Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Sisterhood (End)

"Xiaohe, come here, come to sister." Hua Fuya struggled to break free from Gu Chen's arm, but Gu Chen held her very tightly. She didn't look at Gu Chen, she just stared at Lily and waved to Lily. Lily's eyes widened. In the impression of the original owner, she seemed to have returned to the carefree and unfiltered girlhood of Pluto. At that time, Hua Fuya always said to her so gently: "Come on, Xiaohe, come here." Sister, come here." No words at that time could make Hua Lily feel more at ease and safe than this sentence.

"Sister?" Lily's heart felt like a turbulent wave at this time. This tone, this voice, this expression was not the delicate and frail Hua Fuya before. Instead, there was a bit of resoluteness and courage between her eyebrows. Although Her face was still pale, but the corners of her mouth were pursed tightly, and even though there were still tears in her eyes, her face still showed a proud and calm expression.

This is the real Wavya! Why did Hua Fuya suddenly seem to be a different person? Lily had always speculated that Hua Fuya was possessed by Nie Qi, from Hua Fuya's abnormality after she entered the mission, to what Xiao Yu said during the twin stars Her own speculations in her words, as well as Hua Fuya's pleas when she and Gu Chen went out to encircle and suppress the Nie family, and then discovering the Nie family's "King Plan" and Nie Qi's crazy love for Gu Chen, because of her knowledge In addition, the changes in Hua Fuya started when Gu Chen wiped out the Emperor Star. After thinking about it these days, she always felt that Hua Fuya's change was unusual and seemed like a different person. Similar.

In the mission, we saw too many time-travel girls and reborn girls. Lily boldly speculated that Hua Fuya should have been reborn by Nie Qi, and Nie Qi protected the Nie family. As well as her somewhat abnormal love for Gu Chen, and knowing the time of Nie Qi's death and the time of Hua Fuya's transformation, Lily boldly said these words during the trial today.

But she didn't expect it. Hua Fuya was not dead, she was still alive, and he waved her over.

Is Hua Fuya really not dead, or is Nie Qi's conspiracy weird? Or has Hua Fuya really changed in the past twenty years or so, and all her guesses are wrong? Lily's thoughts were racing rapidly, and she subconsciously wanted to get off the high platform. Su Ying followed behind her, her eyes falling on Hua Fuya. She was also staring at Su Ying, and saw that Su Ying acted like a protector. When following Lily, Hua Fuya let out a sigh of relief on her face. He was a little reluctant to part with her, but also seemed to be happy for Lily, but with an unusually sour expression.

"Xiaohe, Xiaohe, my sister, my baby." When she saw herself waving to Lily, she ran towards her without hesitation. Just like before, Hua Fuya had no doubt about her, and Hua Fuya was heartbroken.

She struggled desperately, but her strength was not very strong, but her decisive attitude scared Gu Chen from the bottom of his heart. She seemed to want to break away from her arms even if she was injured. Although Gu Chen always felt uncomfortable She let go, as if she was about to run away. But in the end, his love for her trumped the fear in his heart. He couldn't bear to see her hurt, so he still let go of his hand.

The moment Gu Chen let go, Hua Fuya rushed towards Lily and hugged her into his arms.

"What you said. I heard it all. My sister has never blamed you. For the death of the people of the Pluto Star Clan and the death of my family members, my sister has never blamed you!" Hua Fuya hugged Lily tightly, her voice was loud when she spoke. She was trembling softly, but her tone was very firm.

Everyone in the hall watched the sisters hugging each other, and they were all silent and didn't know what to do. StarNet has not yet figured out how to deal with this dramatic reunion of the sisters.

But what Hua Fuya said at this time suddenly made Lily feel relieved, her eyes began to feel sour involuntarily, and a sense of grievance surged out from the depths of her heart. This was the remaining emotion of the original owner, even after Lily entered. This body was twenty years old, but when the original owner heard her sister say that she had never blamed her in her life, Hua Lily still felt relieved in her heart.

