Cannon Fodder Strategy

Deep love between interstellar sisters (thirty-three)

"Gu Chen, I haven't seen you for so many years. How are you? I really want to congratulate you for stepping on the blood of millions of civilians on the Emperor Planet to become a five-star general." The old man closed his eyes, with a heavy look on his face. With a mocking look and a slightly hoarse voice: "I want to see you again, but I have been thinking about it for twenty years. I originally thought that my broken body could not wait for the day to see you again, but I didn't expect that you came to the door yourself. Come. Queen, Gu Chen," Nie Yi covered her mouth with a handkerchief and called out the names of Lily and Gu Chen in turn. When she saw Su Ying, she saw his delicate and lovely face, obviously because she didn't recognize him. Because Su Ying's identity was not found in the system, Nie Yi regarded him as a federal unknown and did not pay attention to him. He quickly moved his eyes away and finally fell on Gu Chen:

"But finally you are here. I have been looking forward to this day for so many years!"

"The Federation covets the research results of the Nie family. Many years ago, federal robbers robbed some of the results of the Nie family's labor. I originally gave these rubbish to you. I didn't care, but you should never have ruined my daughter. "When Nie Yi said this, the smile on his face suddenly faded. There was a look of resentment in his eyes, and a red light appeared on his thin face. He seemed to be energetic all of a sudden, and he actually got out of the gun chair. He stood up and stared at Gu Chen with a fierce expression:

"She has seen news about you on the Interstellar Network, and she has such a good impression of you. She likes you so much, but you are a butcher, you are a devil. When you attacked the Emperor Planet, you destroyed her! So many wastes I don't care if she dies, but my Ah Qi is a genius. She could have led the Nie family to become more powerful. How could a fool like you understand her excellence? How could she die in the hands of a fool like you? How could she be so stupid to you? The lowly creatures look at you differently."

After Nie Yi finished speaking, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Lily looked at him and laughed and cried like a lunatic. He looked gentle and ferocious for a while, silent for a moment, and then sneered again:

"Your daughter is dead, and you think others should pay for her burial. You have also destroyed other people's homes and killed other people's children. It's just retaliation. What's there to cry about?" She didn't expect it. Nie Qi, who was marked as unknown danger in the file, actually died, which really made her feel ridiculous. The federal government marked Nie Qi's file as unknown danger, and she had done this for this reason. Facing a powerful enemy, I didn't expect to hear about it from Nie Yi at this time. Nie Qi was already dead a long time ago. Looking at the old man crying uncontrollably: "What kind of advanced creatures are you Nie family? You are not claiming to be a new human being, but you are really a new human being. Look. Your old body, Nie Qi, you are not yet one hundred and fifty years old, but look at how old you are. Your Nie family is known as the new human race, but the more over-developed the Nie family's brain power is, The body will wear out faster.”

As soon as these words were spoken, not only Gu Chen was shocked, but also Nie Yi, who had just stood up from the wheelchair, was furious.

His originally malicious gaze had been falling on Gu Chen. Now he squinted his eyes and stared at Lily fiercely. His expression was so gloomy and terrifying, as ruthless as a poisonous snake that wanted to choose someone to eat. At the same time, his eyes were dim. A look of panic flashed across his old eyes very quickly.

It's because the quality of the Nie family's projectors far exceeds those produced by the major planets in the galaxy. Every subtle change on Nie Yi's face was completely preserved. In addition, because the image was enlarged, every wrinkle on his face, every red bloodshot in his eyes, and the slight gasping sound when he breathed. They were all presented in front of the three people by a projector.

"I'm surprised why I know this?" Seeing Nie Yi's performance, Bai He was even more sure of this: "The Nie family was looking for experimental subjects everywhere. After learning about the Pluto Prince, the Hua family's royal family had the talent for mental power and When they learned that the Pluto Prince Xinghua family had given birth to two princesses in this generation, the Nie family, which had never interacted with other planets, was unexpectedly willing to exchange for a new type of mecha. At first, everyone in the interstellar world thought that the Nie family wanted to To explore the mystery of the human body's superior mental power, after all, the Nie family is not the first to do this kind of experiment, but the real reason is probably because the Nie family themselves have realized that as the Nie family's brain becomes more active, excessive For developing applications, the higher the mental activity level of a person, the more likely it is that his life will be short-lived, right?"

In a certain respect, although the application of mental power is different from brain activity, the principles are also similar. The Nie family must have realized that the higher the brain activity value, the sooner a person will die, so I started researching this area out of panic, hoping to decipher the secret of the brain's genetic code.

