Cannon Fodder Strategy

Deep love between interstellar sisters (32)

As the mecha man's head was broken, many lines on his neck were broken, and fire was flashing at this time. However, the Nie family's advanced technology should not be underestimated. The mecha man's brain, which can be called the central nervous system, was destroyed. But this A red light flashed on Shi's chest, but he did not fall down immediately.

The break in the neck only caused its body to sway twice, as if it had quickly adjusted. However, at this time, it did not react even for a second. Gu Chen on the side saw the opportunity quickly, raised his fist, and struck hard with a punch. When she reached the mecha man's chest, there was only a "click" sound. Although the mecha man was not knocked away this time, the chest was sunken. Lily's hand patted its shoulder again, and the ice wrapped it tightly. She He drank softly:

"Broken!" The mecha man that was tightly wrapped in ice exploded immediately. The mecha man that looked majestic at the beginning was now broken into millions of pieces and scattered all over the floor.

Only then did Gu Chen take back his hand and glanced at Lily, with fear in his eyes.

Lily's move to destroy the mecha man just now seemed easy, but he had faced off against this mecha man before. The Nie family didn't know what materials they used to make such a thing. When he just punched out, his own Coupled with the strength of the soft mecha, even if he faced a real small mecha, his enhanced strength was enough to shatter it. But when he hit the mecha man's chest, he only shattered it. She made a dent in her chest without destroying it, which is enough to prove how difficult this thing is. However, Lily destroyed a mecha man with one move, which proved that if she was entangled with her, once she was entangled by others, Even if she is frozen, she is definitely capable of decomposing herself!

"Here we come." Gu Chen was alert. Instinctively, she wanted to stay away from Lily. Unexpectedly, Su Ying, who had not made any move since destroying the mecha just now, even said nothing when Lily and Gu Chen jointly attacked the mecha man, suddenly opened her mouth and said something. , Gu Chen instinctively wanted to ask him: "What's coming?"

Lily felt something was wrong the moment Su Ying reminded her. Two or three seconds later, she felt a large group of things coming towards her. When she subconsciously turned her head to look, she saw a large number of things like the mechas rushing towards her in the sky. Like migrating birds falling from the sky, the black spots grow from small to large, getting closer and closer. Once entangled by these things, I am afraid that they will not be able to leave in a short time!

This is the territory of the Nie family. Even if a few people are not afraid of these mechas, if they are entangled by these things and another thing comes along at the same time, it will be really troublesome. Lily made a prompt decision. He turned around and ran towards the building not far away:


The Nie family is indeed technologically advanced. At a glance, there are probably thousands of these things. Lily just fought with them. The combat effectiveness of these mechas is no weaker than ordinary mechas. The most important thing is that these things are not They are controlled by humans instead of mechas, so destroying them will have little impact on the Nie family's strength. Even the Star Alliance may not have so many such things. But in such a short period of time, the Nie family could easily dispatch so many mechas.

At this time, Lily's idea was that the smart reminder on the previous mecha of this building belonged to the main building of the Nie family. Now that the initiative of the Nie family's defense system had been seized by Gu Chen's intelligence, the defense inside the building The system must be weaker than usual, and if he and others break into it, if there is something important inside, and the Nie family throws a rat-proof weapon, these mechas may not dare to enter.

Even if the Nie family wants to take their lives, they will not care about the Nie family's own losses. Then let's fight. If you can destroy some things in the Nie family, it counts. This is not your territory anyway. Destroying this floor will have no impact on Lily at all.

When Gu Chen discovered these mecha men, his expression also changed. When Lily spoke, he quickly understood what Lily meant. The three of them rushed towards the building with all their strength. These mechas were extremely fast, but none of them were fuel-efficient, just Lily. Gu Chen's own physical skills level was not low to begin with, and with the addition of soft mechas With the enhancement, he could run faster, but to their surprise, the fastest runner was not Lily or Gu Chen, but Su Ying, who was usually not talkative among the three.

The first moment she noticed the mecha man coming, Su Ying took a step forward. Lily's eyes didn't catch his movements at all, and he had already appeared at the door of the building.

Knowing that he had time-based powers, Lily was not surprised. On the contrary, Gu Chen looked like he was facing a formidable enemy. Several people rushed into the building. I wonder if it was because the Emperor Star was destroyed that day. Due to the sparse population of the family, there was no sign of living people at all when entering this building. Instead, electronic eyes with red light could be seen everywhere.

