Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 543

Lu Xingye raised his head and looked out the window, and sure enough he saw a sheet of flying snowflakes covering the ground and buildings. He suddenly felt a sense of surprise and beauty.

Lu Xingye: "Wow, it's so beautiful." Small farmers: "Yes, this is the first snow this year. Let's go build a snowman. I've prepared carrots and briquettes."

Lu Xingye: "Building a snowman? Are you kidding me?"

Zhu Xiaonong: "Of course not. Building a snowman is one of the most interesting things in winter. You won't tell me that you have never built a snowman, right?" Lu Xingye: "Actually... I really haven't."

Farmers: "What? You've never built a snowman? Then what did you do when you were a child?"

Lu Xingye: "I...I have been studying since I was a child."

Zhu Xiaonong: "Oh, you are such a nerd. But it doesn't matter. I'm here now, and I will teach you how to make a snowman. Come on, come with me." With that, Zhu Xiaonong took Lu Xingye's hand, Drag him outside. Lu Xingye had no choice but to put down his work and follow her out of the laboratory.

Lu Xingye followed the farmers to the open space outside the laboratory, which was already filled with snow. The farmers said excitedly: "Okay, what we need to do first is to find some big snow cubes, and then shape them into balls, so that we can make the body of the snowman."

Lu Xingye: "Is that so? How many snowballs should we make?"

Farmers: "Generally speaking, a snowman is made up of three snowballs, one big, one medium, and one small. The big one is the snowman's lower body, the medium one is the snowman's upper body, and the small one is the snowman's head. . Of course, you can also change it according to your own preferences, such as making four or five snowballs, or making it into other shapes."

Lu Xingye: "I understand. Let's get started." As they said that, they began to look for suitable snow pieces in the snow, and then shaped them into balls with their hands. Lu Xingye found that this was not an easy task. His fingers soon became numb from the cold, and the snowballs were not very smooth or even.

He couldn't help but sigh: "This is really an art."

The farmers smiled and said, "Yes, building a snowman is also a manifestation of creativity. Look, I have already made three snowballs."

Lu Xingye looked up and found that the farmers had indeed made three snowballs of different sizes, and they were all round and smooth. He couldn't help but admire him and said, "You are so awesome."

Small farmers: "Thank you for the compliment. Let's pile them up now."

As she spoke, she placed the largest snowball on the ground, then the medium snowball on top, and finally the smallest snowball on top. In this way, a simple snowman is formed.

Small farmers: "Okay, now we have to decorate it. You hold this carrot, and I hold these briquettes. We use the carrots for the nose, and the briquettes for the eyes and mouth."

Lu Xingye: "Okay." With that said, they began to decorate the snowman. Lu Xingye stuck a carrot on the snowman's head as a nose. Small farmers stuck briquettes on both sides to cover their eyes. Then she used several briquettes arranged in an arc as a mouth.

Small farmers: "Look, this is our snowman."

Lu Xingye looked at the snowman in front of him and found it very interesting. He said: "It looks lovely."

359. Alien Mid-Autumn Festival

"Yeah, it's very cute, just like you." As he said that, Zhu Xiaonong suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched Lu Xingye's face, and then ran away with a smile.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lu Xingye felt his face getting hot. He didn't know whether Zhu Xiaonong was joking or hinting at something.

"I'm teasing you, don't be angry." Zhu Xiaonong turned around, made a face at Lu Xingye, and then said, "Let's make another snowman, and you will be the one to design it this time."

Lu Xingye thought for a while and said, "Okay, okay, then I'll design it." "Let's make a wizard's snowman and decorate it with runes."

Small farmers: "The wizard's snowman? How to make it?"

Lu Xingye: "It's very simple. We first use a snowball to make an ordinary snowman, then use some branches and cloth to make a hat and a cloak, and then use some stones and wire to make a wand. Finally, we Runes were used to depict its eyes and mouth, as well as other symbols to make it look like it could cast spells."

Zhu Xiaonong: "Wow, you are so creative. Let's start quickly."