"The more something is lacking, the more existence one will pursue." This has been human nature since ancient times. People who lack money and fame will pursue fame and money all their lives; people who lack youth and beauty will pursue fame and fortune all their lives. The pursuit of youth and beauty has always been on the road to the end, and in addition to possessing an innately smart brain, the Nie family also lacks physical strength, mental strength, and supernatural abilities. What's more, their mental strength is not without hidden dangers.

God is always fair. People like the Nie family are born with smart brains. They only know how to develop applications without having to pay the price for what they have worked so hard to get.

"If it hadn't been for the destruction of Pluto, if it hadn't been for the demise of the Hua clan, which caused Gu Chen to sanction the Emperor planet for violating the Humanitarian Law of the Galaxy Federation, I'm afraid one day the Nie family would reach out to some bodies again. Master magicians, I want you to decipher the secret of the strength of the human body, right?" Lily's words shocked Gu Chen, who stared at her speechlessly, obviously not daring to do this. believe.

Nie Yi, who was startled when he heard Lily speak at first, calmed down now. After hearing what Lily said, he couldn't help but sneered:

"My aging is due to the tragic death of my only daughter. I wanted to avenge Gu Chen and the Federation, so I ended up like this. The excellence of the Nie family cannot be imagined by trash like you. You talk so much The nonsense you are talking about is just to cover up the ignorance, filthiness, and fear in your heart..."

He talked and talked. Her emotions became a little excited again, her face turned sickly red, and she coughed as if she was going to die. Lily looked at Nie Yi as if she was about to die:

"Who is talking nonsense? You know it in your heart. According to the federal investigation records on the Nie family, direct descendants of the Nie family have never lived more than 150 years old. Today, human life span has far exceeded that of the ancient earth. This number is really unbelievable. It is precisely because of this that the number of people on the Emperor Planet has always been small. According to the federal information about Nie Qi, her brain activity reached over 90%. Such a smart person The federal assessment of her dangerousness is unknown."

At first, Lily thought the unknown meant something scary. After all, when she checked Su Ying's information before, the federation's estimate of Su Ying's lethality was SS+ level or above. When evaluating Nie Qi, the word "unknown" was used. At that time, Lily thought that Nie Qi was more dangerous than Su Ying, but later she realized that something was wrong.

Su Ying's time power can almost be said to be the most invincible existence in this field. There is no cure for the poison of time. No matter how destructive the weapon is, no matter how fierce the Nie family can create a mecha. But all of this was vulnerable in the face of time. She then thought of what Su Ying called the 'Time Clan'. Precisely because of the power of the Time Clan, this group had few heirs and the earth was small. She felt a little bit at that time. Something was wrong until she entered Nie's house and encountered a large number of mechas. When she entered the Nie's building, there were electronic eyes everywhere. You can see all kinds of advanced technologies. But no one of the Nie family was seen alive at all.

Except for seeing Nie Yi's projection at this time, when they entered the Nie family's territory this time, they had not even encountered a Nie family member.

"The reason why the federation gave Nie Qi an unknown assessment must be because her brain development has reached the highest level in the history of the Nie family. But at the same time, her body must also be the weakest reason for the Nie family. She herself does not have any mental power. She is not strong. With such a poor physique, she may even die at any time. According to the Nie family's laws, a person with an overactive brain like her may not even survive fifty. What's the point of being proud of junk genes like your Nie family that should have been eliminated long ago? , who calls himself a new human being?" Lily closed her eyes, her face covered in ice expressionless.

Because of the flaws, the Nie family intended to conduct experiments on living subjects. This was even more shameful than the Nie family's excuse to study mental power. Fortunately, when she entered the mission, the original owner's wish was impossible to achieve, otherwise if this happened Once I really fell into the hands of the Nie family for the original owner's wish, I didn't know how much pain I had to suffer. I couldn't survive or die.

"Shut up!" As soon as Lily finished her words, Nie Yi was like an enraged lion. He shouted loudly and made a sharp cry: "What do you know? What do you know? You bedbugs , you scum with well-developed limbs and simple minds! If the Nie family had a strong body, if we could also practice physical skills, this galaxy should have been our Nie family's world! How can you understand the cleverness of our Nie family?"

After he finished speaking, he paused: "My daughter is indeed in poor health, but she is the most talented child of the Nie family. Even if she is dead now, what she left behind is still enough to kill you!"

