Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Deposed Imperial Concubine (2)

Liang Mubei's nanny, Zhen, was in her twenties this year, with a plump and graceful figure. She was still wearing a pink palace dress, her body was trembling and she knelt in front of Lily, her forehead on the ground, as obedient and quiet as a quail.

Lily was half lying on the side of the couch, staring at Madam Zhen with cold eyes. Her face was still pale after the death of her son. She didn't put on powder or make-up, and she didn't even hold her head up. She was not the usual aloof and graceful imperial concubine. , at this time Lily was calm and a bit effeminate, with a few strands of hair hanging down on her chest, and those black and white eyes made Mrs. Zhen panic.

"Your Majesty..." There was silence in the palace for a long time. The more no one spoke, the more heaviness seemed before the storm. Everyone in the Xianfu Palace where the imperial concubine was located was so angry that they did not dare to take a breath. Mrs. Zhen knelt down. The ground, my heart felt like a huge stone was hanging on it, and I was up and down. It was already the cold winter of November, but there was a large amount of cold sweat on Zhen's back, and the hair on her forehead was wet with sweat. The whole person seemed to be fished out of the water. She couldn't bear the dull and murderous air any longer, and finally couldn't help but speak to break the silence of the room.

When Zhen spoke, her voice was delicate and timid, like a frightened oriole, sweet and moving. The palace was so quiet that everyone seemed to hear the sound of their own heartbeats. A group of maids in the inner palace of Xianfu Palace in Nuo Da looked at their noses and hearts. When Zhen's voice suddenly sounded, it seemed empty and empty. She When I spoke, I felt my voice was a little weird, and I wanted to cough, but I didn't dare.

Maybe after calling Lily once, she gradually became bolder, as if she was sinking the boat with an axe. He placed his forehead on the ground and said respectfully: "I failed to take good care of the eldest prince this time. I know that I deserve death, so I beg you to punish me."

Lily's eyes finally fell on Zhen. She must have felt it, as her body became stiffer and stiffer. After a while, Lily's voice sounded faintly in the palace:

"Your mother is a daughter of Zhou's family. She serves in the second room. Because the second aunt gave her grace, she was promised to be the steward of Zhuangzi." Mrs. Zhen didn't know what Lily meant when she suddenly mentioned her origins, but her body But her heart became more and more stiff, her body was extremely anxious, her limbs were trembling slightly, she could feel the cold sweat flowing from the pores on her back, and her lips were extremely dry. But she couldn't open her mouth to speak, and her throat seemed to be rubbed by sand. After a long time, she came back to her senses and nodded stiffly: "Your Majesty is right, it's all the grace given by the Zhou family."

"After the marriage, your parents only had you as their only daughter. When they came of age, they married the eldest son of Manager Sun. There was no news after the marriage. Until six years ago, a daughter was born, whose nickname was Ruizhu, right?" These Zhen Lily's information was all recalled when Lily was collecting her memories. When she mentioned Zhen's daughter Ruizhu, Zhen's face changed drastically, and there was a cry in her voice, and she kowtowed desperately: "Mother, your Majesty is right, but your Majesty. This matter has nothing to do with my husband's family and my daughter. Relationship. Please forgive me, please forgive me."

Lily ignored her and continued: "It is precisely because your parents are from the Zhou family that I chose you to enter the palace at the beginning of my pregnancy. When I was choosing a wet nurse, I chose you to enter the palace." It was Liang Mubei at first. When choosing a wet nurse. The Zhou family and Zhou Baihe had gone through several serious considerations. After all, the current Emperor Yongming had no other heirs except Liang Mubei. The existence of Liang Mubei was related to the honor and disgrace of the Zhou family. Surviving in the palace was not easy. When Zhou Baihe married Emperor Yongming, he was still just the prince and had not ascended the throne as emperor. However, there were still constant fights in the harem, and Zhou Baihe was inevitably involved in dirty tricks many times. She was filthy. He had also been assassinated by others, and had to endure a lot of hardships to save Liang Mubei's son. He regarded this son as much as a pearl in his eyes.

