Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Sisterhood (Twenty-five)

Seeing the battleship rushing towards her, it was too late for Lily to hide, so she asked Zhi Zhi to command her battleship to sideways and stop in front of the Eternal.

This behemoth is like a huge moving city in the sky. Under normal circumstances, whether it is B-class pirates or the 'Wind Star' interstellar pirate group that Lily has encountered before, it is usually seen that there are warships blocking it. In front of it, the first thing to do is to send out several mechas or spaceships from the battleship to destroy the obstacles in front of it.

If the obstacle is too large, the battleship will be stopped and attacked with light nuclear weapons. Usually at this time, Lily will take the opportunity to snatch the mecha or use this gap to attack the battleship. Lily originally thought that the 'Eternal' would do the same, but who It was obvious that he had seen himself blocking the battleship, but the battleship in front of him showed no intention of stopping to attack. Even the protective cover was kept tightly closed, and no mechas were sent out to attack. Instead, they seemed to She looked like she was going to charge directly. She was indeed very experienced and didn't give herself a chance. Lily raised her brows. The next moment, the battleship approached her at an extremely fast speed. The plan of 'Eternal' was indeed to directly attack her. bump into her.

At this moment, it was too late to move his warship away. Lily's warship was not big. After all, she traveled through the galaxy to find prey rather than to be regarded as prey. This ship's hull was not enough. One-tenth the size of the Eternal, if it were hit solidly, the hull would be broken into pieces.

The defensive shield did not have much effect in front of the Eternal at this time. She ordered the intelligence to open the shield and stood on the deck of the battleship. Seeing 'Eternity' getting closer and closer, she seemed to be able to feel the cold and dangerous atmosphere on the battleship. The next moment Lily spread her hands flat, and a large ice shield was blocking her in front of her. At the same time, the 'Eternal' battleship also collided with it, hitting the ice with a 'bang'. The surface of the ice shield cracked in large areas, but it was completely repaired with the influx of spiritual power.

After reaching the eighth level of physical training. Lily's body no longer relies on physical skills to absorb spiritual power, but can use the spiritual power of heaven and earth for her own use. The endless stream of spiritual power allows her to maintain the ice shield intact, but when the battleship collides with it, The terrible impact made her body's energy and blood surge, and the battleship she was stepping on began to sway and retreat. The ship's hull made a creaking sound on the verge of breaking. Lily only blocked it for a moment, and took advantage of it. The battleship was blocked for a second. Before she had time to retreat into her battleship and let her intelligence open the defense cover, and just when she was about to escape with all her strength, the Eternal paused for a moment when an accident suddenly happened.

Lily originally thought that her attempt to destroy the 'Eternal' pirate group this time must have failed. She could not find a chance to break into the Eternal pirate group, and she had no way to break their device for the time being. She was not as powerful as others in terms of nuclear weapons. When she temporarily retreated on time, she did not expect that the battleship on which the 'Eternal' pirate group was riding would in an instant, its original new and shiny appearance began to decay at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. , as if the latest warship of the 'Eternal' pirate group had experienced tens of millions of years in that moment, its beautiful and gorgeous appearance was corroded, and even the hull began to become tattered. rotten.

The protective cover that was originally locked was suddenly opened, and dozens of mechas rushed out from inside with a 'swish' sound, not caring about Lily in front of them. The sound of mechas breaking through the air sounded. It was obvious that he was going to cut through the air and escape.

A mecha panicked and crashed into Lily. Although Lily had decided to retreat before, she didn't have time to react because the accident happened so fast. At this moment, she saw the mecha crashing towards her, and she clenched her fists. It hit the mecha with a 'boom' sound!

In the "click" sound, the moment her fist touched the mecha, the ice surrounded the mecha. Before the person piloting the mecha realized what was going on, the small mecha had already formed into a huge... The ice cubes were knocked straight away by Lily, and fell dozens of meters away in the air. Then they exploded with a 'bang' sound, and the mecha inside and the warrior driving the mecha turned into pieces, and even blood beads Not even a drop was seen, and it was destroyed in one fell swoop.

After reaching the tenth level of physical skills, especially with the upgrade of superpowers, Lily can now carry the mecha by herself. At this time, she destroyed a mecha. She originally thought that the Eternal Pirate Group would A person's character is bound to seek revenge on her, but at this time, those people seemed to have not seen the action at all, and they were all focused on their own escape.