With that said, they started looking for suitable materials in the snow again, and then made a wizard's snowman according to Lu Xingye's design. Lu Xingye scanned the runes with his instrument and found that they did have some weak energy fluctuations. He couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Lu Xingye: "Look, this is our wizard snowman."

Small farmers: "It's amazing. It looks very mysterious."

After Lu Xingye finished building the snowman, he was ready to return to the space battleship. If he remembered correctly, he had spent three full years on Alien Planet 7 and this strange planet, and he missed his home planet more and more.

He decided secretly in his mind.

After a while, he will return to his home planet.

Even the air is not smooth for people to breathe in aliens. Although he has his own partners on alien planets, he prefers to gather with humans.

Singing and dancing with humans, humans have so many ways to entertain themselves, but none of the above are available. They are all boring scientific research and boring exploration tasks.

At this time, Jarvis suddenly came over and looked at Lu Xingye's faint opening.

"If Commander remembers correctly, according to the etiquette of the home planet, today should be the night of reunion. In other words, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival of the Full Moon."

Mid-Autumn Festival? ? ?

When Lu Xingye heard this, his eyes became more thoughtful.

When Lu Xingye heard Jarvis' words, his heart moved. He thought of his relatives and friends on his home planet, he thought of the traditions and customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he thought of the reunion and blessings under the moon. He couldn't help but feel a little melancholy and longing. He wanted to return to his home planet and spend the holidays with them.

He said to Jarvis: "Really? Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Thank you for reminding me, Jarvis. You know, the Mid-Autumn Festival is an important festival for us humans. It symbolizes family reunion and harmony. It also expresses our respect and prayers for the moon. During this festival, we will eat moon cakes, admire the moon, worship, sing poems, and have many other activities."

Jarvis: "I know something, Commander. I once saw some of your Mid-Autumn Festival memories in your memory chip. You and your family and friends were very happy. You shared food and stories. You Appreciating the moonlight and starry sky, you are expressing your love and care for each other. I think that is a beautiful emotion, Commander."

360. Alien Mid-Autumn Festival 2

Lu Xingye: "Yeah, that's a very beautiful emotion, Jarvis. I really want to experience that emotion again. I really want to go back to my home planet and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with them."

Jarvis: "Then why don't you go back, Commander? You have been here for three years, you have completed your mission, and you have made great contributions to human science and exploration. You should go back to enjoying your life, Commander."

Lu Xingye: "I also want to go back, Jarvis. But I still have some things to do, I still have some research to complete, and I still have some responsibilities to bear. I can't just give up my work like this, I can't just I can't forget my mission without my friends like this, Jarvis."

Jarvis: "I understand how you feel, Commander."

Lu Xingye was silent for a long time. After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up as if something suddenly occurred to him.

He stood in the deep sky, looking into the distance.

His eyes were full of responsibility and joy.

He had a desire to see what he wanted.

Somewhere in my mind, I had an idea, although I am in a foreign country and not my home planet, I can still celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival on my home planet in a foreign country.

"Jarvis, let's do this! Let the robot prepare. I want to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival on my home planet on the space battleship."

"Not only do you have to hold a lantern riddle guessing activity, but you also have to ask the production department to make mooncakes. Let's celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in a foreign country."

When Jarvis heard this, his eyes kept inciting. As an artificial-level intelligent robot, he couldn't understand what Lu Xingye was thinking.

Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in a foreign country? ? ?

This may be the humble emotion or longing among humans. As a robot, I cannot understand it.

"Okay, Commander. I will complete your mission perfectly." After Jarvis finished speaking, he was silent for a moment and suddenly added another sentence.

"By the way, Commander, should we tell Zhu Xiaonong, Long Xiaoyun, Tony, Zhao Yinyun and others????"

Lu Xingye replied: "Don't tell them for now, just treat it as a surprise..."

Jarvis followed Lu Xingye's instructions and began to arrange the robots to prepare for the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations. He asked some robots to go to the production department to make mooncakes, he asked some robots to design lantern riddles in the entertainment department, he asked some robots to prepare food in the canteen, and he asked some robots to go to the bridge to adjust the course so that the space battleship could aim at the nearest satellite. , as their moon.