When choosing a nanny for her son that day, Lily Zhou also put her heart into it. After all, the nanny wanted to nanny Liang Mubei. In order to prevent the nanny from harming her son, the first thing she had to choose was someone who was reliable and trustworthy. Naturally, the one she trusted the most was They were her natal family, so when Zhou Lily's mother, Mrs. Zhou, brought some people into the palace, saying they were wet nurses for her, Zhou Lily had great trust in these people.

"Empress..." Zhen became even more frightened when she heard Lily's words. Lily neither beat or scolded her, nor did he order her life as soon as she opened her mouth. This made Mrs. Zhen tremble even more. She knew very well that Lily Zhou was a person who looked elegant and dignified on the surface, but was actually very capable. Now her only son Liang Mu Bei died due to a plot, which was like ripping out the heart of the imperial concubine. Not only did she not get angry, but she seemed to be very calm at this time. This contrast made Zhen's face turn purple, and she was so horrified that she wanted to Huddled up.

If Lily had really opened her mouth to give her the death penalty, Mrs. Zhen might have breathed a sigh of relief, but it was precisely because Lily had done nothing that the depression before the storm made people even more panicked.

"I have great trust in you, but you betrayed my trust. Mu Bei died under your care." After Lily said this, Mrs. Zhen finally couldn't stand the fear in her heart, and she knelt on the ground with her forehead on the ground. After a few steps, he trembled and cried, and said involuntarily:

"My crime deserves to be punished by death. My crime deserves to be punished by death. Please don't harm my parents, my husband and my daughter. I am willing to die."

After she finished speaking, she knocked her head on the ground with a bang bang sound. Not long after, a blood stain appeared on the ground, but Zhen didn't seem to feel any pain, and she kept shouting over and over again. He said: "This slave deserves death, please forgive me."

"What's the use of you being dead? Can my Mu Bei survive?" Lily sneered and stroked the unwrinkled skirt of her clothes on her chest: "Everyone knows that sin deserves death, but where does that come from? How many people died? If your death can bring my Mu Bei back to life, then you will die." After saying that, Lily paused and gradually sat up straight: "But my Mu Bei Can he survive?" When she spoke later, her tone rose and her voice gradually became sharper: "He is still lying there! Have you gone to see him!"

Lily was gentle and gentle at first, but now when she asked Zhen, her tone became sharp. Zhen's whole body was shaking violently, her teeth were chattering, and her nostrils could not help but cry because of the sound of crying. voice. I was so scared that I didn't even dare to ask for mercy.

"That's all, people can't be resurrected after death. It won't help if I get angry with you now." Zhen heard this. She was a little stunned for a moment, and she even seemed a little out of sorts because she was so surprised. She raised her head and stared directly at Lily. But she saw Lily looking at her coldly. There were no tears in Lily's eyes, but there was no warmth at all. In comparison, she didn't look like the mother of a child who had just died. Instead, she had tears in her eyes and a look of embarrassment on her face.

"Your little daughter is less than three years old, only a few months older than my Mu Bei, who is younger. It would be too lonely to walk on the road to hell. There must be someone around to accompany you." Madam Zhen began to hear Lily mention it. When he was his little daughter, a bad premonition had already arisen in his heart. When he heard Lily's words, he was so shocked that his body went limp and he collapsed on the ground. Shivering and unable to make a sound.

"I am the one who decides to leave an acupuncture point for Mu Bei in her resting place so that she can stay with me for a long time!" As soon as Lily said these words, Mrs. Zhen burst into tears: " Your Majesty, please forgive me, Your Majesty, please have mercy."

Because Mrs. Zhen gave birth very late, she did not become pregnant until she was twenty-one years old and gave birth to a girl. Although he is not a son, it is because this daughter is hard-won. The husband is dissatisfied. She thought she was giving birth to a daughter and was not happy with Ruizhu in every possible way. When Ruizhu was born, her husband still owed a lot of gambling debts. He said that he could not support his daughter and would throw her away.

It is for this reason. Mrs. Zhen feels even more sorry for her daughter and loves her to the core. He named her Ruizhu, which hurt so much that he wanted to hold it in his heart. In the end, he fought to enter the palace for the sake of his daughter, and nursed a son for Zhou Baihe, who was still the crown princess at the time. The money he earned was sent home, hoping that her husband would For his own sake, he would be better to his daughter.