The intelligent system's magnetic waves should have been destroyed by the mecha man's attack before. At this time, there is no way to contact it at all. Where there is a defense system, I can only take one step at a time.

There was a long corridor inside the building. When the three of them broke in, a lot of red light had already shone on the three of them. I didn't know what kind of attack system these things belonged to. Gu Chen's whole body tensed up, and Lily suddenly retreated. When he saw Lily, the mecha turned into a human and rushed towards her. This time, Lily did not use ice powers, but used brute force to push her away. The lead mecha man fought back with his arms, and before it could punch again, he circled behind it like lightning and kicked the mecha man hard.

Her attack was filled with spiritual power, and the mecha man staggered due to its kick, and fell into the hall. Lily immediately dodged in, suddenly bent down and picked up the mecha man's legs, and lifted him up. He hit an electronic eye not far away with all his strength!

With a loud "basket clang" sound, the mecha man hit an electronic eye. I don't know what kind of material this mecha man is made of. It can be seen from the fact that it just punched and destroyed the intelligent signal system. I don’t know if it’s due to the material itself, or if it contains elements that destroy magnetic fields. I don’t know what kind of offensive weapons these electronic eyes are. Lily doesn’t dare to test them rashly. At this time, it happens to be using the mecha man made by the Nie family. When trying these red-light electronic eyes, I hit the target accidentally.

The mecha man was extremely heavy, plus the power of Lily's throwing was inside. When it hit the electronic eye, there was only a sound, and the electronic eye was knocked crooked, which was similar to what Lily had guessed before. At the moment of being hit, the electronic eye appeared similar to the mecha driven by Gu Chen before. After the light flickered a few times, it suddenly went out.

Not only the electronic eye that was hit was affected. Even the other electronic eyes around him were affected. After two clicks, the light dimmed.

The light at the entrance of the building suddenly dimmed a lot. The mecha that was thrown out fell back to the ground with a thud. When it shook its head and tried to stand up again, Gu Chen obviously thought about it from Lily's actions. He was overjoyed to find out how to solve this problem, and he didn't know if it was because of the unwillingness to admit defeat in his heart that he didn't want to be compared with Lily in front of her. So before the mecha man could get up, he took another step forward, picked him up, and threw him out again.

At this time, all the back roads were blocked by mechas. Going out was not much safer than being inside the building. On the contrary, the target might be exposed after going out and be attacked more violently. The two of them took turns kicking the mechas and entered the corridor. . Destroying all the red electronic eyes all the way until he reached the end of the corridor, he used brute force to destroy the mechanical door in front of him and entered. The scene he saw inside made Gu Chen take a breath.

After passing the long corridor, the tight mechanical door was destroyed. The inside was not a heavily guarded parliament hall, nor was it the layout like when Lily had seen the Twins Palace. Behind the door was a room about two meters tall. The wide platform was empty. A ropeway made of an unknown substance with silver light shining above the head leads directly to the opposite side. The interior of the main building of the Nie family has been completely hollowed out, and it is bottomless below because there is no light. I can't see clearly how deep the ground is, nor what is hidden underneath.

It just depends on the eyesight of a few people. You can't even see how far away it is from the opposite side. The heavy footsteps of the mecha men chasing after me can already be heard. Because flying is no longer allowed in the building, this greatly limits the speed of the mecha men. However, being caught up in this way is also troublesome, fighting in such a narrow place. , if they are accidentally squeezed below, and they don’t know how high it is, and they don’t know what dangers there are below, the situation will definitely be unfavorable to the three of them, but it will be fine for those mechas. They have no vitality and will fall. Not afraid either.

When Gu Chen saw this, he couldn't help but cursed. This Nie family is really out of their mind. Who would build such a dangerous thing in the main building? At this time, he didn't have any intelligence at hand, and he didn't know what kind of dangers he would encounter along the way. He definitely couldn't retreat now. His expression was gloomy, and Lily frowned: "Hang on it and slide over!"

The shining silver rope above the head is somewhat like the cable car on the earth in early ancient times. However, this ropeway is definitely much more dangerous than the ropeway on the earth. There should be other substances on it. The Nie family must be able to pass it. There was a specially designed suspension vehicle, but the three of them naturally didn't get this treatment at this time. Lily's heart moved and she raised her hand. An ice chain appeared in her hand. As soon as she put it on the silver rope, she heard " There was a sizzling sound, and the ice cube originally created by Lily's high-level superpower melted the moment it hit the rope. The ice chain broke into two parts, and one part fell into the abyss. For a long time, the sound of the ice chain falling to the ground was not heard, which showed how deep the abyss was.

