Cannon Fodder Strategy

Striving for a Right Man (1)

In the end, although Su Ying still failed to recognize Lily, Lily was almost certain that he was Li Yanxi in the end. Some of his subtle characteristics were exposed during the process of getting along. Unfortunately, because this time he had the power of time, Lily He couldn't be touched, so until the end, Lily still didn't get the news that Li Yanxi had said there was a way to help him escape the mission.

In this mission, although the original owner Hua Baihe's wish to save Pluto Prince came to nothing, because Lily revealed the truth about Hua Fuya's changes and found the real sister for the original owner, she also avenged the original owner and brought Nie to the rescue. Everyone in the family was arrested and brought to justice, so in the end the mission was completed. Although she had already guessed this, Lily didn't let out a long sigh of relief until she actually returned to the starry sky.

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 90 (out of 100)

Appearance: 93 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 90 (full score of 100)

Force: 91 (out of 100)

Spirit: 90 (out of 100)

Reputation: 20 (out of 100 points)

Skills: Nine Yang Manual, Nine Yin Manual, Heaven and Earth Gate Tao Te Ching, Southern Gu Technique, Star Body Training Technique

Specialties: Advanced cooking skills, advanced acting skills, Five Elements and Bagua skills (proficient), bee control skills

Charisma: 60 (out of 100)

Impression: Royal Dragon Spirit

What surprised Lily a little about this mission was that the reputation value had increased a little. Now that all attribute values ​​​​have been greatly improved, the reputation value data is particularly conspicuous. Ever since Lily went on a killing spree in an earlier interstellar mission in order to fulfill her original owner's wish, her reputation has dropped again and again. Now she wants to go back up because of Li Yanxi's absence. It's very difficult.

She sighed, and for a while there was no other way to deal with this situation. She could only wait until Li Yanxi returned to Xingkong to see if there was any other way to think of it.

Lily stayed in the starry sky for a while. She found that since she met Rong Li before and Rong Li gave her thousands of years of cultivation, this space Lily could not stay for too long without Li Yanxi's control, but with Rong Li's help, The time she could stay in the starry sky was getting longer and longer, and Lily tried to practice physical training in space. What surprised her was the movements that followed the physical training. A large amount of spiritual energy poured into her body, making the power that seemed to be sealed in her body begin to move.

The feeling of practicing in space was much better than practicing in the mission. It was a pity that she could not stay for too long. Before she finished practicing the physical skills, she was teleported into the mission again.

When Lily opened her eyes, she was awakened by the sound of a rooster crowing, and it was quiet outside. The surroundings were so cold that she subconsciously shrank her feet and retracted her body into the bed. As soon as she moved, she felt a pain in her body, which made her take a breath of cold air. There was a sound of movement next door, and the door creaked open. The originally dark room suddenly became brighter due to the illumination of the oil lamp.

A woman wearing a thick coat and a bun stuck her head in and stared into the room, when she saw Lily still lying on the bed without moving. The woman lowered her voice and began to curse:

"You're a lazy girl seeking death. It's almost dawn and you're still lying in bed. If you are so virtuous in the future, who will want you? People still think that the Duan family doesn't know how to educate girls! If you don't get up, I'll beat you with a stick until you jump all over the floor!"

I heard the word ‘branches’. Lily instinctively shrank her body, her eyelids were so sleepy that they became numb. She couldn't open her eyes at all. She stretched out her hands to rub her eyes, but her hands were extremely numb. When she touched her eyelids, she began to feel excruciating pain. Her hands seemed to have been injured. Maybe it was because she had just entered the mission. Gu body is still acting coquettishly subconsciously:

"Mom, let me sleep a little longer. My sister hasn't even gotten up yet." Her soft voice had not yet finished. When the woman heard her words, she was like an enraged lioness. She entered the room angrily and threw the oil lamp towards her. As soon as she put it on the table, she suddenly reached out and pulled away the quilt covering her body.

A large amount of cold wind blew in, causing Lily to shiver, but she was really awake this time.

The woman slapped her on the back of her vest mercilessly, hitting Lily's internal organs as if they were about to shift. Finally, she grabbed her ears and forced her to stand up:

"Get up! How old are you? How old is your sister? You still have the nerve."

Her ears were about to be twisted off by her. Lily was so angry that she struggled desperately. The woman pulled her up hard and twisted her twice more. Lily shivered in pain. Instead of talking back as usual, he took his hand back bitterly:

"It's not easy for me to take care of you two enemies. Your bastard father died quickly. Now I don't know how many people are watching our jokes. You are still lazy everywhere. I don't know how to give your mother more air." The woman After a few curses, Lily's ears still hurt, and the place where the woman had just pinched her was already bruised. Judging from her smooth movements, it was obvious that she often did this kind of thing. Under the watchful eyes of the woman, she quickly After looking around the room, the woman saw that she had finally stood up, with her head lowered and silent. Her shadow was stretched very long in the tung oil lamp and reflected on the wall of the room. Looking at her thin and small appearance, she thought I had indeed struck too hard just now, and I felt a little regretful. I just couldn't bring myself to apologize, so I just shouted in a cold voice:

"You dress yourself quickly, and I'll go cook. The Shen family in the west of the city asked for some handkerchiefs yesterday. They haven't finished embroidering them yet. There are still two hours to open the shop. If they haven't been finished by then, I'll take care of them." Your skin!" After the woman finished speaking, she turned around and walked out.

