Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 542

After hearing Lu Xingye's words, the people in the team immediately took action. They began to look for weaknesses in the dragon statues and tried to exploit them to defeat them.

After some hard work, they finally found the weakness of the dragon statue. Under the command of Lu Xingye, they successfully defeated the dragon statues and completely destroyed them.

Looking at the destroyed dragon statue in front of them, Lu Xingye and his team breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that although the battle was difficult, they eventually won.

However, at this moment, the crow suddenly flew in front of Lu Xingye. It hovered in the air, as if telling Lu Xingye something.

Lu Xingye looked at the crow, filled with doubts. He didn't know what the crow was trying to tell him, but he knew that the crow might hold the key to the mysterious secrets of witchcraft.

Lu Xingye led his team further into the Shenlong ruins, and they found a Shenlong fossil egg deep in the ruins. This egg exudes an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, as if it contains some powerful power.

Lu Xingye decided to take the egg back. He hoped that by studying the egg, he could find clues to the secret of witchcraft. So, he established a special research laboratory and began to conduct in-depth research on this dragon fossil egg.

Jarvis, Zhao Yinyun, Tony and Long Xiaoyun all participated in this project. They held a research meeting in the laboratory to discuss the Shenlong gene in depth and the possibility of developing witchcraft based on the gene.

The meeting began, and Jarvis spoke first: "We need to first determine whether there are really dragon genes in this egg. If there are, we may be able to find ways to develop witchcraft by studying these genes."

Zhao Yinyun nodded, and she added: "We also need to consider how to extract and analyze these genes. This may require us to develop some new technologies and methods."

Tony thought for a moment and then said: "We also need to think about how to use these genes. If we can successfully use these genes, we may be able to develop powerful witchcraft."

Long Xiaoyun looked at everyone and said seriously: "No matter what we do, we must proceed with caution. We cannot let these genes fall into the wrong hands."

Lu Xingye listened to everyone's discussion and knew that they faced huge challenges. But he also understood that only in this way could they truly unlock the secrets of witchcraft.

356. The mystery of resurrection

Lu Xingye and his team conducted in-depth research on Shenlong fossil eggs in the research laboratory. They used the most advanced technological equipment to analyze the composition of eggshells, try to extract potential dragon genes, and conduct gene sequencing. The job is fraught with challenges, but they are determined to persevere because they know the egg may contain the key to unlocking the secrets of witchcraft.

After weeks of research, they finally succeeded in extracting some promising genetic samples of Shenlong. The genetic samples are extremely complex, but they believe they may hold the key to the secrets of witchcraft.

In the lab, Jarvis leads a team that performs genetic sequencing and analysis. His eyes were glued to the computer screen, trying to decipher the meaning of these mysterious genes. His brows were furrowed and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing his concentration and excitement.

Jarvis: "I found that these genes are significantly different from the genetic structure of ordinary organisms. They seem to contain an ancient energy code, which may be related to witchcraft."

Zhao Yinyun frowned. She was also studying the genetic data, trying to understand the mystery. Her fingers were tapping the keyboard quickly, entering various commands and parameters. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and confusion.

Zhao Yinyun: "These genetic codes seem to contain a strange way of energy transmission, which is completely different from our technology. If we can decipher this code, we may be able to understand the working principle of witchcraft."

Tony began to think about how to apply these genes. He realizes that the power of witchcraft may far exceed the technology they currently possess. Various ideas and assumptions flashed through his mind, and there was a hint of greed and cunning in the corner of his mouth.

Tony: "If we can integrate these genes into technology, we may be able to create more powerful devices than ever before. However, we need to study carefully to ensure that there are no unintended consequences."

Long Xiaoyun kept reminding everyone to be cautious. She was worried that these witchcraft genes might have catastrophic consequences. Her voice was low and firm, her eyes serious and alert.

Long Xiaoyun: "We must not forget that witchcraft is an ancient and mysterious power that may hide unpredictable risks. We must be cautious and not use these genes hastily."

Lu Xingye listened silently to everyone's discussion. He knew the importance of this research. They have taken a big step, but the road ahead is still full of unknowns. As the secrets of witchcraft slowly unfold before them, they must proceed cautiously to ensure this ancient power does not fall into the wrong hands. His expression is calm and firm, and his heart is full of responsibility and belief.

Lu Xingye: "We will continue to research, but remember that our goal is to protect the world, not to use witchcraft for malicious purposes. No matter what happens, we must remain vigilant and cannot ignore potential risks."

