Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 480 473: Xihe “Transforms” (Part 2)

"Well, there are quite a lot of people in the competition, a thousand people!" Xihe crossed the index fingers of his left and right hands to make a [ten] sign, "There are ten hundred people! But the strength of those mortals is really not that good, even if they drive those steel You still can’t beat me even though you’re a pimple.”

The more Su Jiameng listened, the more she felt something was wrong... From what Xihe meant, it seemed like he was taking on the entire enemy in a melee alone?

After Xihe finished speaking, he stretched out his long, lean arms to wrap around her waist, buried his head in the crook of his neck, and muttered as if he was afraid, "Those people are really too much, there are a thousand of them... we need to deal with them." It takes a thousand people for Xihe to win that mecha model.'s very precious and you will keep it well. Do you like it?"

When facing outsiders, Xihe was still too shy to speak much, but when facing Su Jiameng, he seemed to be in chatter mode, seizing every opportunity to talk, as if wasting every minute and second not talking was a loss-making business.

Let Xihe defeat a thousand people before being rewarded? Damn it, who is so evil! Even her people felt bullied!

"Well, since it is Xihe's intention, let alone it being so precious in the first place, even if it is worthless, I will love and cherish it very much." Su Jiameng raised her hand and stroked the young man's satin-like black hair. That feeling... is simply speechless!

After hearing this, Xihe's mood level naturally soared by N percentage points, and he immediately laughed so hard that his teeth disappeared. He is a little guy who is easily satisfied... Seeing Xihe's performance, Su Jiameng had such thoughts in her heart, but... there are other things now.

"Xihe, tell me, who deceived you before?" They actually asked Xihe to kill the entire team before being rewarded. Do those guys dare to be more evil? Thinking of this, Su Jiameng glanced coldly at the guys dressed as alliance warriors.

The group of people headed by Qin Chou were sweating, and countless goosebumps appeared on their backs... So what, is he hallucinating? It feels like the temperature around him has dropped a lot? Many people subconsciously raised their hands to rub their arms...

"Liar? No, they are not bad..." Xihe raised his finger and pointed at Qin Chou's group of people. Seeing that the mecha models given by these guys were very popular with their owners, he was merciful and did not care about their shamelessness. , Xihe thought.

Su Jiameng frowned and motioned to Xihe to sit where he was and that he needed to negotiate with those guys. If things are really like what Xihe said, these people's bones must be itching, and she needs to take action to loosen them up!

Xihe is such an innocent and innocent child, how can these sinister bastards have the heart to lie to him? Unforgivable! Su Jiameng secretly clenched her fists loudly and approached with a harmless and gentle smile, "Did you help Xihe just now?"

Hope? The name of the boy named Su before! Qin Chou thought for a long time and finally matched the name of the ferocious young man.

Although he didn't know the relationship between the woman in front of him and the ferocious young man,... looking past Su Jiameng and seeing the fists raised by Xi and the young man to threaten him, Qin Chou's muscles trembled, and he decided that those who understand the current affairs are heroes, Qian Qian Don't get into trouble.

"Help doesn't count. Xihe is a very good kid and has a very strong fighting ability. When it comes to gratitude and help, we should thank him for his help." Qin Chou said with a smile that was described by his friend as "a beast in clothes" , narrowly escaped.

"Oh?" Su Jiameng frowned, thinking that maybe she had thought wrong. A normal person would not pin the victory of a game on a strange boy. These people are alliance fighters, and the possibility of bullying Xihe is too small.

However, the truth of the matter still depends on listening to the testimonies of both sides. Thinking of this, Su Jiameng looked at that person's eyes.

Qin Chou said seriously, "It is true that we have to thank him. If it weren't for his help, this game might have been canceled because there were not enough people on one side. And...if not, we wouldn't have seen such an almost devastating event. Strong combat effectiveness."

Su Jiameng suddenly understood in an instant that Xihe could not deceive her, and these people had no reason to deceive her. So how could there be such a big difference between the two parties?

As soon as her thoughts changed, she realized that it was probably because these people didn't express themselves clearly that Xihe misunderstood. Thinking of this, the fire rising in my heart subsided a lot.

As for Xihe’s combat prowess? Hahaha, this person didn’t learn Chinese well, otherwise why would he even use the wrong vocabulary?

"Xihe is shy and introverted, and is not very good at dealing with people. If you want to sincerely thank you, please speak more straightforwardly and simply so as not to cause big misunderstandings." Although I understood what was going on, Su Jiameng still prefers her family Xihe.

Qin Chou was [criticized] for no reason, why couldn't he express himself clearly? You must know that Qin Chou got high marks in essays when she was in school. If it weren't for the Zerg, Qin Chou might have paid the full price to become a writer after graduation.