The door was wide open, and the cold wind poured in from the door. After a while, Lily was chilled all over. She got up and quickly closed the door.

This is a boudoir of about 20 square meters. There is an old step-bed next to the window. The decals on the side of the window have turned yellow. There is a set of tables and chairs in the middle. There are five tables and chairs beside the bed. There is a cabinet six steps away, with a sewing basket on top. The original owner's clothes were folded neatly and placed at the end of the bed. She endured the pain and crawled over to put them on. She turned around the screen frame and pushed the door open. It was still dark outside and the rooster had just crowed for the first time. The surroundings were quiet. Quietly, the woman who urged her to get up before disappeared. This was a small courtyard. Lily's room was on the north side. The kitchen on the west side was connected to the toilet. The door on the south side was ajar. There was a sound coming from inside. She was snoring softly. She didn't accept the plot, and she didn't know who lived here. When she heard the sound, she quickly stepped away. The door to the east side was closed tightly. The rooms on the three sides were connected by a half-turn corridor. Lily touched it. I poured cold water in the kitchen and washed my face. I felt much more energetic, and then I returned to the room where I was staying before.

When the woman left, she left the oil lamp behind. Thinking of what the woman said about letting herself finish embroidering the handkerchief, Lily went to the sewing basket again. There was a flower stand inside, and a brocade handkerchief had already been traced. But Lily had no idea how to embroider this handkerchief.

Although the woman was in a hurry before, it was still dark now and the rooster had just crowed for the first time. Now she had not accepted the plot and the memory of the original owner, and she had no idea how to embroider this handkerchief. Lily had just gone out for a walk and couldn't find the woman, so after thinking about it, she decided to accept the plot first. Although she was afraid that the woman would come back, Lily still locked the door, sat down at the table, took an embroidered handkerchief and pretended to embroider.

There lived a family named Duan in the city of Qinhuai in the State of Wei. In his early years, the Duan family made a living by walking from house to house to carry goods on shelves. After being arranged by a matchmaker, they married Liu. He built a small courtyard and opened a cloth shop. After Mrs. Liu gave birth to two daughters for her husband after their marriage, Duan's father became dissatisfied and often wandered around the land of fireworks. Duan's cloth village was entirely supported by Mrs. Liu.

When returning from a drunken prostitute, Duan's father fell into a puddle and died when he was carried home the next day.

When her husband died, she was left with Liu, mother and daughter. Liu lost her early years, and because she had no sons, she had a very explosive temper. Among the two daughters, the eldest daughter Duan Baihe is three years older than the younger daughter Duan Guilan. Because the younger daughter was only seven years old when Duan's father died, Duan loved her younger daughter who lost her husband when she was young, so she was especially strict with her eldest daughter.

Although they are all born from the same mother, the Liu family will inevitably be partial. Because Duan Baihe is older, after Duan's father died, Liu's bad temper was mostly blamed on her. She helps Liu every day. Mrs. Liu did laundry, cooking and housework, and the cloth shop also helped Mr. Liu with the business. Until Duan Baihe turned fifteen, the business of the Duan family cloth shop was much better than when Duan's father was alive. Duan Baihe had an outstanding appearance and a docile temperament. , all hand-embroidery work is outstanding, and the business of the cloth shop is becoming more and more prosperous under the joint efforts of mother and daughter.

The youngest daughter Duan Guilan is not as beautiful as her elder sister, and her personality is not as gentle and pleasant as her elder sister. Because her elder sister takes over the burden of the family, she goes out to play every day. Although she is a daughter, Duan Guilan firstly does not love female celebrities, and secondly she goes out to play. He doesn't like to dress up, and he doesn't like to play with his daughter's family. Instead, he often imitates boys in how to dance with swords and guns, and he grows strong and strong.

Perhaps because she was destined to have no children, or because she felt pity for her daughter who lost her father when she was young, Mrs. Liu was very tolerant of her. Until Duan Baihe turned sixteen, she was already talking about getting married. When no matchmaker dared to come to Lily's house, Mrs. Liu became anxious. From then on, she changed her attitude towards her two daughters and tried to force Duan Guilan to be like her younger daughter. return?

And because Mrs. Liu had pampered and doted on Duan Guilan in the past, she developed a stubborn and man-like character. Now that Mrs. Liu temporarily restrained her, Duan Guilan not only refused to listen, but also thought that her mother was partial, and the mother and daughter at home quarreled endlessly every day. . (To be continued ~^~)

PS: First update... I have been stuck on naming Wu Ming for a long time, and I am going to kneel down! The poor households asking for monthly passes are here again. I want you to come and help me in poverty...

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