Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 544

This is a very dangerous and fantastic journey.


The trip was very successful.

He has successfully conquered Alien Planet No. 7, and now Alien Planet No. 7 can perfectly become a colony of Tunnel Fire Technology.

And he no longer needs to compete for resources with those on the home planet.

This is a very lucky thing.

Moreover, the technology of Tunnel Fire Technology has surpassed the home planet by a lot. It is impossible for him to develop like his home planet. After returning to his home star, he will definitely have to re-establish a development plan to achieve explosive growth.

Now with the growth of technology and the growth of power in our hands.

Some petty fights can no longer impress him.

The goals he pursued also changed significantly.

Money is no longer the goal.

Because money is just a bunch of numbers in his hand and does not mean much at all. There is only one thing he desires now, and that is to stand on the top of the world and achieve his ultimate goal of immortality.

People are afraid of death.

The ultimate goal is immortality.

Apart from that, everything is just a cloud. No matter how magnificent you are in the world, you will not be able to withstand the erosion of time, and in the end you will turn into a cup of loess.

Live happily ever after.

Lead the people around you and the people you care about to live forever.

This is the final result that Lu Xingye wants.

Everything in the world has become indifferent, and the prosperity of the world outside has also become indifferent. All the money and all the beauty are gone.

Only immortality will never be seen.

Lu Xingye fell silent, thinking and planning his future step by step in his mind.

In addition to the long-term goal of immortality.

He also has a short-range goal.

That's when it's time to return to the home planet.

Now he is like a wanderer playing outside, far enough away from his mother. In addition, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I miss my mother even more.

Looking forward to the same month.

But thousands of miles apart.

Look up at the bright moon, lower your head and miss your hometown.

No matter how well he does outside, how well he develops on Alien Planet No. 7, or how well he develops on this strange planet, he will eventually return to his home planet - his mother planet.

Just when Lu Xingye was silent.

Suddenly there was a gentle knock on the door.

Although Lu Xingye's meditation was interrupted, he was not angry. He was not studying at the moment. He was still very tolerant to his subordinates.

"Come in. The door is unlocked." Lu Xingye said softly.

Then he heard the sound of a door turning, the mechanical gears continued to rotate, and a stunning beauty appeared in front of her.

The person who came was none other than Zhao Yinyun.

She is a girl who looks exactly like Ying Bao.

Zhao Yinyun looks very good in character, both in figure and appearance, she is absolutely impeccable.

Lu Xingye raised his head and glanced at the other person, his eyes suddenly became anxious, and his introspection was very shocking. Zhao Yinyun is so pretty.

Zhao Yinyun was seen wearing a silver-white dress.

Or rather a silver-white dress.

Dresses and dresses are the same thing, and the boundary between them is not very clear. Lu Xingye can't tell whether it is a dress or a dress.

363. The spaceship sets sail and returns to the home star.

Zhao Yinyun walked up to Lu Xingye and smiled slightly, with a hint of slyness in her eyes: "Boss, the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet is over, what are you thinking about alone in your room?"

Lu Xingye smiled: "It's nothing, I just look back on my experience during this period, and I feel very emotional."

Zhao Yinyun chuckled and sat on the chair opposite, with a touch of tenderness on her pretty face: "We have indeed experienced many ups and downs along the way, but now everything is a complete success, and the mother planet can rest assured."

Lu Xingye nodded and said with emotion: "Yes, all this is for the mother planet. Now our home is no longer threatened by the outside world. This is our greatest victory."

Zhao Yinyun tilted her head slightly, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes: "Boss, are you thinking about future plans? The home planet is safe, what are we going to do next?"

Lu Xingye smiled slightly: "I have many plans for the future, but the most urgent thing now is to return to my home planet. I'm already a little homesick. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, so I just take advantage of this festival to go back to see my mother."

A glimmer of understanding flashed in Zhao Yinyun's eyes: "Yes, going home is the warmest thing. Although the home planet is not as advanced as our current place, a place with family is the best."

Lu Xingye nodded and said with emotion: "Yes, family is the most important. In the days to come, I want to spend time with my family and re-plan the future of Tunnel Fire Technology."

Zhao Yinyun smiled and said: "Boss, are you talking about the long-term goal of immortality?"

Lu Xingye nodded: "Yes, immortality is the ultimate goal I have always pursued. There are too many things in this world that are short-lived, and I hope to have eternity."

Zhao Yinyun looked at Lu Xingye quietly, seeming to be thinking about something. Finally, she said softly: "Boss, we will all support your goals. No matter what the road ahead is, with your leadership, we will work together and move forward together."

Lu Xingye smiled slightly and looked at Zhao Yinyun gratefully: "Thank you, Yinyun. With your support, I believe the future will be even more brilliant."

Three days later.

Lu Xingye led his team, including Jarvis, Long Xiaoyun, Zhu Xiaonong, Zhao Yinyun, and the witty and humorous Tony, and boarded the space battleship of Tunnel Fire Technology. This battleship has been improved and upgraded many times, and has the ability to travel at faster than light speeds, allowing them to return to their home planet quickly and safely.

