Cannon Fodder Strategy

Striving for a Right Man (3)

Lily sighed and picked up the sewing work in her hand. The chickens had crowd three times outside. The courtyard, which was quiet just now, heard footsteps. The door was locked. Liu pushed it twice and couldn't open it. Suspecting that she was sleeping lazily, he started banging on the door, cursing the lazy girl.

In the early years, Mrs. Liu felt guilty because she did not give birth to a son for her husband. She did not dare to interfere with her husband when he was looking for flowers and willows. After the man died, she did not remarry with a pair of daughters, and she also ran a house. She had a very irritable temper. In the plot, Duan Baihe Although I really listen to her words, sometimes it is inevitable that I have to be at the head of the queue.

The cloth shop was not easy to run a few years before Duan's father died. Because of the lack of manpower and the small store, there were not many embroiderers to hire. Most of the time, the Liu family took over. When Duan Baihe got a little older, Liu He also taught her how to embroider. In this way, mother and daughter gradually started to work on the cloth village with one stitch at a time. Every day when the rooster crows for the first time, Mrs. Liu will call her daughter to get up and embroider. Duan Guilan, because she is three years younger and has a wild personality, cannot calm down to learn this embroidery craft. Although Mrs. Liu scolds her, there is nothing she can do to her, so she usually Duan Guilan would usually sleep until daybreak before getting up, but Duan Baihe had to get up before dawn to work.

Later, Duan Guilan complained that Mrs. Liu was partial to Duan Baihe. She believed that Mrs. Liu had taught her sister Duan Baihe how to be a good scholar. She even hired a mother-in-law to bind Duan Baihe's feet when she was fourteen. laugh at. She talked too much, and Mrs. Liu felt guilty for her little daughter. She thought it was because she neglected to discipline her, so although she scolded her everywhere, he never did anything to her, and even indulged her. Duan Guilan broke into the trouble of a woman disguising herself as a man and entered the brothel, and also found a way to deal with the aftermath for her.

Hearing Mrs. Liu's angry scolding outside, Lily stood up and went to open the door with her embroidery in hand. Mrs. Liu pushed open the door and came in, raising her fist to hit her. Lily backed away. Seeing the embroidery in her eldest daughter's hand, and looking like she had gotten up early, and not just lazy and sleeping as she imagined, Mrs. Liu breathed a sigh of relief:

"Now that we're here. What are you doing with the door locked? It's not like you're doing anything shameful. There are only three of us, mother and daughter, in this room. Who else can you protect if you lock the door?" Mrs. Liu has a bad temper and speaks extremely. Uncomfortable, Lily frowned: "We only had two hours, and the veil was still a little short of. Mom was in a hurry, so she locked the door and embroidered the veil just because she was afraid of being disturbed." She explained a few words. Although Ms. Liu was still angry, she couldn't pick her out, so she could only tell her to go faster and not to make mistakes, then turned around to call her little daughter to get up.

The two handkerchiefs can be embroidered very quickly. Lily is not good at embroidery, but the original owner's remaining skills are still there. She is very patient. The original owner of the two handkerchiefs was afraid that she would not be able to make it in time last night, so she rushed some time to work on them, and there was not much that was missing. Therefore, although Lily delayed her work for a while because of the plot, when Mrs. Liu came to urge her, the two handkerchiefs were almost embroidered.

During this time, Mr. Liu had already cooked the porridge. Duan Guilan had just gotten up, leaning on Ms. Liu with her hair spread out, and Lily finished washing and came out to eat. Just then, Mrs. Liu took a comb and was combing Duan Guilan's messy yellow hair. He was still blaming:

"You wild girl, it's already dawn and you still haven't combed your hair or washed your face." Duan Guilan was often scolded and heard Liu's words. Not red in the face, out of breath. Mrs. Liu had no choice but to look at Lily. Instructing her: "Go and twist the handkerchief for me." Lily originally wanted to pretend not to hear, but this body is too young, and she is not practicing martial arts at the moment. If Mrs. Liu gets angry and wants to hit her, she will hide and hide. No, there is no need to go through hardships just to get this breath.

The bucket was placed under the eaves next to the door. The weather was now warm due to the cold weather. She twisted the handkerchief and brought it in. Perhaps it was her daughter's gentle attitude that made Ms. Liu feel more at ease. She combed and wiped Duan Guilan's hair. The mother and daughter took the bowls. As soon as Lily picked up the chopsticks, Mrs. Liu suddenly asked:

"Is the handkerchief fully embroidered?" Lily nodded, and Mrs. Liu hesitated for a moment: "If it is fully embroidered, you can stay behind these days, and I will take over the work from the cloth shop. I'm talking to Mrs. Wu from Jingkou Hutong today. We agreed to let her bind your feet. You are getting older and your bones are getting harder. If you don't bind your feet, you will blame me for not cleaning them up for you later." Mrs. Liu said this with an ugly expression. .

Duan's father did a lot of eating, drinking and whoring when he was alive. He also lost a lot of money that the couple had saved that day. After his death, he left a cloth village, which was extremely difficult for the Liu family to support alone.

The mother and daughter can barely make ends meet, and they definitely cannot afford to hire anyone. The Chinese New Year is coming up in just a few days. This is the busiest time of the year for Buzhuang's business, and many people buy new clothes for their children or themselves. It's a good New Year. Duan Baihe is getting older and can now help Liu with some care. However, if she had her feet bound, she would definitely not be able to move for a month before starting. This would not necessarily affect some business.