On weekdays, Mrs. Zhen was reluctant to eat or drink, so she sent all the things Zhou Lily had given her home, wishing she could raise her daughter to be as valuable as pearls and jade. Now that something has happened, Mrs. Zhen is not afraid of dying. After all, she nursed the eldest prince for two years, and the rewards and money she received were enough for her mother-in-law and her husband's family to live a good life. However, her precious pearl is gone. , the Sun family also has money and can raise her well.

But now Lily actually said that her daughter should die, which hurt her more than cutting out Zhen's heart, and made Zhen go crazy:

"My queen, no, no, my queen..."

Lily sneered twice, "No? If my Mu Bei dies, your daughter's life will be precious? You didn't take good care of the eldest prince, causing him to suffer at the hands of traitors. Now I will give your daughter a favor. Don't you want to continue?" When Mrs. Zhen heard this, she didn't know where the strength came from, and struggled to get up, but the painting on the side was clearly visible, and there was no way she could be allowed to crawl to Lily's side and grab Lily. It was pulled, so as soon as Mrs. Zhen moved, two big and round women held her down, making her unable to move. She was still screaming and shouting:

"Your Majesty, please forgive me, everyone is responsible for the work. I did not take good care of the eldest prince. I am guilty. But my daughter is young and does not understand this. If I want to give this slave the death penalty, I am willing to be punished. I beg your Majesty to have mercy. I beg your Majesty." For the sake of my family's loyalty to the Zhou family for generations, I will spare my daughter's life!" Madam Zhen really loves her daughter, and in order to plead for her daughter, she risked her own life. When she heard Lily wanted to execute her daughter. She was so excited that the two nuns could hardly hold her down. Her face turned red, her hair was disheveled, and beads of sweat were flowing down her forehead.

Just seeing her like this, Lily didn't have any sympathy in her heart: "Since you know that your parents are the sons of the Zhou family and are loyal to the Zhou family, I was relieved to hand Mu Bei into your hands. It’s also for this reason that it’s a pity that your parents are so loyal, but they raised such an unfamiliar dog like you!”

As soon as she said this, Mrs. Zhen was so frightened that her hands and feet became paralyzed and she could no longer struggle.

In the plot, Zhou Baihe was suffering from the death of her son and couldn't bear to conduct a thorough investigation. She only used the virtuous concubine Guo as her example, hating her and the Empress Dowager Lu. Apart from hastily executing Zhen, Zhou Baihe never investigated in detail again. , this matter became an old wound that would remain in her heart forever, and she could not touch it. But now when Lily thought about it, she realized the end point.

Liang Mubei was only over two years old. Although he was naturally smart, he was still young. If there was no one to guide him, how could he clamor to go to Queen Mother Lu's palace? The most important thing is that because Liang Mubei was so favored by Zhou Baihe, everyone in the Xianfu Palace treated him like a jade bead and handled him with care. On weekdays, he was reluctant to even let him walk on the ground, so how could he suddenly fall into the pond of the Royal Garden? Where was Mrs. Zhen at that time?

She said that she wanted to go to the Queen Mother's palace, and that Zhen's eyes were wrong because of something. In fact, she was just telling the truth. There must have been other things going on. While Huayi was looking for someone to bring Ms. Zhen up, Lily checked her information and now used her daughter to scare her. First he frightened her into confusion, and then tried to trick her, and now the clues really came out.

When Mrs. Zhen heard Lily's words, her originally flushed face suddenly turned pale. Her lips were trembling, and she couldn't utter a complete word. She shook her head desperately, but couldn't open her mouth.

"If this palace's Mu Bei had no reason, why would he suddenly shout to go to the Queen Mother's Palace?"

Lily stared at Zhen's face. Zhen's heart was beating very fast and she bit her lip: "Yes, yes, it's the Queen Mother who loves the eldest prince..."

"Count, I have met the eldest prince several times, and she always greets her with melons and fruits. The eldest prince loves her so much that he clamors to see the Queen Mother..." A group of servants in the Xianfu Palace were quiet, and Mrs. Zhen said sadly. The cry echoed in the palace, sounding extremely sad and harsh. Lily stared at her coldly, the tears on her face were crisscrossed and gathered like streams, but Lily's expression did not soften at all. As Zhen talked, seeing Lily's disbelief, her eyes gradually became anxious.