"If I want to blame, I can only blame the Nie family. If I want to hate, I can only hate the Nie family. I can only hate myself. I have no ability to save Pluto Prince Xing. I have no ability to protect you. I cannot even protect myself." Hua Fu Ya reached out to touch Lily's face, "Remember that day when my sister told you that she would make you live a life of food and clothing without worries?" When she spoke, tears slid down her smooth face, but she did not cry. She made a sound, but this kind of silent tears was far more uncomfortable than the delicate and timid crying of Hua Fuya before.

When the tears fell from her chin to her body, they were absorbed by the hem of her skirt. The weight of this tear was far heavier than the tears she had shed before. Her voice was filled with desolation, anger and sadness. She said Such a passage was enough to prove that she was indeed the real Hua Fuya. When Gu Chen went to conquer the Nie family of the Emperor Star, Lily remembered that she had made up her mind and talked to him, saying that she wanted to let her Live a life full of food, clothing, and happiness.

"I remember, when Gu Chen went to conquer the Emperor Planet, my sister said that she hoped I would live a happy life." Lily's words made Hua Fuya smile, but there was a heavy look in her smile: "Do you still remember? But my sister broke her promise. You You are gentle and introverted, so lovable and obedient. I am so afraid that I cannot protect you. Every day I worry that the Nie family will kidnap you. I contacted Gu Chen when he went to the Emperor Planet. I originally hoped that he could marry you. As your wife, please protect you for me, but I was suppressed before I could do anything later." Her words finally solved the doubts in Lily's heart over the years. No wonder Hua Fuya seemed to have done something that day. It was a big decision, so no wonder she hesitated to speak at that time.

Gu Chen is a very special and important existence to Hua Fuya. They have decided to get married since they were young. They grew up as childhood sweethearts and have a deep relationship. When Hua Fuya made this decision, she must have gone through a lot in her heart. suffering. She is willing to give up her beloved fiancé to her sister, which shows how deeply she loves her sister. When Lily heard this, she was already sure that what she had guessed before was probably true. She looked at Hua Fuya's face, Suddenly, I felt a bit of pity and distress in my heart.

"I like you so much that I am even willing to give up my fiancé to you. How can I bear to hand you over to the Xiao family!" Hua Fuya said here. Suddenly he turned his head and glared at Gu Chen resentfully. When Gu Chen heard her words, his heart went cold. He saw Hua Fuya's cold eyes. Those beautiful eyes that he had looked at for many years reflected his shadow for the first time. They were no longer full of love and fondness, but instead filled with indifference and resentment. Through her eyes, Gu Chen saw his own frightened face and panicked look. He shook his head instinctively and reached out to grab Hua Fuya:

"Fuya, you..." Gu Chen felt cold all over his body at this moment, and fear was like a vine wrapping around him tighter and tighter. He had experienced countless wars, big and small, in his life, and he couldn't remember how many narrow escapes he had. He was in a critical moment, but he had never been so scared before. He seemed to have a rabbit in his heart, hopping wildly. Because of his uneasiness, his legs began to shake unconsciously to vent his feelings. He desperately wanted to prove something, but everything that happened at this time was beyond his control. He instinctively called out Hua Fuya's name, but in exchange, she turned her face away without mercy.

"If I could stop it, I would rather trade it with my life than let you suffer so much, let you almost be insulted, let you almost fall into the hands of the Nie family, let you fall off the planet Camilla , to become a bounty hunter. My sister is useless. Even the revenge of the Hua family is up to you." Hua Fuya pursed her lips. If she could, she didn't want her sister to grow up in this way, even if Now she is actually proud of Lily's growth.

She didn't know much about the middle stuff. But just in a place like the Camilla Galaxy, the Hua family has pampered girls who have grown up since childhood. How Hua Fuya could escape from such a place was terrifying just by imagining it.

