Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 481 474: Xihe “transforms” (Part 2)

Businessmen in the cultivation plane are very knowledgeable. Even though Su Jiameng's questions were tricky, he was not completely stumped.

He pondered seriously for a while, and finally opened his mouth and said, "There is no way out. If you don't want to seize the body, it's just because you don't want to kill innocent people and take possession of human bodies! If that's the case, then go find an ownerless body. Body!"

"A body without an owner?" Su Jiameng repeated doubtfully, vaguely understanding what it meant, but not entirely sure.

"Yes, it is the ownerless body." The plane merchant said word by word, "The first thing that is formed after the union of a man and a woman is the ownerless body. Then special things are used to prevent souls from transferring into this body. Until he takes on human form.”

Su Jiameng was stunned for a moment after hearing this. She didn't expect that this matter could be solved like this. But the plane businessman also said that this matter is not easy to do, and it is very troublesome. But using the means of the interstellar plane, this matter is not difficult! The hardest part is the other step!

She frowned and asked, "According to you, what is the special item you are talking about? Can it be bought in the plane store?"

If you can't buy enough in the plane store, you will be helpless. After all, seizing the body will harm the harmony of heaven and earth. Isn’t cultivation the most important thing about cause and effect?

If Xihe messes with these, it may cause fatal obstacles in the future. If you can use the second method, this is the best. It can not only avoid the cause and effect problems caused by taking possession of the body, but also relieve them from guilt.

"That thing is sold in plane stores, but the price is quite high." The plane merchant said sarcastically. In fact, in his opinion, this idea was a bad idea! Cultivating an ownerless body requires too much time, energy and cost, and is basically a loss-making business.

For businessmen who are seeking fame and profit, this is completely discardable rubbish advice, and it goes against the nature of businessmen who put their interests first. Of course, Su Jiameng has never been a qualified businessman. She prefers doing tasks to doing business.

"Problems that can be solved with plane points are not problems... I have to think about this matter carefully, thank you for your help." Su Jiameng exited the plane trading platform, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the eyes staring at her. Xihe couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, "Xihe, the matter has been solved. All we need to do is cultivate an ownerless body..."

After all, Xihe didn't grow up in the cultivation plane, so he was confused about these things, so he immediately asked what [the ownerless body] was. Su Jiameng gave a detailed explanation, and Xihe asked again, "Is it...a body cultivated from an embryo?"

Su Jiameng nodded, that's what it meant in simple terms. Xihe nodded and asked again, "So...where can we find embryos? This...this, this...should not be easy to find, right?"

Xihe pointed his fingers at Xiaoxiao. Although he didn't quite understand, he didn't know anything either.

Su Jiameng was really asked now. Then Xihe whispered again, "And my current soul is very strong, and the ordinary body cannot meet the requirements at all. If this method was okay at the beginning of the spirit transformation... now it is a bit reluctant..."

She was startled and muttered, "It doesn't matter, I will find a way to solve this matter. There is no way to satisfy the body... Then create a body that can meet the conditions! The genes of both parents must be good... Maybe you can go Search sperm, sperm and egg banks... maybe you can find one that meets the conditions..."

Hearing what Su Jiameng said, Xihe looked a little embarrassed again. He pointed at his fingers and said, "Actually... the master and that guy who is looking for something... are quite suitable. The bodies of the two little brothers are very good." good……"

Su Jiameng was completely stunned. When she understood the meaning of these words, she suddenly felt like a bolt from the blue! Isn't that what Xihe meant by what she said? She and Gu San are needed... But in this case, wouldn't Xihe become their son?

Su Jiameng did not reject Gu Ningxuan. After all, according to the current relationship between the two, they are in a relationship! And it’s a relationship that presupposes becoming a real couple! But having said that, it's a bit embarrassing for her to have sex with him right now...

The plan hadn't even started to be implemented yet, Su Jiameng had already encountered a big problem. After talking to Xihe for a while, Su Jiameng exited the interstellar network, opened her eyes, and saw the snow-white ceiling. Standing up and scratching her head, Su Jiameng was confused for once.

"This kind of problem is obviously a scientific one... It's better to go to professionals... Speaking of which, she seems to have made great achievements in this field?" Su Jiameng murmured as she approached Gong Yulu.

As a science geek, Gong Yulu spends one-third of his time in the research laboratory all day long. When Su Jiameng found her, Gong Yulu had been up late for three days. His eyes were black and blue, with a lot of bloodshot eyes, but his spirit was in a subtle state of excitement.

Seeing Su Jiameng come to her, Gong Yulu's eyes flashed with surprise, and he quickly turned aside to let her in.

