Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Deposed Imperial Concubine (1)

Although Lily was fighting against Tiandao in this mission, thinking about this mission, she had to admit that some of Tiandao's words made sense. There is indeed a reason for all karma in the world. If Mojiang is really Rong Li's predecessor, then was it because she sealed Rong Li and guarded him for most of his life that Rong Li waited for her all those years later, or was it because she owed him so much that he had to wait for him in this mission? Guard him for the rest of his life. Lily also doesn't know whether the Tao Te Ching of Tiandi Sect was passed on to her because Rongli passed it on, or whether she passed it on to Rongli because she entered the task first. Causes cause effects, effects cause causes. This question is like which came first, the chicken or the chicken. It was like an egg, she couldn't explain it herself.

Just being able to meet Rong Li's predecessor in another mission finally relieved some of the regrets left by Rong Li's departure.

When she returned to the starry sky, she felt a little more at ease.

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 90 (out of 100)

Appearance: 95 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 90 (full score of 100)

Force: 94 (out of 100)

Spirit: 91 (out of 100)

Reputation: 10 (out of 100 points)

Skills: Nine Yang Manual, Nine Yin Manual, Tiandimen Tao Te Ching (Zong), Southern Territory Gu Technique, Star Training Technique

Specialties: Advanced cooking skills, advanced acting skills, Five Elements and Bagua skills (proficient), bee control skills

Charisma: 60 (out of 100)

Mark: Royal True Dragon Spirit

Lily didn't take this attribute value seriously at first, but she didn't expect that this time the attribute value had changed greatly. In addition to the increase in appearance, martial arts and mental strength. The reputation has dropped by as much as ten points. Even if Lily is still not sure about the function of reputation, she feels a little troublesome at this time.

As for the increase in the remaining three attribute values, it is also worthy of Lily's attention, as the difficulty of the task increases. Lily's attribute values ​​rarely increased significantly anymore. Logically speaking, even if the mission was completed this time, it shouldn't have increased so much. She saw that the appearance value suddenly increased by two points. Lily immediately thought of Mu Xun. The tears she left before she died melted into her palms. Lily didn't think much about it at that time, but now when she saw these attribute values, she thought of Mu Xun Chao. Her extraordinary beauty and her words of thanks before her death made Lily guess that it must have something to do with Mu Xun.

Only someone as beautiful as Mu Xun could make his appearance value rise by as much as two points at once. Lily felt a little moved when she thought of this. Although she took action in the end to prevent Mu Xun from falling into the hands of Qi Yin and others, and saved her from the pain of skinning and bone extraction after her death, but ultimately, Mu Xun's fate was inseparable from her.

It was precisely because Lily resisted the arrangements of Heaven and tried to repair her mistakes that she caused Mu Xun's pain throughout his life. Although the initiator should be regarded as the rules of heaven. But in the end, this girl generously gave her soul as an attribute value, which still made Lily sigh.

Lily was silent for a while, and her eyes gradually calmed down. What surprised her most now was not the change in attribute values, but the skills.

As early as in the plot, when she created the Heaven and Earth Gate and taught the Tao Te Ching to the Blood Bees, Lily had been mentally prepared for the possibility of losing the Tao Te Ching. She once taught the Nine Suns Sutra to others during a mission. A situation occurred that dimmed the light of the Nine Suns Sutra. Originally Lily thought it would be the same this time. However, when she thought about whether to teach, she still chose to pass on the Tao Te Ching.

If this devil's surrender is really Rong Li, if the Heaven and Earth Gate he created is really the beginning of the Tao Te Ching he learned, Lily has no reason not to pass it on. She hoped that the people of Tiandi Sect would become stronger in the future and be able to protect Rong Li who was sealed. When Rong Li left, he could give himself his cultivation. I can also teach the Tao Te Ching, but for some reason, when I came back this time, the Tao Te Ching not only did not disappear, but the light turned into gold, and the word "Zong" was imprinted on the Tao Te Ching.

Li Yanxi was not in the starry sky, and Lily couldn't figure it out no matter how hard she thought about it. She could only ask him why if she met him on a mission in the future.

Thinking of this, Lily calmed down her mood, closed her eyes, and entered the task again.