At the same time, the battleship's original corrosion speed suddenly stopped. A small battleship jumped out from behind the huge fuselage. The protective cover was not closed. A tall and thin young man wearing a white protective suit was at this moment. Standing on the armor platform, holding a pair of gloves in his hand, he looked up at the fleeing mechas in the starry sky. The light spots brought by these mechas as they fled quickly looked like one point at a time under the starry sky. Pointed like a cold star.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" The young man said gently without lowering his head. He was wearing a white protective suit that tightly wrapped his body. His left hand was holding a glove of the same color as the protective suit. At this time, the index finger of his right hand was stretched out. , the other nails were clenched into a ball, forming a pointing posture, pointing at the mechas fleeing in the air, and counting in a low voice: "1, 2, 3..."

As soon as he finished speaking the first number, the body of the mecha that had escaped with almost only a point of light suddenly exploded with a bang, and a fire broke out in the starry sky, and the people inside didn't even have time to scream. The sound fell to the ground.

Then every time he counted a number, one of the mechas would explode. When he finished counting '46', all the mechas that had escaped almost fell down within a few seconds.

This situation was not only seen by Lily, but also by the people of the Eternal Pirate Ship. They were already frightened at this time. There was no mecha inside that could escape. The protective cover was tightly closed. The battleship was rapidly decaying. Due to aging, there was a terrible lingering sound coming from the engine, and the sound of the ship was crumbling. In a short time, hundreds of people had stood up on the armored platform under the transparent protective cover, staring at the situation outside. His face was full of fierceness and fear.

Just when the young man was counting, the mecha was destroyed. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was related to him, but how could he do it? Lily didn't see it at all. Even with her current strength, she didn't see the young man's methods, and her heart began to sink.

The Eternal Pirates begin to crash into her move. I'm afraid it's not that he knew her name so he found the smartest way to deal with her, but that he was being chased by this strange man, so he wanted to bump into her and run away when he saw her. Lily is now very powerful, but she is not so arrogant as to think that she is the only one in this world. At this moment, she couldn't see the young man's actions. If he killed someone, at least others would be able to recognize him as a person with supernatural powers. However, this young man's murder seemed to be invisible, and her whole body was tense. It was too late to escape at this time. If she turned around and ran away, the boy would count her inexplicably later. If he knew his method of killing, he might be able to resist, but he didn't even understand how his opponent did it. , if you run away rashly. It’s just too risky.

"Like fireworks, so beautiful." The young man wiped out the mecha that had just escaped, and then slowly put on the gloves he held in his left hand. He seemed not to hear Lily's answer and remained silent for a while. After a while, he put on his gloves and turned to look at Lily. Under the soft long hair, the light eyebrows like distant mountains were looming in the gap between the bangs. Lily saw the slender and upward-looking Feng Yan now showed a look of disapproval. His lips pursed:

"A truly elegant lady. It is impossible not to be so rude as not to answer when others ask questions." The light on the deck of his battleship hit him, and when Lily saw this person's appearance, Take a breath. The layers of cold hair on my back stood up.

She had met this young man before before entering the mission. The boy who asked others how much '1+1' equaled, the boy who wore a white protective suit and played 'Adelina by the Water' somewhat unskilledly. He once summoned a mecha to let her leave, but she was killed. The boy who was trapped in the Camilla Galaxy and almost died in that sinful city did not expect that many years later, the two of them would meet again in this starry sky in this way.

She only opened her eyes when she entered the mission that day. When she was almost raped by Xiao Yu, it was this young man who hijacked the Xiao family's merchant ship. At that time, she almost died in this mission because of the young man's actions.

But then again, if he hadn't accidentally disrupted the situation that day, the moment she entered the mission, she would most likely have followed the same path as the original owner Hua Lily, raped by Xiao Yu, and finally got tired of being played by him. Later it was abandoned in the Camilla Galaxy. Although in the end the young man's intervention resulted in her falling into the Camilla Galaxy, the young man's appearance at least saved her from being insulted by Xiao Yu.

Although she almost died in the mecha crash that day, it was her own skill that was inferior to others after all.

When we met again many years later, the childish boy who was still a little nervous back then had a faraway look and his figure seemed to be a bit slender and thinner than before. He was still wearing the same protective clothing, and even his tone of voice was the same as that impression. He was exactly the same, and he still used the same method of killing people. At first, Lily didn't understand his method of killing people. Now that she has practiced physical skills with supernatural powers, she also can't figure out how he killed those mechas.

