Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 541

After the ceremony, the high priest stretched his palm towards the door, and mysterious runes began to appear on the door. The door slowly opened, revealing a dark passage. Lu Xingye and his team were ready to enter. The high priest told them to be careful and told them to be vigilant at all times in the ruins.

As soon as they entered the Dragon Palace, they felt an ancient atmosphere, and the air was filled with mysterious energy. The ground is covered with exquisite runes, which seem to record ancient legends.

They moved on and came to a huge hall, the walls decorated with exquisite murals depicting the legend of the dragon. There is a golden door at the end of the hall that looks different from the rest.

"That door must lead somewhere deeper," Tony said softly.

Lu Xingye nodded, and they walked towards the golden door and tried to open it. However, the door is extremely strong and seems to require a special method to open.

Jarvis examined the structure of the door and then said, "There are some strange symbols on this door, and it looks like it requires a code to open. Maybe this is a test and we need to find the correct code."

The team began searching for clues, trying to find information related to the password. The patterns on the murals and the runes on the ground may contain key clues.

Zhao Yinyun observed the mural carefully. She suddenly pointed to a pattern and said, "Look, this pattern is very similar to the runes on the ground. Maybe they are related."

They began analyzing patterns and runes, trying to find connections between them. After some thinking and research, they finally found the clue to the password.

Lu Xingye entered the password in front of the door, and the golden door slowly opened, revealing a more mysterious room. The room was emitting a strange light, and there was an ancient stone platform in the center, with a seemingly crystal clear gem placed on it.

"This must be the treasure left by the dragon," Jack said excitedly.

Jarvis walked to the stone platform and carefully picked up the gem. The gem exudes strange energy and seems to contain endless wisdom.

Zhao Yinyun touched the gem with her hand, and suddenly a series of images and information emerged in her mind. She said in shock: "This gem contains the knowledge of Shenlong. It tells us about the origin and destiny of the planet, as well as the secrets of Black Feather."

Lu Xingye and his team closely surrounded Zhao Yinyun, listening to her story. This gem appears to be the key to their search for answers.

Zhao Yinyun continued to share the information she obtained from the gems. She said: "The dragon is the guardian of this planet. It comes from the distant stars and has great power and wisdom. The dragon once protected our ancestors and helped them build civilization. However, thousands of years ago, the dragon disappeared, leaving behind this relic."

"The secret about Black Feather is that he is a descendant of Shenlong and possesses the blood and power of Shenlong. His appearance means the resurrection of Shenlong and the protection of the planet."

This information shocked Lu Xingye and the team. They finally understood the origin of the planet and the identity of Black Feather, all of which are closely related to the existence of Shenlong.

The words of the high priest suddenly appeared in their minds, "May the wisdom of the dragon guide you to find the answer." Now, they not only found the answer, but also discovered the wisdom of the dragon, which will have a profound impact on the future of the planet.

355. Magical Dragon Egg

At the top of the mysterious village, Lu Xingye and his team felt nervous and uneasy. The high priest stood in front of the altar with a smile on his face, but behind this smile there was an unfathomable mystery, as if waiting for the answer to their fate.

The high priest smiled as he welcomed their arrival, his gaze as deep as the endless dark starry sky.

The high priest said gently: "Welcome, brave travelers, you are finally here."

Lu Xingye's eyes were as sharp as knives, staring closely at the high priest, trying to discern his true hidden purpose.

Lu Xingye asked: "You said you could guide us to obtain the wisdom of the dragon, right?"

The high priest's smile remained the same, but this smile was obviously more strange.

The high priest replied: "Yes, that's right. The wisdom of the dragon awaits you. But first, please give me your scientific and technological achievements to show your sincerity."

Jarvis whispered to Lu Xingye: "This sounds too suspicious. Why does he want us to hand over our scientific and technological achievements?"

Zhao Yinyun frowned and expressed the same feeling: "Yes, this request is too unusual. We are here to find the wisdom of Shenlong, not to trade technology."

The high priest smiled without moving, as if he had anticipated their doubts.

The high priest reassured: "Please rest assured that handing over scientific and technological achievements is only a necessary step to prove your sincerity. Once you obtain the wisdom of the dragon, you will receive rewards that far exceed these technologies."

Not to be outdone, Zhao Yinyun asked: "But we need more explanations. Why do you need our scientific and technological achievements?"

The high priest's smile became more mysterious, and he slowly explained: "The resources on this planet are limited, and scientific and technological achievements can help us protect this land and create a better life for future generations. We need your help, just Just like you need the wisdom of Shenlong. This is a fair exchange."