A bit of confusion flashed in her pupils, and she soon became clear again.

"Xiaohe, listen to me, your body has no mental power. Your parents have tried to find the reason before, but they still don't know. We have tried many ways to find out the reason for you. Do you remember?" Hua? After Fuya discovered that she was in a daze for that moment, she quickly turned the topic to Lily: "The Hua family can only give birth to one daughter in one generation, and every third generation of princesses must have special powers. This The generation after my birth, my abilities reached A+ and above, breaking the record in Fahrenheit history..."

"Princess, I don't understand what you are saying has anything to do with this case..." After listening for a long time, the representative of the opposing side finally couldn't help it and stood up to interrupt Hua Fuya. At this time, the situation became increasingly weird. , she always felt inexplicably that if Hua Fuya was allowed to continue talking, she could almost predict the outcome of the trial this time.

In response to her sudden interruption, Hua Fuya did not turn around:

"I used to be puzzled by this matter, but until I was invaded by Nie Qi's mental power, you can understand that after Nie Qi's body died, her consciousness suddenly appeared in my body, To use the words of the earth in ancient times, it was only after Nie Qi took over the reincarnation that I finally understood my shortcomings." Hua Fuya said this, with a look of forbearance on her face, and then she spoke quickly :

"I only have spiritual power in my body, and Xiaohe, your body has the hidden power of supernatural powers." In other words, the two sisters were supposed to be one person. The weird tradition of having only one princess in the Fahrenheit generation is not the same. It should have been broken at this time, but accidentally due to the existence of the two princesses, the superpower and mental power were divided into two.

Because Hua Fuya gained spiritual power, her spiritual power was particularly strong, but there was no hidden power in her body.

Hua Lily has the hidden power of superpowers in her body, but she has no mental power. The reason why Hua Lily did not activate superpowers in the early years is because in Fahrenheit's bloodline, mental power and superpowers need to complement each other. Hua Baihe was well protected by her family at that time, and they were reluctant to attack her with her mental power. Without the stimulation of her mental power, the superpowers in her body would naturally not appear. The Hua family had always thought that she had no fighting ability at all. It's just an accident that happened to this generation of the Hua family.

When the two sisters escaped from Pluto, Hua Fuya tried to activate her powers to protect her sister, but she failed until Nie Qi took over her body.

Nie Qi's own brain development and application has reached more than 90%. In other words, even if she does not have a strong physical body or even lacks mental strength, because of her active brain energy, in a certain aspect In terms of performance, she is on par with Hua Fuya. And she has a deep obsession with Gu Chen, and she loves Gu Chen. The most important thing is that she is a complete soul, and Hua Fuya didn't know it until her body was taken away by Nie Qi and she suppressed it and hid it in the corner of her body. Only then did I realize that I might be incomplete.

Over the years, she has watched Nie Qi use her body to kiss Gu Chen. She has seen her sister being framed and sent away by Nie Qi. She has watched Nie Qi use her body to give birth to a child. Hua Fuya was angry at first about Gu Chen's two children. She was resentful, but because of certain shortcomings, she couldn't do anything about Nie Qi.

Her body being occupied by Nie Qi was as if it had been defiled by some source of pollution. The feeling of pain and powerlessness lingered in her heart all the time, making her feel sick and disgusted.

If Lily hadn't suddenly revealed Nie Qi's existence today, the despicable thief would have been frightened at that moment. As if she was afraid of being exposed, as if the most filthy thing was afraid of facing the sun, she took the initiative to hide. I'm afraid she would have to be forced to 'see' how Nie Qi lived in her own skin for the rest of her life. from a previous life.

When Hua Fuya originally thought that she was powerless in this life, she didn't expect that her dearest sister would still notice her.