"It's you." The moment he saw Lily, his eyes were a little blurry, as if he had quickly found a familiar shadow from the fragments of memory, and he used an affirmative sentence instead of a question.

Compared with more than ten years ago, his appearance has not changed much. Even though Lily has changed a little in the past ten years, time seems to have stopped on him. His facial features are still the same as before, except for Although he has grown taller and has longer hair, he still looks like a clean and gentle boy.

Seeing an acquaintance, the young man was obviously very excited. He even seemed to have forgotten the eternal pirate ship and narrowed his eyes:

"That girl who knew Adilina by the water, are you still alive?" He reached out and grabbed his hair, looking confused and cute: "I remember the longitude and latitude at that time... 48' S, there was... ..." The young man's brain was like a sophisticated intelligence, and he quickly calculated the result: "The coordinates there are the planet Camilla. The mecha's energy should not be enough to support you to land safely. Why, why can you still do it? Are you alive?" He was a little excited, his eyes were like two bright stars, shining with coquettish brilliance. He took a step forward. It was obvious that the step was not big, but the next moment Lily found that he had already stepped towards his battleship. . She urgently wanted to let the intelligence command the battleship to raise the protective cover and retreat. The young man smiled gently:

"I think I should tell you, that's of no use to me." As if he knew what Lily was going to do, he pointed to her in the direction of his battleship as if offering a treasure: "I learned another new piece of art. .Can you name it?”

Just now, he himself was asking Lily how he could be alive. Originally, Lily thought he would ask how he could escape from the planet Camilla, but obviously she guessed wrong, and the boy didn't seem to be very interested in it. After he asked Lily once and saw no answer, he turned his mind to his art work.

This man was nervous and powerful. Lily frowned and stared at him warily.

Everyone on the platform of the Eternal Pirate Ship saw this scene, the battleship was restarted, and they obviously wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to escape. The young man stood beside Lily. Seeing this from the corner of his eye, he suddenly wrinkled his nose: "I'll deal with you first!"

It was as if he had found a more interesting toy and was tired of playing with the Eternal Pirates: "Eternity? Nothing in this world is truly eternal." After he finished speaking, he hummed softly. As he sang the famous song, his arms were raised as if directing the music. The gloved fingertips seemed to be dancing in the air, making several beautiful gestures. Following his movements, the next moment the battleship on which the Eternal Pirates were riding had not had time to retreat, and began to age at a rapid rate.

The sound of the light core drive that originally sounded in the battleship gradually slowed down from the rapid "click" sound at the beginning, and finally became inaudible. The retreating battleship suddenly stopped, and the pirates on the deck inside spoke with Aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally turned into withered bones. The battleship was corroded at an extremely terrifying speed in front of Lily, as if it had been poisoned by something violent. In less than half a minute, the battleship and the people inside were destroyed. They disappeared together and eventually turned into dust. Slowly disappearing among the stars.

This fantastic scene is like letting Lily watch an incredible movie scene. The huge ship body seemed to have done nothing in a very short period of time, but the disappearance of the Eternal Pirates Group, even fools knew that it was with him. It is inseparable.

She remained silent and her throat was very dry. The young man slowly retracted his hand and sighed:

"Even though I've seen it so many times, it still feels so interesting every time I see it." There were at least hundreds of thousands of people on the entire battleship of the Eternal Pirate Group, but they all disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The young man's words seemed to break the silence, and Lily opened her mouth:

"Who are you?"

Obviously not expecting Lily to open her mouth and ask his name, the young man turned to look at her, his eyes shining brightly against the purple light. It seemed that he was not asked his name very often. It took him a while to come to his senses:

"I'm really rude for not introducing myself. My name is Su Ying." After he finished speaking, he even curled up his lips and smiled. Those eyes were curved like crescent moons, and this delicate and lovely face was hard to associate with the devil who had killed hundreds of thousands of people just by joking.

Lily had actually already figured it out. When she heard that her suspicion was confirmed, she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

There are not many powerful people in this mission world. If he belongs to the Federation, it is impossible for a person like him to appear here alone. He must serve the Federation.