These words caused Lu Xingye and the team to fall into silence, and they fell into thinking. This mysterious village seems to be full of weird mysteries, and the words of the high priest also put them in a dilemma. On the mysterious planet, Lu Xingye gradually saw through the conspiracy of the high priest, and his heart was full of vigilance and anxiety. He understood that the high priest was only friendly on the surface to obtain the technological achievements of the Umbrella Company. This discovery forced him to take urgent action, and he decided to cooperate with the Umbrella Company The core members discuss how to deal with the high priest.

Lu Xingye summoned Tony, Jarvis, Zhao Yinyun and Long Xiaoyun and gathered them in a safe room. There was a tense atmosphere in the room, and everyone knew the seriousness of the situation.

Lu Xingye frowned slightly, his eyes were deep, and his voice seemed particularly calm: "I have to tell everyone that the high priest is not the person we imagined. His purpose is not just to guide us to obtain the wisdom of the dragon, he is eager to obtain it. The scientific and technological achievements of our umbrella company.”

Tony frowned, worry flashing in his eyes: "This is really a problem. Our technology is the core of the company, and leaking it will bring immeasurable risks."

Jarvis had a serious expression on his face, and he thought silently: "We cannot act hastily. We must make a clear plan to deal with the threat of the high priest."

Zhao Yinyun's eyes were firm, and she said in a firm tone: "Lu Xingye is right, we cannot trust the high priest. On this unknown planet, we face huge dangers, and we must protect our technology and team."

Long Xiaoyun clenched her fists, and she was full of fighting spirit: "No matter what happens, we must be firm. We are the most elite members of the umbrella company and will not retreat a step."

After careful consideration, Lu Xingye and the core members of the Umbrella Company finally came to a decision, an extreme and decisive decision.

Lu Xingye's eyes were firm and he took a deep breath: "Faced with the high priest's betrayal, we have no other choice. We must completely end his threat."

Tony nodded in agreement, holding his fingers tightly on the edge of the table, showing his inner nervousness: "Yes, only in this way can our technology and security be guaranteed."

Jarvis began to search for information on the computer, with beads of sweat on his forehead: "I will use the company's resources to find the weaknesses of the high priest to ensure that our operation can be successful."

Zhao Yinyun closed her eyes and frowned slightly, as if thinking about the future possibilities: "We must be fully prepared and not allow any accidents to happen. The high priest must pay the price for his betrayal."

Long Xiaoyun clenched the handle of the weapon with both hands, her eyes full of determination and anger: "We will not leave any leeway. Once we have the chance, we will kill the high priest completely."

Their plans have been determined, and they will protect Umbrella's technology and team security at all costs.

This is a life and death battle, and they are ready to never allow failure.

Lu Xingye led his mecha army and biochemical army, and launched an attack on the village where the high priest was located in a tense and determined atmosphere. The night sky was illuminated red by the flames of war, and the firelight flickered on the surface of his armor, reflecting his determined eyes.

The first wave of attacks began. The mecha army rushed towards the village like a torrent of steel, and the infantry soldiers followed suit. The biochemical army rushed like a storm, attacking again and again. The High Priest's village was once considered indestructible, but facing Lu Xingye's technological power, it seemed as fragile as a sandcastle.

However, the High Priest is no ordinary person. He waved the scepter in his hand, mysterious runes flashed in the air, and a magical power suddenly came, repelling the mecha army and the biochemical army. This is no ordinary magic, it seems to be a strange power inherited by ancient wizards.

Lu Xingye was not discouraged, on the contrary, he felt more determined. He knows that this battle is far from over, and that he must work harder to uncover the true face of the High Priest.

Lu Xingye: "Don't stop! Do it again!"

His orders were conveyed to his regiments, who regrouped and rushed toward the village for a second round of attack.

This time, the high priest did not sit still and wait for death. His eyes shone with mysterious light, his lips opened slightly, and ancient spells poured out like a tide, resisting Lu Xingye's attack.

The battle broke out in sparks, the giant steel palms of the mecha collided with the mysterious power, and the claws of the biochemical army met with strange spells. Members of the team fluctuate from anxiety to determination, as every attack carries significant risks.

After a lot of fighting, Lu Xingye finally found an opportunity. He saw that the high priest was busy chanting spells in preparation for a more powerful attack. Lu Xingye seized this opportunity and commanded the mecha army and biochemical army to launch the final wave of attack.

This time, the high priest was unable to cope with the attacks from both sides at the same time. His strength was weakened and he was unable to resist Lu Xingye's army. In the end, the mecha's iron fist hit him hard and knocked him unconscious, while the biochemical army tied him up and subdued the mysterious high priest.

The former confidence and mystery on the high priest's face disappeared, and his eyes were full of helplessness and regret. At the same time, the members of the team also breathed a sigh of relief. They finally achieved victory.

This battle is not only a contest between technology and magic, but also a reflection of everyone's inner persistence and growth. Lu Xingye showed perseverance in leadership, while the high priest understood that strength and strategy were not everything. On this day, peace once again came to the village, and Lu Xingye's determination also won the respect and trust of everyone.

