Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Ending Chapter of Cannon Fodder (1)

The pain of dying in the explosion seemed to still remain on her body, and she felt uncomfortable. When Lily was knocked away, her soul did not return to the starry sky. Li Yanxi appeared out of thin air and intercepted her soul that was supposed to return to the starry sky. down.

The surrounding islands that had exploded gradually disappeared, and the surrounding scenery was distorted, and finally turned into a dazzling star, which he held in his hand. Lily fell asleep in his arms. Affected by the explosion during the previous mission, she did not wake up at this time. Maybe it was just as well that she didn't wake up, so she didn't have to bear the pain of separation.

Li Yanxi lowered her head, with a bit of reluctance in her eyes. After she left, she didn't know if there would be another chance for the two of them to see each other again. He was silent and hugged Lily tighter. He had no choice but to send Lily back. In addition to solving the situation where he was being backlashed by Qi Qing, in fact, he had another wish. .

I just hope she won't cry when she finds out she's been sent back. Li Yanxi pursed his lips, and the stars that had been gathered in his hand burst out with a large amount of light. The light enveloped his figure, and the power of the stars began to gather into Lily's body, and finally disappeared into her body together with Li Yanxi.

She seemed to be carried far away by the aftereffects of the explosion, and she didn't know how long it had passed. She was awakened by the impact and pain when she fell to the ground.

Lily opened her eyes. She seemed to have been in the dark for a long time. She was still a little uncomfortable with the dazzling sunlight. She covered her eyes and the memories poured into her mind again. She remembered that before she woke up, she should have been on a mission, waiting to die on that sinful island.

Logically speaking, after death, she should return to the stars. But she found that she did not return to the starry sky, but instead came to this strange place. Once she discovered this fact, Lily quickly became vigilant, and she first took a look around. She appeared in a meadow, with a jungle not far away and a large, seemingly endless, tranquil lake in front of her.

Seeing such a scene, Lily's first thought was that she might be there for some reason. Instead of entering the starry sky, she entered the mission again. She closed her eyes and tried to receive the plot and the memory of the original owner, but after waiting for a long time, no memories or plot appeared. Lily frowned all of a sudden. Could it be that for some reason this time, there were some errors in the plot and memory?

She feels that the most troublesome thing is this situation. There are no memories and plots, which means that she needs to explore everything by herself. This made her task somewhat difficult. She found a situation. The clothes she was wearing looked very familiar. They were the ones she usually wore when she returned to the stars. Her original clothes were torn by Li Yanxi before, but I don't know how he did it later and gave her a new set of clothes. And she also found that her body seemed to fit particularly well this time. Generally she enters the world of tasks. There is a certain adaptation process. Even if her mental power increases and she can quickly control the original owner's body, no matter what, she will still feel a little uncomfortable when she first wakes up.

But now she didn't feel any discomfort at all, as if this was her original body, as if she had just woken up from a good sleep. Lily had never felt so relaxed and at ease for a long time. She just wanted to get up, but soon realized something was wrong. There seemed to be a change in the atmosphere not far away. She turned her head and looked over, and saw two figures flying quickly in the distance. She wanted to hide, but here there was nothing but grass and woods, and these two people could fly in the air. At first glance, it was obvious that she was no ordinary person. Her speed made it impossible to dodge. On the contrary, it might anger them, so she hesitated for a moment and still sat where she was.

After the two figures landed, they stared at her coldly. They were two men in their thirties. They were wearing green robes and both had beards. One of them stepped forward: "This is the territory of the Li family. You How did you break in?"

The two stared at Lily warily. At this time, Lily did not have the slightest aura of the Great Demon on her body, and she seemed to have no cultivation level. She was just an ordinary person, but this was the territory of the Dragon Clan, the Great Demon Dragon Clan. It is not the center of the clan, but there are layers of guards guarding the territory. But today, the two of them inexplicably felt that there was a new strange atmosphere in the territory. They originally thought that some famous demon from the clan had barged into the Li family's territory. In the middle, the two people were shocked and wanted to rush over to ask the big demon away, but they didn't expect to see a lowly girl with no demonic power at all, who looked like just an ordinary mortal sitting on the grass. superior.

Although the two of them could not feel the slightest bit of Lily's spiritual and demonic power, thinking that she could escape the layers of guards and appear here, they still looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"How did you break in?"

After one of them spoke, the other person couldn't help but snorted coldly when he saw Lily was silent. With murderous intent in his eyes, he took a step forward and stared at Lily gloomily.