The Qi Dynasty was founded two hundred years ago, and it was passed down to the eighteenth generation when the Qi Emperor flourished. The Qi Emperor was fatuous and lustful, and favored Concubine Zheng in his later years. Under the influence of Concubine Zheng, he deposed the empress's son Liang Yi and replaced him with Liang Lun. For storage. The deposed prince was brave and good at fighting. After being deposed, Concubine Zheng was still on guard against her and attempted to kill her several times. Liang Yi couldn't bear it anymore and launched an army to rebel. He beheaded Concubine Zheng and hung it on the city gate. He imprisoned Emperor Qi in Shengshi Palace and proclaimed himself emperor. , since then, Qi State has called the former Qi Dynasty Southern Qi, while Liang Yi later changed its name to Northern Qi.

After this chaos, Liang Yi killed more than 300 members of the Zheng clan. The heads of the Zheng clan that were chopped off at the entrance to the Imperial City of Northern Qi were piled up into a hill. Even after a hundred years, everyone still changes their expressions when talking about this incident.

The Zheng family was famous in the Qi Dynasty for producing many beauties. At first, it was difficult to find a daughter for the Zheng family. After Liang Yi experienced the turmoil, he hated the Zheng family deeply, so he left a will before his death. Anyone who is a close relative of the Zheng family, The third generation was not allowed to be an official, and women who were related to Concubine Zheng were not allowed to enter the palace. The methods used by Taizu Taizu of the Northern Qi Dynasty to bloodbath the palace are still vivid in his mind. With this imperial edict, no one in the civil and military dynasties dared to intercede.

After Liang Yi passed away, he made his legitimate son Liang Zhi the emperor. Due to the chaos in the palace during his childhood, Liang Zhi had always been very restrained when it came to women. Before he ascended the throne in his early years, he married the Crown Princess Liu and gave birth to his legitimate son Liang He. So he focused all his attention on educating the prince, and didn't care much about women. Mrs. Liu suffered from the disease when she gave birth to her son, and she lingered on the bedside until her legitimate son Liang He was sixteen years old, and she forced herself to arrange a marriage for him, and then died.

Two years later, at the request of the Manchu Dynasty, Liang Zhi married Lu's daughter as his queen. At this time, Liang Zhi was already forty-six, but Lu's daughter was sixteen years old, even younger than the prince Liang He. When he was two years old, he had a beautiful face. But because Liang Zhi had seen his father Liang Yi suffer from a beautiful woman when he was a child, he was not very fond of the newly married young queen. On the contrary, he taught his son better and taught him step by step how to deal with government affairs. Six months later, Liang died due to overwork.

Lu's daughter became the Queen Mother less than half a year after her marriage. The new emperor Liang He ascended the throne and was named Emperor Yongming. He named the crown prince Zhou as the imperial concubine and respected Lu as the empress dowager.

And Lily’s identity this time. It was Zhou Baihe who came from a noble family. Zhou has bright eyebrows and bright teeth, and a temperament as light as a hibiscus. She was selected by the royal family at the age of fifteen and married into the royal family to become the royal wife. After the marriage, she was very cautious and did not dare to make any mistakes. She became pregnant one year after her marriage and gave birth to her legitimate son Liang Mubei, who was originally thought to be her husband's successor. Logically speaking, he should be the most respected mother in the world, and his legitimate son Liang Mubei should be crowned the prince. However, he did not expect that in the end, he was only made a royal concubine and did not sit on the phoenix throne.

Unlike the late Emperor Liang Zhi who was not fond of women, Liang He had many women in his harem. He was not a person who would embarrass himself and was busy with official duties. He also knew how to use women to relieve his boredom. There were far more women in his harem than the late Emperor Liang Zhi. After he ascended the throne, the four concubines already included the Xian and De concubines. There were also many concubines, but he did not have many heirs, except for Apart from Liang Mubei, no other woman could give birth to an heir for Emperor Yongming thanks to Zhou Baihe's methods.

The young emperor was extraordinarily heroic, and all the women in the palace loved him and wanted to please him. That is why. Emperor Yongming's harem fought fiercely. When Zhou Baihe was fighting to the death with other concubines, her only son Liang Mubei was pushed into the pond in the imperial garden and drowned because of a call from the Queen Mother. Emperor Yongming had only such a son. In anger, she scolded Zhou Baihe for not taking good care of her son, and demoted her to the position of a noble concubine.