The cabin was filled with the unknown atmosphere of the starry sky, and everyone found their positions in different areas of the battleship. Jarvis and Long Xiaoyun stood in the command cabin, responsible for navigation and navigation; Zhu Xiaonong and Tony were in the engineering cabin, ready to deal with possible technical problems; and Zhao Yinyun was in the living area, preparing for everyone's Mid-Autumn Festival. Simple dinner.

As the battleship took off, Lu Xingye stood in the command module, looking at the scene of Alien Planet No. 7 gradually fading away. This planet has witnessed their struggles and victories, and now they will embark on a new journey back to their home planet.

"Jarvis, start the hyperlight engine." Lu Xingye ordered.

"Yes, boss!" Jarvis immediately operated the console, and the roar of the engine resounded throughout the battleship.

The battleship shuttled through the universe, shining brightly, and the hyperdrive drove them across the stars, shortening the journey home. Long Xiaoyun focused on controlling the course to ensure that they could travel through space safely and smoothly.

During the flight, everyone gathered in the living area and enjoyed the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner prepared by Zhao Yinyun. The table is filled with all kinds of delicious food, which tastes like home.

"Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, even though we are on a different planet, we still have to celebrate it well." Lu Xingye raised his wine glass and blessed everyone.

Everyone raised their glasses and responded in unison: "Happy going home!"

After dinner, everyone took a walk inside the battleship and shared each other's moods and thoughts. Long Xiaoyun faced the porthole and looked at the starry sky and took a deep breath: "I can finally go home."

"Yes, it feels so good to be at home." Zhu Xiaonong said with emotion.

Tony interjected playfully: "Did you encounter anything new on the way home?"

Jarvis smiled and said: "Although I have experienced a lot on the alien planet, I hope everything will be safe and smooth on the way home."

Zhao Yinyun stared at the starry sky quietly and said softly: "Going home is the most beautiful thing."

As the space battleship traveled across the stars, their hearts were filled with expectations and hopes. The home of their mother planet, the waiting of their loved ones, everything is waiting for them ahead.

364. Encounter alien bandits and enter the Origin Star

The space battleship shuttles through the darkness of the universe, the stars twinkle outside the portholes, and the atmosphere inside the cabin is calm and peaceful. However, in this calmness, suddenly, Jarvis's expression became tense.

"There is a huge meteorite area, we must be careful!" Jarvis reminded anxiously.

"What?" Long Xiaoyun immediately adjusted his course, trying to avoid the path of the meteorite. The atmosphere in the cabin instantly became tense, and everyone realized the seriousness of the danger.

The ship shook, the starry sky suddenly became chaotic, and the huge roar of falling meteorites echoed in the cabin. The ship quickly carried out emergency evasive maneuvers, but in the universe, speed and distance became relative, and evasion was not that easy.

"Everyone, hold on!" Jarvis kept operating on the console, trying to maintain the stability of the ship. Long Xiaoyun also concentrated on controlling the ship, trying to avoid the trajectory of the meteorite.

The meteorite was like a huge meteor, flying from the depths of the universe. The ship tried its best to avoid it, and for a time it seemed that it had escaped. However, a huge meteorite approached them inadvertently.

"No, there's no way to avoid it!" There was a hint of helplessness in Jarvis's voice.

The meteorite collided with the space battleship, and violent vibrations spread throughout the battleship. Everyone in the cabin lost their balance due to the vibration and couldn't help but grab nearby supports.

"The ship's hull has been damaged and is being repaired urgently!" Zhu Xiaonong reported nervously.

Zhao Yinyun held the armrest tightly and looked at Lu Xingye anxiously: "Boss, what should I do?"

Lu Xingye said calmly: "First ensure everyone's safety, and then find a way to repair the battleship."

Under the impact of the meteorite, cracks appeared in the outer shell of the battleship, and part of the ship's system was also affected. The atmosphere in the cabin was tense and heavy, but everyone knew that now was not the time to give up.

Jarvis and Long Xiaoyun worked closely to try to stabilize the course of the battleship. Zhu Xiaonong and Tony worked hard to repair the damaged system. Zhao Yinyun helped everyone stay calm and prepare for possible follow-up problems.

With the urgent efforts of all members, the space battleship gradually stabilized. Although the hull was damaged, there were no fatal problems. Lu Xingye took a deep breath and said encouragingly: "Everyone is great, we will definitely be able to overcome this difficulty."

Jarvis nodded: "We will repair the battleship as soon as possible to ensure that we can return to our home planet smoothly."

The atmosphere in the cabin was still tense and the repair work was not going smoothly. Just as everyone was trying their best to deal with the damage to the ship's hull, suddenly, a larger meteorite group appeared on their course.

"No, the meteorite group is bigger!" Long Xiaoyun shouted anxiously.

Jarvis frowned and tried to evade, but because the ship's hull had not been fully repaired, its mobility was limited. The meteorites are gradually approaching, and dangers are everywhere.

Lu Xingye thought calmly and then ordered: "Prepare laser weapons to destroy those meteorites!"

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