With this in mind, Qin Chou still accepted the criticism humbly, saying that she would definitely pay attention to it in the future, with a gentle and humble attitude. Just kidding, if he showed his usual careless behavior, wouldn't the boy who threatened him with his fists stab him into a hornet's nest?

Qin Chou also wanted to further build relationships, make excuses, and find out what happened to Xihe, but Su Jiameng didn't give him this chance and left directly with Xihe. Xihe followed Su Jiameng step by step, holding one hand by her, her face flushed.

"Where are we going?" After walking a long distance, Xihe enjoyed his current situation, but he did not want to move forward blindly.

By Su Jiameng's side, he always knows the path ahead of him and what he is doing. Once he determines his goal, he moves forward without hesitation. There is no need to worry about other things or the direction he is going.

Xihe likes this feeling very much, but now this situation makes him feel very strange, and he has no idea where he will go. But this... as long as I can be with my master, I will be satisfied even if the future is uncertain.

"Find a safe place, Xihe, I have something to ask you." Su Jiameng finally rented a lounge in the Interstellar Network. For safety, she even used her mind to cover the room so that no one would know what they talked about.

"Well, what do you want to know? As long as I know, I will definitely answer." Xihe sat down in front of Su Jiameng, with a bit of anxiety on his expression. This was the first time he and his master were alone together - suddenly I feel so excited and so swollen!

Su Jiameng frowned, looked at Xihe helplessly, and asked, "Is this your original appearance? Can you only appear on the interstellar network, or can you appear on the interstellar network and the real world at will?"

She personally prefers the former. If Xihe could appear in the real world, it would be impossible for her to see the appearance of his sword spirit just now. As expected, Xihe said slightly frustrated, "Well, this is my original appearance. As soon as I appear here, this is what I look like. And... I am useless and can only appear here... Once I get outside, I will be like this." I feel uncomfortable all over my body, as if there is an irresistible force squeezing my whole body, and I can't hold on for long..."

Yes, Nozomi and Youdao turned into spirits. They were aliens that were rejected by this plane. Only in the world of cultivation or other planes where dead things turn into spirits can he show off his skills, but he cannot do so in this interstellar plane! Not only that, but they will also be suppressed by the rules of the plane.

"No, Xihe is very powerful, very powerful." Su Jiameng raised her hand to tuck Xihe's hanging hair behind his ears, "Don't belittle yourself. If you look at the entire plane, who can turn out a sword like Xihe?" spirit?"

Xihe's face turned completely red again, and his shy look was completely without the harshness of his scarlet eyes, as pure and clear as crystal.

Su Jiameng added, "I didn't know it before, but now that I know that Xihe can appear in human form in the virtual network, some things should be dealt with seriously. Xihe... do you want to have a body and stay in the knife all the time?" Being in the body... I don’t know what kind of environment it is, but it seems lonely, right? "

Xihe moved his lips, shook his head after a long time and said, with a face full of shame, "The power outside is too strong, I can't transform... It's good like this... But, can you go online occasionally and accompany me?" Let’s talk?”

After that, he looked at Su Jiameng with a pair of watery eyes, and even a hard-hearted person would be melted by his gaze.

Su Jiameng said nothing, raised her hand to rub the top of his hair, and conveyed her meaning with her eyes - believe her!

Although she is not from the cultivation plane, she knows the plane merchants from the cultivation plane! Xihe, this situation should be able to be solved! Thinking of this, she immediately contacted the plane merchant who had sold Xihe to her before. The other party was also obviously surprised. In just a few years, a dead knife could actually give birth to knife embryos and form a knife spirit? Can you now reveal your human form with the help of an illusory platform?

After pondering for a long time, the man said, "There is no solution, as long as you can be ruthless. There is a method in the cultivation plane, which is a forbidden technique called body seizing! You only need to find a body that suits Xihe Dao Ling , let him use his divine soul to destroy the soul in the physical body...that is, your spiritual consciousness, and he can seize the physical body!"

To seize the body...Su Jiameng's hands trembled. To put it bluntly, was it a forced time travel?

"I know this method is a bit difficult for you to accept, but it is common in the cultivation plane." The plane merchant said quietly, "Xihe will be rejected by your plane and unable to transform. To put it bluntly, Xihe will be rejected by your plane. In the eyes of the laws of that plane, he is an [outsider]. If he has a body that complies with the rules of the plane, he will become a stowaway with an ID card."

In this way, although he is still a stowaway, at least he does not have to be bullied by the laws of the plane all day long.

Su Jiameng was a little moved, but in the end she suppressed the evil thought. There are certain areas that cannot be touched, otherwise you will not be far from falling.

But she was unwilling to give up like this, and immediately asked, "Besides this, is there any other way?"

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