Cannon Fodder Strategy

Striving for a Right Man (2)

Whenever she was angry with her younger daughter, Ms. Liu would sometimes think endlessly in front of her eldest daughter, with her mother on one side and her younger sister on the other, with Duan Baihe sandwiched in the middle. When comforting her mother, Ms. Liu blamed her for refusing to help her sister. Shi Baihe blames her sister because she thinks she is beautiful and has a gentle temperament. Her mother favors her and often talks back to her. She is often embarrassed and sheds tears behind her back.

At this time, there was a family named Shen in the city. Shen's father had passed the provincial examination in his early years. He had an only son named Shen Tengwen who was inspired by him. He studied hard for ten years and was selected as a scholar at the age of eighteen. This shocked the city and everyone was attracted by it. I think it has unlimited future. Because Shen Tengwen was immersed in studying hard in his early years and missed the big things in his life. Now that he has achieved fame, Shen's father wanted to hire a virtuous and virtuous girl for him. When he heard the news, Mr. Liu was immediately moved.

Her eldest daughter, Duan Baihe, was delayed because of her younger daughter's reputation. She was already seventeen. It was very difficult for a girl of this age to get married again. Shen Tengwen was well-dressed, and the Shen family was considered a scholarly family. Although compared to the Duan family, It is a bit poor, but if the eldest daughter is married, the dowry will be generous, and then the husband's family will be subsidized. When the husband becomes successful, it will be a good story. She asked a matchmaker to come to her house. The Shen family was originally very unhappy with the marriage. Duan's father died early. For the Shen family, Duan's daughter has always been a bit taboo. In addition, Duan Guilan was famous, so Shen's father wanted to refuse at first. But after the matchmaker said it, I felt a little moved.

I found out that Duan Baihe is gentle and pleasant, has a beautiful appearance, is good at needlework and housework, so a girl like her can take care of her son, which is perfect for her. In addition, the Duan family has a lot of wealth, so she may be able to provide some support for her son in the future. With this thought, the two sides hit it off immediately.

Although the two parties did not officially exchange the Geng stickers and horoscopes, the marriage was basically settled. What daughter is not pregnant? Duan Baihe had also imagined that she would be the husband she wanted, and she was secretly worried when she couldn't get married at the age of seventeen. Nowadays, it is very honorable for many young girls in the city to get married to a scholar like Shen Tengwen when the clouds are clearing and the moon is bright. She was in the midst of spring, and was listening to her mother's instructions to embroider brocade quilt sheets at home to prepare for her wedding. When her sister Duan Guilan heard that her sister was getting married, she felt a little sour in her heart.

Although Duan Guilan has a tomboy-like personality, she is not a real boy after all. Seeing that her sister is beautiful and gentle and is about to marry such a good husband, she is not without bitter envy in her heart. She has a bad reputation now. Mrs. Liu kept saying that she couldn't get married, and she was very troubled by this. When she knew that her sister was about to make a marriage decision, Duan Guilan was a little jealous, but for the sake of her sister's future happy marriage, she decided to examine this future brother-in-law.

Because Mrs. Liu had to arrange her eldest daughter's marriage, she neglected to discipline her. She has a wild personality and often sneaks out of Duan's house to inquire about Shen Tengwen.

At this time, scholars regarded it as beautiful to smear themselves with prostitutes, and there were many brothels and brothels on both sides of the Huaihe River. It was common to hear about the love affairs of talented people and beautiful women. People in Huai City not only did not think it was ugly, but instead thought it was beautiful.

After Shen Teng became a scholar, he became famous. After studying, he would invite several classmates to hold poetry gatherings in the boathouses on the banks of the Huaihe River, where he would chat with a group of literati. Sip tea and look at the beauties. Once Duan Guilan decided to follow him, he could easily find out about Shen Tengwen's prostitution. After knowing this, Duan Guilan was furious. She didn't want to tell her sister about it. Therefore, Duan Guilan decided to find out Shen Tengwen's true face by herself. She felt that this superficial man was not worthy of her sister.

Duan Guilan was used to being lawless. After deciding to protect her sister, while following Shen Tengwen, she disguised herself as a man and caused a scene in the shipyard. Afterwards, the nun of the shipyard found someone to escort her back to the Duan family.

As soon as this incident broke out, it spread all over Huaicheng overnight. The Duan family became the laughing stock of Huaicheng. The Shen family was furious. In addition to Duan Guilan's own reputation being ruined, Duan Baihe was also naturally ruined by her. Ms. Liu beat her daughter and scolded her, but Duan Guilan refused to admit her fault. She thought she was doing it for her sister's future happy life, and it was a good thing that her sister didn't marry a beast like Shen Tengwen. Her stubbornness made Mrs. Liu extremely angry and at the same time helpless with her little daughter.

Things have happened, even if she is beaten to death, the marriage will probably be ruined. The most important thing is that Mrs. Liu can't care about Duan Baihe's feelings. She is more worried about the future of her youngest daughter. She was only fourteen years old, but because she disguised herself as a man and went to a brothel, her life was over. If she couldn't get married in the future, what would she do with her future life?

In grief, Mrs. Liu decided to sell Duan's silk and satin shop and give Duan Guilan as a dowry, hoping that for the sake of the generous dowry, someone could marry Duan Guilan back and ruin her reputation.