"What qualifications do you have to tell her what to do? You are not even qualified to carry her shoes! My daughter is a genius, and her intelligence is beyond your imagination." After Nie Yi finished speaking, she said in a subtle way. He laughed: "Hasn't the federal government always wanted to know about the Nie family's research plan? This time I tell you that my daughter had come up with a genius idea as early as twenty-five years ago. We call it "Why," Nie Yi said here, paused for a moment, and then raised his hands like crazy:

"The King's Plan! At the same time, because of her accidental death, I call it the King's Revenge Plan."

After Nie Yi said this, he suddenly burst out laughing. I don't know if it was because of excitement. He was trembling all over at this time. Although he looked like he was not speaking fluently, he was not coughing as much as before.

"The king's revenge plan?" Gu Chen's face changed drastically. He had mentioned to Lily before that there was indeed such a plan in the federation's information about the Nie family. When Nie Yi mentioned it, he glanced at Lily, with stillness in his eyes. There was a look of shock.

The conjecture about the Nie family mentioned by Lily before, and the king's plan mentioned by Nie Yi at this time, made Gu Chen feel a bad premonition inexplicably. The next moment, Nie Yi smiled strangely:

"You will have the honor to be witnesses of my King Ah Qi plan, and at the same time, you two bodies. I accept it! I didn't expect that my Nie family would not be able to get the youngest daughter of the Hua family many years ago, and now I have a body. Magicians and superpowers came to the door at the same time, haha..." Nie Yi's laughter stopped abruptly. Then his figure disappeared and the projector was turned off by him. At the same time, the transparent glass that originally trapped Lily and the other three people appeared. It slowly rose upwards and released the three people from inside.

The surroundings were empty, and Gu Chen took a tentative step. The metal material on the ground should be made of mithril. The texture was different when he stepped on it. Mithril was very hard, and most importantly, it had a certain degree of restraint against many magnetic fields. effect. Therefore, even if the quantity is not large in the galaxy, the price has always been high. This is also the best material used to make the surfaces of battleships and mechas.

But now there are so many mithrils in the Nie family, and the Nie family even made it into a mithril space. This is a kind of suppression for Gu Chen. The soft mecha that could enhance his strength has arrived. There was suddenly no room for action here, which made Gu Chen's expression look a little ugly.

Lily walked out of the cage. He raised his head and glanced into the air. There was nothing all around. The light source above his head emitted a bright and dazzling light. The position where Nie Yi's shadow was originally pointed split to both sides with a 'click' sound. Ten unknown coffin-like long metal boxes about two meters high were pushed out, and then the opened metal wall closed again.

After the signal light on the top of the box flashed twice, it quickly dimmed, and a mechanical female voice sounded:

"Countdown. 3, 2, 1." The words fell. The light flashed, and suddenly a loud "bang" sound was heard. The metal box that was originally tightly closed was kicked away by the contents inside, and ten heavy metal lids suddenly flew towards Lily and the others. .

Several figures jumped out of it. Lily didn't care about Su Ying at this time, after dodging the attacks of the two lids. When she saw that a lid was about to hit her, she shook her hands into a fist and slammed the lid away. But before she could retract her fist, a clenched fist silently hit her in front of her. When the huge wind of the fist hit her face, she was too slow to dodge, and the corner of the fist hit her chin. A corner of the ice and snow mask was swept away, revealing smooth skin, which quickly turned blue and purple under the blow of the fist wind!

Although the spiritual power quickly repaired the mask on Lily's face, the pain in her jaw still made Lily grit her teeth. When she raised her head to avoid it, she saw a figure waiting behind her, and she suddenly squatted down. , supported the ground with her hands, and quickly swept a long leg around the ground. Wherever her leg swept, a huge ice and snow plate appeared on the ground, with sharp ice spikes coming out from around it.

She quickly forced her attacker two or three steps away. When Lily stood up, she saw everything in front of her clearly and couldn't help shouting:

"Gu Chen?"

In front of them all were Gu Chen, all wearing interstellar alliance combat uniforms. About twenty years ago, when he was young, Gu Chen looked like him. The moment Lily called out Gu Chen, Gu Chen himself was also touched by a few people. Another 'self' is so entangled that my scalp is numb.

Compared with these people, he looked much more stable than these 'Gu Chen' at this time. Under the control of Mithril, the soft mecha on his body not only added an extra layer of defense, but also There was no other use, and his expression was very ugly at this time. As soon as Lily finished speaking, he couldn't help but curse: "What's going on?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nie Yi's projector, which had been lost, suddenly lit up again.

Nie Yi, who was still able to sit in a wheelchair just now, was now lying on a bed, staring at this side. A silent girl was waiting beside him, wiping his hair with a handkerchief from time to time. Cold sweat.