They know they are on a challenging path, but they are determined to move forward, seeking the secrets of witchcraft to protect their world from the forces of evil.

This is a fight for the future, and they will work tirelessly until all the mysteries of witchcraft are revealed.

Dr. Zhao Yinyun continues to conduct in-depth research on the mysterious fossil dragon eggs in the laboratory. She had been focusing on the analysis of genes, but one day, she suddenly discovered a striking phenomenon. Her eyes widened, her breathing quickened, her heartbeat quickened. She couldn't wait to share this amazing discovery with others.

"Everyone, come and see this!"

Jarvis, Tony, Long Xiaoyun and Lu Xingye all hurried to Zhao Yinyun's workstation, and their eyes were attracted by the images on the screen. They saw an incredible picture: there were still faint signs of life inside the fossilized dragon eggs.

The internal structure of the fossilized dragon egg was displayed on the screen. Conventional scientific theory holds that the eggs are completely dead, but the data on the screen tells an unusual story.

"The eggs are not completely dead, they are in a state of suspended animation."

"You mean they still show signs of life?"

"Yes, I found that the cell structure inside the egg was not completely decomposed, and there was still weak bioelectric activity. This means that these fossil dragon eggs may be resurrected."

After hearing this, Jarvis showed an expression of surprise and excitement. He felt this was an extremely important and interesting discovery, and he wanted to explore its mysteries further.

"This is incredible! We must do more testing and analysis immediately to see if we can find a way to resurrect these eggs."

Long Xiaoyun felt worried and afraid. She felt that this was an extremely dangerous and uncontrollable thing, and she was worried that these resurrected dragons would bring disaster to the world.

"Resurrection? This is incredible!"

Tony felt curious and greedy. He felt that this was an extremely valuable and profitable thing, and he wanted to use these resurrected dragons to create more powerful technology.

"But how? We need a way to awaken the life in these eggs."

Zhao Yinyun felt confident and determined. She thinks this is an extremely meaningful and challenging thing, and she wants to complete this unprecedented scientific feat.

"I believe we can awaken these eggs by simulating ancient ecological conditions, providing appropriate nutrition and stimulating bioelectric activity. It will be extremely challenging, but I think we can do it."

Lu Xingye felt responsible and vigilant. He felt that this was an extremely important and sensitive matter, and he wanted to protect these resurrected dragons while preventing them from being abused or harmed.

"This is a major breakthrough, but we need to proceed with caution. If we succeed, we will be faced with the responsibility of managing and protecting these resurrected dragons."


Dr. Zhao Yinyun and her team decided to use the most advanced technology and research results to simulate the living environment of the ancient dragon tribe. They created a giant eco-pod filled with a variety of vegetation, water sources and climate control systems. This ecological cabin is designed to resemble the mysterious ancient ecological environment to meet the conditions required to resurrect the dragon eggs.

After a period of hard work, they were finally ready to place a fossilized dragon egg into the eco-chamber. The egg is ancient and hard on the outside, but weak bioelectric activity inside suggests it's not completely dead.

Zhao Yinyun carefully placed the egg into the nest of the ecological cabin, and then observed the data displayed by the instrument. Parameters such as temperature, humidity, and atmosphere are precisely controlled to ensure that the simulated ecological environment meets the needs of the ancient dragon tribe.

After weeks of waiting, the exciting moment has finally arrived. The fossil dragon egg in the ecological cabin began to vibrate weakly, and cracks appeared on the eggshell, as if it was about to break. The team members held their breath, nervously and expectantly watching the scene in the lair.

Suddenly, a slight tremor spread throughout the ecological chamber, and then, a small creature struggled in the eggshell. The eggshell finally cracked open, and an ancient creature, a small dragon, slowly crawled out.

Zhao Yinyun shouted excitedly: "Success! We successfully resurrected an ancient dragon!"

She couldn't help but want to get close to the little dragon to see if it was healthy. She felt like a new mother, full of love for her hatched baby.

Long Xiaoyun also shouted happily: "It's so cute!"

She is the youngest member of the team and has a keen interest in dragons. She felt that this little dragon was like a cute pet and wanted to hold it and kiss it.

Lu Xingye said calmly: "This is a great achievement, but we must keep in mind our responsibilities. We must protect these resurrected dragons and ensure that they can live in harmony with the modern world."