"I can get over like this!" When Han Bing touched the silver cord, it melted in a short time, but that was because Lily did not infuse any more spiritual power. If she continued to Injecting spiritual power can keep the ice cube from melting.

When she spoke, she threw out an ice chain again and put it on. This time Lily maintained the pouring of spiritual power. Although there was still a constant 'sizzling' sound, the ice chain was destroyed and because of the spiritual power, Lily The repair of force did not break again. On the contrary, it maintained the shape of the ice chain despite being continuously destroyed. When Lily was currently practicing physical skills in cooperation with the Federation, she happened to break through the fifteenth level and had already reached it. She could borrow spiritual power for her own use, so the consumed spiritual power would not harm her at all. After she tried her own method and it worked, she did not input any more spiritual power and allowed the ice chain to be destroyed and broken by the silver cord again. Then he turned to look at Gu Chen and the two of them: "How are you going to live?"

"This should be made of mithril. The surface contains high-voltage current. I am wearing a soft mecha. It has a certain resistance to this type of current." Gu Chen shook his head and jumped up first, reaching out and putting his hand on the silver rope. The silver cord that had made a "sizzling" sound when it came into contact with the ice chain before was indeed unresponsive when he held it in his hand. It seems that Gu Chen has no problem.

"I'll take the first step." After Gu Chen finished speaking, he ignored Lily and the other two, and took the lead in rowing forward vigorously, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This time he leaves. Only Lily and Su Ying were left. Lily had her own way, but what about Su Ying?

Although he has time powers, the lethality of such powers is too overbearing. If Su Ying touches this rope, I am afraid that this thing will be destroyed, and everyone will die here together. How can we get through?

"What about you?" Lily glanced at Su Ying. Su Ying narrowed her eyes with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

The next moment that made Lily's eyes almost roll out of her eyes was when he started to take off his pants quickly.

"What are you going to do?" Lily's eyelids twitched, and Su Ying gave her a calm look: "My protective clothing is made of special materials and can control my body's energy."

"But what does this have to do with us going there?" Lily asked him back, and Su Ying's delicate eyebrows wrinkled: "You can go over and connect us with your pants." His words were simple. But Lily immediately understood the meaning of his words.

His time power has a certain corrosive effect on everything he touches. The poison of time is so poisonous that there is no cure. Even if he does not activate the power, for Su Ying, his own body is A toxin. If she wants to go over, she hangs on the silver rope, and he takes off the pants of the protective suit and connects them between the two. He can hug his legs through the pants, so that he can take him over!

For now, this is indeed the best approach. It's just that Lily really didn't expect that such a delicate-looking young man like Su Ying could be so 'informal'. It’s really the image that I don’t care about. The footsteps of the mecha man behind him were getting closer and closer, and there was no time left to think so much. Lily nodded bravely and swung the ice chain up again. She hung herself on the silver rope and felt Su Ying's hands go through the two trouser legs. He hugged his waist all of a sudden.

When his hand touched Lily's waist, even though there was something between them, an inexplicable warm feeling surged into Lily's heart. Lily's heart moved, and both of their bodies stiffened. Su Ying subconsciously hugged her tighter. It felt as if the two had known each other for a long time. Lily was suspicious, but the next moment she put this feeling behind her. Because Su Ying hugged her waist, her chest was pressed tightly against hers through the protective clothing. On his hips, he stood with his legs facing back. This position is not difficult for people who have reached a certain level of physical training, but this awkward position made Lily feel that her face was red at this time, and she saw the silver rope on the The two of them slid past quickly, and the delicate young man hung his naked lower body on Lily. When they passed the other end of the silver rope, Gu Chen was already waiting there. Lily swung the chain in the distance, and her body started to sway. While swinging forward, Su Ying suddenly let go, her body flew out like an arrow from a string, and landed steadily on the ground.

Gu Chen's eyes almost fell out of his sockets. When he saw Lily jumping to the ground neatly, and when he saw Su Ying preparing to put on her pants, Gu Chen frowned, a little dissatisfied and a little angry:

"It doesn't matter if you two are in the battleship. What time is it now? We are in the Nie family's base camp. We are really desperate for our lives!"