Her son is Zhou Lily's support throughout her life. She was also connected by blood. When her son died and her husband was untrustworthy and unreliable, Zhou Baihe's sky seemed to collapse. In addition, her status was deprived of her. When she was heartbroken, no one came to comfort her. Instead, the palace Everyone sees a good show and adds insult to injury. After this incident, Zhou Baihe turned her original love for Liang He into hatred and hated him to the core. Although she was still a virtuous and virtuous person on the outside, she was twisted and gloomy in her heart. She began to take revenge on the concubine who killed her son that day. , and even wanted to become an enemy of the Queen Mother.

But when Emperor Yongming ascended the throne, because Zhou Baihe was not the queen, the phoenix seal representing the queen was not in Zhou Baihe's hands, so she lost several battles against Empress Dowager Lu.

When Zhou Baihe became more and more noisy and the young emperor ignored her, Zhou Baihe's mother entered the palace and taught her daughter a lesson. After listening to her mother's words, Zhou Baihe calmed down a little and she stopped taking action against the concubines in the palace. Half a year later, the noble concubine An became pregnant. Zhou Lily took An's son into her lap to feed him, named him Liang Mulin, and devoted all her maternal love to him after losing her son.

In the past fifteen years, the relationship between Zhou Baihe and Empress Dowager Lu has been endless. Emperor Yongming has many heirs. Zhou Baihe has suppressed the resentment and jealousy in her heart for many years. Now, she does not ask for her husband's favor. What she wanted was future wealth and honor. When Emperor Yongming made Liang Mulin the crown prince, Liang Mulin, who had always been close to her, was alienated from her. He fell in love with an ordinary palace maid and wanted to marry her, but Zhou Baihe naturally did not allow it. She had already For Liang Mulin, he fell in love with his niece Lin.

Liang Mulin, who had always been gloomy and introverted, had a big quarrel with Zhou Baihe for the first time. Finally, Zhou Baihe compromised and agreed to marry the Lin family's daughter as his wife and the palace girl as his concubine. After the marriage, Liang Mulin doted on his concubine and neglected his wife. His niece complained several times. Zhou Baihe mentioned it to Liang Mulin several times, but maybe it was because his son was not his own, but Liang Mulin refused to listen to Lily Zhou and talked too much. The already weak relationship between mother and son became even more precarious, and in the end it was completely broken due to the death of the palace maid Liang Mulin liked.

On the surface, Zhou Baihe thought that after the death of the palace maid, she would be happy that she would no longer have anyone to seduce Liang Mulin, but Liang Mulin fell in love with her.

During the fight with Empress Dowager Lu, the emperor could no longer tolerate Zhou Baihe. When Zhou Baihe focused only on the emperor's harem, the Zhou family was already in dire straits until someone accused the Zhou family of embezzling 2,500 yuan in court. When the evidence was confirmed, the emperor was furious and executed everyone in the Zhou family. Zhou Baihe was deposed as a noble concubine and was given a silk ribbon in Xianfu Palace. Before her death, the palace people shunned her, and many old rivals laughed and laughed behind her back. She begged and wanted to see the emperor, but Liang Mulin suddenly appeared.

Zhou Baihe was overjoyed and asked her son to plead with the emperor on her behalf, but Liang Mulin said viciously that he wished she could die. For the death of the palace maid that day, Liang Mulin hated her to the core. She had poisoned her daily meals, and now even if the emperor didn't want her to die, she would never live for more than a year. Unexpectedly, the son she had raised with all her heart would hate her to the core in the end, and her husband, who had been romantically involved with her, would become heartless. All her family members died overnight. In pain, when Zhou Baihe was strangled by the palace guards, she seemed to see the Empress Dowager Lu, who had been her lifelong rival, appear. He looked at her with a sneer and said she should have died long ago.

The feeling of being strangled around the neck seemed to still linger in her throat. Lily coughed twice, gasped rapidly, and opened her mouth and eyes.