At that moment, Hua Fuya felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. She and Gu Chen grew up as childhood sweethearts. She used to like Gu Chen so much. You know, besides her sister, her favorite was Gu Chen. But Gu Chen couldn't recognize her. She had changed so much that Hua Fu Ya was disappointed because Gu Chen had never doubted it. What disappointed Hua Fuya the most was that when Nie Qi wanted to use her body to frame Hua Lily, Gu Chen believed her without hesitation. Doesn't he know? What is the most important thing to you?

"Listen to me, my sister's spiritual power, combined with your superpower, is the real Princess Fahrenheit. Over the years, I have been trapped in my body by Nie Qi every day. She has been trying to steal my spirit. She is afraid that Gu Chen will notice the difference." Nie Qi is indeed a genius, and she has also developed a method. She even tested it and indeed stole some mental power from Hua Fuya for her use. But at this moment, Hua Fuya was advantageous: "I will transfer my spiritual power to you."

Hua Fuya stretched out her hand and grabbed Lily tightly. Her expression as if she was explaining her future affairs made Lily instinctively feel that something was wrong. She grabbed Hua Fuya with her backhand, but the next moment Hua Fuya grabbed Lily's hand. , big beads of sweat quickly appeared on her forehead, and her face turned sallow in an instant. She was like a rose that had lost its nutrients. She took off a bracelet from her wrist with difficulty, and used her strength to Stuffed into Lily's hand:

"This is the connector Nie Qi made. Take it."

After she said this, she suddenly stretched out her hand to push Lily away, and snatched away the weapon that symbolized honor and status from Gu Chen. The weapon was not the most advanced lethal nano-weapon, but a very delicate one. , just for decoration to represent his identity and status, but at this moment she suddenly snatched the gorgeous gem-encrusted weapon in her hand, turned around and shouted at Nie Yi:

"The eldest princess of Fahrenheit will never forgive the Nie family's crimes. Everything I said before does not represent the truest thoughts in my heart. The executioner should die!" She doesn't care about greatness and the progress of all mankind. These, these so-called false reputations, are not as important to her as a single hair of her relatives.

After Hua Fuya shouted loudly, she suddenly pointed the weapon at her face, "Take care of her..." She said this to the silent Su Ying. The next moment, there was a 'bang', and her beautiful Her face first showed a look of relief, and then panic and the familiar sense of cowardice overwhelmed her, and a sharp female voice rang out from her mouth:


In an instant, Hua Fuya's face was cut and melted under the attack of light nuclear weapons.

This scene happened so fast that Lily had no time to stop her. Hua Fuya wanted to die. Her body was defiled by Nie Qi. If she lived, she would never be able to get rid of Nie Qi's entanglement. Even if Lily was willing to sacrifice herself to fulfill her, But how could Hua Fuya be willing to ask for this kind of fulfillment? Even if she wanted it, how could a person with such a strong character like her, who would rather die than live in ruins, face Gu Chen and the two children Nie Qi gave birth to with her body?

Lily pursed her lips tightly, her throat feeling dry.

"Fuya? Fuya?" The remaining body of her body fell to the ground with a bang, and the gorgeous weapon fell to the ground with a loud sound. The sound seemed to break the spell in the room. Gu Chencai As if he had woken up, he shouted like crazy.

"Wake up quickly, what's going on. What's going on?" Gu Chen was about to collapse. He could hardly stand up. He saw the person he had loved for so many years and had already integrated into his life. woman in. After bidding farewell to him and walking out of his life in this way, Gu Chen felt as if a large piece of her heart had been hollowed out. She wanted to stay away from her even to death. She doesn't like him that much?

After Gu Chen thought about what Hua Fuya said just now, he would be really stupid if he still didn't understand what happened. But Gu Chen didn't want to believe it at all, and he didn't want to believe that such a ridiculous thing would happen to him. On the body.

But the matter was placed before him so vividly that he couldn't help but not believe it. Hua Fuya's body was still there. This scene was so vivid that it probably hurt the most heartbreaking part. Gu Chen couldn't even shed tears, his eyes were so dry that he could only keep calling Hua Fuya's name, as if only in this way could he calm down.