"Young children like melon and fruit snacks. I believe this." She nodded. When Mrs. Zhen heard what she said, her eyes lit up, and there was a bit of joy in her eyes, but the next moment. Lily then said: "But the child is very forgetful. Where did you get it today? If there is no adult to remind me, I'm afraid I will forget it as soon as I turn around!" At this point, Lily sneered: "How dare you get it to this point? You have deceived me with your nonsense, Mrs. Zhen, I will give you one last chance. If you tell the truth, I will give you the death penalty. Your parents, daughters, and husband's family will be exempted from the death penalty, but the living penalty will be unforgivable. If you still insist on going your own way, insist on wanting to Use these words to deceive me, your whole family, and I want them all to be buried with my Mu Bei! You know I can say it and do it."

"It's good to be able to enjoy some wealth, but if you lose your life, how can you enjoy it?" After Lily said this, Zhen's face showed a look of struggle. Seeing this, Lily again He said, "Is there anything more important than your own life, or more important than your daughter?"

These words obviously touched the softest part of Zhen's heart. She suddenly collapsed and burst into tears: "Mother, please have mercy." She kept saying these two sentences back and forth, but Lily didn't care at all. Moved, she shouted for a while, and Mrs. Zhen realized it herself. At this time, begging for mercy had no effect at all. Lily already hated her deeply because of her son's death. She hesitated for a long time before gritting her teeth:

"Can the queen spare my daughter?"

When Mrs. Zhen had a strange look on her face, Lily already knew that there must be something fishy in this matter. But seeing Mrs. Zhen unable to shed tears without seeing the coffin, to this point, she still wanted to negotiate terms with her, Lily couldn't help but sneered. :

"I am not afraid to tell you that when something happened to the eldest prince, I had already asked someone to leave the palace. Now your daughter is being taken into the palace. If you still want to delay time, if she enters After you leave the palace, life and death will not be up to you. Whether you like to say it or not, I know exactly who did it. I just want to make sure. You want to tell me. If the conditions delay the time, then it is a wrong idea!”

The original owner's son died, but now Zhen still wants to save her daughter's life. Her daughter is a human being, but Zhou Lily's son is not?

After hearing Lily's words, Mrs. Zhen's face changed even more. After hesitating for a long time, she finally gritted her teeth and cried bitterly: "Please forgive me, I'm going to kill you." After she said this, her whole body seemed to soften. She no longer had the strength to struggle. Until now, Mrs. Zhen was like a nut whose hard shell had been broken. Lily raised her chin at the two nuns holding her. As soon as the two women let go, Mrs. Zhen became soft. He was paralyzed on the ground, like an insect, unable to get up.

"Three months ago, the eldest prince was crying non-stop. Aunt Yang happened to be ill and could not nurse the eldest prince, so she had to let the slave take over. In order to comfort the eldest prince, the slave took the eldest prince to the imperial garden, and happened to meet Su Ho. , saying that he went to the Imperial Medical Office to get some mint for the Queen Mother to wake up. When Su Ho saw the eldest prince, he said hello and asked a few more questions. Maybe he went back to talk to the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother was thinking about the eldest prince. Now." Empress Dowager Lu entered the palace at a young age. She became a widow not long after entering the palace. She was still young and life in the palace was difficult, even though she was a queen mother on the surface. But in fact, a beautiful girl was trapped in the palace and died. She had nothing to do and she loved children very much, so she was rewarded with some fruits and melons to the eldest prince.

At that time, Mrs. Zhen also knew that Zhou Lily valued Liang Mubei very much. She was so protective that she was deeply afraid that Lily Zhou would blame her for taking the eldest prince out without the imperial concubine's consent. Therefore, she dared not say anything about it. When the Queen Mother sent melons and fruits, she did not dare to give them to the eldest prince. I didn't dare to eat it, because I was afraid that something would go wrong, so I threw it away.

During that time, Grandma Yang, who was on duty with her, was ill. She was taking care of the eldest prince alone. Zhou Baihe had been angry in the past two days because Emperor Yongming had recently favored Liu Guiren, so he just managed to hide the matter.