When Mrs. Liu thought of this, unknown fire surged in her heart. She wanted to lose her temper, but couldn't find an outlet, so she could only have a gloomy face. Fortunately, she thought that although Lily's feet were bound and she couldn't walk, her hands were still intact. If she is not disabled, she can be a female worker. At the worst, she can pick up some work during the day and let her help with it at home, but she has to rely on herself to cook and light the fire.

Recalling that she had been widowed in her early years, and now she had to run a farm and raise a pair of daughters, and now she had to cook for these two daughters, Mrs. Liu became angry in her heart. She was so angry that she slapped her chopsticks on the table and cursed:

"The things that gave birth to you two Sangmenxing are useless. They can't help me. They only eat with their mouths open..."

She was so angry that she couldn't explain it. Duan Guilan turned around and stuck out her tongue at Lily. When Mrs. Liu saw this, she couldn't help but pointed at her and scolded: "What does it look like? It's so big. You haven't had it all day long." He looks serious and rushes out all day long."

"Mom, why are you scolding me for being such a good person? How can I be serious like my sister? Wouldn't it be great if you had an obedient and obedient daughter?" Duan Guilan was not as gentle as Duan Baihe. At this moment, she looked at Mrs. Liu Even if she got angry, she didn't frighten her. She just said something back, which made Mrs. Liu feel so angry that her heart ached. Ms. Liu knew her youngest daughter's character well and was not afraid of scolding her. She would hide even if he hit her. Mrs. Liu turned around to vent her anger on Lily, and shouted sternly:

"Listen to me! I invited Mrs. Wu here today, but it cost me thirty yuan. You can't make that much by embroidering those few handkerchiefs. If you don't tie them well and have to start over, I will tie your legs." Cut it off!”

Lily frowned. When she heard about the binding of feet, the heart-breaking pain in the memory of the original owner made Lily purse her lips.

Duan Baihe was already quite old when her feet were tied, and her bones had already grown hard. Binding her feet at this time was equivalent to forcibly turning the front half of her feet around, making her feet look smaller. Xiao Qigong, if she takes more than two steps, the foot will be in terrible pain. Although the half-inch golden lotus is beautiful, it is really a fatal thing. The original owner suffered a lot on this little foot. The bones in the sole of her foot were broken in the early stage. She collected it again and again, and in the end, others said that she was effective and graceful, but it was of no use at all. She suffered so much, but in the end no one appreciated it. In the end, Shen Tengwen disliked Duan Baihe for being delicate and pretentious, and married a man who was half a century old. The old man was in trouble too.

It's not as good as Duan Guilan who runs happily and doesn't suffer as much.

At this time, Mrs. Liu wanted to make fun of herself with the matter of tying her feet, but Lily never thought that she would have to suffer this punishment. Although she has good endurance and is not afraid of hardship, the binding of feet is not necessary at all, not to mention that she has never thought about pleasing any man. If everyone has to be tied, she will grit her teeth and endure it, but Duan Guilan also had her feet tied, and she still got married in the end. This proves that although foot binding can gain a good reputation outside the country, it is not necessary. What's more, with Duan Guilan here, her reputation may not be better even if her feet are tied. At this moment, seeing Mrs. Liu gnashing her teeth, Lily held the porridge bowl in front of her without raising her head:

"Since mother said so, then I won't tie my feet."

Mrs. Liu used to lose her temper and beat and scold her daughter, and Duan Baihe was always docile and submissive. Today, she was filled with unknown anger. She originally thought that after scolding Baihe, she would be submissive at most, but she didn't expect that she would actually talk back and say no. Mrs. Liu was stunned for a moment, and then became furious. She stretched out her hand and slapped the table with her hand, and shouted sternly:

"One by one, you are rebelling? You asked someone to tie your feet with good intentions, but you start talking back to you?" She lost her temper, and Duan Guilan pushed the bowl away with some boredom, and even the rice was gone Stop eating.

"What do you mean by talking back to mother? It's just that mother said the price of this bundle of feet is too high, and she said she was afraid that I wouldn't be able to tie it well. I'm old, so I can't tell whether this bundle is good or not. If mother is afraid of doing it again, I will Just don't tie it up." Maybe her daughter's character was too docile in the past, but when Lily retorted, Ms. Liu became furious: "If you say you don't tie it up, why don't you tie it up? I've already come here and you say not to tie it up? If it weren't for the sake of giving in the future. Why should I spend so much time trying to find a good marriage? You don’t know what’s good, you’re a bastard who doesn’t know how to enjoy your blessings!”

Mrs. Liu was trembling with anger. She was even angrier when Lily talked back to her than when Duan Guilan talked back to her. At this moment, she reached out for her chopsticks and was about to swipe them at Lily. Lily stepped aside, but it was too late to hide. After a while, the chopsticks scratched her chin, leaving a red mark.

"Invite someone, you can bind Guilan. She is young and her bones haven't grown hard yet. It's time to bind her. What's more, Cloth Village is so busy now. If I want to bind her feet, no one will help you. Mother, can't you order me again?" With the Chinese New Year approaching, Buzhuang was very busy. In the middle of the plot, Lily's leg was broken and the pain was excruciating, but Mrs. Liu couldn't do it alone. Her youngest daughter had never done this before, so she couldn't help. No matter how much help she had, he finally called Duan Baihe to help guard the store together. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: After drawing blood in the morning, I pressed the cotton swab for a long time, and found that something was dripping. When I turned around, I saw that I pressed the cotton swab in the wrong position... After pressing it for a long time, my arm was bruised, and there was a pool of blood. . . By the way, do you guys have any experience of crying stupidly like this...

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