"Haha, the King's Plan. My daughter, Nie Qi personally led and set it up. How about it?" His voice was very hoarse, and every word he spoke seemed to be very laborious: "These are cloned from my daughter's collection of your factors. She liked you so much, even the plan she proposed was based on you, Gu Chen, but she died in your hands. Do you know what you missed? Look, these are all you, these people With your strength and your body, this plan is so perfect. We, the Nie family, are Gods and can create humans with such perfect bodies. They are not even worse than the real you!" Nie Yi said, feeling a little angry. got up.

Gu Chen wanted to scold his mother at this moment. Lily turned around and saw his green and red face, feeling gloating in her heart.

While Nie Yi was talking, a 'Gu Chen' rushed towards Lily again. Lily quickly dodged it. After a few simple exchanges with him, Lily discovered that the strength of these 'Gu Chens' was no worse than the real Gu Chen now. Even stronger. It is similar to Gu Chen when wearing a soft mecha, which is equivalent to reaching about the fifteenth level of physical training. Her own physical training happens to be at the fifteenth level. If Nie Yi's so-called 'King's Revenge Plan' is just that , then even if the opponent has more people than herself, Lily is not afraid anymore.

After a few tricks, she felt confident, and no longer struggled with these people. When a 'Gu Chen' rushed towards her, Lily suddenly threw out an ice chain in her hand. With a raise of her hand, the ice chain Gu Chen was tied up tightly. She planned to bundle all these so-called 'clones' together, freeze them and then destroy them.

But before she could take action again, the sound of the whip piercing the air rang out. From the corner of Lily's eye, she saw a light blue shadow swinging toward her. She was startled, and subconsciously turned her body sideways, reaching out to use the whip. Wei grabbed her, and the 'Clone Gu Chen' who had been tied up by her took the opportunity to break the ice chain that bound her and punched her again.

A 'Gu Chen' stood far away, waving an ice chain that was indistinguishable from Lily's hand. Before Lily could react, once the ice chain in his hand was caught by Lily, the eyes of 'Gu Chen' Without blinking, he shook his hand, and the ice chain in his hand was suddenly replaced by an ice gun, and he stabbed her in the chest.

This was clearly not a skill possessed by Gu Chen, but her ice ability. Lily's heart sank, she held the tip of the ice gun and folded it with force. The tip of the spear broke with a sound, and the next moment 'Gu Chen' He turned the broken tip of the ice spear into an ice chain again and drew it towards her again.

The other 'Gu Chen' cooperated with this 'Gu Chen' who could use ice powers to attack Lily. This was not fighting the Nie family at all, but it was equivalent to fighting 'himself' in disguise. Lily I couldn't figure out the details of these things, so I didn't dare to take action rashly for a while. I could only block and dodge from left to right. For a while, neither side could do anything to the other.

Gu Chen on the other side is in a similar situation to her. The strength of these 'Gu Chens' is equal to him. Even because he does not have the assistance of soft mechas, the strength of these 'Gu Chens' is even higher than him. If If it weren't for the fact that clones are always not as flexible as real people, and Gu Chen has rich combat experience, I'm afraid he would have already suffered a loss at this time.

But if this situation continues, he is not sure how long Gu Chen can persist.

Two Gu Chens followed Su Ying. Whenever these 'Gu Chens' were about to approach him, he suddenly took a big step forward. Due to time constraints, these people could never catch up with him. For some reason, These clones seemed unable to clone his powers. They chased after him for a long time without even touching the corner of Su Ying's clothes. Among the three of them, Su Ying looked the most relaxed and relaxed at the moment.

"Do you know the genius of my Ah Qi?" In the projector, Nie Yi saw Lily and Gu Chen running away in embarrassment, laughing and coughing: "How can you idiots imagine how smart she is? Your abilities and physical skills will be collected into factors and integrated into these fighting machines. As long as you are caught by me and crack the genetic code, you will finally extract good things one day and improve the situation of my Nie family!"

He looked at Gu Chen's ugly face and spoke somewhat triumphantly. Lily was not as worried as Gu Chen.

These clones are indeed powerful in physical skills, but their ice abilities are not that great. At most, they are only level one. They serve as a harassment. Their lethality is not great for her at all. It seems like there is something inside the clones that can make ice. The method is just to simulate ice cubes.

Before, she was just surprised that these things could emit ice-type powers, and was a little worried. But now she breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Nie Yi say that these clones had collected the factors of her own ice-type powers. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Two updates in one~! Recently, I’ve seen people say that I’m not used to being cute and asking for votes. I just want to say that everyone has been taught by me invisibly...ahhahahahahahahahahahahaha laugh with arms akimbo

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