But from then on, the Queen Mother seemed to remember the eldest prince, and asked people to send small things over from time to time. Sometimes they were not valuable things, just some children's pockets. As time went by, Mrs. Zhen realized that she didn't seem to have other thoughts, so she gradually relaxed. Until two months ago, when Grandma Yang recovered from her illness, she wanted to ask someone to bring something to her daughter when she had time, but she was met with misfortune. The eunuch in the palace was in trouble. Su Ho, who was beside the queen mother, saw it and helped her. Mrs. Zhen was grateful. That day he quietly went to the Queen Mother's Palace to thank her.

The Queen Mother then said that she was a widow at a young age. Life in the palace was difficult, and the emperor's concubines were scheming. Although Zhou Baihe was nominally her daughter-in-law, she was one year older than the Queen Mother Lu. And because when Emperor Yongming ascended the throne that day, he did not make Zhou Lily the queen. Instead, she was only made the imperial concubine, so the phoenix seal, which represents the supreme power in the harem, is still in the hands of the queen mother.

Logically speaking, when a new emperor ascends the throne, as soon as the emperor and his courtiers are appointed, Empress Dowager Lu, the widow of the previous emperor, should move out of the Fengming Palace where she resides, and move to the Zichen Palace where all previous empresses have lived, and hand over the Phoenix Seal to the new empress. But because of the emperor's unexpected move, although Zhou Baihe was the legitimate wife of Emperor Yongming that day, she was not registered as the queen at this time. The name of the palm phoenix seal was not legitimate, and Emperor Yongming did not let Lu The Queen Mother moved out of Fengming Palace and instead arranged Xianfu Palace for Zhou Baihe. Although she was still the master of the first palace, as the former Crown Princess, she had done nothing wrong since she ascended the throne. The Phoenix Seal is no longer in his hands, and the harem is still under the control of Empress Dowager Lu. It is inevitable that the situation between the 'mother-in-law and daughter-in-law' will become somewhat delicate.

When she accidentally talked about this matter, Empress Dowager Lu's face showed a bit of melancholy. Zhen naturally knew Zhou Baihe's resentment towards Empress Dowager Lu, but at this moment she didn't know why Empress Dowager Lu would talk to her about this, and she was embarrassed but also a little sympathetic.

The Queen Mother was younger than herself, but she was widowed at a young age and had no children. She didn’t know how she would survive in this life. When I met the Queen Mother this time, this noble person was not like Zhou Lily made Mrs. Zhen feel scared and surrendered, but she felt a little more sympathetic and compassionate. From then on, when the Empress Dowager gave gifts to her again, Mrs. Zhen occasionally felt brave enough to use them.

Fortunately, Empress Dowager Lu also knew why she didn't dare to give too much. She didn't give many things, but Zhen and Su Ho, who was beside Empress Dowager Lu, gradually became familiar with each other. After getting acquainted, Mrs. Zhen would occasionally tell some things about her family during conversations. Knowing that she had a daughter at home, the Empress Dowager Lu even rewarded her daughter with a pair of pearls as a tribute from the South China Sea.

When she received the reward, Mrs. Zhen did not dare to ask for it. She went to thank the Queen Mother, but Queen Mother Lu said that when her daughter's family gets married in the future, they will need one or two precious things so that others will not dare to look down on her daughter. Zhen's biggest weakness is her daughter. When she heard that it would be beneficial to her daughter, she acquiesced and stopped refusing. But from then on, as if to repay the Queen Mother, she began to always take care of Liang Mubei. He kept whispering some kind words about the Queen Mother for a long time. As Lily said, children tend to be forgetful, but if someone keeps talking in his ears all day long, he will always remember it. (To be continued ~^~)

PS:  Double updates in one~ I went out to take the blame yesterday, so I came back very late. I am late in updating after the blue. I’m sorry, my dears~ In addition, what I said yesterday was a bit irresponsible. To be precise, I still have The four stories, including Gong Du, are currently set to be completed in January, because I’m lazy and really want to spend some time... But I don’t know if January can be completed as I wish, so maybe The pace will be faster... Please vote for me, please support me.

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