Alarm bells blared in Lily's mind. This person didn't seem to be just scaring her, but he actually had murderous intentions. He was likely to take action if he had any disagreement. These two people had just flown in from the sky. She guessed that there might be someone here. In the world of cultivating immortals, most of the cultivators do whatever they want. Killing a lot of people is not a big deal. Seeing that there was a hint of impatience in the eyes of the two people, Lily did not say that she didn't know how she got here. Judging from their words, this place belongs to the territory of a certain force and should be guarded by someone. If she says that she doesn't know how to get in, it will definitely anger the two of them and they may take her back to use some method. Find out why she's here.

The method used by cultivators to make people tell the truth is not very friendly. It is very likely that they will use the method of soul searching, which is simple and convenient, but for the person being searched, it will be extremely painful. She doesn't have any strength now. In fact, Lily has just discovered that she seems to have turned into the body of an ordinary person without any spiritual power in her body. She is no match for these two people, so naturally she does not dare to fight against them. of.

So when the second person spoke, with an obviously impatient look on his face, Lily bit the bullet and said:

"Two adults, please forgive me. I am a servant of the Li family. I accidentally entered this place by mistake." She lowered her head and knelt on the ground obediently, acting cautiously to please.

From what these two people said was the territory of the Li family, Lily guessed that the so-called Li family must be very powerful. Generally, in the world of cultivating immortals, such a powerful cultivating family would only recruit disciples with spiritual roots. In addition, most of them would use mortals without spiritual roots as household servants to do some chores.

When Lily just woke up, she had already discovered that there was no spiritual power in her body. She could feel it herself, and the two immortal cultivators in front of her could also very likely see that without spiritual power, they were unlikely to be disciples. . In addition, if it is a big family, Lily's possibility of pretending to be a disciple is very likely to be exposed, but it is different if he is pretending to be a servant. Servants are the lowest existences in the world of immortality, and the owners of many aristocratic families may not dare to say that they are Remember more than two out of ten servants.

She said she was a slave and the safest one!

As expected, the originally wary looks of the two men suddenly changed after hearing Lily claim to be Li's servant. They became indifferent and indifferent. The murderous intention in their hearts receded like a tide. Although the servant's Their lives were despicable, but the two of them couldn't bring themselves to kill such a despicable thing. Higher-level slaves may also have demonic or spiritual power, but the woman in front of her has no spiritual power at all. It can be seen that she must be the most humble type. It is indeed possible that she does not understand the rules and has taken the wrong path.

Thinking of this, the two of them showed contempt in their eyes:

"Don't wander into Shuiyue Lake. This is not a place for people like you. The next time you find me, I will kill you without mercy!"

The two of them finished speaking coldly, and without even the urge to stay and take a look at Lily, they turned around and took off in the air.

Lily was left alone, and she had just escaped from death, which caused cold sweat to break out on her back. If he had just died in this place for no apparent reason, without even remembering anything about the plot, it would have been an unjust death. As soon as the two people left, Lily sat there for a while, fearing that someone would come again, so she stood up and looked around.

In front of Lily is an endless lake, and behind her is a large dense forest. Judging from the direction the two people flew from just now, the so-called Li family's base camp should not be in the direction of the woods. She didn't have any spiritual power in her body, so she couldn't fly like these people, so she could only walk forward along the lake.

Even if Lily has no spiritual power at this time, she can still feel that the area around the lake is full of spiritual power and is a good place for cultivating immortality. If she practices near here, her cultivation speed will probably increase several times. She secretly remembered this place and walked slowly along the lake. Fortunately, she was very lucky. After walking for two hours, she could already see the majestic group of houses in front of her.

The house where Li's family lives is built against the mountain. Although many people in the world of immortality like to dig caves, if you are from a big family, you can enjoy luxury. Lily climbed all the way up, pretending to be a shrunken slave, and without attracting anyone's attention all the way, she entered the power of the Li family.

What made her somewhat relieved was that no one here was curious about the sudden appearance of a stranger. After learning that she was a servant, a gloomy-looking middle-aged man quickly arranged for her to be a low-level maid and live in a room with a group of low-level maids.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………

There are two updates today. Although the monthly ticket price did not reach 200 yesterday, I have received everyone’s thoughts, so I will update it tomorrow! ! !

Allow me to save the manuscript for a day.

In addition, the reason for the late updates in the past two days is not because I asked for votes, picked up my pants and ran away. . .

It’s really because of my disabled hand that I am too slow to type. Didn’t Queen Lan always write 9,000 words in the past few days? . . . So my archives are dry...

Then I locked 8,000 words into the dark room every night before going to bed. I didn’t come out of the dark room until eleven o’clock today! ! ! I was locked in a dark room for a whole day without using QQ or browsing the web...

My days are like years. . . (To be continued ~^~)

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