Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Sisterhood (Twenty Six)

The music Su Ying plays is called "Starry Sky". He didn't know where he found this music score. Although many parts were wrong, Lily still heard the melody of this music after stumbling.

In fact, with the development of science and technology, music that is better than the ancient piano music in the previous earth period has already appeared. The ancestors in the past said that it can be heard for three days without stopping. The adjective for music is no longer used in today's advanced technology. A dream but a reality. Modern technology can already use the so-called music imprint to make people remember the sense of relaxation and enjoyment when listening to music. However, Su Ying seems to prefer this kind of thing that has long been eliminated. When Lily said this When the name of the piece of music was called "Starry Sky", a meaningful smile appeared on his face, as if he had found a close friend.

He did not return to his battleship, but moved several of his belongings to Lily's battleship. The battleship he was originally on was reduced to ashes under the influence of his power of time.

Regarding the fact that her battleship was occupied by him, Lily behaved very calmly, respecting the strong. She was not Su Ying's target. It was an extra joy to be able to save her life now. As for the battleship being regarded as a trophy, it was also Nothing can be done. When the battleship's defense cover was raised again and the battleship left the starry sky, the Galactic Federation had already received the news that the Eternal Pirate Group had been completely destroyed five minutes later.

At this time, Gu Chen, who was leading his men on a journey to chase Lily, also received a message from the people he left behind in the Federation ten minutes later.

"Eternal people have been destroyed?" When the message came through, he was in the interstellar network, and Hua Fuya was kissing each other. When the news came in, Gu Chen couldn't believe his ears. The Eternal Pirates Group was very powerful, even though it was just an A-level pirate group. But in fact, their lethality has far exceeded that of the ordinary A+ level pirate group, especially the strength of the leader Heman, who is not inferior to him, but the Eternal People were all wiped out. And not a single person could escape alive.

"Yes, five minutes ago, at the latitude and longitude..." Zhizhi reported the news he had received before to Gu Chen, "... the signal for help from the Eternal Pirates was captured." The Eternal Man was being chased by Su Ying At that time, she sent a message to the Federation asking for help. Unfortunately, because Su Ying acted too quickly, the spread of the poison of time disappeared before the Eternal Pirates could wait for the Federation's rescue.

Gu Chen's face suddenly became serious. He stood up subconsciously. Hua Fuya was leaning on him, but his movement made Hua Fuya step aside.

"The Eternal Pirates were wiped out in five minutes?" Gu Chen was a little shocked at this time. He raised his voice and asked.

Zhi Zhi agreed, and Gu Chen's face suddenly turned ugly.

"Who did this?" The Eternal Pirates once violated the humanity of the galaxy. The leader of the Eternal Pirates, Heman, is not only charged with treason and the crime of destroying the blue stars on his home planet, but also with the felony of robbing a planet and killing millions of people on the planet. The Eternal Pirates have committed crimes over the years. There are numerous traces of crime and he is notorious. If such a pirate group is captured and brought to justice by the Galaxy Federation, I am afraid that the lowest member will most likely be exiled or imprisoned for more than a hundred years, and even the leader Herman will most likely be exiled to Camilla. Galaxy, knowing this, the Eternal Pirates still chose to send a signal to the Federation for help in times of crisis. One can imagine how powerful the forces chasing them were at that time.

"Is it a case committed by the S-class pirate group?" Gu Chen wondered. The Eternal Pirate Group is too powerful. The government's regular army failed to find its specific location several times, and its encirclement and suppression plans failed every time. Moreover, since the Eternal Pirates had made it clear that they wanted to surrender, it was impossible for the government to annihilate them again. The most important thing is that this matter was done by the Federation. The information Gu Chen collected at this time could not be like this!

"Is it the Odona pirate group, or the Nie family from the former Emperor Planet?" Gu Chen could only guess at the information about the S-level pirate group. The information about the S-level pirate group that Lily couldn't get, because of his special status, Gu Chen , knew for sure. The reason why he didn't guess that it was Su Ying was because although Su Ying was strong, she was just one person. However, among the three S-class pirates, except for Su Ying, the other two pirate groups are capable of destroying Eternity in a very short period of time.

If they were ordinary A-level pirates, they probably wouldn't have this ability.