There had never been such a moment before. Gu Chen even hoped that Hua Fuya would not wake up and let him live in this kind of mirror. He hoped that when he opened his eyes. What I saw was Hua Fuya's gentle and smiling face. Even if she was fake, even if she was pretending, at least she was still alive. She won't turn into a cold corpse.

For as long as he could remember, Gu Chen had always thought that he was calm and firm. Whether it was the praise he received from the federal government or the opinions of his elders and colleagues, he was calm, steady and mature. But at this moment, Gu Chen was too timid to face him. to this fact.

He loved Hua Fuya's character and the moment she came back. Even if she hates herself. But Gu Chen was still moved by her. He thought that the love he had for Hua Fu Ya when he was young and as passionate as the sun had left only affection and obedience. He thought that in the end, the couple would only get along with each other. It's the kind of life that is as plain as water. He had a wife, responsibilities, a son, and a family, but she came back at the moment Gu Chen's heart beat like a drum. Gu Chen realized that he might have admitted the wrong person.

But what if he admits his mistake? If the result of admitting his mistake is that she can still stay with him, he may not want to wake up from this sweet dream. If the person he truly loves comes back and sees him, only resentment and longing will remain. When he was far away from him, for a moment, he would rather choose to be an ostrich and pretend to be deaf and dumb and not know anything.

"Fuya..." Gu Chen felt empty, and Lily stared at him coldly: "What's the use of crying now? You don't know my sister's character? If you could have discovered it earlier when you married her, There's something wrong with her. If you could have helped her earlier, wouldn't nothing have happened now? Gu Chen, what are you going to call her now? You don't deserve to call her by her name!" Lily felt a little uncomfortable at this time, Hua Fuya's proud character definitely didn't want to live after knowing that her body was being used and had been defiled by Nie Qi.

She didn't expect that Hua Lily and Hua Fuya would have such a relationship.

One has mental power and the other has supernatural powers. No wonder she activated her powers that day by using Camilla's mental power.

There is no doubt about Hua Fuya's love for her sister, but in the end she still miscalculated. Her real sister had already died in Nie Qi's hands, and died on the planet Camilla after being tired of being played by Xiao Yu.

But it would be too cruel to tell Hua Fuya before her death. Lily kept silent at that time. Maybe it would be best for Hua Fuya to leave with peace of mind at this time. If she lives, according to her love for her sister, She will finally realize one day that she is different. How will she explain her origins then? She was possessed by Nie Qi. She was so smart that she would guess all this easier than herself. If she knew that her sister died at the hands of Nie Qi who used her body to cause trouble, what would it be like for Hua Fuya? What kind of blow?

In the plot, the reason why Xiao Yu did not give Hua Lily to the Nie family may be because he was tired of playing and there was no need to follow Nie Qi's request. Secondly, it may also be because the Nie family had a bad reputation and he didn't want to. After getting into all these troubles, Sanlai probably feared that if he really did this, he would one day be trapped in Nie Qi's hands. If she caught him, he might die in her hands.

So in the plot, he kills Hua Lily, which is the best ending.

Therefore, when he was in Twin Stars, he was so afraid of Gu Chen's appearance, probably because of a guilty conscience. As for how he escaped in the plot, Lily didn't know and didn't want to know.

Anyway, Xiao Yu is dead now.

Hua Fuya's death caused a wave of waves in the venue, and the star seemed to explode at this time.

Nie Qi was reborn and died in the Emperor's Star. However, he was resurrected through the body of the eldest princess of the Hua family, and even tried to use her mouth to forgive the sins of his own people.

The reasons that seemed noble and great before are no longer valid after the truth of the matter is revealed.

The representative of the affirmative side easily refuted the representative of the negative side. The outcome of this trial has been decided.