He is the most experienced member of the team and has a deep understanding of dragons. He knew that these ancient dragons were not just ordinary animals, but possessed powerful and dangerous witchcraft powers. He didn't want these powers to be abused or cause disaster.

Tony said excitedly: "This is also a huge scientific breakthrough. The resurrection of these ancient genes and witchcraft power may change our understanding of science and technology."

He is the most creative member of the team and has endless curiosity about dragons. He wanted to explore the mysteries of these ancient dragons and see if they could bring more progress and development to mankind.

The little dragon seemed to sense the presence of the team members, and it chirped softly, as if to thank them. This little dragon will become their partner and research object, and together they will explore the mysteries of ancient times while ensuring that this mysterious power does not bring disaster.

357. Witchcraft Fire

After Lu Xingye finished exploring the ruins and disposing of the hatched dragon egg, he returned to the spaceship.

Of course he didn't come away empty-handed.

Instead, all the information about witchcraft on this strange planet was packed back into the spaceship. Because he had a vague hunch that this thing could definitely be researched. Witchcraft is real.

He stayed in the spaceship laboratory and immersed himself in the study of witchcraft. He read the relic information over and over again, trying to understand this ancient and mysterious power. His laboratory is filled with books, experimental equipment, and research materials on witchcraft runes.

One day, Zhu Xiaonong, a team member who pays attention to nature and spirituality, walked into Lu Xingye's laboratory. He has a deep connection with the natural world and a unique perspective on witchcraft.

Zhu Xiaonong: "Lu Xingye, I know you have been exploring the mysteries of witchcraft. But maybe you have overlooked an important aspect, which is the resonance with the natural world."

Lu Xingye raised his head and looked at the small farmers curiously.

Lu Xingye: "Resonance? What do you mean?"

Farmers: "Witchcraft is not a simple science, it is the expression of nature and the interaction with nature. You see, you are pursuing knowledge in this laboratory, but witchcraft requires the connection of souls. Try Close your eyes and feel the breath of nature.”

Lu Xingye was a little confused, but still closed his eyes and began to listen attentively. He could feel his breathing gradually synchronizing with the rhythm of nature, as if he was one with nature.

Small farmers: "Now, try to think about what you need, and communicate with nature with your heart. You can ask nature for a little gift of energy, and then feel its response."

Lu Xingye thought quietly, searching deep in his soul, trying to establish a connection with nature. Gradually, he felt a warm energy flowing into his body. This energy was like a gentle breeze and burning like a flame.

Lu Xingye: "I feel it. It's a kind of heat, an energy full of vitality."

The small farmers smiled and nodded.

Small farmers: "Yes, this is the core of witchcraft. Witchcraft runes are not just engraved on paper, they are a call to nature, an expression of prayer and resonance. Try to write yours with your heart Condensate your thoughts into images and ask nature to give you the power of fire.”

Lu Xingye closed his eyes firmly, imagining a fireball in his heart, trying to use his will to convey his request to nature. As he concentrated, the image of the fireball began to become clear in his mind.

After a moment, he suddenly felt that his body was filled with fiery power. He opened his eyes and found a weak fireball floating in his hand. This fireball is formed from pure magical power, it glows brightly with no actual combustion.

Lu Xingye looked at this scene in shock.

Lu Xingye: "This... this is true! I succeeded, I summoned the fireball."

The farmers smiled and said: "Yes, witchcraft is the interaction with nature and the expression of the heart and soul. Now, you understand part of the essence of witchcraft, which will help you explore this ancient power more deeply." "

Lu Xingye felt that his horizons had been expanded. He understood that witchcraft was not only science, but also a connection with nature and the universe. His path of research will continue, but now he has a deeper understanding and tools to better explore the mysteries of witchcraft.

358. The first snow

Lu Xingye was concentrating on studying the structure of witchcraft runes in the laboratory. He wanted to find out their relationship with natural forces.

He had already summoned fireballs, but he wanted to go further and master more elements.

He was using a special instrument to measure the energy fluctuations of the runes. His eyes were fixed on the data on the screen. His fingers were tapping the keyboard quickly, and his mind was filled with various formulas and assumptions.

Suddenly, he felt someone hugging him from behind, and a cold feeling spread throughout his body. He screamed, turned his head, and saw the smiling faces of the small farmers.

Small farmers: "Lu Xingye, why are you still here? It's snowing outside, come out and play!"

Lu Xingye: "Is it snowing? When?"

Small farmers: "Just now, didn't you look out the window? Look, the whole world has turned white."

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