When Gu Chen asked whether the Eternal Pirate Group was going to be destroyed by the Nie family of the former Emperor Star, Hua Fuya, who was leaning quietly beside him, lowered her head and shook her body heavily. When Chen reacted and hugged his wife into his arms, Hua Fuya hugged him tightly. Gu Chen remembered that his wife was born as a prince of the underworld, but the prince of the underworld was destroyed by the Nie family of the emperor star. No wonder now that hearing the name of the Nie family made her lose her temper, he felt some pity in his heart, and gently touched Hua Fuya's forehead. After kissing him, he temporarily stopped asking questions and whispered to Hua Fuya:

"Fuya, I'm sorry, do you want to get off the interstellar network and go back to the room to have a rest?" Hua Fuya hugged him tightly, even in the virtual space, but the strength was so strong that even Gu Chen was a little surprised. .

"Achen, Achen, I only have you. I have nothing left. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Come back and stay with me, okay? Stop worrying about the pirate group. I miss you. My son and I We all need you very much..." She begged softly and sobbed, which made Gu Chen's heart soften. The moment he hesitated, Zhizhi immediately replied: "Sir, the Federation has searched there. The signal where the Queen once stayed, and the energy element of her ice power was found there at the same time! There was also a strange signal, which was interrupted there, and I don’t know who it belongs to.”

As soon as Zhi Zhi finished speaking, Gu Chen's hand, which was originally patting to comfort Hua Fuya, suddenly froze.

He has been chasing the 'Queen' for more than a year, but has not found any information about her. This time, perhaps the Eternal Pirates were eliminated too quickly. The Federation believes that the danger of the 'Queen' has far exceeded their control. Within the scope of her, so she revealed the information that she had been protecting all this time, probably because she wanted him to find out.

After all, the 'Queen's' signal had appeared near where the Eternal Pirates had called for help. And the signal did not disappear in the end, which proved that the battleship driven by the 'Queen' did not have an accident in the end, but left. In this way, it is very likely that the Eternal Pirate Ship will be destroyed in the hands of the 'Queen'. The Eternal Pirate Group is powerful, and its leader Heman has long been a dangerous figure exceeding S-level. However, such a huge pirate group was eliminated by the 'Queen' in a few minutes. And no one escaped alive, so one can imagine what the strength of the 'Queen' has reached.

If such a dangerous person is too powerful, the Federation needs to know her specific strength and control her. It is not a big secret in the Federation that Gu Chen has been trying to find out the whereabouts of the 'Queen' for more than a year. In addition, Gu Chen himself also has S-level strength. If he can try to find out the 'Queen' After all, the Federation was probably happy to do this, so now the Federation revealed the news to him. When Gu Chen heard that the 'Queen' might be the one who destroyed the Eternal Pirate Ship, he was stunned.

Because he was too surprised by the lethality of the 'Queen', Gu Chen did not notice that when Zhi Zhi said the words, Hua Fuya, who was lying in his arms, relaxed when she heard Zhi Zhi's words. Things that come down.

The next moment, Intelligence spoke again:

"Sir, there is a communication from the federal government. Do you want to answer it?" Gu Chen nodded without hesitation. He glanced at Hua Fuya, not caring to comfort her at this moment, and after telling her to get off the Interstellar Network and take a good rest, he hurriedly exited the Interstellar Network.

At this time, Lily didn't know that she had inexplicably taken the blame for Su Ying. The Eternal Pirates were destroyed because she was not responsible for it, so she did not get the reward. However, at this time, the Federation paid more attention to her. After rising again and again, she was trapped in this battleship by Su Ying, wandering aimlessly through the interstellar space every day.

"What's your name?" Su Ying asked Lily on the battleship's intelligence. Intelligent machinery’s answer:

"My name is Ari."

"Are you a boy or a girl?" he asked as soon as he asked. The intelligence answered again: "Sir, there is no such setting as gender in my settings." Except for some home artificial intelligence robots, the intelligence that can actually be controlled in spaceships and battleships is far higher than ordinary robots. exist. At the same time, because it is only virtual, there is not even an artificial body like a robot. Naturally, gender is generally not set, and most of them are more practical than ornamental.

Su Ying nodded when she heard this answer: "Do you know what atoms are made of?"

"..." The intelligence is a bit frozen.

"It is composed of protons, neutrons and electrons. Electrons are basic particles and have wave and polarity properties..." Su Ying's expression was gentle, while Lily sat silently aside, watching him speechless as he talked about intelligence. , she suddenly felt some sympathy for Zhi.