"My Aqi is so good! So good! Can she be reborn by borrowing her own body? Can she be reborn by borrowing her own body?" In the courtroom, Nie Yi yelled like crazy. His eyes were red with excitement, but after the whole people judged him guilty, . When it was unanimously decided to execute him, Nie Yi suddenly shouted: "I am not afraid of death! Hahaha, my daughter can be reborn again. Every surviving elite member of the Nie family has a brain that is extremely active. You can’t kill us!”

"Do you think everyone is so lucky?" Lily sneered. Hua Fuya had already made it very clear about what happened just now. Not everyone has such special circumstances as the two princesses of the Fahrenheit generation who should have been born into the same family. . The reason why two girls were born was not because there was an extra daughter in Fahrenheit's generation, but because God divided the one person who was supposed to be born into two girls.

It is precisely because of the special characteristics of the two daughters of the Hua family that Nie Qi can easily take over her body.

Lily's words stunned Nie Yi for a moment. When he came back to his senses, he seemed to have remembered something. Start struggling like crazy:

"No, I won't die, and the Nie family won't die. We have advanced minds. Aren't you curious about the soul transfer just now? We can study it. We can study it. If we survive, it will have more effects..."

He shouted desperately, and many people showed hesitation on their faces. Lily looked at all this coldly:

"It is true that soul transfer occurs. It may not even be rare, but I believe that special situations like the Hua family must be rare." Nie Yi just wanted to experiment. There must also be materials for him. Lily's words made these hesitant people suddenly wake up, the Nie clan. In the end, he was sentenced to death because he committed too many crimes and was punished for several crimes.

Just because of the special nature of the Nie family, this death penalty is also very special. Scientists will take his brain for experiments. Nie Yi's wish has been realized. He will live in another way, unable to survive or die. '.

When the incident ended, the legendary deeds of a pair of princesses from Pluto and Prince Pluto on the interstellar network spread throughout the galaxy in a short period of time.

The Nie family fell, the great revenge was avenged, and Lily no longer cared about the Interstellar Alliance. The Federation once thought of keeping her, but it couldn't keep her at all. When Gu Chen saw her off, he seemed to have aged more than twenty years. He was clearly at an age where he was radiant and handsome, but at this moment he looked gray on the temples and looked indescribably exhausted.

He watched Lily's battleship leave, and what came to his mind was the disgusted look in Hua Fuya's eyes when she looked at him that day. Nothing made him feel more sad than his beloved hating him.

In the battleship, Lily completed this task. Although the process was a bit tedious and the result was a bit regretful, she had a hunch that the task was completed in the end.

"Where do you want to go?" She tilted her head to set the coordinates and stared at Su Ying.

Su Ying hugged her through the protective clothing: "Have we met somewhere?" Recently, he liked to get close to her more and more, but always separated by the protective clothing, as if there was something between the two of them, he asked When Lily heard what he said, Lily grinned as if she was sure of something. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: When I see you saying that I don’t have enough moral integrity, I secretly feel very unconvinced! A big update of 7,000 words. This time I have worked hard. I have been lazy for so long. This is the first time I am so diligent. Give me a monthly pass. Give me a monthly pass...I have updated a thousand words more. I didn’t leave any tail to hang on you. appetite! For me, who has been lazy for so long recently, sending out a thousand more words is as painful as cutting my flesh! You must not treat me as a person who never forgets your kindness. Although I am generous and gentle, full of wisdom and beauty, I still hope that I can give you a drop of kindness and that you can repay my kindness with a spring. ! Don't be careless about voting for me. I've been pretending to be reserved for so long. I was too lazy to even ask for a vote two days ago, but it turns out you are even more reserved than me! If I don’t want a ticket, you really won’t give it to me! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Let's not be so kind. Deep down in my heart, I always want to say I want it, I want it, I want it... Can't you see through the superficial appearance and see the truest cry deep in my heart!

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