"Wake up, wake up, my queen is finally awake." A female voice with a crying sound rang in her ears. Lily's chest kept rising and falling, and her body was already soaked in cold sweat. She gasped for breath, and instinctively reached out to touch her neck, but when she raised her hand, her arm kept shaking and didn't obey her orders at all.

The girl who said she was awake before had her hair pulled up, wearing a silver-plated hairpin, and a silver embroidered plum blossom jacket. She was staring at her with red eyes: "My queen is finally awake."

"Where's Mu Bei?" Lily opened her lips. She quickly asked, and the time she entered the mission was too tight, which happened to be around the time of the original owner's son's accident.

But hearing her question, the girl in the plum blossom coat suddenly burst into tears. She turned her back and wiped her eyes with a handkerchief: "My condolences, the eldest prince, the eldest prince has..."

When Lily heard this, although she had the worst premonition in her heart, she still couldn't help but smile bitterly. Liang Mubei died, and the most significant turning point and blow point in the original owner's life was here. She has received the plot and the memory of the original owner. The original owner was a little sorry for the death of her son. Fortunately, the original owner had not thought about keeping her son alive. She only hoped that she could protect her son for her, if not. Then she would avenge her son. Zhou Baihe resented Emperor Yongming for being ruthless and unjust. She also hates Empress Dowager Lu, a bitch, although she did not directly kill her son, but it was because her own son died in the pond in the Imperial Garden. She hates Liang Mulin, an immature wolf cub, and she also hates herself for not being able to protect her. Living in the Zhou family caused everyone in the Zhou family to be executed.

She wanted to protect the Zhou family, take revenge on Queen Mother Lu, kill the person who killed her son, and at the same time make it impossible for Liang Mulin to attack her again.

Now that Zhou Baihe's son is dead, the only thing Lily can do for her is to take revenge on the person who killed her son. As for Liang Mulin, after she has taken precautions, she wants him to stop harming her. , but it is the easiest. The Zhou family was finally arrested for corruption, and Zhou Lily did not believe this at all.

The Zhou family was clean and honest, Zhou's father was loyal to the Qi Dynasty, and the entire Zhou family could not have embezzled as much as five million taels of silver. When Zhou Baihe was dying, she refused to believe this, thinking that the Zhou family had been murdered, but This amount of money was indeed found from the Zhou family in the end. Unfortunately, Zhou Lily was unable to redress the grievances of the Zhou family in the end, which made her very unwilling. The matter was full of doubts, and Lily decided to investigate further in the future. .

Anyway, it was too early for the Zhou family to be executed at this time. The most important thing at the moment was still the Queen Mother Lu.

The status of the Lu family is higher than that of the Zhou family. The Lu family is a famous noble family that has existed since the founding of the Southern Qi Dynasty. The Lu family is famous for loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and righteousness. Wan, with a generous and benevolent temperament, is a good choice to be a matron. It was precisely because of the strict upbringing of the Lu family and the strict upbringing of their daughters that the late Emperor Liang Zhi married the Lu family when he remarried the Queen Mother.

But in Zhou Lily's opinion, Empress Dowager Lu had no relationship with the Lu family's daughter. She was bright and charming, with charming eyebrows. Even the virtuous concubine in Emperor Yongming's harem who was famous for her appearance would probably be inferior to Empress Dowager Lu. Empress Dowager Lu is simply like a strange flower in the Lu family, as if she was born in the wrong child.

"My queen, my queen, you have to take care of yourself." The palace maid Huayi knelt in front of Lily and urged her in a plaintive voice. The meaning of the painting is the personal maids who grew up with Zhou Baihe. After Zhou Baihe married into the royal family, the two eldest maids also married into the royal family with her. They combed their hair and were willing to serve her for the rest of their lives. Don't marry.

For Zhou Baihe, Shi Qing and Huayi tried their best, but when Zhou Baihe had an accident, the two maids were beaten to death with sticks, and their bodies were thrown into a mass grave, leaving no good ending.

At this time, Lily heard the painting's comfort. She nodded, pressed the handkerchief to the corners of her eyes, and asked calmly:

"How did the eldest prince go today? Tell me everything in detail. Don't hide anything."

I don’t know why the painting means something. He found that the girl he had been waiting for since childhood suddenly seemed to become cold and dangerous. It was probably because of the murder of his legitimate son, so she was a little stimulated. Huayi's back felt cold, and she felt sorry for Zhou Baihe in her heart. Then he responded respectfully: "Yes."