It happened that at this time, I originally thought that after this incident, the Shen family would definitely hate the Duan family, and they would have a grudge if they couldn't get married. Unexpectedly, in the process of getting along with Duan Guilan, although Shen Tengwen initially wanted to "catch Duan Guilan" She felt extremely angry, but they didn't get to know each other until they got along. Duan Guilan thought that Shen Tengwen was flirtatious and glib at first, but after what happened, she discovered that Shen Tengwen was full of literary talents and good-looking.

And Shen Tengwen thought that she didn't have the pretentious gentleness and obedience of other girls. Such cheerfulness and liveliness made his heart move. The more the two of them interacted in private, the more they went back and forth, the more they saw each other.

The Shen family still sent a matchmaker to the door, but instead of marrying the eldest girl of the Duan family, the one they wanted to marry was the youngest daughter of the Duan family.

She originally thought that her little daughter would never be able to get married in this life, but she didn't expect that she could find such a good marriage now. Mrs. Liu was so happy that she naturally agreed in a hurry.

In her opinion, Mrs. Liu, the eldest daughter is good-looking and has a docile temperament. The female worker is proficient in doing housework. She will not worry about finding a good husband in the future. But the younger daughter is different. She is not good-looking and has a bad temper. She didn't obey and missed this village. There might not be a shop like this again in the future. She happily married Duan Guilan to the Shen family. With the Duan family's silk and satin shop as a dowry, Shen Tengwen also fell in love with Duan Guilan. Moved that she would not enjoy any benefits from marrying him, but also bring such a rich dowry, Shen Tengwen worked hard to study and obtained the title of Juren.

Mrs. Liu originally thought that it would not be difficult for her eldest daughter to get married with her personality and appearance after her younger daughter was no longer involved. However, she did not expect that her eldest daughter was already old and had passed the age suitable for marriage. Now she is the same age as her. Most of the young men had already made an engagement, and the Duan family had no money to dowry her anymore. In the end, Duan Baihe was delayed until she was nineteen. Mrs. Liu thought it was embarrassing that she couldn't get married, so she hurriedly promised her to a certain surname. Wang's nearly 50-year-old businessman filled a house. Because he was jealous of her youth and beauty and feared that she would be unfaithful after marriage, he kept her under very strict supervision.

Due to the old age of the other party, it was difficult for Duan Baihe to have children in her life. The Wang family's children were not her biological children, so she was always on guard against her. She lived a widowed life for several years. When the businessman died, she was driven into a secluded room by her stepchildren. He lived a life of desolation and helplessness.

She married a man who was more than twice as old as herself, and she also worked as a housekeeper. She was a bit shorter. She had been submissive and obedient all her life, but she ended up like this. My sister Duan Guilan had a bad reputation for being willful and reckless, but she ended up marrying Shen Tengwen. Shen Tengwen won the imperial examination, and used Duan Guilan's dowry to find a job as a county magistrate. The former wild girl became an official's wife, but she became the Liu family The step-sister who is ashamed to mention it.

Duan Baihe felt very unwilling. Mrs. Liu taught her to be diligent, obedient, obedient and gentle. She always said it was for her own good, but in the end, where did she end up?

Obviously they were both born from the same mother, but the fate of the two sisters was completely different. Duan Guilan and his wife were loving and had a family full of children and grandchildren, but she died in the end with no one to show her mourning.

Regarding all this, if Duan Baihe said that he didn't blame Duan Guilan at all, it would be a lie. It was obviously a good marriage for him, but because of Duan Guilan's own trouble, it became hers. Duan Baihe also complained about Mrs. Liu's favoritism. Mrs. Liu had liked her sister more since she was a child, and always thought that she should give in when she was older. Unexpectedly, she gave in until the end. Not only did she spend several years of hard work, work early in the morning and work late at night, She was married off to the cloth village where she started, and in the end, all her husbands became hers.

This time Duan Baihe doesn't want to tolerate Duan Guilan in everything. Shen Tengwen doesn't like her, and she doesn't necessarily have to marry Shen Tengwen. But Duan Baihe doesn't want to repeat the tragedy in the plot. She also wants to have her own life. Repeating the tragedy in the plot, being manipulated by Mrs. Liu at every turn, and having to be complained by Duan Guilan, she also hopes that she can marry a good man and not seek wealth, or at least not marry a half-centenarian again, and live a lonely life. lifetime.

After receiving the plot, Lily let out a long sigh.

This mission is not difficult. Compared with the previous interstellar mission, this mission is as easy as a vacation. The original owner’s wish is also very simple. In addition to no longer being at the mercy of the Liu family, , the remaining wish is just to get married like all the girls in the world. She does not even ask to marry a wealthy family, nor does she ask for rich clothes and food, she just wants a simple life. If Li Yanxi is in the starry sky, Such a task does not require any thought for Lily. It is easy to not be manipulated by the Liu family. But now that Li Yanxi is not here, getting married is a bit troublesome.

Lily thought about it and figured out that she could only take advantage of the task. It would not be difficult to fulfill the original owner's wish to marry. As long as the person she married was not an old man, it would not be that difficult to marry a 'wishful husband'. After marriage, there would be no replacement. The other party buys some beautiful maids and concubines, and then the task setting should be considered completed. It's just that it's inevitable that I feel a little sorry for Duan Baihe, but for now, I can only take it one step at a time. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~! Asking for a monthly ticket now feels even more difficult than living on subsistence allowances. I feel so tired... I am asking for a monthly ticket. It’s the beginning of the month. Please give me a guaranteed vote. Although my request for votes is only a few words, it already contains everything I have. Emotions...well, I'm so emotionally drained right now. . .

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