Lu Xingye held the high priest's wrist tightly, his eyes as sharp as knives, as if he wanted to read the secrets in the high priest's heart from his eyes. He knew that this was not an ordinary interrogation, but a cruel decision to save his world.

Lu Xingye said in a firm and cold tone: "Tell me, High Priest, how to learn your witchcraft?"

The high priest's face was pale and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, but he remained silent. He seems to have unspeakable difficulties, but he sticks to his secret.

Lu Xingye watched the high priest remain silent, and the anxiety in his heart became more intense. He knows that time waits for no one, and in order to save the world, he has to take more extreme measures. He ordered his men to begin brutal torture, hoping to force the high priest to speak.

The torture began, and the high priest groaned in pain, but still refused to give in. Lu Xingye saw the high priest in pain, but his heart did not waver at all. He knew that only in this way could he force the high priest to tell the truth.

Lu Xingye ordered in a cold and firm tone: "Come again, increase the intensity!"

The soldiers under his command carried out the orders one after another, and the resistance of the high priest became increasingly difficult. However, at the moment when he was about to tell the secret of witchcraft, the high priest suddenly twitched and let out a blood-curdling roar.

The high priest shouted in pain: ""

His body trembled violently, as if he had been punished by heaven. The surrounding air became stagnant, and a mysterious power enveloped the high priest.

Lu Xingye and his men looked at this scene in shock. They witnessed the sudden death of the high priest in disbelief. The high priest fell dead, leaving behind a mystery that could never be solved.

This scene left everyone feeling uneasy and confused. The death of the High Priest took away all his secrets and left all his unsolved mysteries buried forever in his heart. This result made Lu Xingye and his team feel extremely heavy and disappointed.

After the death of the high priest, the village fell into a dead silence. Lu Xingye and his team stood there, facing this sudden ending, they felt extremely shocked and helpless.

Lu Xingye looked at the body of the high priest lying on the ground, and his heart was filled with complicated emotions. He knew that this result was not what he expected, but he also understood that in order to protect himself and others, he had to make such a choice.

Lu Xingye turned around and looked at his team. Their faces were full of shock and confusion, and it was obvious that they did not expect such an ending.

Lu Xingye took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Let's go."

They left the village, leaving behind the body of the high priest and the mysteries they could not solve. They know that there are still many unknowns in this world waiting for them to explore and challenge.

However, just as they were about to leave, Lu Xingye suddenly stopped. He turned around and looked at the high priest's body again.

Lu Xingye took a deep look at the high priest, and then said slowly: "We will find out your secret."

Then he turned away and led his team onward. They know that there are still many unknowns in this world waiting for them to explore and challenge. As for the high priest, although he has died, the secrets he left behind still affect the world.

Lu Xingye led his team back to the Shenlong Ruins, and they continued to explore this mysterious place. Deep in the ruins, they discovered some strange witchcraft runes. These runes exuded an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, as if they contained some powerful power.

Just as they were exploring in depth, the crow that had been killed before came back to life. The crow's eyes were shining with a strange light, and it was hovering in the sky, as if it was monitoring Lu Xingye and the others.

At the same time, they also discovered many monster statues similar to ancient dragons. These statues are so lifelike that they seem ready to jump out of the stone at any moment. Moreover, there were a large number of monsters surrounding these statues, and they attacked Lu Xingye and the others.

Lu Xingye and his team immediately prepared for battle. The weapons in their hands shone with cold light, and they did not flinch in the face of the monster's attack. After a fierce battle, they successfully fought off these monsters.

However, just as they were about to leave, Lu Xingye suddenly felt a powerful force. He turned around and saw that the dragon statues started to move. These statues seemed to be given life. They jumped out of the stone and launched an attack on Lu Xingye and the others.

Lu Xingye looked at the dragon statue in front of him, his heart filled with determination. He knew that this was a challenge they had to face and they couldn't back down.

Lu Xingye turned to look at his team. Their faces were full of firmness and determination. He knew that they were all his most reliable partners and that they would face this challenge with him.

Lu Xingye took a deep breath and said loudly: "Get ready to fight!"

Following Lu Xingye's order, their team immediately prepared for battle. The weapons in their hands shone with cold light, and they did not flinch in the face of the attacks from the dragon statues.

The battle began, and Lu Xingye and his team fought fiercely with the dragon statue. They used all their strength to attack the dragon statue again and again. However, the dragon statues seem to be unable to be destroyed, and they always maintain that terrifying power.

Lu Xingye looked at the situation in front of him, his heart filled with anxiety. He knew that if this continued, they might be wiped out.

At this moment, Lu Xingye suddenly thought of an idea. He turned to the team and said: "We must find their weaknesses!"

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