In the plot, after her son's accident, Lily Zhou didn't dare to look at her son's face that was soaked in water and turned black and white, and she didn't dare to ask in detail how her son was killed, so that many years later, she knew that there was something fishy about it. . But he didn't even dare to think about it. This old injury was so painful that every touch later caused him excruciating pain. Gradually, his personality became distorted and gloomy.

"Early this morning, after the eldest prince came to pay his respects to the empress, he clamored to go to the queen mother. The queen doted on him, so she left him to play with cakes for about half an hour. Recently, the queen mother has been busy. About the draft. Aunt Lu Ran called her away. As soon as the Queen Mother left, the eldest prince also disappeared. When he was found again, he was already in the water." Huayi was deeply afraid that Lily would go crazy after hearing this. As he spoke, his body shivered violently, and he stared at Lily with his eyes.

See she heard this. She was not as excited as before, but looked terrifyingly calm. A wave of chills came to her heart. She paused for a long time, not knowing that Lily was stimulated by Liang Mubei's death. It was too deep, and the whole person became bewildered, or he was simply stunned with sadness. Just when he was a little worried, Lily held the handkerchief again and asked:

"Have you found anything suspicious around?" After hearing this, Huayi nodded hurriedly: "Yes. Someone's footprints were found at the scene. Concubine Xian's handkerchief was also found among the roses not far away. When I passed by, my servant had already sent someone to inquire. Qiu Yu in Fu'an Palace said that Concubine Xian paid her regards to the Queen Mother today. But she came back an hour late, so the time was right."

The concubine Xian’s surname is Guo. The natal family was extremely powerful and loyal to Emperor Yongming, but the concubine Xian was never very favored. She has a bright and charming appearance, and is extremely beautiful. However, she has a fierce and direct temper, just like a thorny rose, which is not suitable for this palace. In the plot, after Zhou Baihe heard Huayi's words, she hated Mrs. Guo so much that she targeted and harmed her everywhere. She even single-handedly supported An Ruyi, one of the maids next to Xian Fei, to fight against her. The resentment was very deep, but at this moment Lily thought about it and felt that something was not quite right.

It is obvious that Liang Mubei's death has something to do with Concubine Xian, but because it is so obvious, it makes people suspicious. The Guo family is suspected of everything, but it seems to be a set-up. It seems that if it were the real Lily Zhou who lost her beloved son and discovered the enemy who killed her, she would really hate her to the core. But now that Lily is not Zhou, she is aware of the suspicion in this matter.

Although Mrs. Guo has a bad temper, in Lily's memory, she knows that Mrs. Guo is only rude at most, and she will do anything she can. She beats and scolds the palace maids, and openly orders people to beat the servants. She can do it even if she wants to die, but if it comes to doing such a dirty thing, she may not really dare to do it now.

"It's a coincidence, but it's really such a coincidence." As soon as Lily said this, Huayi was suddenly stunned: "Does the empress think that this matter was not done by the virtuous concubine?"

"Whoever killed my son, I will naturally investigate and find out. I have to avenge my son's murder, but I don't want to avenge him randomly and let Mu Bei die in vain. If it was the Concubine Xian who did it, I will naturally want to find out." Cut her body into pieces. If there is someone behind the scenes, I will not tolerate that dark villain!" Lily sneered twice, and suddenly asked: "Where is Shiqing?"

"Shi Qing is guarding the eldest prince at this time, my empress..." Before Huayi could finish her words, Lily interrupted her: "Has Mu Bei's nanny been under control?"

"Take it, just waiting for the queen to be relieved." Although Huayi replied that the nanny was caught, it was obvious that during the period when the original owner passed out, the servants in the palace had completely lost their control. It was not until Lily gave the order that Huayi He hurriedly sent someone to escort the nanny over. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: �Two updates in one~ Although I only have one update, it has 6,000 words. Many girls don’t seem to notice this. Please give me your monthly vote. In addition, this novel will be finished in about a month. Thank you all for your support and companionship along the way. I hope you can accompany me from beginning to end. Please give me your monthly vote this month! ~

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