Lily had never been grateful for the ice mask on her face. Gu Chen couldn't see her embarrassed face. She pretended to be indifferent and snorted. She didn't dare to look at Su Ying's face and ignored Gu Chen. Chen's words. Su Ying bent over and put on her pants, but had no reaction to Gu Chen's words. Gu Chen felt angry. Seeing that Su Ying was properly dressed, he looked around:

"There is no road." There is indeed no road. Several things that look like hovercars are parked on the side. The scene here is similar to that on the other side. It is also a platform two or three meters wide, with a cold and hard metal wall behind it. Gu Chen's hands were groping around on it, and a thin ice blade came out of Lily's hand. She was about to scratch on the wall to look for cracks. The next moment, the platform where several people were standing suddenly shook, and several people shook. For a moment, her legs were almost unsteady. Su Ying stood behind her at some point and reached out to support her waist.

Before they could say thank you, the floor beneath their feet instantly turned into a small cage and began to fall rapidly.

The speed was dizzying, and Gu Chen cursed in his mouth. Such a rapid fall was simply more terrifying than when the mecha reached its maximum speed. If the three of them weren't all very strong, the pressure of the descent would have been enough to push them away. All the bones in the person's body were crushed to pieces.

Entering this cage at this time, it was difficult to break out of the cage with an unstable center of gravity. He didn't know what was underneath. Gu Chen was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk at all. Until two or three minutes later, the speed of descent dropped It got faster and faster, and then stopped suddenly with a 'dong' sound.

At the same time, a dazzling light came. Perhaps she had adapted to the darkness. When Leng Hui saw the light again, Lily subconsciously squinted her eyes. Only when she opened her eyes after she slowed down and adapted to the light did she see clearly. The small space that originally trapped the three people fell to the ground. There was a layer of special glass in front of them. The three people seemed to be trapped in a cage. Not far away was a mithril space of about a thousand square meters. , because of the angle of Lily's standing position above her head, she couldn't see clearly how high the space was. As she opened her eyes, a burst of applause sounded, and then a light flashed, and Lily was facing the past, A set of projectors projected the figure of an old man sitting in a chair on a smooth wall.

"Good afternoon, welcome, friends from the Federation." The old man was not tall. He coughed twice when he spoke. His rapid breathing was truly transmitted through the projector, and his complexion and speech were The weak tone was enough to prove the fact that the old man was not in good health.

But the moment he saw the old man, not only Lily, but also Gu Chen's expression changed.

This is Nie Yi, the head of the Nie family. This old man with an inconspicuous appearance and a body that looks like a dead branch is the giant who supports the Nie family. Countless dangerous weapons have been invented under his hands. He is one of the few people in the Nie family with an active brain. Those who reached 80% are called a group of new humans.

No matter how harmless he behaves at this time, Lily, who has read his information, still dare not underestimate him. At this moment, he still doesn’t know where the whereabouts of his group may have been known by the Nie family, including After landing, I was chased by mechas, and the optical brain system was damaged, and I was forced to enter here. At first, it seemed to be just a coincidence, but now I think about it, it is all connected. I am afraid that I have fallen into someone else's trap, deliberately. I was forced into this place.

"There are traitors in the Federation!" Lily sighed. The data once said that the Nie family's defense system was very difficult to break. Gu Chen's brain destroyed the Nie family's defense system in a very short period of time and obtained it. When she took control of the situation, Lily felt that things were too simple. But when she raised questions, Gu Chen's statement convinced her. It was indeed too weird to think about it at this time, as if they were deliberately forced into this place by the Nie family. , I don’t know what the Nie clan leader’s intention was in bringing them here.

"Impossible!" Gu Chen was immediately irritated by Lily's statement. He raised his voice and said, "Everyone in this operation is loyal to the Federation and the operation is kept secret."

The army he led was accused by Lily of being a traitor, which made Gu Chen unbearable. Even if the enemy was in front of him, he still couldn't help but glare at Lily and shouted to stop her.

On the projector, Nie Yi was coughing, while the Rao family watched with interest the three trapped beasts in the cages blaming each other, his old eyes that were already dimmed showed sarcasm and undisguised deep hatred.

"The Queen is right. This time we did get the news early and are ready to entertain the two distinguished guests from afar." He spoke with great difficulty, coughing several times every time he said a word. After saying this, he He coughed as if his internal organs were about to jump out of his chest. After a while, he stopped breathing rapidly. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: �Double updates in one~~~~~~~~~~

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