As the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Palace no matter what, she understands Su Jiameng's character. It's not that the other party is chasing fame and fortune, but because the relationship between the two is awkward. If Su Jiameng comes to find her for nothing, she usually avoids him whenever possible to reduce the discomfort between both parties.

Gong Yulu's prediction was correct. Su Jiameng came to her this time and presented quite a difficult problem!

It can even be said to be daring! Gong Yulu was drinking tea and waiting leisurely for the difficult questions Su Jiameng gave. However, after listening to the whole narrative, she spit out half the tea in her mouth in an instant! Of course, she turned her head to avoid Su Jiameng before spraying.

"Cough cough cough - your idea - cough cough cough, you are really bold!" Gong Yulu could hardly breathe, and she stroked her chest and managed to regain her breath, "According to you, you want to Do you want to create an almost perfect artificial body the day after tomorrow? I am not going to hit you. All life... even if it comes from a nutrient tank, they will have their own consciousness..."

But what Su Jiameng meant was to make the other person only have a physical body and no consciousness... Can this be considered a complete life?

Gong Yulu still can't think of any way to prevent this body from becoming conscious. Even if the opponent is kept in a deep sleep throughout the whole process, his body will still be sensitive to the outside world, and it is impossible to completely avoid it! What's even more ridiculous is that she actually proposed to use her own genes and Gu Ningxuan's genes to create such a body... Are you kidding!

Su Jiameng also knew what she was surprised about, and immediately promised, "Don't worry about the consciousness, I can absolutely guarantee that there will be no soul staying in the body. The only problem is the tyranny of the body... If it is too Even if you are weak, you won’t be able to..."

Su Jiameng felt guilty about this plan. If she was asked to give birth to a baby and then let Xihe take over the body, would it be the same as her encouraging Xihe to kill her own child? She would never do that!

However, if it were just a blank body without a soul, the reluctance in my heart would be much lessened. Even from another point of view, it is Xihe [Reincarnation] who has become her child... In this way, there is no harm to the world.

Gong Yulu stared at Su Jiameng's eyes seriously, trying to see a trace of hesitation and reluctance in her eyes, but unfortunately... she didn't see the familiar stubbornness and persistence in the other person's eyes. After a long time, Gong Yulu sighed, "I don't understand now, have you changed or not... But, as long as you are still you, what's the difference between changing and staying the same?"

Su Jiameng's heart skipped a beat when she heard Gong Yulu say, "I agreed to this matter and will try my best to cultivate a body that satisfies you. But... can you tell me why you do this? In my impression, you are the most I hate this."

In Gong Yulu's opinion, Su Jiameng is a very strange person, even very contradictory in some places. However, she seems to follow a certain iron rule when doing things and never goes out of her way. Now, why did she break her principles?

Su Jiameng thought for a while, raised her hand and put Xihe on the table, and said, "I can feel it... Xihe has a small sense of life in him. He has his own thoughts... I don't want him to live in this world for the rest of his life. The small blade of a trapped beast.”

Gong Yulu looked at Xihe for a long time, smiled suddenly, and changed her words, "I'm sorry I said something wrong before, but you have never changed."

In a good mood, Gong Yulu also had time to think about the perfect ownerless body that Su Jiameng needed. From the perspective of brothers Gu Huaixi and Gu Huaifeng, the genes of both parents are indeed powerful after the combination. This is the result of the combination of natural factors.

What if someone intervened and tried to combine powerful genes? One can only imagine how powerful the final gene will be!


For a moment, such a word came into Gong Yulu's mind. If the plan succeeds, this body will indeed be considered perfect! Thinking of the prototype of the plan, she felt a perverted excitement about touching the taboo of human life!

However... before the plan can be implemented, it is not without obstacles. Su Jiameng's genes were easy to obtain, but what about Gu Ningxuan? You should always say hello to him, lest one day your plan succeeds and you pull Gu Ningxuan and say that the body is his son or daughter, right?

"I agreed to this matter, but it's up to you to resolve Gu Ningxuan's side." Gong Yulu crossed her legs, eyes flashing with excitement, "If he is really involved in this matter, it's best to tell him... Of course , there are many outstanding men in the alliance, if he does not agree, there are still many candidates to choose from..."

Su Jiameng had a sad face. This matter is not difficult, but it is not easy either! After all, there are still too many difficulties to overcome. But for Xihe, I won't give up easily!

So, when Gu Ningxuan was tired and ready to take a shower, he met Su Jiameng who was blocking the bathroom in the training room. From the look of her, she seemed to have come specifically to see him. Just as Gu Ningxuan was wondering why the other party was here, Su Jiameng had already taken his hand and pulled him away.

Suddenly... Gu Ningxuan saw her pulling him into her room door, and his chest began to beat wildly.

Something good is going to happen?

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