The Eternal Pirates Group is already a powerful A-level pirate group. It can chase these desperadoes and run for their lives. Apart from existences that are more ferocious than them, what else should they be more afraid of and not dare to fight for? Just trying to escape? He-Man had the courage to kill the brutal man who massacred all the blue stars on his home planet. For this, he violated federal laws and violated humanitarianism. He was hunted by the governments of all the planets in the galaxy, and he was able to rob him again under such circumstances. A planet has become its base, and the large pirate group has not been able to eliminate it even after several encirclement and suppression campaigns by the regular armies of various planets. When they saw this boy, they only knew how to escape. In addition to the S series strength, which is more terrifying than the A-level pirate group and the government. Besides the strong, who else could be there?

The most important thing is that when this young man killed people, the method he used was so mysterious that Lily didn't even notice it. She somehow remembered the S that she had spent more than 200 billion credits in exchange for more than a year ago. In the information column of the top-ranked pirate Su Ying, the superpower was five question marks. She inexplicably felt that this boy was very similar to the top-ranked Su Ying, because he was a person, and the S-class Among the first place, the one named Su Ying is just a figure.

Thinking of what Zhi Zhi said about this person's strength reaching SS+ or above, Lily felt confident and asked the question. However, she didn't expect that Su Ying didn't refuse to say his name at all. Instead, he answered his question happily. .

"Did you just use a superpower?" Lily's voice was a little stiff, but Su Ying still looked cute. When he smiled slightly, he showed two small tiger teeth. There was still a bit of childishness in that smile, but he didn't He meant to conceal it. When Lily asked, she nodded:


"What kind of superpower can achieve such a level without any traces?" Lily felt like she was standing next to Su Ying at this time, and her back was a little cold: "Is it poison?"

Su Ying stared at her, and the smile on her face gradually faded a lot. He stared at Lily for a long time, and his expression slowly turned cold. The handsome face that had lost its smile now looked terrifyingly calm:

"It can also be said to be poison. You know, there is no cure for it. What is the most poisonous thing in the world?" He began to touch his hands and wanted to take off the gloves he was wearing. When Lily saw his action, her legs tensed up, and the spiritual energy in her body swam rapidly. Before she could think of how to answer, Su Ying seemed to not need her answer, "It's time. There is no cure for the poison of time." Explanation, madam, my power is to control time." As long as it is an existing object, he can take away time. As the power increases, his time poison can take away the original life span of any object.

Therefore, he can make the people on the Eternal Battleship disappear into nothingness in the river of time in a short period of time, so he can remain calm, even before he encounters the mechas that escaped from the Eternal Battleship. Let them explode in an instant, and he can kill people quietly. Lily recalled at this moment that when she first met him on the Xiao family's merchant ship, he might have not made any progress in his superpowers at that time. To such a terrible point now, the people who died on Xiao's merchant ship at that time should have been controlled by him and took action himself. Or it is possible that he also took action at this time, but because of his superpower, he did not I did not see it.

No wonder, in the S-class pirate group, many of his information are unknown, and the system only prompts that this person is extremely dangerous.

Lily smiled bitterly. If she had wanted to resist before, now after Su Ying confessed his power so frankly, she didn't dare to act rashly. Su Ying's ability to control time is too rebellious. God, even a strong man with S-level strength, no matter how strong a person or weapon is, can't stand up to the wear and tear of time.

"You tell me this, are you planning to kill me, or are you not planning to kill me?" If she had known that she would encounter such trouble this time, Lily would never have leaned in this direction and escaped at this time. It's too late.

The lessons from the past were still in front of her. Lily thought of the only two-faced relationship between the two of them, and she roughly understood the strange character of this young man. He never needed any reason to kill people, and he did not act according to reason. When asked about his name and his special powers, he Lily didn't even mean to hide it, she said her request directly, and the young man's eyebrows suddenly arched again:

"Death or immortality will eventually become just a speck of dust in the stars. Are you afraid?" His fingers were about to move, as if he was holding back something.

Lily nodded: "I'm afraid, I still have things to do. Although the results of death are the same, sometimes if you live, everyone's process is still different." She almost died from Su Su more than ten years ago. In Ying's hands, she could survive from the young Su Ying back then, but she wasn't sure if she would have a chance to escape from him more than ten years later after she knew about Su Ying's powers. She was not afraid of dying during the mission, but her mission was not completed, and she was not willing to die here.

Su Ying stared at her for a long time, looking at her determined look. She clenched her fists, obviously nervous but very calm, and did not run away rashly. He suddenly felt interesting:

"Of course, I have learned a new art work, and I really hope you can name it. Why should I kill you?" (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Two updates in one. .

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