"...During the chemical reaction process, the burning of flames will produce energy, and part of this energy appears in the form of light. This is how humans developed photonuclear weapons..." He said coldly, The deputy intelligence seemed to be just a fool with a low IQ and insufficient intelligence. He hated the iron-clad appearance, and the fingers that he had been obediently resting on his thigh began to rub it impatiently.

Under his 'education', intelligence has no way to speak. Although he is an artificial intelligence, there is a lot of information in the huge database. Although he is called intelligence, he is not a real human being after all, and may not necessarily possess The flexible brain of human beings was only developed to serve the people. When asked by Su Ying, Lily felt that if intelligence was not just a machine, it would have gone berserk.

When she saw Su Ying's movements, she suddenly became a little wary, and he seemed to be gradually losing control of himself. Since becoming his prisoner of war, Lily has gradually begun to understand this S-class pirate to a certain extent in the process of getting along with him. He has an eccentric personality. Sometimes he can stay in the battleship all day doing nothing but watching. He stares at the stars and the sea outside in a daze, but sometimes when he is bored, he will have boring conversations with Zhi, such as asking Zhi how many meals he eats in a day, etc. Even if he doesn't get an answer, he still enjoys it.

Su Ying didn't seem to be good at controlling herself. Even her personality and temper showed no intention of suppressing her. Many normal people would impose restrictions on themselves, but he had no plan at all.

He didn't kill people because others made him angry. When he originally pursued the Eternal Pirates, he didn't do it for reasons such as 'justice and peace'. It's just because he wants to do it. He has no reason to kill, and he doesn't act according to reason at all when he wants to do it. He is usually in a bad mood. He plays the piano most of the time. Generally, he is immersed in the melody of playing the piano. He may feel calmer, but it may also make him more irritable.

At this time, when he was tapping his fingers on his thigh and imitating the movements of playing the piano, even though he still had a smile on his face, Lily could feel that he must be in an extremely unhappy mood.

There is no reason for this feeling, no reason. She could just predict it. Even though the two of them didn't get along for too long and didn't spend much time talking to each other all day long, she somehow felt that she understood his thoughts.

Seeing Su Ying about to raise her hand, Lily subconsciously stood up and wanted to grab his hand. She couldn't let Su Ying destroy the intelligence. Without the intelligence's command, this battleship would be controlled by just two people. She might not be able to return to the ground safely, not to mention she didn't want to die with Su Ying, so she was not ready to speak, but Su Ying's actions at this time still made her say: "Sir, it It’s just an intelligence.”

As soon as Lily said these words, she felt the humanized gratitude on the face of Zhi Zhi's virtual image.

Before her hand could even touch Su Ying, he avoided it with lightning speed. Lily didn't even see how he moved, but she had already discovered that he was not in front of Zhi, who was originally sitting. Instead, he ducked into the battleship hall. Another corner.

"Don't touch me." He warned softly. The long sea of ​​currents hangs down. Just enough to cover his eyebrows: "If you touch me, you won't even have any scum left." Because he lowered his head, Lily didn't see the look on his face clearly, and was about to say that she didn't want to touch him. the meaning of. I just don’t want him to destroy his intelligence and it will make a beeping sound in the next moment. The look on Zhi Zhi's face became serious again:

"Queen, there is a message coming in, do you want to answer it?"

At this time, she didn’t know who wanted to send her a message. Lily entered the mission this time because the target was the Nie family pirate group. For nearly twenty years, she had been focusing on capturing interstellar pirates and improving her own strength. She rarely interacts with unrelated targets outside of missions. Normally, no one knows her contact information, and no one will send her a message. At this time, there was a message coming in. She hesitated and looked back. At a glance, Su Ying, who was standing in the corner of the battleship hall before, was hiding silently. She pursed her lips, and a large piece of ice covered her face, leaving only her eyes, nostrils and lips. When she came out of her position, she nodded and told Zhi Zhi:


As soon as she finished speaking, the smart phone quickly connected the message into the system. The four-dimensional stereoscopic projector gradually glowed. A tall figure wearing an Allied uniform was sitting on a chair and appeared in front of her, as if he was sitting face to face with her. Generally, that sharp gaze fell on her.

"Queen, I haven't seen you for many years." The eagle-like eyes glanced around Lily. When he found that she was only wearing the simplest combat uniform, and her face was still hidden under the mask of ice and snow, the man did not seem to be surprised. , but quickly spoke: "The last time we met, we were in the Twin Star Royal Family. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gu Chen."