Lu Xingye returned to his room and started to pack some things. He wanted to send some video messages to his relatives and friends to wish them a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, tell them that he missed them, and tell them that he would be back soon. He also wanted to prepare some gifts for Zhu Xiaonong, Long Xiaoyun, Tony, and Zhao Yinyun as a surprise for them. He wanted to use his research and findings to make something interesting and useful that would make them feel he was cared for and appreciated.

He worked for a while and then completed his preparations. He put his video message and gift in a small box, then took it and walked out of the room. He planned to go to Jarvis to see if his arrangement was going well, and then invite his friends to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together.

He walked to the door of the laboratory and was about to knock on the door when he heard a burst of laughter from inside. He opened the door curiously and discovered a scene that surprised him.

361. Touched

He saw Zhu Xiaonong, Long Xiaoyun, Tony, and Zhao Yinyun in the laboratory. They were surrounding a table filled with various mooncakes, including bean paste, lotus paste, five-nut, Chocolate, and some flavors he had never seen before, such as cheese, ham, and seafood. They were holding knives and forks, tasting moon cakes, and laughing and talking.

He also saw Jarvis, who was standing aside, holding a tablet in his hand, which displayed some lantern riddles. From time to time, he would give them questions and let them guess. If they guess correctly, they will get a small gift, such as a key chain, a badge, or a toy. If they guessed wrong, Jarvis would laugh at them and then give them a hint to keep guessing.

When they saw Lu Xingye, they all stopped in surprise, raised their heads, and looked at him.

"Commander, why are you here?" Zhu Xiaonong asked.

"What are you doing?" Lu Xingye asked.

"We are celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, Commander." Long Xiaoyun smiled.

"Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival? How do you know today is the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Lu Xingye asked.

"Jarvis told us, Commander," Tony said.

"Yes, Commander. Based on the calendar of your home planet, I calculated that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, so I want to give you a surprise and let you experience the traditional festival of your home planet. I didn't expect that you would advance it yourself Got it," Jarvis said.

"How did you do it?" Lu Xingye asked.

"I used the research results in the laboratory to make some mooncakes, design some lantern riddles, and adjust the heading so that we can see the nearest satellite as our moon," Jarvis said.

"?" Lu Xingye asked.

"Yes, Commander. I used your molecular synthesizer to create some ingredients, and then used your smart baking machine to bake mooncakes of various flavors. I also used your quantum communicator to collect Some riddles of your home planet, and then use your language translator to translate them into a language we can understand. I also used your gravity controller to allow our space battleship to stably aim at the nearest planet Satellites allow us to see the whole thing," Jarvis said.

"Molecular synthesizer, intelligent baking machine, quantum communicator, language translator, gravity controller?" Lu Xingye asked.

"Yes, Commander..." Jarvis said.

Lu Xingye was so moved that he couldn't speak after hearing this. He looked at Jarvis, at his friends, at their smiling faces, at their eyes, at their happiness, and he felt that his heart was also filled with happiness.

He walked up to them, put the small box in his hand on the table, and said, "This is the gift I prepared for you. I hope you like it."

They opened the small box together and found some video messages and some gadgets inside. The video message was sent by Lu Xingye to their relatives and friends, wishing them a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, telling them that he missed them very much, and that he would be back soon.

They hugged each other for a while, then sat down together, continuing to eat mooncakes, guess lantern riddles, and chat.

They looked at the satellites outside the window and seemed to see their moon. They felt like they were on their home planet, living a warm and happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

They don't know that this is their last Mid-Autumn Festival on the space battleship and their last Mid-Autumn Festival together.

362. Zhao Yinyun

After the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet.

Lu Xingye returned to his room. Biological Erhuan looked at the ceiling in front of him and fell into deep thought. Since he established the Tunnel Fire Technology, he has been appearing in the vast sea of ​​​​stars from his home star, and later came to Alien Planet No. 7. On No. 7 The alien planet has experienced a series of dangers and opportunities.

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