drastic measures to deal with these rampaging corpses. He drove an alien armor and used powerful energy weapons to target the brain core of each corpse, trying to destroy their control center.

The corpses were still attacking them crazily, but Lu Xingye's alien armor greatly improved his defense and attack capabilities. While dodging attacks from corpses, he kept shooting at their brain cores.

After a fierce battle, Lu Xingye finally succeeded in destroying the brain cores of these corpses, causing them to completely stop attacking. He stood in the center of the village, breathing heavily, looking at the ruins and burning corpses around him.

Jarvis, Tony, Zhao Yinyun and Long Xiaoyun walked to Lu Xingye and watched everything. Jarvis said: "The residents of this village seem to be controlled by some dark force, and we must find the source of this dark force."

Tony nodded in agreement: "Yes, this planet is full of mysteries and dangers, and we cannot take it lightly."

Zhao Yinyun frowned: "We must continue to move forward, find more clues, and understand the truth about this planet."

Long Xiaoyun reminded everyone: "Be careful, we don't know what dangers are waiting for us."


Lu Xingye and his team came to this mysterious village, which was completely different from the previous village. There is an ancient temple in the center of the village, and in front of the temple sits a wise and mysterious high priest.

The high priest welcomed their arrival, and then began to share the secrets about the mysterious ruins with Lu Xingye.

"Dear Lu Xingye, welcome to our village. I am the high priest of this tribe, and I know that you are looking for answers about Black Feather and this planet. In this ruins, there are ancient secrets that involve our planet Its origin and destiny."

Lu Xingye was curious and asked, "Please tell me more information about this mysterious ruins. We urgently need to know all of this."

The high priest nodded, and then began to share the secret content: "This ruins is called the 'House of the Divine Dragon'. According to legend, it is one of the oldest buildings on our planet. In ancient times, there was a mysterious creature named 'Dragon', it possesses great strength and wisdom. The dragon once ruled this land and protected our ancestors. However, it eventually disappeared, leaving this relic behind."

"The interior of the Dragon Palace is full of mysteries and tests. Only those chosen can enter and unlock its secrets. According to legend, the Dragon left some information about the fate and future of the planet, and only those who can pass the test can To be able to gain this knowledge."

Lu Xingye and the team members all listened with interest, and he asked, "Then, can we enter the Dragon Palace?"

The high priest thought for a moment, and then said: "Entering the Dragon Palace is an extremely risky adventure, but if you are really eager to learn the secrets of the planet, I will introduce you to it. But please remember, this ruins will not Open to all, only those chosen can enter."

Lu Xingye nodded solemnly and expressed his willingness to accept the challenge: "We will accept the test and hope to obtain more information about the planet."

The high priest smiled and said: "Very good, you can get ready. Tomorrow morning I will introduce you to the ceremony of entering the Temple of the Dragon. I wish you good luck and may the wisdom of the Dragon guide you to find the answer."

The next day, Lu Xingye and his team prepared to participate in the ceremony of entering the Dragon Palace. They stood in front of the temple gate, and the chief priest and other villagers gathered to pray and cheer for them.

The high priest began to perform the ritual, praying that the wisdom of the dragon could guide Lu Xingye and his team to find the answer. The ceremony is full of mysterious ritual feeling, which makes people feel solemn and solemn.

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