Lily actually recognized Gu Chen the moment she saw him. She really never thought that he would be the one who requested access to the news and interviewed her this time. When the two met on Twin Stars, the process was not pleasant and they even had a fight. Before Lily left, she severely hit Gu Chen's arrogance. At this time, she saw Gu Chen introducing himself calmly. , Lily stared at him coldly and interrupted him:

"Mr. Gu's name is like thunder. I know who you are. Is there anything wrong?"

His unfinished self-introduction was interrupted by Lily. Gu Chen pursed his lips and his eyes became colder. He looked at Lily up and down. This woman was sitting on a chair with a normal posture. She was not galloping into the Star A-level reward. The Golden Huntress had no temperament, but was as ordinary as an ordinary Alliance soldier. She spoke calmly. Although the two of them were talking face to face because of the virtual network, he seemed to feel her through the virtual image. The cold feeling coming from his body was just like the mark left on his cheek by her ice blade, which impressed him deeply.

"There is indeed something wrong with you this time. The Federation knows that after you became an A-level hunter, you inquired about the S-level pirate group. Nine days ago, you appeared in the area of ​​7182° 2016 2573' S. At that time, the Eternal Pirates The regiment's battleship signal also sent a request for help to the Federation from that place." After the Eternal Pirates were wiped out that day, Gu Chen was urgently recalled by the federal government. He represented the Interstellar Alliance and participated in the plan produced by the federation. Firstly, he himself was deeply ashamed of his defeat at the hands of Lily. Secondly, he was curious about the strength of the 'Queen' who he had regarded as his opponent in the past. Defeating the 'Queen' has become something of his obsession. In addition, as the son of the Alliance Minister of Military Affairs, he should do his best whenever the federal government needs his help.

In both public and private matters, even after the federation proposed a combat plan to him, he did not refuse. After participating in the plan, he quickly obtained S-class privileges from the federal government to inquire about this female hunter. contact information and contacted her.

When Lily heard what he said, she realized that she had taken the blame for Su Ying's destruction of the Eternal Pirates that day.

She couldn't laugh or cry. After Gu Chen finished speaking, Lily asked:

"So because the Eternal Pirates sent a distress signal to the Federation, the pirates were destroyed that day, and now the Federation wants to blame me?"

"Of course not." Gu Chen shook his head. If the Queen's strength has really reached S level, then the value of the Eternal Pirates Group cannot be compared with hers. "But if the Pirates Group is destroyed by you, then it will be proved Your strength has reached S+ or above. It is necessary for the Federation to re-evaluate you. And you have inquired about the whereabouts of the S-class pirate group Su Ying 675 days ago. Now the Federation has an operation to encircle and suppress S-class pirates and wants to invite you. participation." Gu Chen spoke out the request made by the federal government this time. He originally thought that since Lily had spent 200 billion credits to inquire about Su Ying's information, when she heard that the government wanted to hire her, she should not hesitate. He hesitated and agreed, but unexpectedly Lily just curled up her lips after hearing what he said:

"Encircling and suppressing S-class pirates? A mission issued by the Federation?"

Gu Chen nodded, but before he spoke, Lily flatly refused: "If it's Su Ying, forget it." Not to mention that Su Ying was on the battleship at this time, even if he was not on the battleship, After knowing how dangerous this person was and how he would not be of any help to her mission, Lily would not seek death by provoking him.

Especially after knowing that his power is time, Lily will not do such a stupid thing.

Her blunt refusal obviously surprised Gu Chen. He was taken aback, and it took him two seconds to react:

"Why? Didn't you check his information?"

"First of all, because I have spent 200 billion credit points to check his information, if I want to deal with him, there is no need to waste 200 billion and cooperate with the government." When Lily said this, her body leaned forward slightly, Gu Chen's virtual figure was very close to her. As soon as she leaned forward, Gu Chen subconsciously stepped back. When he realized that he was just an avatar in front of her, there was no way she could hurt her body even if she took action. When he came back to his senses, he saw Lily sitting back in her seat again, looking at him with a sneer. That look made Gu Chen feel angry, and a feeling of being teased came to his heart, making his eyes instantly flash. He had the intention to kill.

"Besides, Su Ying is very dangerous. I won't go against him, so I won't agree to the federation's request. Do you have anything else to say? If not, see you next time!" After Lily finished speaking, she put her hand on her wrist. Go up and make an action to cut off the communication. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Two updates in one.

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